Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"Gods of Egypt" - movie trailer and my review.

I watched both trailers for the movie "Gods of Egypt" and then went to the theater.

Of course, I have no regrets.

Before I give you a rich description of my observations, I want to announce something. Well, my awakening, not to be confused with being born again, which happened a year or so ago, took place around 2004/2005. It was then, after watching the half-truth film The Zeigest, that something shook me. I felt that in some indescribable way, I knew history from the beginning of the world. It wasn't just a fascination with conspiracy theories. It was hiding somewhere in the unconscious. I felt that something was wrong, that I had not only been deceived for years, but had been living away from something, but I didn't yet know what. Now I knew it was from God. The years went by until around 2010 when God showed me that the politics I was involved in was a lie, and a collective one at that. In an unusual way God showed me to get out of it.

This is by way of introduction.


Official movie description:

"Seth, the ruthless god of darkness, seizes the Egyptian throne by force and trickery. The pharaoh is killed, the priests are powerless, and the common people become slaves. Only a handful of rebels stand up to the usurper to save the empire. They are led by the heroic mortal Bek who, with the help of the powerful and merciful god Horus, sets out into the beyond and into the heavens to find and defeat Set and his hordes. Thus begins a crusade of extraordinary adventure, magic and sacrifice between a mortal and a god to defend our world.",Kielce/BazaFilmow/Szczegoly/film/5880/Bogowie-Egiptu

Below is the trailer:

Even though the production of the movie was by people from "the world" it was worth going to see the movie. I systematized my knowledge by connecting mythology to the Bible, and I also noticed the purpose of the movie.

The main character of the film was Horus. Of course, as you might have guessed, Horus was portrayed in a positive sense.

The action begins with Set murdering Osiris and usurping his power over the world. Seth then deprives Horus of his eyes, who thereby loses the power of the gods in a big way .

In general, the film should be called "The Struggle of the Gods of Egypt."

Also in the beginning, the narrator talks about how the gods can incarnate in different forms, so as gods they are not only in human bodies, but dog-headed bodies.

There is a lot of symbolism in the film.

In my opinion, satanists before the coming of Jesus show a great deal.

Now many of the blocks are falling into place.

In Gods of Egypt, the obelisk that Seth built is shown. This makes it even clearer that we are not dealing with fairy tales at all. The action of men, though often misguided, is directed toward rationality. No one would bring a 250 ton original obelisk from Egypt to the Vatican.





Millions of people visit the Vatican without knowing what this obelisk is.

"The oldest obelisks come from ancient Egypt, where they were part of sun worship as early as the Fifth Dynasty[2]. They were placed in plazas in front of temples and palaces. Egyptians believed that their most important the god Ra, who is the personification of the sun, lives right in the obelisks. For this reason, there were often no cult statues in front of the temples of Ra except obelisks[3] . Each obelisk is thus, in a way, an image of the god Ra"


Ra, as we know, is identified with Satan. Later on we will go to the person of Ra.

Thus, in the central place of the Vatican stands an obelisk - the place of Satan, worshipped as the sun.


"Some of the Egyptian obelisks were already transported to Rome, Constantinople in ancient times, in modern times more obelisks were transported to Paris, London and New York. The Romans, like the Egyptians, associated obelisks with the worship of the Sun god; for example, the Flaminio obelisk was brought to Rome by Octavian Augustus to honor Apollo, the Greek Sun god.
At the turn of the 3rd and 2nd millennium B.C. also the inhabitants of Canaan and Phoenicia They adapted Egyptian obelisks in the worship of Baal, the Northern Semitic sun deity[5]. The Hebrew word מצבה (macceba) derived from the verb נצב (nacab = to stand) occurs in large numbers in the Old Testament and is used by Jeremiah (43:13) to refer to the standing cult statues from Egypt's Bet Shemesh (Home-Sun), which were probably obelisks. The book of Leviticus (26:1), on the other hand, says that this type of cult statues were erected (lifted up, set up), which is also characteristic of obelisks. The same word (macceba) also occurs in the context of Baal worship (2 Kings 3:2, 10:26-27). However, the most famous and obvious example of the cultic significance of the obelisk in the Syro-Palestinian area is the so-called Temple of Obelisks (Obelisk Temple) at Byblos"


What Obelisk is in the Vatican?

"The Lateran Obelisk - is the obelisk of Tuthmosis IV, erected by him in the Eastern Temple at Karnak, built by Tuthmosis III. Its height is 32 meters 18 centimeters - including the base 45 meters 70 centimeters. It stands in the Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano. It is top the obelisk in Rome and top, standing, an ancient Egyptian obelisk in the world. Its weight is estimated at about 230 tons. It comes from the temple of Amun in Karnak."


