Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The truth about alcoholic husbands, or how women kill their men.

Before I introduce and analyze the title topic, I would like to draw your attention to the following quote. Dear woman, if you are not ready for the truthDo not read this text, because it will only make you angry.


"'But the hour is coming, yes it is already here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, and such worshippers the Father wants to have. God is spirit; therefore, it is necessary that His worshippers worship Him in Spirit and truth" (J 4, 23-24)."

I wrote this text not to hurt anyone personally, but to curb the destructive urges of some women. Women who kill men figuratively and literally.

Maybe some people are getting emotional right now, but I don't write lyrics to please people.

He takes on niche topics.


Well, about 70% of the friendships I have through this blog are women. Not to be insinuated: only by email or phone. These are God given women. They make mistakes, but they repent. I too sometimes make mistakes and am grieved about it. If you are a perpetually content person with human relationships, then either you are holy like the apostles, which is possible, albeit rare, or the Holy Spirit is not working in you. One of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit, is his feelings. He can be grieved by the mistreatment of others.

This is how the Holy Spirit works, being the Spirit of truth. Not just biblical truth, but all truth.


John 16

I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will bring you into any truth

Who is the father of lies?


You have the devil for a father and want to fulfill your father's desires. From the beginning he has been a murderer and in truth he has not persevered, for the truth is not in him. When he speaks a lie, from himself he speaks, For he is a liar and the father of lies.

45 [And because I speak the truth, therefore you do not believe Me.

If I write an untruth in this text, then prove it to me.

Also, in order to cut short any conjecture of home-grown psychologists, I declare, and thank God, I have no problem with alcohol. Currently I don't drink at all, and if I drank before, it was 1-2 beers.


So let's cut to the chase.

The following is a text about a narrowed group of women.

This is not an article about women victims of alcoholic psychopaths. Such a topic is reworked on women's sites.

So let me emphasize, I'm writing about a narrowed (I got the word right 🙂 - narrowed)j specific group of women, which are women who drive men to their demise and consequently death.

Such women kill their men on a massive scale. Many of them suffer and do not tell others the reasons for their addiction: how she betrayed him, how her family did not accept her husband's (e.g. my uncle's) mocking at every opportunity, how she robbed them of their joint money;



They always have something to explain it to themselves...


The examples in this link, emphatically and essence and even model, show the pattern of killing a man.

Of course, a woman who is either looking for an explanation of herself, her actions, or someone who likes to get caught up in her imagination, will say that "we don't know all the situations in his life". By limiting ourselves to such an assertion, we will never arrive at the TRUTH.

One thing I am absolutely sure of. A man who is not born again will make mistake after mistake, because of the lack of a compass, which is the Word of Godin which the LAW is contained. A law which is also a signpost. Such a man will build in himself unconscious suffering. Bitterness, sorrow, sadness pushing towards alcohol. I really sympathize with all men without God going through a marriage breakup. Biblical believers have God with them, which is a lot.


Yes, we are weaker in this sense because we are more vulnerable at the same time, but we also have to bear more often in this feminized world full of the Jezebel Spirit.

Women often provoke men by anticipating their reaction, only to be told later: a drunkard, a lady boxer.

Then the word gets around among family and friends. Such a man is literally and figuratively drowned, and the woman is whitened as after the German powder Vizir, because Polish powders are worse. What she has not done, she will say "drunk". Like a magic word it justifies her every bad deed.


Some of these men, victims of female murderers, began drinking alcohol even before they met their wives. It's their liking of alcohol caused them to fall during such traumatic problems as: divorce, separation, rejection by the wife's family, theft of property by the wives.


Wives, ex-wives, to oppress their husbands, use one of the worst weapons - children.

What they don't realize is that they are hurting not just their husbands, but their innocent children.

They play the children while the husband, a suffering father, drowns his sorrows in alcohol.

Sadly, though, sorrows can swim.

They play with the feelings between father and children. That's the power these women seem to have. Until. Until God executes judgment.


They play with children's emotions, and a lot of them do it with full awareness. Because daddy is bad, because daddy doesn't buy you anything, despite paying alimony, organizing activities, etc. etc.

For this example, my colleague from Kielce, has not seen his children for almost 50 days now (as of February 17, 2016). His wife is ruthless. By the way, she considers herself a Christian. Notabene a newborn.

