Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"Good Friday is a Roman Catholic invention. Jesus went to the cross on Wednesday."



Geoffrey Grider


Chronologiczny porządek ukrzyżowania – przewodnik biblijnie wierzącego/ej


Christians and Catholics around the world will celebrate Good Friday. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Jesus went to the cross on Friday and came out of the tomb on Sunday morning. This sounds good and almost everyone accepts these days and the chronology. We only have one problem. It is completely wrong when compared to the biblical account of what happened.


Catholic teaching is based on the verse in 1 Corinthians 15:4 (UBG): "That he was buried, that he rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures."


They count Friday as one day, Saturday as the second day and Sunday as the third day. Three days. Except that they are not three days. It's barely a day and a half according to the Jewish calendar.


Jesus did not rise from the dead on Sunday morning. The Bible says that by the time Sunday morning came, He was already "risen from the dead."


Read for yourselves: "And Jesus, when he had risen from the dead early in the morning of the first day after the Sabbath, appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he cast out seven demons" (Mark 16:9, UBG) [autor posługuje się Biblią Króla Jakuba, w której ów wers brzmi następująco: ‘Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast out seven devils’. W tym przekładzie mowa jest o pierwszym dniu, brak natomiast konstrukcji przyimkowej ‘po szabacie’ widocznej j.w. w przekładzie Uwspółcześnionej Biblii Gdańskiej- przyp. tłum.]


"And when the Sabbath and the light of the first day of the week were over, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. (...) It is not here. For He arose, as He had said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." (Matthew 28:1,6, UBG).


In all the Gospels, Jesus was already risen on Sunday. There is no account of him being resurrected that day because it had already happened. So if we accept the Roman Catholic chronology, a maximum of 30 hours had passed. This does not even come close to the "three days and three nights" that Jesus himself said would elapse.


The Jewish day still begins as it did in Genesis when God created it


In the first chapter of Genesis, we see God creating our 24-hour day, consisting of 12 hours of "evening" and 12 hours of "morning." This is exactly how we measure time in 2016. However, the Bible says that God began the day at 6 p.m. Note this in your mind because when we come back to this point in a moment, you will need to remind yourself of it.


Jesus says in Matthew's Gospel that His crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection will correspond to what happened to the prophet Jonah in the Old Testament. Here is that verse: "For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights" (Matthew 12:40, UBG).


So there you have it. The required time established by Jesus himself is three full days and three full nights. Jesus was crucified on Wednesday morning and taken down from the cross before sundown at 6 p.m., when Thursday begins. For us, it is still Wednesday night, but in the Jewish calendar, 6 p.m. marks the beginning of another day.


"And when Jesus had tasted the vinegar, he said: It is done. And having bowed his head, he gave up the ghost. Then the Jews, lest the bodies should remain on the cross for the Sabbath, because it was the day of preparation (for that Sabbath day was a great day), asked Pilate that their shins should be broken and they should be taken down." (JOHN 19:30,31, UBG).


Two Sabbath days


A teraz zwróćcie proszę uwagę na wyrażenie „bo ten dzień szabatu był wielkim dniem”. To nie jest zwyczajny sobotni dzień szabatu, a wyjątkowy, wielki dzień szabatu. Co takiego wyjątkowego było w owym „wielkim dniu”? Pascha! Wypadła ona na czwartek, a po niej nastąpiły dni Przaśników, jak czytamy w Księdze Kapłańskiej 23:5-7: „W pierwszym miesiącu, czternastego dnia miesiąca, o zmierzchu, jest Pascha dla Pana. A piętnastego dnia tego miesiąca jest Święto Przaśników dla Pana – przez siedem dni będziecie jedli tylko przaśne chleby. Pierwszego dnia będzie dla was zwołanie święte: nie będziecie wykonywać żadnej pracy.”


Now that you see that Passover fell on a Thursday, the age-old controversy on this subject has also been resolved. In the King James Bible in Acts 12:4 we have the word "Easter" used instead of the word "Passover" which means "Holy Passover in the Mosaic Rite" [w UBG ów wers brzmi: ‘A kiedy go schwytał, wtrącił go do więzienia i oddał pod straż szesnastu żołnierzom, zamierzając po święcie Paschy wydać go ludowi’, natomiast w Biblii Króla Jakuba: ‘And when he had apprehended him, he put him into prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.’ Użyte w Biblii Króla Jakuba słowo „Easter” zwykle przekłada się jako „Wielkanoc”– przyp. tłum.], which is exactly what Luke was referring to - the pagan Easter holiday of that Saturday, not the Jewish Passover, which had already ended.