In the movie, when Set murdered Osiris, he built a great Obelisk, the tallest of all, in his honor and RA.

Let me explain right away where these gods come from. Until now, many seekers of truth have identified various gods with one and the same figure - Satan.

This video explains a lot, and actually confirms the content from the mythology.


Set was according to mythology:




"Seth, Seth[1], Σήθ (Greek), Sutekh, Setech (Egyptian), Hebrew שת Shet - in Egyptian mythology the lord of storms, deserts, Upper Egypt, darkness and chaos, also a deity of demonic character. Represented as a man with the head of an animal, undetermined to this day. Includes features of the head of a jackal, oryx antelope and okapi. He may have previously appeared as a god of war and may have been a deity older than the Egyptian religion. In Egyptian religion, one of the principal gods. His attribute was an antelope with the head of a jackal."

Movie Set:





"The opponent of Horus, the killer of his brother, Osiris. Beginning in the 22nd Dynasty, he becomes the embodiment of evil. Eventually he was depicted as the chief evil and identified with the serpent Apep.
Son of the goddess Nut and the god Geb (or Re), brother of Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys, also her husband. Some attribute to him the paternity of Anubis."


If we assume that these gods were the fallen ones, and they certainly were, then we might be surprised at the struggle between them. Just as Masonic lodges compete with each other, so the fallen ones fought for power under RA.

This is what Seth looked like in the film after transforming into his probably original character.





Incidentally, modern Satanists are also divided on the issue of worship.

The Temple of Seth was formed as a result of a schism in the Church of Satan in 1975. The movement's founder Michael Aquino, a former U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, came into conflict with then church leader Shandor LaVey. Aquino did not accept the idea of selling the priesthood title. He claimed to have had a revelation that Satan's time had passed and the time of the Prince of Darkness, worshipped under the real name of Seth, had come.

Initially, the group consisted of 28 members. Today, in the U.S., this group is more numerous than the movement from which it arose."





This is not the end of important symbols and images of the fallen. As for me, the most important was this one:





Why do I think that? I immediately associated the following symbols in the world:







In the image above, we have Rihanna, wearing a blouse with an eagle with wings spread.

Was Hitler the only one who used such symbols almost a century ago? No, he didn't.





The above photo is the Roman symbol - Senatus Populusque Romanus.

If Roman, it cannot be missing from the Roman church.


Let us look further. Parish of Lord's Transfiguration in Szczecin. The so-called Legion of Mary (read Isis)



Since the Bible tells us in the apocalypse that the harlot lying on 7 hills bowed down to all the kings of the earth, there can be no lack of such a symbol in the United States:





I leave out the little pentagram stars in the middle.

As you can see, the whole world worships the fallen.


Let's not allow ourselves to be persuaded that the eagle is the symbol of Poland. That is what we have been told. History says something completely different:


The origins of the eagle as a symbol go back to the time of the Proto-Indo-European community, when the eagle as a symbol of strength became an attribute of the first of the gods of the Proto-Indo-European pantheon - Diaus, known in later Greece as Zeus, while from Rome as Jupiter, Iuppiter (archaically Diouis pater).

The eagle remained an attribute and messenger of Jupiter in Roman religion. As a symbol of the strength of this god it became the emblem of the Roman legions, a likeness (figure) of an eagle with outstretched wings was featured atop the banner of each legion.

In the Roman Empire, the eagle became in time the emblem of the emperor as the head of the army, and then the universal symbol of the Roman state. After the transfer of the capital to Constantinople and consolidation of the dualistic character of the empire (with the division into the Latin West and the Greek East), the symbolism of the double-headed eagle became widespread, with two heads symbolizing two capitals: the left one - Rome, the right one - Constantinople. The single-headed eagle, referring to the tradition preceding the split of the Roman empire into two parts, became the emblem of Charlemagne, and later of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and other states, including becoming the emblem of Poland."ł_(symbol)

The eagle was first used as a symbol of Poland in the emblem of the Piasts in the year... 966.


Let us now turn to the person of Horus.

Horus - egyptian sky god, protector of the Egyptian monarchy. The ruling pharaoh identified with him and took his name. Worshipped in the form of a falcon or a man with a falcon's head crowned with a solar disk and as a child with a finger in his mouth. He was the son of Osiris and Isis or Geb and Nut. After Osiris' death, he competed (as the rightful heir to the throne) with Set (Osiris' brother) for the Pharaoh's throne. After some competition, the Council of Twelve Gods granted power to Horus.

