Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"'Queen of Heaven' of the Roman Catholic Church comes from pagan Babylon" - very important text!



Geoffrey Grider


The Catholic Church's traditions about the "Madonna and Child" originated in the stories of Nimrod, Semiramis, and little Tammuz in pagan Babylon.


"The children gather wood, the fathers make fire, and the women leaven the dough, to prepare sacrificial cakes for the queen of heaven, and to pour out floods to other deities; and to arouse Me to anger." Jeremiah 7:18 (NBG)


Until I turned 30, I was a typical product of the Roman Catholic system. I was sprinkled as an infant, received "first holy communion," confessed my sins to a "priest," and received the Catholic sacrament of "confirmation," all by the time I was in fifth grade. If anyone had asked me then who the "Queen of Heaven" was, I could have answered immediately and accurately. "The Queen of Heaven" is the same person as the ever-virgin Mary, whom I had been taught to pray to and seek salvation from my entire life. What I did not know, however, was that God says in the Bible that the "queen of heaven" is a pagan disgustingthat provokes His wrath.


In order to douse the torrent of criticism that falls on Catholics for the idolatrous reverence they give to ordinary people like the biblical Mary, we have been trained to respond: "No, we do not worship Mary, but simply show her a special reverence derived from our respect for her." But the more "initiated" among us knew differently. We were taught to pray to Mary more than to anyone else with prayers such as the following:


"Act of Personal Consecration to Our Lady

Holy Mary, Virgin Mother of God, today I choose you to be my Lady, Advocate, Patron, Protector and Mother. I firmly resolve and promise that I will never leave you, never say or do anything against you. I will never allow others to do anything that would offend Your honor. I beg You, accept me forever as Your servant and child. Be my help in all my needs of soul and body and in my priestly work for others. I give myself entirely to you, Mary, in slavery, and as your slave I consecrate my body and soul to youI desire, through you, with you and for you, to become the total slave of your Son, to whom you, O Mother, give me into slavery as I have given myself to you in slavery. I desire through you, with you, in you and for you, to become the total slave of your Son, to whom you, O Mother, give me into slavery, as I gave myself into slavery to you. Whatever I do, through Your Immaculate Hands, Mediatrix of all graces, I give to the glory of the Holy Trinity - Soli Deo! Mary of Jasna Gora, do not abandon me in my daily work and show your pure face at the hour of my death. Amen."


If you think that saying such a thing is not worship and that it is not prayer, then you are greatly deceived. And it was just one of many prayers to Mary approved by the Vatican. Catholic schools and churches love to put statues of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus in classrooms or chapels. Everywhere you go, the Madonna and Child appear before your eyes like phantoms. As I have grown older, however, I have discovered that such statues do not originate in the figures of Mary and Jesus, nothing of the sort. The Catholic Church's traditions about the "Madonna and Child" had their origin in the stories of Nimrod, Semiramis and little Tammuz of pagan Babylon.


In his excellent book Babylon - The Secret Religion, Ralph Woodrow shows us where the Roman Catholic worship of the "Mother and Child" came from.


Nimrod, the mighty hunter against God was the first to unite the cities into a kingdom under human rule (Genesis 10:8-10). This much we know from the Bible. The name Nimrod comes from the word "marad" meaning "he rebelled." Legend has it that Nimrod married his own mother, Semiramis. When he died, Semiramis claimed that he was the sun god. She then had a child, Tammuz, whom she claimed was a reborn Nimrod, supernaturally conceived, being the promised seed, "the savior." Semiramis created a religion based on the worship of mother and child. Symbols were used to develop this "mystery" religion. Since Nimrod was believed to be the sun god (Baal), fire was thought to be his earthly representation. In other forms, Nimrod was symbolized by images of the sun, fish, trees, pillars, and animals. Tammuz, the son of the sun god, was represented by a golden calf. And thus mankind followed a religion that worshiped the creature rather than the Creator (Romans 1:21-26).

Rome, the largest and longest existing human empire ruling the world, assimilated religions from many of the territories it conquered. All of these religions had elements in common because they all originated in Babylon. These practices infiltrated and mastered the Christ-following Church, which in time was dominated by Rome itself. Many pagan religions included the worship of mother and child - in India it was Devaki and Krishna, in Egypt Isis and Horus, in Rome Venus, or Fortuna, and Jupiter. Each nation gave different names to essentially the same gods and goddesses.


