Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"George Soros is sponsoring illegal immigration to Europe!"

"George Soros and his Open Societies Foundations [OSF] are one of the groups actively sponsoring illegal immigration to Europe, said the famous Hungarian mayor of the city of Asotthalom, Laszlo Toroczkai. Toroczkai established such a claim during a press conference yesterday [21. January 2016- transl.] in Budapest in front of the Office of the Attorney General and the Supreme Court of Hungary, where he filed a series of criminal charges against several pro-invasion left wing organizations in Hungary.


That's still not that interesting from my perspective.

I wanted to describe the character of this one of the most influential people in the world to show on his person how much smaller in the system of Evil work.

Who is Soros?

George Soros (Hungarian: György Soros [ˈɟørɟ ˈʃoroʃ], owner: György Schwartz [ʃvaʁʦ]) born August 12, 1930 in Budapest) is an American financier of Hungarian-Jewish descent, one of the most famous currency speculators, but also a philanthropist, fundator Open Society Institute and numerous foundations, including the Stefan Batory Foundation, a student of Karl Popper.
Soros was a repeated participant in Bilderberg Club meetingsHe is not, therefore, to be counted among the opponents of globalization.

source: wikipedia

Key words: funder, philanthropist.

Let's take a look at the Batory Foundation. It works for the benefit of development of democracy and civil society.


It includes:



Marcin Król - philosopher and historian of ideas, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Social Reintegration at the University of Warsaw, former editor-in-chief of the "Res Publica Nowa" monthly

Jan Krzysztof Bielecki - economist, Chairman of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of Poland
Bogdan Borusewicz - historian, Speaker of the Senate
Agnieszka Holland - director, screenwriter, President of Polish Film Academy
Olga Krzyżanowska - physician
Helena Łuczywo - co-founding editor of Gazeta Wyborcza
Andrzej Olechowski - economist Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bank Handlowy S.A.
Prof. Zbigniew Pełczyński - Political Scientist, Pembroke College, Oxford University
Prof. Andrzej Rapaczynski - lawyer, Law School, Columbia University
Henryk Woźniakowski - Publisher President of the Board of the Social Publishing Institute Znak
Members of the Council before his death included: Jerzy Turowicz (Chairman of the Council from 1991 to 1999), Anna Radziwiłł (Chairman of the Council from 1999 to 2009), Bronisław Geremek, Leszek Kołakowski, Krzysztof Michalski and Rev. Joseph Tischner.


Father Tischner - author of many Catholic publications and books.

Olechowski - founder of the Civic Platform.

Marcin Król - roundtable participant.

Jerzy Turowicz - editor of the Catholic magazine Tygodnik Powszechny.

Interestingly, the lineup is a cross-section of elite and influential professions. From politicians, to economists, editors, doctors, and directors.

Who is on the board of directors?


Klaus Bachmann - historian, political scientist, Department of Political Science at Warsaw School of Social Psychology
Nathalie Bolgert - financial consultant, Polish-American Fund for Civil Initiatives Loan Program (PAFPIO)
Mirosław Czech - publicist, political commentator for "Gazeta Wyborcza". Member of the authorities of the Union of Ukrainians in Poland. In the years 1993-2001 he was a member of the Polish Parliament.
Szymon Gutkowski - co-owner and CEO of DDB advertising agency
Irena Herbst - economist, Warsaw School of Economics
Karolina Wigura - sociologist, columnist, member of the editorial team of the Internet weekly "Kultura Liberalna", assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Warsaw.
Prof. Andrzej Ziabicki - chemist, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences


So it is a powerful Catholic-Jewish machine of the most influential people in Poland.


They not only manage the finances, but are strong pillars and even tubes for shaping public opinion.

If you work for any of these types of influential institutions, organizations, then you already know who you are working for.


Let's go back to Soros.

What Jerzy Buzek, one of the leaders of AWS, a supposedly right-wing party, said about Soros:

Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek, in a celebratory speech in honor of George Soros, said, among other things:

"(...) 12 years ago (...) you started your activity in Poland (...) Since 10 years (...) non-governmental organizations, foundations, associations, informal groups started to appear, (...) This huge sea of activity was created without any resources, (...) That is why the role you played in Poland cannot be overestimated, by the way adopting a very apt pseudonym - Stefan Batory. (...) Thus through your initiatives and foundations you have contributed to the consolidation of our freedom. (...) In Poland the beneficiaries of your foundations number in the thousands. (...)"

What was Soros' response to Buzek?


"(...) Not only the Batory Foundation, but also Gazeta Wyborcza have done not too badly in the last 10 years. The Batory Foundation is one of the foundations I am most proud of (...) it truly supports the concept of an open society. In this network of foundations we try to create a microcosm of open societies (...) But I am also thinking of the whole Polish society. It is an example of probably the biggest success in transition towards open society. I've been coming here for about 18 years (...) You have the prospect of joining the European Union. This is a huge challenge, (...) but I hope it will be successful. (...) The Union should act as a magnet (...) It is a great vision similar to the vision of an open society. (...) I am very impressed by the work of the Batory Foundation, which is a manifestation of geopolitical interests (...) I will not lecture here on open society, because I will publish a book under this title soon, but I do have a concept of such a global, open society. (...)"