Horus was spawned by Isis. When her husband Osiris was viciously murdered and quartered by Set, Isis gathered up the scattered pieces of his body (except for his penis, which was eaten by a Nile catfish) and, using magic, brought Osiris back to life (he became the first mummy), added a golden penis, and mated with him. In another version, Isis was impregnated by divine fire. When Isis was pregnant, she had to flee to the Nile Delta region to hide from Set, who wanted to kill the child because it was the rightful heir of the dead Osiris. It was in Lower Egypt that she gave birth to the divine son, Horus.

How familiar is this image of Horus and Isis:





Thus we have the set of fallen angels, or the so-called IHS - Isis, Horus, Seth:






Those winged figures under the sun with the IHS in the middle are definitely angels. Only that they are fallen.

The film's Horus, was deprived of his eyes, but one was helped back by mere mortal Ben, whom this god befriended over time.

Where is the commander in chief in all this?

It was shown when Horus, fleeing from Set, passed through ... stargate, carrying them before the very throne of RA, the grandfather of Horus.



RA looked once like the Pope and another time like Lucifer, whose figure was on fire.






Horus's grandfather -RA- was not betting for either Set or Horus He wanted the stronger man to win.


It was not without snakes.





In the background we could meet the goddesses Hathor and Thoth.

Hathor is the personification of Isis.


"HATHOR is a magical goddess appearing in the form of a sacred cow or a woman with cow's horns on her head, between which was placed a solar disk, is among the most complex figures of the Egyptian pantheon. The name Hathor means House of Horus, Hora, and the goddess herself is associated with the highest level of the practice of Magic, motherhood She was the wife of Horus of Edfu, although she was supplanted in the Heliopolitan cosmogony by Isis. In Dendera, the main center of her cult, she was considered the spouse of Horus of Edfu, although in the Heliopolitan cosmogony she was displaced from this position by Isis. In Thebes Hathor fulfilled the role of goddess of the dead, in other localities she was regarded as the goddess of maternal love and the sacred temple dance. In the Third Nome of Upper Egypt she was the goddess of palm trees, in Memphis she was the mistress of Sicomora. There were numerous places of her worship throughout Egypt, especially as she was later identified with Isis, like Tefnut with Sakhmet. Hathor is the personification of the eye of the sun, is the Lady of Sinai, and the Egyptian Queen of White Magic. An important worship day for the Goddess Hathor is Wednesdayand holidays fall in the months of SeptemberOctober and November. The color of the candles in rituals to Goddess Hathor is light blue.’





















ISIS/Hathor as an egregore.

Who the egregore is.

Egregor, spiritoid, is the spirit of the human collective, primarily a nation or tribe, but not exclusively"

So such an egregore is the so-called "mother god", which is really ISIS/Isis.

On the internet I found very important information about the very functioning of this egregore:


The astral-mental egregore of Goddess Hathor includes all the Egyptian rulers, or wives and women of the pharaohs, who practiced the magical traditions of Goddess Hathor's embodiment, as well as thousands of priestesses of this Great Golden Goddess of Sirius Magic. The Egregor of the Goddess Hathor belongs to those more mysterious, more mental and subtle in ideation, purified of the lower astral vibrations, for nobility and higher magic usually went hand in hand with the functions of the priestesses of the Goddess Hathor, the women of the Pharaoh's court called, as in China, the Celestial House or more indigenously the House of Horus, the Temple of Sirius, Sotis. In order to practice the higher ancient magic, one must, for at least one Sirius year, from the rising of the heliacal Sirius, until the next Sirius New Year, or until the next rising of the heliacal Sirius, practice solidly the rituals of sacrifice and total devotion to this Sirius Goddess, and practice solidly the rituals of incarnation of Goddess Hathor. Only when favorable auspicious signs of Goddess Hathor's incarnation appear can a candidate be considered accepted, or perhaps embraced, by Goddess Hathor's egregore. Those who are attracted to the subtle magic of the Sirius light or the sweet influence of the Pleiades already have one positive sign of connection to traditions that relate to the higher white magic of Sirius and the Pleiades.

It is important to remember that, as is the case with magic, egregors of magical deities of great power, backed from the heavens by the Goddess herself, are not forgiving of betrayal and will usually destroy a person who begins to turn away from Goddess Hathor, to act to the detriment of other magicians in the Brotherhood of Hathor, or to do something that the rules of this great ancient egregore do not permit. It must also be remembered that this egregore, as well as the Goddess Hathor herself, has roots in the stars, both in the Sirius system and in the Pleiades. The cycles of initiation of the high priestess of the Goddess Hathor are the magical Syrian 5o years of daily practice, work and dedication in the service of the Goddess. The power of Hathor's egregor still exists, but is not easily accessible to all, requiring considerable knowledge and preparation, as magical deities do not like profane people, muggles, traitors, or haunted egotists leading immoral lives."