This woman, who considers herself a born-again Christian, is not even interested in her husband's father, her father-in-law, who has landed in the hospital to have heart surgery.

Yes... you must have no heart.

I will tell you that I personally can forgive a lot of people, but what I dislike most are people who have no heart. Proud and proud egoists. Instead of a heart a calculator, such is a cold human observer like from the song of Rezrerwat - Obserwator.


However, not all of these alcoholics liked alcohol before . There are some who, as they say, "drank the bug" for the first time precisely during such a trauma.


I was inspired to write this text by a friend of mine, a former alcoholic, as well as by observations and heard stories of others.

The colleague was slandered by his wife and his good name was destroyed as a result of his wife positioning herself as the victim in front of his friends. She said that he beat her, mentally and physically abused her. It is only strange that she returned to him twice. This friend, due to his large acquaintances, mass of influential friends, was humiliated, but also mainly socially burned, which translated into work, or rather the lack of it. Previously, he had a prestigious profession of a fitness club owner and instructor.

To this day, my friend is still paying debts incurred during their marriage, their shared apartment. Tens of thousands of zlotys. The wife doesn't worry about it, but the friend has this financial burden on him. The wife has fun travelling around Poland for training, because she has alimony.


If he had been the one to write about her, or to tell a friend about her past, there would have been war and great resentment, and there would have been much to write about. A colleague lost his professional life. He was disconnected like a plug from his friends because his wife had slandered him in order to whitewash herself wherever she could.


"nor slanderersneither robbers will inherit the kingdom of God"


The pattern of departure from alcoholic husbands of a significant number of women is a template. They tell everyone what a drunkard and a troublemaker he is. Those around them, their acquaintances, express their disapproval verbally or through body language, cold appraising glances, or "excuse me, I'm in a hurry.


I will quote an experienced male friend from the convention who wrote me this about a woman in an email:


"I'm afraid that her coming to her senses will come only after the experience... and it will be an unpleasant and deep one (because, unfortunately, it is so with women that only when she sits with her ears in the mud, will she show herself, but still in her mind she will accuse someone else - because what is she guilty of...?). A man is not outspoken and does not like to tear his clothes, but inside he is very emotional. Women are like that, they think superficially. I have friends who sleep in ditches because of their women and start their day with a sip of weak alcohol. And their ex-girlfriends are happy about it. They have proof that they did the right thing with their husband, because look who he is! They won't admit that they put him in such a state. Because a woman can make a man developbut also can total! ”


These are the women who want to see their ex-husbands in the trenchesas drunkards, alcoholics, dirty, fallen. So that later they can justify to others, family and friends, how clean they are and how their husbands are bums.

These are women killers, murderers. Psychic rottweilers. Am I exaggerating? A significant number of them die of cirrhosis of the liver or otherwise caused by addiction. Some end up in prison.

These women are responsible for the crime.

Many men do not admit their situation to others.

Eventually they end up under liquor stores or commit suicide.

For the past few years, when I look at an alcoholic in my town, I don't see him as a so-called menial. I ask myself "which caused him to end up in a ditchthat he drinks from morning till night, that he will die soon.


alcoholic (1)















Do you know what this man went through?

Experience what he did, and we'll see how strong you are.


Nor would I want the alcoholics reading this who seem to be wronged to find an explanation for their illness.

I advise you to get on your knees and beg Jesus to come out of this disease.


My favorite band used to be De Mono. The Mono.

What he wants to say about alcoholics:

Think about this text:


Among the streets of cities, an empty face,
A strained gaze a quiet voice.
When you pass it why the anger that fell
It creates a different story today.

What is meant by deficiency remarks
A hollow tone when someone passes away.
For you, evil is just fate
And the sky sign is the same story.

Why do you say there are two stories.
Why hurt those who wanted to live,
It is the same story.
Among the streets of cities, an empty face
A strained gaze, a quiet voice,
Amidst the rustle of grass the avenue of trees will meet
It's the same story

What is meant by deficiency remarks
A hollow tone when someone passes away.
For you, evil is just fate
And the sky sign is the same story.,de_mono,ta_sama_historia.html



Does it for you:

 evil is just fate"?


If alcoholism is a disease, why does no one despise the diseases of the soul: pride, lust for other people's possessions, jealousy, etc.

Who does more harm? An alcoholic in dirty clothes or a politician in a suit?


Of course I don't give money if alcoholics are begging, but I look at it quite differently.

