Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Christians, Love Your Lost Families - Paul Washer

I think Washer's speech complements our views of the world.

Yesterday Magda (april), said how the family moved away from them and it was only for their faith. This is how I reflect, on our attitudes towards those around us. This is the cross we have to carry. To take on mistreatment. This is the testimony. This is the true testimony of the gospel.

Yes, we should shun bad people we meet accidentally, but we should set an example to our family and take up our cross. How to do it? Without rebellion, retaliation or revenge, we should talk to them and show them our difference.

Many people in our families think we are idiots, sects, etc.

We should humble ourselves in this situation. This is the true testimony. Let them challenge us, maybe one day they will understand how much pain they gave us and we endured it. This is the cross.


Updated: 2 May 2016 — 09:36


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  1. Mercy as a test of our faith - Szymon Matusiak

  2. Thank you. I really enjoy Paul Washer's sermons and they go to my heart.

    1. Agnes are you working today?

      1. No! 🙂 🙂 I'll just be getting ready, because I'm going with my pagan family to the seaside in Sarbinowo, for a walk and a coffee or something 🙂

        1. because I was about to rattle

          1. Go ahead and dribble it 🙂 I'm still at home.

        2. Enjoy your meal ?☕

          1. Marcin, thanks so much 🙂 A few days ago I woke up at 3:33 a.m. and the next night at 3:44 a.m. I guess I'm very susceptible to suggestions and those 44 of yours I somehow remembered.

            1. "Pagan family" 😀 xd hihihi.

            2. It goes on all the time at my place. I don't know what the issue is.

              1. Are you going to Sulejów with your wife?

  3. Jacek Konopny

    To be able to maintain self-control one needs to ask the Holy Spirit for gentleness and restraint in speech. Otherwise, unfortunately, it is very easy to get carried away just because one has a knowledge of the truth, and nothing seems to get through to them. And such a position is close to the attitude that characterizes declared homosexuals, whose own difference fills them with pride. And, of course, composure does not exclude firmness and steadfastness. One must steadfastly expose Catholic falsehood, but one does not have to discourage biblical faith with one's attitude.

    1. Well, this is where the golden rule is important. We disagree with evil, we expose the truth, but we don't get worse.
      This will need to be further clarified.
      Unfortunately, I have not experienced this attitude in the church, so I have to learn it myself.

      1. Nothing by force. If you don't, don't. Everyone has their own mind.

      2. Jacek Konopny

        At the very beginning I was struck by the fact that the elders in my church are not attacking the Catholic Church or other religions with an unbiblical sense of superiority, but humbly and non-imposing, pointing out the harmfulness of Catholic doctrines. Rather, they emphasize that we should not beg our families on our knees to bend to our faith, but sooner rather than later, in a sense, "remove ourselves from the shadows" and set a good example by the fruits of the Spirit, one of which is gentleness and patience. I have asked for these, and after a time a measure of them have been granted to me, although the rooting process is still going on. However, I am no longer characterized by aggressive, contemptuous speech toward Catholics and other non-believers.

        1. noteworthy attitude

          1. Jacek Konopny

            Elders of the church? Probably so. It seems to me that this is the attitude of a mature Christian who is so sure of the infallibility of Jesus' teachings and the inspiration of the Bible that it does not lull him into a state of spiritual complacency because the knowledge has settled down and good fruit has already appeared-and I was immediately taken by this attitude.

            I myself try to talk to the deceived in this way. I can see the difference between an aggressive approach (which is basically the same as the Pharisaic acid, er, Catholic one) and one that focuses on proving the falsity of the opponent's views by separating the person from the beliefs. With such an approach there is no room for epithets and personal excursions, which invariably testify, as for me, that someone has not yet reached the stage where he separates the victim of his own erroneous beliefs from themselves, and then it is difficult for me to feel resentment towards such a person, because my knowledge, i.e. awareness of the truth of Christ allows me to rise above the animosity felt on the other side, thus making it impossible for Satan to effectively tempt me to inflammation.

            1. Jacek Konopny

              ...she had time to solidify, she had time - but a disaster 😀 ! Oh me incorrect!

              1. Relax, it's not a crime.

                It seems to me that we all make the same mistake, we want to convert by force, family, friends, everyone around and the worst thing is that we do it ourselves without waiting for a sign from the Lord Jesus Christ.
                We have some knowledge,we see and hear more than others.And we think that after a conversation or several others will hear and see the same as we do.
                The truth, unfortunately or unfortunately, is different, it is God who chooses people, and we must learn to listen to the voice of God, do His will and with great humility serve our neighbors?

                1. the very truth is that our pride tells us that we, through our we will convert families. We will show them...


                  Nu pagodi

              2. I think we have all experienced this, but we need it too, so that we don't fall into admiration that we ourselves can change anything?

    2. Understand, Jack. People are working for bread, forced by the system to fight every day and convinced by it that this is the only way... They prefer what is certain from their point of view to what is not certain...

      1. Jacek Konopny

        But their problem is that when I tell them about my experiences, that contrary to the stereotypical opinion that material and spiritual things are not connected after conversion my financial situation improved a lot, that it is enough to sincerely believe that Jesus is the Messiah and God raised Him from the dead and that there are many cases when the LORD blessed someone soon... they reject it out of hand. You know, that's what I find hard to understand.

        1. I already know. The ultimate argument of the deluded. You haven't accomplished anything, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO RESPOND, GUYS/RO YOU 😉 As if they are the best/smartest at everything....