Acts 12:3 (UBG) says that Peter was captured in the "days of Unleavened Bread," right? "Seeing that this pleased the Jews, he decided to capture Peter also. And these were the days of Unleavened Bread." I just showed you that according to the Old Testament the "days of Unleavened Bread" followed the Passover, so in Acts 12:4 Luke correctly records that it was the Feast of Easter [Recall that in the Danitic translation we have the word "Passover"-note.], not the Passover, which has already ended (see how easy it is when you believe what you read, where you read about it?). Let us now return to those three days and three nights.


He has risen!


Remember, the week that Jesus was crucified there were two Sabbath days, not one. We have the great Sabbath day on Thursday, which was Passover. We also have the ordinary Sabbath day, which fell on Saturday, as it is at the end of every week.


Mark writes about it this way: "And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought fragrances to go and anoint him. On the first day after the Sabbath, early in the morning, when the sun was up, they came to the tomb" (Mark 16:1,2, UBG) [w przekładzie Biblii Króla Jakuba Mk 16:2 brzmi: „And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto sepulchre at the rising of the sun” – zauważmy, że mamy tu dosł. ‘pierwszego dnia tygodnia’, por. z przekładem UBG – ‘pierwszego dnia po szabacie’- przyp. tłum.].


When the women brought the fragrances, it was after the Great Sabbath Day - Passover, not after the regular Sabbath day on Saturday. They brought the spices on Friday. The first day of the week is not Monday, but Sunday.


Saturday, the last day of the week, is the day that God rested after His work, so when the two maries came to see the body and celebrate the mourning, Jesus was not "risen" because He had already risen from the dead: "But He said to them: Do not be afraid. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. This is the place where he was laid" Mark 16:6 (UBG).


A brief overview of the chronology:


  • Jesus crucified at 9am on a Wednesday afternoon
  • Taken down from the cross at sunset
  • Buried for 3 nights - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
  • Passover, the day of the High Sabbath on Thursday
  • Buried for 3 days - Thursday, Friday and Saturday
  • An ordinary Saturday Sabbath day
  • Jesus rose from the tomb on Saturday night at 6 p.m. - the beginning of the first day of the week, Sunday
  • The tomb is empty before sunrise on Sunday, when people begin to arrive


Here we have the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy about being "in the heart of the earth" for "three days and three nights". The Roman Catholic chronology regarding Good Friday is wrong by nearly 2 full days because Catholics fail to see that there were two Sabbath days. They only see the Saturday one. They also do not understand the Jewish calendar and how the days are counted according to the First Book of Moses. When you realize that at 6 p.m. the current day ends and the next day begins, it changes everything.


How can your chronology be correct when you can't even tell time?


So as you spend this week celebrating Good Friday, just keep in mind that the day of His "passion" has moved up a whole two days. As long as you are a biblical believer.


Translated Jacko. Thank you in the name of Jesus.


Updated: 24 March 2016 — 18:36


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  1. This website and its contents have probably caused a shock, a healing cognitive shock, fully intended.

  2. Dn 9, 27: Utrwali on przymierze dla wielu przez jeden tydzień. A około połowy tygodnia ustanie ofiara krwawa i ofiara z pokarmów. Na skrzydle zaś świątyni będzie ohyda ziejąca pustką i przetrwa aż do końca, do czasu ustalonego na spustoszenie”.

    Of course I fasted on Wednesday yesterday.
    But the most important thing is that one day is like a thousand years and so the Sabbath is approaching for us my dears. ?

    1. Martin. The counting in the Book of Daniel is done according to the principle of a day for a year. This week is the 3 1/2 years of Messiah's activity from His baptism to His death and another 3 1/2 years of grace to the Jews to the end of it, which is mentioned in Daniel 9.24 and probably refers to Stephen's stoning and going out to the Gentiles, which was not there before. If a literal week were meant, then the rest of this reckoning from Daniel chapter 9 would not agree, and the beginning is in Dan. 8.14 ?

  3. So the day starts at 6 p.m. A friend and I have been researching this lately, but we haven't found a verse that confirms this. Do any of you know where I can find this in the Bible?