If you think it won't happen to you, know that you don't know the day or the hour. You don't know what your wife is doing right now. Whether she has a lover or plans to leave. These words are addressed to confident husbands, or so-called strong women.


Satan, as I have written many times, exalts women as the so-called Mother of God above God. They make careers, and those who do not, see their men as failures. This creates dissonance, internal conflict.


A friend mentioned in this text suggested that we organize a meeting, a convention of men wronged by women. If anyone is willing, we will do it, and my friend Adam, for that is his name, will present you with his testimony, from which God pulled him out...



And to all the women with a good heart, I dedicate this song:

I love women, too.

This is who I am, Peter called Zimbarder .....

Greetings on this occasion:

Magda from Ir


Kasia from Wawa

Ewa from Wawa

Magda from Silesia April

Grazyna from Silesia

Agnieszka from Koszalin

Agnieszka and Anne Rz. from Silesia

Magda S from Poznań


I love and that's it. I love God, good hearted people, Jesus because he came to earth to give his life for our miserable sins.

Updated: 18 February 2016 — 10:01


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  1. Peter - "You're lucky,"... my husband's words to me, ..... he invited me to dinner on Valentine's Day, ....... everyone was served, but I was ignored...... I didn't let evil provoke me, such situations can be multiplied, ...... let's not let ourselves be provoked.

  2. Perhaps it is God's whip of historical justice. For thousands of years women have been beaten, abused, and killed, with nothing in any culture to protect them except the good will of their spouse or master. Subordination, abuse, and a lower social status made them feel inferior and more willing to turn the other cheek, which was so pleasing to God. God did give woman to man to be her head, and this is recorded from the foundation of the world and the creation of man. However, many men have not taken advantage of this as usual. They have not loved, betrayed, beaten and raped. That is the whole history of male cruelty, and the most zealous were not Catholics, who were more concerned with converting Jews, but Protestants, the very ancestors of all today's newborns, who thus burned at the stake many women accused of witchcraft. Maybe God wants to communicate something to men by allowing this Jezebel spirit to work in our times. Maybe it is His justice that He gives to posterity in His time. And this is now the task for both sexes - for men - to endure the suffering and persevere, for women - under no circumstances to yield to the temptation of the Jezebel spirit. Besides, despite the expansion of feminism, women still have it much worse in many spheres, so there's no need to complain, gentlemen, because I'm going to believe in all that sociological-queer gibberish about the crisis of masculinity.

    1. "For thousands of years women have been beaten, abused, killed, with nothing in any culture protecting them except the goodwill of their spouse or master.'

      So were the men. I would like to point out that the status of the PREVIOUS man was terrible, as well as women. In feudalism, for example, it did not matter whether one was a man or a woman, but whether one was a lord or a farmhand and, as you know, farmhands were from 90%

      "Maybe this is God's kind of whip of historical justice."

      Are you saying that God takes revenge on one sex? Nonsense.

      " However, many men did not usually take advantage of this as they should. They did not love, betray, beat and rape."

      Tendentious generalization. Women have also cheated since ancient times. Example: Pharaoh's wife wanted to have sex with Joseph, when he did not agree, she conspired.
      A book example from "Peasants."
      Jagna Paczesiówna - a twenty-year-old daughter of Dominikowa, artistically talented, marries Boryna for her fortune. She does not love him, so she cheats on her husband with Antek and others.

      again from the Bible:

      "Jezebel - She worshipped the gods of weather and fertility: Baal and Asherah. At her urging, Ahab and his forced subordinates adopted her religion. Jezebel had the prophets of God killed and in their place introduce the prophets of Baal"

      Female Dominant. Where iszebel's lower position?

      Are these exceptions? After all, the Bible did not mainly describe the lives of ordinary people, but only important figures in Israel's history.

      Did Mary the mother of Jesus come off badly in her submission to Joseph?

      Did Mary washing Jesus' feet with her hair humiliate herself?

      It is Satan who is driving women to emancipation, they want to be in a relationship, but like Jezebel with Ahab, where she ruled. They want to rule and this whole so-called culture, or rather satanic culture, tells women to be self-actualized, successful, independent.

      Of course, men are not blameless either. Those who follow the satanic culture. They choose women like Jezebel based on sex, and then there is a cry.
      Nevertheless, this is not the purpose of the text.
      Here he shows how men are murdered by satano culture.

