Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"KRK: reporting child abuse to police by bishops is not necessary. Child pornography in the Vatican"


The Roman Catholic Church has a decades-long (and probably even longer) history of covering up the sexual abuse of children. The hierarchs of the NCC looked through their fingers even when child pornography was found behind the walls of the Vatican itself. And now, despite Pope Francis' declarations that he will put a stop to it, the church's recent actions and statements largely contradict those assurances.


Times Live reports that a set of guidelines drawn up to train newly ordained bishops includes the following statement: "'According to the state of the law of each state in which information is mandatory , not necessarily' it is the bishop's duty to inform the authorities about suspects when [bishops] become aware of crimes or sinful acts" - so in other words, these people are telling their new bishops that they don't have to contact the police when they discover that one of their subordinates is molesting children.


This is in sharp contrast to an earlier statement by Pope Francis, which read: "Everything possible must continue to be done to eradicate from the Church the scourge of sexual abuse of minors and to open the way for reconciliation and healing for those who have been abused."


Pope Francis, your words are magnanimous, but your guidance on this matter is no more. Nothing has changed. Your people can feign concern about the continued abuse of children in your parishes that your priests and bishops manage, but you don't, really. All you care about is the image of the church, getting new butts to warm the church pews and cash in the collection trays.


It is absolutely indefensible. They are essentially training the new bishops to keep covering up these monstrous crimes and to hide behind religious freedom and also privileged communications to be able to do this.


Word to the wise, parents - the last people you entrust your children to without question should be those priests and bishops. It is impossible to predict what might happen to them.


Despite (alleged) efforts to eradicate pedophilia among priests, the problem persists.


A reminder of the next chapter in this scandal: a mass of child pornography material, including photos, videos and everything in between was found behind the walls of the Vatican last year. This is, of course, no surprise to anyone who views Roman Catholic Church as the religious, child-abusing cult and defender of pedophiles that it essentially is.


Vatican Promoter of Justice (an ironic title considering how little justice there is) Gian Piero Milano has released a 50-page report detailing child abuse material in the Holy See. Vatican officials got a full look at the details during the opening ceremony of the 2015 calendar year. In true Catholic style of covering up the truth, Milano did not give specific names of people accused of possessing child pornography. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, did, however, name Archbishop Joseph Wesolowski as one of the accused, an unusual display of decency.


There have already been reports of Wesolowski not only possessed more than 100,000 photos and recordings of children being forced to engage in sexual acts, but also indicating that he had molested large numbers of children in Poland and the Dominican Republic. You might think that would be enough to put this man in jail, but no. As usual, the Vatican protects its people. This high-ranking Vatican official was protected at home by house arrest, despite the abhorrent nature of his crimes. The only reason for the arrest was that he seemed to have been allowed to move around without restrictions after Vatican officials quietly moved him from the Dominican Republic to the Catholic capital to avoid prosecution there.


On Wesolowski's computer, more than 160 recordings of teenage boys forced to masturbate in front of a camera and have sexual intercourse with each other. In addition, the boys were raped and forced to engage in sexual acts with adults. Wesolowski painstakingly hid his collection of child pornography, assigning more than 86,000 images to categories in locked folders. In addition to the material present on his computer, he had already deleted at least 45,000 other photos and videos. What's more, the archbishop wanted to make sure he would not be left without a handy supply of child porn when he traveled, so he took a laptop containing even more photos and recordings with him on trips.


As we all know this is an abomination, but it is also nothing new in the Roman Catholic Church. While I know that grey Catholics, like all decent people, condemn such behavior, I have to ask them this question: How are you able to sleep at night if you continue to pay the tray, attend mass, or otherwise support a criminal organization that has always protected pedophiles in its ranks, moving them from one parish to another so that they can continue to rape children with impunity, and which continues to do so? How can you think that such an organization knows anything about being a guide to morality and the good life?


This is truly astonishing. I really wish that there would be a mass exodus from this place and that a manhunt would be made for all pedophiles along with the people helping and protecting them, throw them in the dungeons and throw away the keys. Regarding this, however, I will not hold my breath.


Translated by Jacek. Thank you in the name of Jesus.

Updated: 18 February 2016 — 09:31


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    Islam a religion of love and peace? A former Muslim woman explains

    1. Let's pray for her and her business!

  2. I will never understand how a child can turn someone on... A girl over 18 is ok (I don't mean rape, I mean physicality) but a child, disgusting...., in addition to exploiting it. Such people should be cut off.

    1. Among other things, pedophilia has been called a satanic sin, because only impure, demonic forces want to deprave and defile what is still innocent - the souls of children, and this crime affects younger and younger children, the most vulnerable.

      1. In conclusion, it is evident what forces are hosting and guiding these actions in the NCC.

  3. "How can you think that such an organization knows anything about being a guide to morality and the good life?"

    And how can you still believe that this is the Church of God?
    This is something I can't really understand 🙁

  4. I have this question for you. What do you think about the shape of the Earth? Recently I came across some discussion and materials about the flatness/sphericity of the Earth. There were also quotes from the Bible given, what do you guys think? I even tried to start a discussion myself on another forum (non-Christian or "conspiracy"), but as I could guess I was laughed at and called half-wit 🙂 Maybe here I will find a different approach.
    The flatness of the Earth has interesting arguments... The flatness of the Earth has interesting arguments, e.g. the flight of airplanes according to the flat Earth model, the always straight horizon, the lack of pictures of the thousand satellites on the Earth or of the Earth itself. Also the UN logo, and we know what it is, is a model of a flat Earth. Is there something in it?