    1. It does not seem that the day always begins at 6:00 pm for a simple reason. According to the Bible, it begins after sunset, and as we know, the sun does not always set at 6:00 p.m.

    2. This can be found in the description of the creation

  4. I haven't read the article, but the first day after the Sabbath is Sunday. Anyway, you're picking on days. It's important that Jesus rose from the dead, but you have to pick on that, don't you? You seem more and more suspicious to me. Aren't you straining the mosquito and swallowing the camel, Admin?

    1. Robert. If you had read carefully you would have seen that this is a translation of the first
      Secondly, you yourself pleaded ignorance without even reading the text.
      Days are important. The Roman Church changed the holy day from Saturday to Sunday. It changed the Law of God.
      Is this the straining of a mosquito?

      1. Lk 11:29: And when the multitudes were gathered together, he began to say, This tribe is a perverse tribe. It demands a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.

      2. Robert, it is said not without reason that the devil is in the details, and in the context of the Roman church and this topic, that saying ironically fits like a glove. I don't think it's straining a mosquito, because as Detective wrote it's an attack on the law, on God's truth. This lie is not as obvious as, say, the dogma of Mary's ascension, which is why I chose to translate this article. In fact, it is a drop in the ocean of Vatican falsehood, so we expose their lies one by one. It is high time to wake up from the Catholic dream.

      3. Constantine died on Sunday, so I understand that you don't care about the resurrection of Jesus because the days don't suit you.

        1. First of all, I don't say that in D.
          Second, Robert, I am not saying that I deny the resurrection. Let's be logical, I wrote no such thing.
          You see, being Catholic causes a lack of thinking

          1. Dude, I don't consider myself Catholic. You're as obsessed as a Jehovah. I'm starting to dislike you. How about a little test? What do the Bible say are the things after the death of the body and the judgments of God that will come. Because the Catholics are talking shit here, the Jehovahs too.

            1. If you want to continue taking part in discussions on this blog, please change your tone and form.

          2. Admin people even err on the basis of the text I write I am already someone I am not, even in the affairs of this world is such a mess that we do not know what is the truth and religion is a mill and a swamp. Don't get me wrong. I believe in God and his son Jesus God. Savior and Lord. But how many factions have there been since the beginning of Christianity? Satan sowed the tares.

            1. Yes, he sowed tares, and that is why we must cling to God's Word, which is our code, our starting point, so as not to go astray

              1. Very wisely said, simple words but
                However, people find it hard to stick to the code because they prefer to live without codes.
                Let us not forget that the day will come when
                We stand before the Lord... and what answer will we have for not living the way he wants us to.

          3. So Dear Admin, with all due respect to you I ask, why is there chaos in your articles and change of opinion e.g. about antichrist and false prophet? I think Frank is F Prophet.

            1. it's not chaos.
              I am not a prophet.
              He's typing and there's a difference.
              For example, I think the antichrist could be Francis could be Trump or someone after them.
              Can you feel the difference?

    2. I don't understand anything

      Robert z całym szacunkiem, ale czy to nie aby katolicy połknęli wielbłąda albo nawet całą karawanę? Kupują to wszystko, a chyba najstraszniejsze dla mnie jest to, co napisał parę dni temu pewien katolik tutaj: “Biblia nie wolno samodzielnie interpretować..” Czyli właściwie po co ją czytać?? To w moim mniemaniu największe kłamstwo jakie wciśnięto wyznawcom Rzymu.

      1. He said it according to the Bible, which says that Scripture is not for private interpretation. I see there's a bunch of losers here who don't have a job.

        1. This comment is already totally below level. No censorship here, but I wouldn't be surprised if a ban flew.

        2. Why, then, does the Church say that it is permitted to pray before images, when it is written not to make any likeness or bow down before them?
          And secondly, it does not say at all that the Bible is not for private explanation, only prophecy.
          Third, I don't explain the Bible by myself at all, but the Spirit leads me into all truth.
          Po piąte nawet jeśli ktoś robi to sam i interpretuje ją po swojemu, bez nikogo z zewnątrz to robi źle? Ma iść do…no właśnie, do kogo? Czyż KRK nie wydało dekretu o NIEOMYLNOŚCI papieża? Tak więc on może interpretować tak jak chce?

          Mr. admin, I understand that we have to convert, but a certain level of commentary should be maintained and something like the above should be considered censorship.