      Women who do this are murderers

    2. You are right, ........ I would add to go back a few generations and analyze the actions of the ancestors, which can be multi-generational, ....., resentment, unforgiveness, and curses that weigh on future generations.As it is written - up to the fourth generation God can punish. You can stop it, but I advise in this generation to forgive others, look for those who were wronged or their descendants, and make reparation.

  3. All women are handicapped and this is the truth. They know it very well and they are ashamed of it.

    1. don't make generalizations about anything, including this one, because you're hurting the good women

      1. but when I tell them straight up, they laugh it off as if it's clear to them

    2. adam-if you say so ..then so it will be.....already the world is moving towards it......God will not give what you don't is written, for the sake of the children God takes away one of the parents.....all options have been exhausted, but human dissatisfaction continues, .....there will be cloning, a hologram ..but there will be no love, no touch, cannot be copied.....with God

  4. Hello everyone and you Peter. A great study is an understatement. I think that emancipation is the most powerful weapon of the devil in killing love and family. The neck, or woman, is the foundation, for which God created her, but she became changeable and turned into a sandy foundation already in paradise by the agency of the fallen one. The man, however, should be able to cement this foundation as the head by showing love, faithfulness and devotion, not only at the beginning because he got from God a sensitive heart and strength to protect the woman because she is part of him. I myself have been through a traumatic divorce and family breakdown, and now I am experiencing rejection by a woman who discovered Christ and the truth before me. Peter if I could ask you for a private email I'm sure you could help me. This topic is at the heart of the fight against evil and needs to be explored further.God guide you Peter.

    1. admin @ detectiveprawdy .pl
      without spaces

      1. I don't personally know any alcoholics who have suffered so much because of their wives, but I believe there are some, e.g., reading a newspaper article. However, I have known cases of alcoholism where it seems both parties were at fault because they seemed to be codependent, and the children also suffered. And that's the worst part, because they suffer for and through their parents. And many of them also became alcoholics.
        As much as I appreciate your rational approach to the matter and not generalizing, I was curious to read the comments and unfortunately my predictions came true. Some men started to comment, who think that all women are bad and they are poor and wronged, who see nothing wrong in themselves and blame all their misfortune on women. And it's not good, because the blog is getting more and more popular, but if such men who generalize and don't read the text with understanding (because, for example, they choose the most suitable fragments) are to read it, it's better that the text wasn't written. I refer my comment to adam and matiks348. But maybe they are still children or very young then I will understand.

        1. I'm sorry, but you're basing your judgement on one statement I made and you think that I think that way, as if you knew me. I don't generalize and I don't pick and choose what I want from the text.

          1. And secondly I don't need to comment here maybe I am not as strong a believer as you acting very biblical I don't have that knowledge of the Bible there are other believers on earth who understand others more. I say goodbye to you on this blog.

            1. and again you're generalizing because you think everyone is like Milka, when she only looks here for male-female stuff

              1. Sorry admin and milka I got carried away with too many problems on my mind issues that keep coming back and pain from the past. I was thinking in generalities about what I wrote. The Holy Spirit convinces me that I did wrong and I agree.

                1. I actually got a little carried away too, because I got upset with those comments two ill-considered. But I have nothing against you. I don't even know you. I'm sorry if it hurt you.

                2. Milka
                  Yes my comment was a bit unthinking in fact I have a different opinion on the subject and this comment was influenced by emotion.
                  I was so offended by this and it brought tears to my eyes and these two comments of mine were already a defensive effect on all of this.
                  I forgive you.

                3. You touched me dear, you wrote it beautifully...agreement builds 🙂 .

  5. As I see this feminism these days it's probably better not to have a wife.

    1. I lead a solitary lifestyle, thank God maybe there is a deeper sense in it, looking at today's image of male-female relationships. As for the article, even if it offended someone, maybe it's worth thinking about what it is that offends us. I don't want to be biased, the fault usually lies on both sides. I agree that there is a group of women who take advantage of this blaming, oppressing a man, without even thinking about what consequences it has later on. It is also better for the addicted party to realize that by using alcohol he will not solve his problems and he will not close the mouth of the woman who can continue to slander him for what he is and how bad he is. It is good for women to learn from this article not to put all the blame on the man, and for men to learn that the disease should be treated, because the pain can be drowned out for a while, then it comes back and doesn't solve the problem. I once withdrew from a relationship with a certain acquaintance, because she wanted to use me as a "threat" on her partner, whom she complained about all the time, that he was so bad, etc., but she did not leave him in spite of this, she would come to me, for example, with a bruise on her hand because she was so sick. She used to come to me, for example, with a bruise on her arm, because they had a fight, and she used to say: I showed Aldona what you did, and if need be she will testify to it at the police station, but when I asked her if she wanted to report the matter, since her partner was using violence against her, she said that it wouldn't help, and then it turned out that in fact she uses this "trick" during every fight, and even that she causes some of them herself and is eager to push when something is not to her liking. So, seeing these games and games from such women, I recommend that you run away or leave on your own, though I know it is easy to say. May God guide you all.