        2. People are afraid of uncertain in their opinion changes even for better. Nobody wants their children to go hungry... Do you understand that?

          1. Jacek Konopny

            I have to understand somehow, though it's not easy....

    3. I have been asking God for some time now for a skillful speech, a gentle, humble speech, one that will reach the person I am trying to tell something about God to.

    4. You are right Sweden. That all may become one and may it be so in the name of Jesus Christ 🙂

  4. Zdzislaw 《matiks348》

    In addition to the spiritual needs we have provided for from the Father, are there important physical needs?
    I have some shortcomings here.

    1. Go for a run: )

      1. Zdzislaw 《matiks348》

        You don't know what I'm talking about.

        1. Jacek Konopny

          Well rather yes, because I have what to eat and what to drink, I am not cold etc. I feel like the LORD is providing for me 🙂 .

          1. Zdzislaw 《matiks348》

            I don't mean eating running, etc.

            1. If I didn't know, I wouldn't have written this.

              1. I mean the other person is missing a companion in my life.

              2. "For at the resurrection they will neither marry nor be married, but will be like angels in heaven" (Matthew 22.30)
                Maybe God has a plan for you to be alone. Relax. A woman is not the end of the world, but you have my understanding...and you don't know how much.

              3. You still don't know what I mean.

              4. Then maybe write what you mean right away or save it for next time for yourself?

              5. It is not enough for me to be in a community, to read the Bible and at this stage it is not enough for me to have love of any kind, even from God.

                Hearing someone tell me over and over again to surrender to God has made me surrender and does that mean I have to be a loner because someone says so!
                Or I have a physical emptiness and someone tells me that only God can fill it Yes but then why didn't He fill it for me, what are marriages for.

                I've tried many times to tell someone about it but it's just do it this way because it doesn't work otherwise.
                And so far God hasn't filled it, the spiritual void I have is filled and the physical void is not.

                Let everyone say what they want until God reveals it to me and confirms that I am to be alone I will stubbornly look for a wife without looking at others opinion. I will not give up!!!

                1. I understand you perfectly. I used to want to have a girlfriend.
                  But once I understood according to the words of a song by Alicja Majewska: Love is like a man's shadow, when you chase it it runs away, when you run away it chases you.

                  You write:

                  "It is not enough for me to be in community, to read the Bible, and at this stage it is not enough for me to have any kind of love, even from God, and I don't have enough of that and I need more, and I have a physical emptiness, not a spiritual emptiness."

                  Then where do you want to meet such a person?

                  So pray for the right woman for you.

              6. I want to meet among Christian women and only Christian women.
                I have been praying for my wife for a long time.
                And I won't let go those words I heard in my head at the reunion turn me on even more.

              7. That was on Sunday.
                While you were talking among yourselves, I was standing there thinking about something
                after a while I heard it so loud in my mind
                "I have a wife for you, too."

                1. then bravo.
                  I'm glad God spoke to you during this meeting.
                  Yes, just reading the Bible does not help. Most people fall into pride because of this.

                  Study Spirits.
                  As someone knows the bible well, it does not mean that DS is working in him.

                  Of course God has called us to raise a family and since you have heard that, follow that voice because it does not contradict His word.

              8. I'm going to go ahead and take what's mine 🙂

  5. I've been thinking about these talks with my family - my mom is okay because she accepts me, but there are people who are like a bull's eye to me - maybe it's better to withdraw into the shadows and avoid contact altogether? Maybe it is better to avoid contact altogether and not have any meetings, e.g. birthdays etc...

    1. I don't go where I'm not wanted, but there is a risk that by excluding ourselves completely from this world we will not give the light of the gospel, not with verses but with our own attitude.
      Recently, my family was with me. I didn't say anything about my faith because they weren't interested. Instead, I tried to talk like a Christian.

      There are situations where we must separate ourselves from evil. For example, you don't have to have a friend who is hypocritical towards me, you don't have to have a husband who cheats on you, but we can do it where we need to carry the light: family, work.

  6. A comedy about dealing with life and people

  7. Zdzisiu, think how beautiful it is: you will get a wife from God Himself! It is an amazing privilege, the Best Father will choose the right person for you. Just wait patiently :-).

    1. Wife from God himself it is beautiful 🙂 only patience is not one of my good points 🙂
      I think I'll go snail watching 😀

      1. I recommend it, my boys ran away :-).

        1. Well, they don't even show up for me :-/

      2. Anna-Dziewanna

        Good idea with the snails 😀 Weather is nice, need to get some fresh air.
        I just returned from a May trip with my Pagan family.

        1. Anna-Dziewanna
          It's fun to rhyme that nickname and pronounce it 😀

          And just like in May 🙂

  8. Wise words from Paul... 🙂 .
    Thank you 🙂 🙂
    In the Name of the Lord Jesus, of course.

  9. Poles are ashamed of their peasant origin, which in their opinion is something inferior, not superior. They often forget that a man who does not know/does not want to know his roots is like a ship with a damaged rudder, which is thrown by different currents, making it drift instead of sailing on a clearly marked course. This and the Catholic upbringing cause a feeling, or rather an inferiority complex in relation to the world...

    1. Cities, towns and villages have good and bad spiritual aura, e.g. Wroclaw (good, although unfortunately already weathered Lviv climate) and Warsaw (a city rebuilt on an insurgent cemetery, and you know that no normal person likes to live on a cemetery) 😉 .

  10. So much wisdom and love of Jesus. What can I say, thank you very much in Jesus' name for this video. Let me add that I greatly respect and enjoy listening to Paul Washer.

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