Overall a very interesting show, dynamic, full of symbols and for me, helping to imagine the mechanisms of the unseen world.

It is likely that most viewers treated the film in two possible ways:


  1. A very interesting Transformers-style show.
  2. A movie that explains who God is, understood by me as god. This means that according to this part of the audience, there is no Jesus, but aliens created us, and this movie shows it perfectly.

It seems to me that the fallen ones will present us with the Antichrist as such a combination of Jesus and Horus at the same time.

The all seeing eye is the eye of Horus. For Freemasons, Horus symbolizes the Masonic concept of Christ.

Based on the well-known video below, I have described the meaning of these deities in the end times:


"Ultimately, Washington was designed and built according to the Lafen plan.
The Federal Triangle is modeled after the constellation of stars. There is a right triangle surrounding the constellation Virgo symbolizing Pythagoras' theorem. This theorem is said to have tremendous significance in freemasonry. The shorter side symbolizes Baal, the longer side symbolizes a woman who is submissive and passive, and the opposite side symbolizes the divine child created by Baal and Ashtarte, Osiris and Isis. The desire was to evoke the pagan trinity.
The federal triangle is to invoke the spiritual power of the constellation Virgo, that is, to invoke the child of the deities as above.
The divine child is described in the film as the New Age Messiah. He is supposed to be the product of cosmic male and female powers to create synergy.Bacon attributed these energies to Apollo and Athena. Apocalypse mentions Apollo. It is supposed to be alchemy, chemistry on a divine level. I would like to point out that the attack on the WTC was made when the sun was in the sign of Virgo. From what I remember some important U.S. document was signed in that sign as well."

Note, long video, may serve as a supplement to what I wrote above.

Satanists are probably waiting for a new incarnation of Horus. The architecture of Washington D.C. speaks of just that, the birth of Horus.


After watching this video, I am even more sure how much we need Jesus. These are powerful forces holding people captive. It doesn't matter what we call them, whether egregors or demons. The unseen world exists.



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  1. Thanks for this analysis.
    I didn't know that the fallen fought each other for influence.
    As for Egyptian mythology, it could also be a reversal of history in the Bible: God sends his Son Jesus to defeat sin, death and Satan.Satan with the help of Herod tries to murder Jesus.And in this Egyptian mythology there is a reversal.The evil god Set (for them our God) tries to murder their messiah Horus, son of Osiris (for us these 2 figures are satanic figures).
    Osiris was seen as the first pharaoh and a very good ruler.According to mythology he taught people a lot of things,Henoch also writes about fallen ones who pass on knowledge to people.So Osiris is Satan and Horus his son is the Antichrist.A bit confusing 😀

    1. In any case, the whole world celebrates the birth of "Jesus" (actually Horus - Antichrist).The Orthodox and Catholic Jesus has characteristics opposite to the biblical Jesus - opposite - anti - Antichrist.In other words, the whole world hating biblical Christians is celebrating or preparing for the birth of Horus - Antichrist.

      1. The latest news - the movie "Spotlight" won the Oscar for Best Picture. I posted a link not too long ago. A movie about the pedophile scandal in the church in America.

        link once again -.

  2. They propagate this nucleus crap in every possible way...Ps. This movie is for the vast majority a dull entertainment which is supposed to mess with their heads and make water out of their minds (brain apparatus).

  3. They also give interesting information in fairy tales, such as Ice Age, the 5th part of which comes out this year.

  4. Great analysis. However, this is all very messed up!

    I personally prefer to avoid these types of movies 😉

  5. When the senior SS generals reached the stage where they really began to mean something, they also learned the true meaning of the acronym SS/

    For SS privates and officers the initials meant German Schutzstaffel (protective unit). For the initiated, SS had a second meaning, having its roots in the occult and the beliefs of the Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians. For the initiated, "SS" meant die Schwartze Sonne (the Black Sun).

    The doctrine of the "Black Sun," dating back to ancient Sumerian and Akkadian times, held that there are two suns, a "white," physically located at the center of the solar system, and a "black," the "hidden," sun of (spiritual) illumination.