      1. Generally speaking, I agree with you, and you've made a good point about your manipulative friend.

        Once I withdrew from a relationship with a certain acquaintance, because she wanted to use me as a "threat" against her partner, whom she complained about all the time, that he was so bad, etc., but she did not leave him despite that, she would come to me, for example, with a bruise on her hand because they had a fight and she would say: "I showed Aldona what you did, she will testify if anything happens".

        Before I wrote this piece, and I've been promising it since November, I actually talked to a lot of people.
        I.e. the old number: bruises on the hand, friend, obduracy.
        If these partners really wanted to do something to them, they would simply punch them in the face with their fists, and then we could really talk about a beating. However, these men simply hold back and, as you write, they get into fights. It is only in extreme cases that mentally challenged men beat up girls, but then it shows on their faces, not on their hands.
        A lot of these women go at the man with their fists themselves, and the guy has to defend himself, and a tug-of-war ensues. This is what my colleague in the text experienced.
        By the way, many women only need a light touch to have bruises.

        Exactly, gentlemen if it comes to such provocations, run away, it's better to go for a walk or a beer...

        1. That's right, he was just holding her down, hence the marks on her hand, for me it was just not fair behavior to resort to such games. But some types of women like so-called unfair play. And this is simply unfair behavior, and her need for camaraderie with me questionable, as I was only there to serve as her "support" in this distorted predicament by her. I think whoever has to go to this lengths has mental issues themselves, as this is not healthy behavior. You can't expect to change your partner's behavior when you see nothing to change in yourself.

  6. My mother is unfortunately such a woman and has destroyed my dad who drinks. I love my dad, he's a good person, and with my mom unfortunately I'm in a constant state of irritation. I'm afraid when a brawl will start because unfortunately that's the personality my mom has 🙁 I think there are some demons living in my mom. Her behavior is not normal. For as long as I can remember, every conversation between my parents ended in a brawl, so there was either no exchange of words or a brawl and it was unfortunately caused by my mother's behavior.

    1. because often good-hearted men are seen as weak by women and they take advantage of that.
      The current Satanic-Roman-Babylonian-culture encourages this.

      1. You hit the nail on the head: women under the influence of this world usually choose the male macho type (also from this world), so one can say that one man follows another. Converted people are a minority and that is why it is so difficult to find a compatible half. We live in a world in which good has been called suckiness and evil has been called resourcefulness.

  7. My brother was a Jehovah's Witness, having previously dabbled in New Age in the 80s and 90s. He fell into alcoholism and often said things that were incorrect among the witnesses. What did they do? They excluded him. He swam with alcohol and started seeing demons. Even sober as we ho detoxed. He would take me by the arm and show me "look, they are standing there laughing at me, that I am theirs and no one will believe me" but finally he managed to quit drinking and went into hiding, met a girl and took care of her and her 3 children. After a few years she wasn't enough even though he earned a lot of money and gave her everything. She cheated on him a couple of times, even though he wanted to forgive her, she didn't care. The drinking and the demons came back. Gosh, when I think back on it, I get the chills sometimes. A grown man running through the woods and digging in the dirt with his bare hands to hide from them. And I don't see him anymore for years. I don't know where he is. Sometimes I pray for him and hope that he is alive. Despite all the help he got, he said he fucks his family because no one understands him. I'm writing about it because maybe he reads it, so I'm somehow inspired. His name is Adam Kowalski and he comes from Warsaw, if anyone knows him, let me know. Thanks in advance

  8. I know an alcoholic who destroyed a woman psychologically for 12 years... Well it is not always the woman's fault. But the article is good 😉 .

    1. Yes FE, but as I wrote at the beginning, women's magazines write about such cases, and I wrote about a different side.

