Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Blasphemous lyrics by the band Garfunkel and Oates

Garfunkel and Oates - a musical and cabaret duo formed by Kate "Oates" Micucci and Riki "Garfunkel" Lindhome. The name of the cabaret is a reference to two American musicians, Art Garfunkel and John Oates

I was thinking about posting the text that a colleague sent me.

I decided because it points to two factors:

  1. There is a symptom of the end times just before the coming of Jesus.
  2. It shows what it takes to make a career in this world.


Warning. The text is abhorrent and hurtful to feelings toward God.



to live by the rules of God
So whatever people tell me that the Bible says to do, I will do

I walk the halls of my school with my purity ring
Unlike other girls, I have my morals under control
It was easy to control until the boy I'm dating now came along
And sorry about my French, but he's cute as hell!
And I made a pact


To keep the hymen intact
We- Jesus and I are so close!

I was never taught how patches and bees do "it"
I was taught to just keep the aspirin between my knees
Because the Bible says that premarital sex is wrong
But Jason says guys can't wait that long
And I don't want to lose him
In favor of someone who has sex before marriage
I have to come up with something

Well, there is a wicket in Scripture whereby I can have sex and be undefiled at the same time
So I can have sex before marriage and not go to hell after death
Greetings Mary full of grace
In the name of Jesus-we'll get (with my boyfriend) to fifth base!
Oh, thank you for sanctifying me
And thankful that I have a choice between my holes.
And because I'm not a godless whore
Jason will have to use the back entrance.

Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus
The good Lord would have it done this way (since we are not married)
And that sweet feeling of throbbing rationalization
This is just between me and you
Because, everyone knows that such premarital sex God will not see

It's hard to be as innocent as I am
To resist losing your vaginal virginity
To wait until the marriage bed to have sex
To give my husband an unblemished maidenhead (both mentally and physically maidenhead)
So get your dick out
And put it in my ass
Fuck me until you come
I meant- let's connect our souls
And let us unite our bodies
And fly away on the wings of God

Whatever you do, don't touch my clit
If you ring that bell of Satan, God will not ignore it
And no anti-pregnancy prophylaxis when you put it in me
Because contraception is for whores and is a sin
I did an enema
And I put down the towels
I'm ready for romance

I pray to the power that is supreme
Of all my holes, that one is the driest
We cannot reproduce if we copulate anally
And God is okay with sodomy, as long as you're straight
I will be clean, no matter what
So I'm okay with my faith
With everything but
With everything but your ass

Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus
The good Lord would have it done this way (since we are not married)
That sweet feeling of rationalization beating everything
This is just between me and you
Because, everyone knows that such premarital sex God will not see

I do everything that the Bible says I should do,
Except for the parts of it that I chose to ignore
Because they are unrealistic and uncomfortable
But I certainly live up to the rest of the
So let's not talk about the fact that this good book
Forbids being selfish, forbids rubbers and divorce
And about the fact that he condones slavery and the killing of gays
Because, those parts of it, of course, don't count
Let's get her parts about losing my cherry (virginity)
I? By its ambiguities and omissions
And I celebrate any real casualties
And I still feel the piety in my self-proclaiming such a position
And don't you dare question my beliefs
And don't look any closer at these contradictions
Just focus on crucifying the sacrificial
And have faith in its complete, broad coverage
This is the only way to judge whether you are good or not
And if you are participating in the debate, just say you are a believer
This is the only card you have when you run out of logical arguments
So close your eyes
Take a deep breath

Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus
The good Lord would have it done this way (since we are not married)
That sweet feeling of rationalization beating everything
This is just between me and you
Because, everyone knows that such premarital sex God will not see

Yes, my chastity belt has locks
So sometimes you have to think outside the box




I am 100% sure that these cowardly women of the devil, will never do this to Allah.

The world pays for blaspheming God because the master of this world is Satan.


Updated: 18 February 2016 — 17:51


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  1. I have no words and no questions, world breath.

  2. Disgusting...Reading it was a torture.I wonder what "God" these women are talking about? Probably more about the idol Lucifer, Satan, the Devil.Are they talking about Jesus? I wonder what kind, probably that Catholic god Horus that turns into a wafer.