      1. Sure Magdula, you are right, salvation by a flat earth will not be achieved but it can be the first step to open your eyes 🙂 Why is there so much lying about it? If it turned out to be true nobody would believe in space aliens anymore.

        1. We'll live to see 🙂 .
          I for one am focusing on growing spiritually and strengthening my faith and leave the subject of flat earth or round earth to others who have been given greater insight on the subject by God and that's it 🙂 end and dot 🙂

          Although I am not saying that the topic is not interesting.
          However, I personally believe that actually believing in a flat earth diminishes the Omnipotence and Power of the Creator of the entire universe.

          1. Sure, I'm not saying that's the case. But still, there are a lot of unanswered questions, some of which I asked above, such as why is the Antacid so heavily protected? Do they like cold, ice so much? One can only guess. As for this card... There are two sides to the coin - either as it is written in the article you provided Magda or they know what the truth is and are manipulating us. Either way, as it is, I don't think it's worth paying much attention to it, as it is, as it is 🙂 One day I might find out what it really is and I certainly won't be surprised if it's the other way round than officially.

            1. Read this topic from page 20 upwards:

              If you're so interested in this flat Earth 🙂 .

    1. Watch this, you'll stop thinking the earth is a sphere.

      1. I have just watched this film Peter! I've read about it before etc but only came across it today and I'll tell you that the ending alone is the best, it explains perfectly why this (if flat) is what all the illuminati we know are doing, overall I recommend the film to anyone interested.

  5. I think there is really something to it, especially when I look at the sun as it lights up the clouds, as you can see with the naked eye that it is very close, the same feeling I have when I look at the moon. And stars I can not imagine millions of light years from Earth.

    1. I so got the Spirit of Truth you can be sure in a million % that the earth is flat and above it God has spread out the heavens like a tent.
      But the most important thing in all this is that He is.
      Bless my soul Lord.

      1. Of course look at it marcin:

        Let's look at what is written in the Bible.

        So God made a vault and separated the waters under the vault from the waters above the vault. Genesis 1:7
        And God called the vault heaven. Genesis 1:8

        Are you able like Him to spread out the vault of heaven which is strong as a polished mirror? Job. 37:18

        That is, the experiments presented show exactly what is happening in our sky because all the stars are hooked into the sky and the vault of the heavens is like a polished mirror.

        Let them be lights on the vault of heaven to shine over the earth. Genesis 1:15
        And God made two great lights: a greater light to rule the day and a lesser light to rule the night and the stars. Genesis 1:16
        And God placed them on the vault of the heavens to shine over the earth. Genesis 1:17

        That is, God placed the sun, moon and stars on the vault, that is, on this polished mirror so it is no wonder that these phenomena that are in our sky reflect what is in the experiment.

    2. Anne, I have observed something like this: Recently, while watching sunrises and sunsets, I had this banal thought. Science gives us data that we are 149 600 000 km from the sun and its diameter is 109 times bigger than the earth. What I mean is that if these data were true, there would be no difference in the power of the sun between noon (I mean 12 o'clock) and sunrise or sunset. The naked eye can see that the sun is far away, that's why it is so weak and approaching us. It is hard to imagine how this intensity can change so much with the data we are given, that it is almost 150 million km away from us and the difference is so great, because it approached us by these few thousand km. On this scale it should be imperceptible...

      1. You are forgetting one very important thing. The sun sends out a constant portion of energy regardless of the time of day, and the amount of energy that reaches us depends on the thickness of the atmosphere, when the sun rises and sets the rays must pass through an atmosphere several times thicker than at midday when they fall at right angles.

        If you are so sure of the flat Earth then explain to me the behavior of the Sun at the South Pole during the polar day. According to flat Earth models such a thing is impossible because the Sun would disappear behind the horizon, but here it shines all the time. Once again, I remind you that this is the South Pole, not the North Pole, where you could connect it to the flat Earth.

        1. Honestly, what does it matter if it's flat or round, if we live inside or outside, what does it matter?
          I think none.
          The Bible is a book of revelation.
          The revelation of who God is and the revelation of what salvation is.
          It's about our lives. A happy, beautiful. good life. Possible only in God and only because of who He is.

      2. Read up on the Coriolis effect, I'm a soldier so I'm aware of it because it's taken into account at long range. And it is dependent on the hemisphere you are shooting at-with a flat earth there would be no difference. Greetings flat earthers 😉

  6. The Vatican Mafia has no principles and no shame...Destroy it as soon as possible, end the spectacle of lies!

  7. The Vatican is becoming more and more compromised.This is a sign that its destruction by the will of God is coming soon.

  8. I know it's off topic, but this issue also concerns children who are accused of witchcraft by self-appointed pastors and preachers in Africa ( I once watched a documentary about this problem too
    television) these children are made guilty of the cause of some misfortune, told that demonic forces are at work through them, that they suffer, are persecuted, and even killed. The worst of it is that this is done by people who claim to be gospel Christians.

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