  9. Someone nicely wrote (perhaps on this forum) that women's strength is not in what they say but how many times they repeat it - it is hard not to agree. Men by nature are specific, reticent, and women have an eternal need to ventilate their lungs - talk, even if they have to repeat the same cliché over and over again to a friend. There are no lofty thoughts about God, the meaning of existence, etc., just the mundane of life. In such people egotism and pride take over, the desire to prove that it is "me" who is right and show the other half what I can do.

    1. Tourist Spittle wisely states: "problems in marriage begin because of the rejection of God and His law." These words can also be applied to problems in all other areas of human life. Therefore, the time of the coming of the wicked one /son of perdition/ is near.
      "(9) And this wicked one will come by means of Satan with all power, among signs and supposed miracles,
      (10) And in the midst of all deceitful deception toward those who are to perish because they have not accepted the love of the truth that could save them.
      (11) And therefore God sends a fierce madness upon them, so that they believe a lie,
      (12) That all who have not believed the truth but have found pleasure in unrighteousness may be judged." (2 Thess 2).

      1. That's right. Psychologists and psychiatrists have been working for many years on the causes of these problems and every decade or so they come up with newer and newer reasons and solutions, but the effects are still lacking. What is more, problems in marriages, the number of divorces and iniquity all over the world is increasing instead of decreasing. What is interesting is that this is happening with the world's approval.

        The sad but comforting thing about all this is that it lets us know that the second coming of our Lord Jesus is getting closer and closer even though we must first expect the wicked one.

        1. I'm reading now and I see that I was a bit inaccurate 🙂 .

          I should rather write:
          We are saddened by all that we see in this world, but at the same time it is comforting to know that the second coming of our Lord Jesus is drawing nearer and nearer, although we must first expect the wicked one.

  10. Yes, I agree with what you wrote Peter. I think that the Mother of God has a part in this. In my mother's room there are several statues and paintings of the Mother of God... it makes me want to burn them. Tourist dandelion, in fact we are created in such a way that women speak much more, although I tend to shorten my speech ... or maybe it is just my impression 🙂 You have a remarkable nickname 🙂 Now I remembered a funny book by Mark Twain "Memoirs of Adam and Eve" - I recommend it.

    1. I would like to correct that the problem of broken marriages is not the problem of women's garrulousness, it is even cool in its own way (read: feminine:)), if two squints were to spend their lives together it would be a tragedy. Good God thought about it. A healthy balance is the basis. Nik is a spontaneous response, it came to my mind when I recalled the old times, when I spent every free moment in the mountains and mince meat was the main food and after a day of wandering it tasted like a gourmet meal:)

  11. I have a mother like that. Very abusive. She can't really love anyone. You could say she destroyed my father's life, he was already drinking before they met but after she left he got really drunk. He died very early. Interestingly, I saw in him a completely different person: he was sensitive, warm, very talented musically, he could have had a good life.
    I hope God will excuse him from his addiction and what he did under its influence.

  12. And I, unfortunately, know such women that I encounter on a daily basis-and I was such a woman.... I slowly poisoned my soul. My IAM was taking over - you are beautiful, irreplaceable, independent, attractive, seductive, and a bunch of the same women around you were making you even stronger. Anger and dissatisfaction with everything, especially your husband and children . I know how it would have turned out in my case if it wasn't for the interference of my Lord 🙂 God is transforming me, and I want that! I thank Him for another chance and another forgiveness....

    1. I was one of them, too, but Praise Our God that He plucks His children from this fallen world and draws them to Himself.
      All of us without exception without the love of Christ are worthy of pity.

  13. When someone is mentally weak, any argument is good that they need a drink....

    "If alcoholism is a disease..." i.e., patients get sick at their own request....

    Why do people despise alcoholics?
    Because they despise people who want to help....

    Someone who doesn't respect himself doesn't know how to love....

    "...Do not delude yourselves! (...)
    nor drunks (...)
    The kingdom of God they will not inherit! " I Cor.6:9-10

    1. A...
      The careful reader of the book of Genesis will grasp that it was not Eve who "killed" Adam, but that he "killed" himself....

      1. Consider, Angelika, why it is only with this text that you are speaking, and with others not at all lately.

      2. And by the way, I wonder what would you do if suddenly a bailiff came to you and said autos from the apartment and your husband dumped you?

        I'm sure you'd be strong, but know that not everyone is Angelica.

