Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


David Wilkerson

Our homes are to be places of prayer!
"If two of you on earth shall agree in their petition for any thing, they shall receive it of my Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 18:19). Some Christians call this "the prayer of agreement." You are greatly blessed if you have a devoted brother or sister who prays with you. The strongest intercessors I knew were two or three. If God has blessed me - if He has used me for His glory - I know it is because of a few faithful intercessors who pray for me daily.
The place where this type of prayer is strongest is at home. My wife and I pray together every day and I believe it keeps our family together. We prayed for each of our children as they grew up, that none of them would be lost. We prayed for our friendship and relationships. We also prayed for their future spouses, and now they are doing the same with our grandchildren.
It is sad that few Christian families take the time to pray at home. I personally can testify that I am in ministry today through the power of family prayer. Every day, no matter where we played as children, in the yard or on the street, my mother would call out from the door of our house, "David, Jerry, Juanita, Ruth, it's prayer time!" (My youngest brother Don was not yet born).
All the neighbors knew about our prayer time. Sometimes I hated the call and would pout and complain about it. But in those days there was clearly something going on during that time of prayer as the Spirit worked in our family and touched our souls.
Maybe you don't see yourself as a family prayer leader. Maybe you have a spouse who doesn't want to cooperate, or a rebellious child. Beloved, it doesn't matter who doesn't want to be involved. You can still come to the kitchen table and bow your head and pray. This can serve as a time of prayer for your home and every member of the family will know about it.


I am stealing the text from Aldona. Thank you for the opportunity to steal. It all stays in the family 馃檪 .

Updated: 28 April 2016 — 16:01


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  1. and there you go 馃檪 To the glory of the Lord 馃檪

  2. Nuns wear the same headgear as ancient Egyptians
    That's what I thought?

    1. I don't understand anything

      And the mitre in the clergy looks like the head of a fish in the deity Dagon.

      1. How disgusting! A clergy sold out to Babylon spitting in our faces while wearing these hideous pagan rags! ?

        1. Beniek even had a hexagram on his hat.

          They laugh behind closed doors.
          But we are the sectarians and the bad guys ;/

  3. Strange...,nId,2193904#commentsZoneList
    If they are planning e.g. a nuclear false flag attack, why are they handing out iodine tablets to people and thus drawing suspicion on themselves and thus warning people? It makes no sense at all.

  4. What family prayer ladies, this family of mine hasn't even read a page of the Bible.
    But I hold to the Bible promise "(31): And they answered, Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved, thou and thy house. [NT Evangelical Bible, Acts 16]"

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