    In some versions of the myth, the black sun was located in the center of our galaxy. Other sources consider it to be one of the causes of immortality and reincarnation of the soul

    In Babylonian mythology, it was also associated with the coming of the "king of kings" and the establishment of New Babylon. Finally, there was the variant that the black sun is not only the center of the galaxy, but also 'Hyperborea' and 'Thule,' the legendary stellar 'home,' the heavenly cradle of the Aryan race. The doctrine found its modification in later times in Egypt.

    The connection between the SS and Egypt is found in the case of one of the most famous esotericists of all time, R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz. Well known to students of 'alternative, revisionary' Egyptology, de Lyubich gained fame by devoting his life to attempts to reinterpret monuments and records from Egypt, especially the hieroglyphic script.

    While many modern scholars remain skeptical of de Lubich's work, arguing that it is fraudulent or sloppy, and because of his open sympathy and support for the Nazi regime, it is not easy to refute many of his insights. What emerges from his work is a dualistic view of the world in which there are two sciences, the 'science of beginning and creation' and the science of 'destruction.'

    in this context, each hieroglyph becomes a synthesis of polarizing elements, forces kept in balance by the "glyph, -information itself. This distinctively Hegelian view made de Lubich of interest to the Nazis, and vice versa. But more importantly, the knowledge of Egypt's "scientific religion" was reflected in the statement of the Japanese attache in Stockholm. In this interesting statement, sent by secret cable to Tokyo, reference was made to 'Sirius' in relation to the German nuclear program. De Lubich realized, and was able to articulate, how important Sirius was to the Egyptians.

    At that time, "it played the role of the central sun of our solar system" and (as de Lubich suggested) "there exists a cosmic, atomic structure at the center of which is the nucleus, the 'great host', the SOTHIS... of the ancients."

    De Lubicz knew well the ancient symbolism and its connection to the three colors on the German flag (black, red, white) with ancient Egypt and Atlantis, a symbolism of which the Nazis were probably well aware.

    In the Egyptian variant of the myth, the 'black sun' is directly related to the Sirius system and all its connections to 'rising from the dead,' 'resurrection,' and 'life force' anchored in Egyptian beliefs.

    Himmler, writing to one of the SS Ahnenerbe scholars (Research Society for the Ancient Spiritual Legacy [source: wikipedia]), recalled that they were not only concerned with ancient religion, science, and the occult, but also that their institution was established as an 'institute for military research.'

    Ahnenerbe scientists working on numerous secret projects had an ideological basis based on 'Earth' science to claim that the 'black sun' was an extremely strong gravitational force of great mass orbiting the center of the galaxy.

    "Schwartze Sonne (Black Sun) or SS is indeed an anagram of ....SYRIUS (SIRIUS)..... represents the first and last letters, the beginning and end of the name" (- Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons & the Cold War Allied Legend: by Joseph P. Farre_.

    "SS was an anagram of Silver Star (Silber Stern) - Sirius, one of the names used by Crowley to describe the Illuminati" (Kenneth Grant; Magical Revival 1973)

    "Sirius shines in our Lodges as a Burning Star" (Albert Pike: Morals & Dogma)

    Sirius, known in ancient Egypt as Sopdet (from Greek Sothis) is described already in the oldest astronomical records. In Latin it is called Sirius. Among the Canaanite peoples, the name 'Hasil'.... was adopted in Hebrew.

    1. The black sun is another confirmation of the belief in our sun's extinct sister Nemesis and the reigning civilization in our binary system of two stars and their planets of so-called lizard snakes, human-looking hybrids on whose side fascist Germany, among others, fought.

  6. Right now, judgment is taking place over this world. Whoever does not believe in Christ has already been condemned.

    1. This according to you grump ( where the devil can't...) is on a mission to bring about a religious war in Europe and the consequent collapse of the Roman church, whose religion stands in the way of the rise of the NWO and one new world religion, legitimately from total chaos into a new order.

      1. guitar, is Jesus Christ your King , Lord and Savior?

        1. Absolutely Christ is everything, the only God, the only truth, eternal life.

          1. You calmed me down a bit, because your statements were like a David Icke forum.

      2. Get out of the house sometime and vent, guitar.

  7. The movie "Risen" is coming to Polish cinemas from March 4 - you will be able to watch and verify it. Here is the trailer of the film:

    1. I will go for the truth

  8. I wanted to add one more important piece of information, an observation.
    Well, Horus, while visiting RA (Satan), noticed how Ra was throwing thunderbolts, as if projectiles towards an unknown target. He later said that he had to fight a certain demon sometimes, and that was for the rest of his life.
    According to me, this supposed demon would be...God.
    So God neuters Satan for the rest of his life.

    1. Somewhere in this scene the earth was also shown as flat, something like a table top.

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