    2. The point of view depends on where you sit.
      Angelika, I wasn't writing about all alcoholics, but about those who are destroyed by women.

      In the text I wrote that they are weak men and they often drank before the relationship, but there is also a part of them that started to drink more intensively or at all as a result of trauma

    3. With the whole Kingdom of God, it seems to me that people who have a good heart, good intentions, who want goodness and righteousness will go there. Those listed who won't go in are examples of people who don't have these values. For what does God need in Paradise a person who will have bad intentions, who will lie, a person who during his life lived a godly life on the outside but inside was different, hypocrisy. That's why I think that even non-believers have a chance because they have the right not to believe, because they don't really have a reason to believe mentally, but they have a good heart, they have intentions... And when they see it, they immediately gain faith.

      1. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and no one who does not follow God's will will enter the Kingdom of God.
        All people on earth without Jesus Christ are evil and sinful.
        We are to become like Jesus, He is to grow in us and we are to grow small. If we do not sanctify ourselves and become like Christ we have no hope for the Kingdom of Heaven.

  14. Women are evil, like a punishment from God. They need to be kept short but also respectful, suppressing any rise above a man. Nowadays there are few men, most of them are modern "p... dykes" who are closer to women, they feel it and that is why they allow themselves. With a physically and mentally strong man, who behaves and thinks like a man, I haven't noticed that women are especially elevated but rather docile.


      If a woman is more "carnal" in mind and spirit, she will be more susceptible to hormones etc.

  15. I apologize for being too blunt in my comment. I meant concern for you Peter.

    1. cool 🙂 I'm getting enough sleep

  16. I'm not married, so I don't drink 😀

  17. I don't want to be malicious, but where logic ends is where woman begins....

  18. The subject of alcoholics and their relationships is a very difficult one. In most, drinking is more important than being loved. Unfortunately, very often the problem goes unnoticed or is perceived too late. Close people are ashamed and sweep the problem under the rug - and this is the worst solution. It needs to be treated quickly before there is nothing to save.

  19. Thanks for the article,Praise God that you wrote it.Let us ask God that it reaches as many people as possible.
    The evil one has less and less time and so he goes as far as wickedness towards his family.
    He is most interested in defiling holiness.
    Women are told that they have to have a career, to desire the things of this world. From a young age we are flooded with slime in every area of life and we are told that this is good.
    We move away from God and his love, we give access to the evil one.
    And in the consequences we no longer care about anything, morality no longer exists.
    The only thing that matters is the IAM.
    Thank God so much for sending His beloved Son to cleanse us from our wickedness.

  20. Very good text. Even so, I know it's hard but Jesus said to pray for your enemies. It's so hard...

  21. The world is not black and white and it is good that you showed the TRUTH that there are such women. Alcoholism in general is a problem of sensitive people. It is a desperate cry of the soul to fill this terrible emptiness in which there is no God. The reason for compulsive drinking is always the same - the man is not able to cope with the problem on his own. There is nothing to argue with and nothing to get offended about, ladies. I would just like to take this opportunity to appeal to all women who have alcohol problems in their homes - fight for your husbands, fathers, brothers while there is still time and even against their will. I have lost this battle. I can only hope that my husband was reconciled with God in his last hours before he died. If any woman would like to write to me who is struggling with such a problem in her husband, maybe I can be of some support. I will leave my email a dmin.

  22. Please pray for my son. For the past 5 years me and my son have been experiencing the problem mentioned in the article. My son is only 11 years old and I want to be with him as long as possible. I could not believe reading this article for which I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have been visiting the site for about 4 months but this is my first time commenting so forgive me for asking for anything right away. I have read about Jezebel on this site before but only now I have the courage to write anything to you. This article has been my and my son's everyday life for the past 5 years... thank you.

    1. You can count on prayer for your son and you.May Jesus Christ bless you and bring you peace.

    2. Hello razony, good to have you with us.

      My prayers are for you and your son.
      May the Lord bless you and keep you from evil. I hope that you will trust in God completely and find in Him the rescue and peace of your soul.

      "Our help is in the name of the Lord, who created heaven and earth." Ps 124:8

  23. We women should be careful, prudent and ask God for wisdom....

    The truth is that a woman has the ability to build a man up, to strengthen him, or to bring him down. This is also what the Scriptures speak of.