          1. is an example of a model Catholic

          2. I don't understand anything

            I agree with what Jacek wrote earlier, but after some time you realise that it was not just a simple mistake but a planned action. Replacing the Bible with catechisms and encyclicals, burning it once, and now telling the public that it is not for private understanding because only theologians understand... Cognition has increased because once a lot of people were illiterate and now they are reading and beginning to come to the realization that there are fundamental differences between the Word of God and the invention of the clothiers. Let's hope that continues. I am only puzzled by those who come in here to call us suckers. What are these provocations for?

        3. I don't understand anything

          Kto więc może je zinterpretować i czytać? Papa ze swoją świtą? Ten papa, który ma tego samego boga co muzułmanie i buddyści, bo przecież ich bóg jest miłością? Tego, który porównuje się do Jezusa myjącego nogi uczniom (“teraz jesteście czyści, prócz jednego”) i myje nogi muzułmanom nadając temu jakieś znaczenia religijne? To przykre jak wielkie zwiedzenie jest Waszym, Twoim udziałem kiedy prawda jest na wyciągnięcie ręki. No chyba, że czynisz co musisz, jak Judasz.

          1. I don't understand anything

            Read Robert ( and other Catholics) this :

            1 In the beginning was the Word
            and the Word was with God,
            and God was the Word.

            2 It was with God in the beginning.

            3 All things were made through Him,
            and without Him, nothing happened,
            What happened.

            4 [JK] In Him was life.
            And life was the light of men,

            5 [JK, JK] and the light shines in the darkness
            and the darkness did not overtake her.

            6 Pojawił się człowiek posłany przez Boga –
            His name was John

            7 He came to bear witness,
            To testify to the light,
            That all may believe through him.

            8 He was not the light,
            but [sent] to testify to the light.

            9 [cf. Vt 4:156] There was a true light,
            Which enlightens every man,
            when he comes into the world

            10 There was [the Word] in the world,
            and the world was made through Him,
            but the world has not come to know Him

            11 It came to its property,
            and his own did not receive him.

            12 [JK] To all those, however, who have received them,
            gave power to become children of God
            tym, którzy wierzą w imię Jego –

            13 [JK] who neither of blood,
            nor from the lust of the flesh,
            nor by her husband's will,
            but of God they were born

            14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
            And we watched His glory,
            The glory that the Only Begotten receives from the Father,
            pełen łaski i prawdy. ”

            It's like verse 11 with Catholics: they have the Word but don't receive it. Consider this calmly. End of discussion for my part.

        4. Oczywiscie ze jest do prywatnego wyjaśniania. Ja i Bog sam na sam. Poznanie / prowadzenie przez ducha swietego. W innym temacie mówiłeś ze nie jestes sługa Jezusa….najlepiej jakbys stad poszedl agencie: )

        5. The writing is not up to ANYTHING (i.e., according to your own flawed criteria, arbitrarily)

    3. Oczywiście, że dni poza dniami Pana nie mają znaczenia, ale takie studium jest bardzo dobre. Nie dla tego, że prowadzi do prawdy, bo to jest kwestia interpretacji, ale dlatego, że daje kontakt z Panem przez studium biblijne. To jest wartość. Takie uczciwe studium pozwoliło mi dojść do wniosku, że niedziela jest fałszywym sabatem a w rzeczywistości dniem kultu słońca, sunday, wprowadzonym do chrześcijaństwa przez Konstantyna Wielkiego, czyli kilka stuleci po Chrystusie. Zapraszam do studium księgi Daniela, gdzie ta historia jest dokładnie opisana …… 600 lat przed Chrystusem.?

  5. “Od tej pory zaczął Jezus Chrystus tłumaczyć uczniom swoim, że musi pójść do Jerozolimy, wiele wycierpieć od starszych arcykapłanów i uczonych w Piśmie, że musi być zabity i on the third day raised from the dead.” Mateusza 16:21

    If we assume that Jesus died on Friday before sunset, it means that he was already in the tomb on Friday and Friday is counted as the first day. After sunset we have Saturday, all of Saturday is the second day, and when the sun sets on Saturday, Sunday begins, so it is the third day, and Jesus was to be raised on the third day, so he could be resurrected just after sunset and it would be three days, but not necessarily 72 hours. It is also possible that Friday could be the correct day of Jesus' death.