  3. They brainwash people with such tfurdery, who then have no respect for anyone or anything of value and for nothing...

  4. What a horrible, blasphemous text. In what name of "purity" is it sacrificed? Everything in it is perverted, torn away. In the name of Allah they wouldn't do it, because they would be in danger of having their heads cut off, the urge to insult Christian values without consequence is getting stronger and stronger. But Allah will give his reward.

  5. Comment unnecessary 😡

  6. And I don't even read it. It was enough that two words caught my eye. Brrrr...
    Peter I don't know if it's good that you posted this text 🙁

    1. I don't know either...
      I ultimately decided that people should know what pop culture goes to.
      This is not a satanic band, but the lyrics as much as possible.
      I just wanted to show that, despite appearances, Satanism is in disco and pop and other musical directions.
      that the Lord Jesus would not leave it at that

      1. I understand as much as possible your intentions and what you wanted to demonstrate.
        A mixed feeling remains though 🙁

        Well, who's the hope?

        The Bible was able to be put on the list of forbidden books by the "Holy Fathers", but as for today's progressing evil, one must be tolerant, because according to Pope Francis, it was the Apostles who were not tolerant enough.

      2. I didn't manage to read it, me a guy with 30 on his neck, to whom once nothing human was alien.

    2. I was turned off from reading it after just a few sentences. Disgusting...

  7. She Went Tank - What I Think of the War (1991)

  8. Moving away from the topic. More and more songs and other cultural products are empty of meaning and do not say anything important...

  9. The pap that softens the brain apparatus replaces more and more concrete spiritual products that are its moral hardener instead of diluter...

    1. Why do people fall instead of growing spiritually? Apart from material poverty, by eating such spiritual food, or rather puke or excrement...

      1. detmold, they are moving away from lyrics because they are investing in background meaning (music videos, clothing, subtext) and people-and I know this from my kids-don't know how to reason on their own.

  10. Typically Jewish

  11. Satan's Hollywood movie , "Spotlight" nominated for this year's Oscars. It tells the story of the unmasking of pedophilia in the Catholic Church in the U.S. by the editors of the Boston Globe.
    The picture shows the depth of the pedophilia problem in the Catholic Church.
    The word "Oh Jesus" is said about 15 times.
    After all, we are detectives ?

  12. Whenever I do what I want
    Someone comes along and says it's wrong
    As soon as I do as I please
    Someone brings me to my knees
    Yes, someone knock me down

    At a time when everyone feels empowered
    Why can't I feel that way too?
    Someone took away my God-given right
    Surely God must have given them to you
    Yeah, I guess God must have tossed them to you

    "Stop what you're doing and get back in line!"
    I hear it all the time
    "Since we can't be happy, you can't be either!"
    I'm tired of hearing what to do
    Yeah, I'm tired of hearing what to do

    There are children today who are being lied to
    They hear that the world is rightfully theirs
    They can have what they want, when they want it
    They take like Caesar and nobody cares
    They live like Caesar and nobody cares

    I cannot bring myself to take without repentance
    Compensation or hard work
    While the world may be broken and getting worse
    Don't they feel like they've been cheated somehow
    I feel that I have been cheated in some way

    It seems to me that no one in this world is entitled
    Neither mothers, nor children, nor kings
    No person in God's golden world
    She is not authorized to do anything
    We don't deserve a damn thing

  13. 249 paws up and 17 only down, this just shows what percentage of people Satan holds in his clutches...horror

    1. Exactly. Apt observation.

  14. Well. We'll see if they're as cheerful during Judgment.

    1. Exactly, this is not relatively harmless graphomania. The spirit of the antichrist is manifested through these women. The end is very near.

  15. It's disgusting, but at least the eternal, hidden for centuries from the plebs law of TELEGONIES will continue to be obeyed, which will allow enlightened individuals to preserve the purity of the FAMILY, so necessary to ascertain the memory of the previous incarnation...

    1. Telegony?! A previous incarnation?! This is what you're writing about...

    2. Genetic memory? No genetic contamination caused by unauthorized mating which results in a veritable garbage dump in a woman's body? The issue needs further investigation.

  16. I see I'm not the only one made sick... :/ disgusting.

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