The mother goddess, or "queen of the heavens," was said to have miraculously given birth to a son. Ancient Israel sometimes followed this false religion with disastrous results . In Judges 2:13 we read of the Israelites that: "They forsook the Lord and served Baal and Ashtartom", and in Judges 10:6: "Then the Israelites began again to do what was evil in the sight of the Lord. They served the Baals, Ashtartom, and to the gods of Aram, Sidon, and Moab, and to the gods of Ammonite and Philistine, and have forsaken the Lord, and have not served Him." In 1 Samuel 7:3-4 it is written: "Then Samuel said to all the house of Israel thus: 'If you wish to be converted to the Lord with all your heart, remove from among yourselves all foreign gods and AshtartyAnd turn your hearts to the LORD; serve him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines. The children of Israel removed the Baals and Ashtarty and served only the Lord himself." and in 1 Sm 12:10: "They cried out to the Lord then: 'We have sinned, for we have forsaken the Lord, serving Baals and Ashtartom. But now deliver us from the hand of our enemies, and we will serve You.'" In contrast, in 1 Kings 11:5 we find the following verse: "For he began to worship Ashtart, goddess of the Sidonians, and Milkoma, the abomination of the Ammonites", while in 2 Kings 23:13 we have it written that: "Moreover the king defiled the heights which stood opposite Jerusalem, south of the Mount of Olives, and which Solomon king of Israel had built for Ashtaras - the abominations of the Sidonians, for Kemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites." Finally, Jeremiah 44:17-19 states: "'Rather, we will put into practice all that we have determined for ourselves: make incense offerings to the queen of heavenWe offered liquid sacrifices in her honor, just as we did, our ancestors, our kings, and our leaders in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. Back then we had plenty of bread, we prospered, and nothing bad happened to us. Since we stopped making offerings to the queen of heaven incense and liquid, we suffer privation of everything and perish by the sword or by hunger'. And the women said: 'Whenever we offer incense and liquid sacrifices to the queen of heaven, do we not, with the knowledge of our husbands, prepare cakes with her image for her or pour out liquid offerings?"" Semiramis was worshipped in Ephesus as the great mother Diana, a goddess with many breasts. This form of mother and child worship spread throughout Asia and the world, which is also mentioned in the Bible: "There is danger that not only our craft will fall, but also the temple the great goddess Artemis will be named for nothing, and she herself, whom all Asia and the whole world worships, will be stripped of her majesty" (Acts 19:27).

Mary worship had no place in the early Christian Church. Even the "Catholic Encyclopedia" (article entitled "The Virgin Mary" pp. 459-460) admits that there was no trace of Marian worship in the first centuries AD. By the fourth century A.D., the time of Emperor Constantine, the worship of Mary as a goddess and the offering of cakes at her shrines had begun to creep into the Church professing Christ. At the Council of Ephesus in 431, Marian devotion became official. The so-called "fathers" of the Church reasoned that they would be able to get more converts by mixing beliefs already practiced at the time (Diana of Ephesus worshipped as a goddess) with nominal Christianity. It's the same chant as always. The deviants think that lowering God's standards results in a better form of religion, more acceptable and popular with the masses.


The Bible is clear that there is only one the mediator between God and man - the man Jesus Christ (1 Tim 2:5). Yet Roman Catholicism teaches that Mary is also a "mediatrix." Catholics offer their prayers to Mary, light candles to her, and have statues of her, all of which derive directly from their pagan counterparts. The Egyptian goddess Isis was known as the "mother of God." a This is exactly how Catholics address Mary. Weigall, in his book The Paganism of Our Christianity, writes on page 129: "When Christianity triumphed, these paintings and figurines came to represent the Madonna and Child without breaking continuity: in fact, no archaeologist today can tell which of these objects represent the mother and child and which represent something else."


In pagan religions, a mother was revered as much as her son, if not more! Acclaimed Roman Catholic writer St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori emphasized that prayers addressed to Mary are far more effective than those addressed to Jesus. Mary is defined as "Queen of Heaven," born without sin (Immaculate Conception), "Mother of God" - in exactly the same way that pagan worshippers made a deity out of Isis, Venus, Ashtarte, etc. Jesus did not teach that Mary was superior to other human beings. In Matthew's Gospel we read of the Lord's reaction when someone mentioned His mother and brothers: "But He answered the one who told Him: 'Who is my mother and who are my brothers?' And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said: "Here are my mother and my brothers.  For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother, sister and mother'" (Matthew 12:48-50) . Anyone who does God's will is on the same level as Mary.