    1. Cupak 🙂 let me tell you, you might be right 🙂 .

    2. Zgadzam się z Tobą Cupak – trzeciego dnia to nie to samo co po upływie trzech dni i trzech nocy. Zachęcam wszystkich do zapoznania się z treścią wszystkich omawianych w artykule wersetów w przekładzie dosłownym z greki dostępnym na:

  6. Capital translation!May our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified and exalted.
    Thanks Jacek, God bless you.

    I remember being a little girl and sitting with my mother in church.I kept counting on my fingers the days from the crucifixion to the resurrection.And it didn't fit.
    So many years have passed and I remember it best when I wanted blue beads from the rosary.
    And so I ripped them out, I got my hands so hard that I never prayed a rosary in my life.

    1. Dziękuję, Lena! Wiesz mam naprawdę wiele równie mocnych materiałów do przetłumaczenia i przez ten “niedoczas”, z którym się zmagam muszę dokonywać bolesnej dla mnie selekcji – tak, fałszywych doktryn w KRK oraz kompromitujących faktów o nim jest aż TAK wiele, że mógłbym bite 12 godzin stukać w klawiaturę. Byle do wakacji 😉 …

      1. Rely on DS, let Him make the selection, which will be most comforting for all of us.
        With God

      2. You are selecting in a time crunch, and here is one willing to help, with time to spare. You can take a lead from Peter. I'd be happy to help.

  7. Towards the end of the video, he illuminates the issue a bit -

    1. Interesting movie you have to watch 🙂

  8. It is obvious that a day ends with the setting of the sun, but this does not mean that a new day begins. Jesus dies on Friday, lies in the tomb one day, and so the whole Sabbath is the second day, and on the first day of the week on Sunday he appears as risen on the third day. All according to the prophecies. Jonah was also caught in the late afternoon and sat in his belly all Sabbath and was cast out on Sunday morning, the third day.

  9. A ja chciałam dodać, że wg kalendarza hebrajskiego (żydowskiego) Pascha w tym roku będzie dopiero za miesiąc (23 kwietnia)…
    Wednesday, Friday or Sunday?
    Za miesiąc…

    1. Tak, ale jest to Pascha wyznaczana według kalendarza hebrajskiego, który nie obowiązywał w czasach naszego Pana. Poza tym, my nie mamy obchodzić Paschy… tylko celebrować Pamiątkę. 14 Nisan 2016 (według sposobu wyznaczania dni z czasów Jezusa Chrystusa) miał swój początek 23 marca w środę po zachodzie słońca. Co do artykułu – jest on ciekawy i bardzo możliwe, że taka chronologia jest prawidłowa, niemniej warto też się pochylić nad tym, co napisał Cupak. Pomocny może też być tu artykuł Alfreda Palli pt. “Godzina i dzień ukrzyżowania Chrystusa”
      Bardzo wartościowym artykułem, który niejako potwierdza, to co zostało napisane w zamieszonym przez admina, jest też (zapewne znany Wam) “Jezus w świętach żydowskich”
      Jest tam też mowa o “pierwocinach” święcie “Pierwszych Płodów” przypadającym na 18 nisan. Nasz zmartwychwstały Pan symbolizuje właśnie “Pierwszy Płód” – może nawet nie tyle symbolizuje, co nim jest 🙂 , wszak to przecież święta były ustanowione jako “cienie rzeczy przyszłych” wskazując wyraźnie na Mesjasza.


    2. I'm going to sit at the table and celebrate Pasha

  10. I don't understand any of this. I mean, I do, but I don't know when it will rise from the dead. Anyway, I will have to sort it out somehow, because it will not give me peace 🙂 .

  11. Amazing, just what is it all for?

  12. Prawidłowa data Wielkiej Nocy- wieczerza paschalna, ukrzyżowanie, zmartwychwstanie Jezusa Chrystusa –

    1. The matter of establishing a specific day (Wednesday, Friday) as well as 14 Nisan itself is not so obvious. There are many publications on this subject, often saying otherwise (Catholic ones I omit, of course)
      For this reason, I believe we should be very humble and avoid making definitive judgments in this area, and especially avoid litigation. As disciples of our Lord, we (through him) are in the wonderful position of being able to reflect on his sacrificially shed blood that cleanses us from our sins and the glorious hope of his resurrection every day, not just on Wednesday, or Friday, or some other holiday.


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