    When a man falls in love, a woman wins his heart:
    "You have enchanted my heart, my sister, my bride; you have enchanted my heart with one look of your eyes, with one bead of your necklaces." (Song of Songs 4:9)
    And he can get his soul too:
    "Do not entrust a woman with your soul, lest she gain the upper hand over you" (Sirach 9:2)

    So you have to be as gentle and careful as possible..ask the Lord to humble you, not to fall into a sense of superiority or superiority, but to humble yourself:
    "Wives be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord." (Colossians 3:18)

    Scripture says that a bad woman can lead a man to internal destruction:
    Proverbs 12:4: "A virtuous wife glorifies her husband, and like a worm in the wood a wicked wife destroys her husband."
    "A brave wife is the crown of her husband, but she who dishonors him is like the decay of his bones."
    Wood worm, bone decay - devastates from the inside out....

    Kohelet 7:26: "I have discovered that a woman is worse than death. She is a trap, her heart a hunting net, her hands a snare.

    What it can do is devastate him:
    Proverbs 27:15: "A constantly leaking gutter on a roof on a rainy day and a quarrelsome woman are alike."
    Proverbs 21:19: "It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a harsh, talkative and wrath-prone woman."
    Proverbs 17:1: "Better a small bite eaten with taste and in peace than a house filled with many goods and with iniquitous offerings, but quarreling."
    Syrach 25:17-18: "A woman's malice destroys her beauty ... Her husband with his relatives will sit down at table and involuntarily sigh heavily."
    Syrach 25:20: "Climbing over the sand on the feet of an old man, so talkative a wife for a quiet husband"
    Syrach 25:23: "The heart is downcast, and the face is put out, and there is a wound in the soul, when the wife is discordant; the hands are fallen, and the knees are faint, when she does not give happiness to her husband."
    Syrach 25:26: "If she does not follow your lead, push her away from you."
    Syracha 26:6: "Heartache and grief - woman for woman jealous, so is the scourge of the tongue, which meddles in everything."

    - quarrelsome, grumpy, talkative, angry, spiteful, not giving happiness to a man, exalting oneself above him, excessive jealousy, interfering in everything e.g.

    The world says: "be cold and unapproachable, take care of yourself and he will chase you like a bunny". (e.g., as in the book "Why Men Love Zoolas.")
    The unapproachable and self-absorbed bride in the Song of Songs, when the bridegroom knocks on the door, says:
    "I have already taken off my dress and I am to put it on again? I have washed my feet, am I to soil them again?"
    But what happens when a woman is cold to her betrothed and focused only on herself: "but my beloved is already gone ... I began to look for him but did not find him. I cried out after him, but he did not hear me." (5,6)
    The man gives up (mentally) and then it is too late.

    How a good woman can build a man:

    Proverbs 14:1: "Women's wisdom builds their house, but the foolish tear it down with their own hands."
    "A wise woman binds a family together, and a foolish woman tears it apart with her own hands."
    Proverbs 18:22 "He who has found a good wife has found a boon; from God he has received the gift of joy."
    Proverbs 31:30: "Changing is charm and airy is beauty, but a godly wife is worthy of praise." "False is the covetousness and vain beauty of a woman. But right praise is given to a woman of understanding."
    Proverbs 12:4: "The crown of a husband is a valiant wife."
    Syrach 25:8: "O happy one who lives with a wife of understanding."
    Syracha 26:3-4: "A good wife is a good part of the inheritance
    and as such will be given to those who fear the Lord:
    then the heart of the rich or the poor will be glad
    And his countenance cheerful at all times."
    1 Timothy 2:12" But I do not permit a woman to teach or to lead her husband; let her live in quietness."

    - Wisdom, building harmony in the home and family, filling the relationship with joy, abiding in the fear of the Lord, submission to man, bravery.
    Interestingly, mindfulness, the striving for wisdom in a woman, is praised, not her emotionality.

    And the one in the Hymn to Love, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 - you can test your attitude by substituting yourself (your name) for the word "love". (Thank you Peter, I don't remember where you took this exercise from)

    We can only ask God in prayer to fill us with all these good things.

    1. What a humble attitude toward God's Word.
      Kosik places herself lower as a woman than the Word, which does not mean demeaning after all.

  24. Thank you Kosiaczek sis! I will print out your comment twice. One for me to remember for the future and the other I will give to my mom. She'll probably be furious, but maybe something will stay in her from this content 🙂 .

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