Closely associated with prayers to Mary is the rosary, a chain of 15 sets of small beads separated by a larger bead. The ends of the chain are joined by a medal with a print depicting Mary, from which hangs a short chain with a crucifix. The use of beads as a prayer counter is an almost universal custom in pagan religions. From Nineveh to India to China, beads have been used as part of worship. The Phoenicians used a circle of beads resembling a rosary in the worship of Ashtarte, the mother goddess, as early as 800 BCE. Francis Xavier was amazed to see that rosaries were widely known to Japanese Buddhists.


The main prayer of the rosary is the "Hail Mary." A full rosary requires this prayer to be prayed 53 times, the Lord's Prayer 6 times, and several other recitations. "Hail Mary" combines the angel's biblical statement about Mary with an unbiblical blasphemy: "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord be with thee, blessed art thou among women (a loose translation from Luke 1:28) and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen." Mary was not the mother of God, she was not a saint. She was a virtuous woman who lies dead in the tomb, awaiting resurrection to eternal life Along with all others who have died in Christ.


The Catholic Encyclopedia states that: "There is little or no trace of the use of the 'Hail Mary' as an accepted devotional formula before about 1050" ("Hail Mary" article, p. 111). Jesus instructs us not to use vain repetitions when we pray (Matthew 6:7-8). The so-called Lord's Prayer (verses 9-13) is a model prayer, not one to be monotonously repeated. In effect, Jesus said: "Ye therefore so pray." Prayer should be spontaneous; it should not be a memorized formula without heartfelt content.


You now know where the idea of Marian devotion comes from, because it certainly isn't in the Bible.


There is not a single verse in all of Scripture that gives any weight to praying to Mary, worshipping her, or putting her on any privileged position. The Acts of the Apostles show that Mary is in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost, but only as a silent witness. No one asks her anything, and she has not shared any comments with anyone. Rather strange, given the exalted position accorded her by the Catholic Church, don't you think?


"I heard also another voice from Heaven, which said: Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her trespasses, and that ye take not of her blows." Rev 18:4 (NBG)


The Roman Catholic Church is the Babylonian Harlot foretold by the prophetswhich we read about in the 17th and 18th chapters of Revelation of John. This is the system that God hates and which He will destroy in the time of trouble for Jacob. The Lord saved me in 1990 and took me out of this false system. He will do that for you as well, as long as you desire to know the truth.


"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free" JOHN 8:32 (NBG)



Translated by Jacek. Thank you in the name of Jesus.


Supplemental Material:

That's why on May 4, 2016 there will be a REPEATED ACT of Surrender of Poland to the Queen of Heaven.



Updated: 11 February 2016 — 14:19


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  1. I think quite a few people already know about it, but for newcomers this text will definitely be helpful.

  2. Oh boy look what I picked up -
    Kwasniewski does at a Jesuit university

  3. Let us pray to God the Father in His Spirit and through the intercession of His Firstborn Son Jesus Christ that the terrible truth about the true identity of the "Queen of Heaven", which has been carefully hidden for hundreds of years by the satanic Roman Church, will reach the ears of all those whom the Lord has chosen before 4.5.2016 to the ears of all those whom the Lord has chosen for Himself, that it may open their eyes to this tremendous deception and repent their hearts so that they may turn away from this abominable idolatry, removing in disgust all devotional items associated with it from their homes, and finally, that they may turn against the deceiving hierarchs of the Vatican corporation, preaching about its filth as loudly, boldly and steadfastly as we do. Let this awakening take place before the abhorrent act of spiritual prostitution that the Polish Puritans boast they will soon allow to happen. Let us curse in the name of Jesus Christ this event and the demonic power behind it. Let us curse the Marian cult so that it finally falls and its abominations become public. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners, bring our humble petitions to your Father, and give us the strength to tirelessly crush this vile cult and bear witness to the truth that is in you alone. May it be so. Hallelujah!

  4. Our country and society and expatriate immigrants are so miserable and weak because of the "care" given to us by the Queen of Heaven, deceitfully called Mary....

    1. Only "benefits" arose from this cult: Khmelnitsky uprising, Russo and Swedish Deluge, epidemics, droughts, peasant rebellions, Saxon rot, partitions, First World War, Sejmocracy, Sanacja, Second World War, German-Soviet crimes, communism, looting of the country after 1989, crisis, drunkenness, thievery, sodom and gomorrah, personal and social tragedies... That's it briefly...Spiritual and moral decay of the whole nation....

  5. In this day and age, most people don't care what they believe, as long as it makes them feel good...

    1. ooo paan dear, you reminded me of a good sermon, see for yourself

  6. It's hard to talk to Catholics about Jesus and the Bible. I try to talk to them about these things and they think I am a Jehovah, which I am not.

    1. These are the charms and effects of the sectarian mentality instilled in the Catholic Church (which taught our nation in the course of history such a religious megalomania - we Poles always with God and Mary and the Polish messiahship for the nations, Poland will liberate the nations, etc. have embedded themselves in the national culture as Islam did in the East) which you will meet in every sect: either with us or ... (put in the dots whatever epithet you want, in our country popular is: jehovists) regardless of the facts. While God is superior to all Catholicism put together, all Evangelicalism put together, all our solar system put together 🙂 you have to be narrow minded (no offense) to reduce the Supreme Being to earthly organizational frameworks, human groups, what man has created in any way (including idolatry - reducing God to material forms of creation) - it's like a program, computer environment that you create would like to dictate to you, the programmer (master of the system) conditions and change arbitrarily the code of the program not having the tools of a master like the programmer (we do not have divine omnipotence, and with difficulty we learn the code contained in the creation, we build from it scientific models in various fields, etc).

    2. I heard again yesterday that I am a witness 😀 Don't worry brother, let them continue in their lie if they want, and you best pray for them because making them aware is probably bordering on the miraculous....

    3. The easiest converts are the doubters/seekers...atheists and agnostics, not Babylonians of any option....

      1. The fact that it is easier to put a stereotypical atheist on the right path than a Catholic perfectly shows what a dangerous sect the KKK is.

  7. Hello I have a question: is the trinity dogma consistent with the Bible and is Jesus God equal to his Father or the same.

    1. Hey. Rafcio9 read, above all, the Word of God - the Warsaw Version, the Thousand Years without the Catholic footnotes (you can cross them out), the Revised Gdansk Version, the Gdansk Version, watch out for Jehovah's translations and others
      for general discernment -

      1. Adi, and what do you think of the Poznan Bible?

        1. I don't know, but I've heard other people's good reviews, but beware of footnotes added

  8. For something like this to be accepted they had to abrogate God's Commandments.

    "Ye neglect the commandments of God, and hold to the doctrine of men. And he said unto them, Ye slyly abrogate the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own doctrine." Mark 7:8-9

    Paul was already warning against this abomination.

    "And they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images representing mortal man, and even birds, four-legged animals, and amphibians;" Romans 1:23

    Their idols are of silver and gold, They are the work of human hands. They have mouths and do not speak, They have eyes and do not see. They have ears, and do not hear; They have nostrils, and do not smell. They have hands, and do not touch, They have feet, and do not walk, Nor do they give voice with their larynx. Let their makers be like them, All who trust in them!" Psalm 115:4-8

  9. Because of the cult of the goddess-mother and the curse that comes with it, Poles are becoming unmarried, and Polish women are having affairs with whoever they can, mostly with breakfastolic "princes" from the desert...etc. etc.

    1. Poles, instead of throwing out this Vatican locust, are still happy that God curses them for the crimes of this harlot, allowing them to be slaves and whores of Europe and the surrounding area... It is a waste of words for this madness... God be merciful to us.

      1. The spiritual state of our nation caused by the Church kills me very much, hence these harsh words. It takes Divine intervention for this people to wake up from centuries of deadness and marasm.

  10. Let us pray for the Polish nation to cast off the fetters of Catholic shackles and Vatican idolatry and to become a Christian chosen church, a priestly people. Through Your Son Jesus Christ we humbly beseech You, Father God. May it be so.

  11. State Here - Bida will give you Something bittersweet for a good night.

  12. Antichrist technology-blue flux is the topic, they can create different revelations

    1. I saw it and posted it on a blog, I think it was still the old one, but I withdrew it when someone suggested it was a photoshop

  13. I read somewhere that Esau killed a nimrod, then returned home after the hunt and gave up his inheritance for food.

  14. "Lord heal our country,
    Father build our house..."

  15. the nail in the coffin of the idea of papal ecumenism with Islam: the Greek 666 looks like the Arabic "in the name of allah"

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