Were the PIS authorities far from the foundation? No. 14.02.2005 Jaroslaw Kaczynski had his lecture in Batory Foundation


"In 2002, radicals received more than 30 percent in the election.
At the moment, their quotes are slightly lower.
But if a situation arises in Poland in which two large groups of society, totally excluded and partially excluded, will join forces, not in some revolution, not in street protests, not in big strikes, but at the ballot box, we will have the rule of Self Defense, maybe of LPR (it is also a radical formation) and post-communists enraged by their fate."
"The latter are in a familiar situation today, but even if we succeed in outlawing them - I am counting on the Constitutional Court - they will not leave the political scene.
After all, delegation is nothing more than deregistration.
Then they'll be able to set up another batch.
Delegalization would only be a strong act of moral condemnation.
I emphasize again: there is a danger of radicals gaining power in Poland. To all those who recommend the heroic path of struggle for economic transformation in Poland, I would advise you to take this into consideration."

Law and Justice in George Soros's Batory Foundation - an update

Important part of the statement:

there is a danger of radicals gaining power in Poland"

If anyone is pinning their hopes on PIS, they should make an examination of conscience and ask God to deliver them from the idol of politics.

They all work together for one purpose.



In summary, Soros financed the democratic transition in Poland, which has led 2 million Poles to emigrate, live on the edge of survival, bankrupt health care, and be 80% taxed.

The world, however, portrays him differently. As a philanthropist and benefactor full of decorations:

1995 - Lithuanian Order of the Grand Duke Gediminas[2].
1998 - Estonian Order of the Cross of the Marian Land First Class[3].
2002 - Latvian Order of the Three Stars, 3rd class[4].
2004 - Hungarian Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic[5].
2012 - Polish Commander's Cross with Star of the Order of Merit[6][7]
2015 - Ukrainian Order for Merit[8].


As you can see by the decorations, he is responsible for post-Slavic Europe.

Thus, it can be argued that national decorations are the opposite of God's decorations.

Let us have no illusions. Until Jesus comes it is impossible to make Poland a country of biblical values. What we can fight with is: truth and prayer.

PIS, on a top-down order from the Vatican, will introduce Islamists into Poland. What we can do is pray to God to stop the Islamist invasion of Poland.

Finally, one more very important thing.

Islam has not yet invaded "our" country simply because about 90% people believe in God the Father. I know, you will question Christianity among Catholics, but don't they also pray to Jesus? weren't you Catholics? was our morality close to Swedish, Dutch, French?

We are a country persecuted not only by idolatry but also by faith in Jesus Christ. Catholics do not believe in Buddha, Allah akbar. They are just deceived.

Therefore, the satanists, wanting to break us down, go on the counterattack by repeating the act of surrendering Poland to the Queen of Heaven.

I believe we are on the threshold of something that became 400 years ago the cause of misery for the land we live on.

Polish King John II Casimir (1648-68) proclaimed the Queen of Heaven "Queen of Poland." Catholic historian Malachi Martin wrote that the pact made with her "has never been revoked or rejected by the Polish people, Polish government, Catholic or Communist, since 1655." Since then, Poland has suffered three partitions, two world wars, Nazi atrocities, Stalinist purges, and other plagues.

Now this act will be renewed for the first time in 400 years:–rocznice-chrztu-polski-episkopat-zawierzy-polske-krolowi-krolow,37787,i.html




Updated: 9 February 2016 — 09:44


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  1. elites, like the devil himself, have their "masks" - they are front organizations, e.g. tidal foundations, associations etc
    such a "cool facade" for certain ideas

  2. And have you noticed that their philanthropic and charitable activities are contrary to the Gospel? Because a Christian should give alms in such a way that no one sees ("let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing").
    90% declare themselves as Catholics, out of these 90% some half, that is about 45TP1T go to Mass every Sunday, and out of these 45TP1T maybe 25% pray, but we know from the Bible that God does not accept any other gods besides Himself.You cannot worship God while worshipping Mary, just as you cannot worship God while rejecting His Son as the Jews or Muslims do.At least that is my opinion and in my opinion Islamization is the lightest thing that can happen to Poland, who knows, maybe Poland will be dragged into a war with Russia and Poland will die in nuclear fire? God once punished the Israelites and wondered what else to hit.What do the Poles want to convey to God by participating in this idolatry? That he should destroy them?

  3. Until recently I also remained Catholic, and it was the grace of God that brought me to this awakening. These 90% are just belonging to this system by being brought up in this system from birth, at least half or 40% are the ones who are jaded to krk, living mainly according to the flesh, leaning towards deism and atheism. The other half who attend masses, etc., celebrating feasts, do so out of tradition, ritual, living faith, this number is already smaller, while the majority I think is not aware of what they are participating in, and what is not pleasing to God, and what they have been confirmed in over the centuries and through tradition, let's hope that Heavenly Father is mindful of this difference. Let us pray that the Lord will have mercy on Poland and all Polish men and women, so that as many of our compatriots as possible, as well as our close and relatives, will be touched by his Grace and their hearts will be moved to know the truth and love of God. And may it be so. Amen!

    1. Yes, it's all true, but still, Poles identify themselves with Christianity, and that they don't know what it should be like is the fault of the deceptive church.
      Either way we don't live Buddhism, hare krishna on a large scale.
      If Catholicism was a threat to Christianity, they would not have installed Muslims.
      However, despite the lies of the Catholic Church, Jesus is taught in religion classes, despite the lie of December 24th, God is sometimes thought of, sometimes carols are sung and not Allah akbra.
      This is about eradicating Jesus completely from people's consciousness

  4. But what can we do? Elections-rigged, rulers-ignored, economy-globalized, society-scared/deceived/buy-in, etc...We can only believe that God will do something about it. We must pray fervently for this.

    1. STATE HERE - KUKIZ (parody): Because the poverty here is just...

  5. If he's officially doing it why hasn't he been arrested?

    1. Probably for the same reason Rothschild and Rockefeller are not behind bars.These are too influential people to be investigated and arrested.

  6. People pretend to be happy, when in fact they are embittered, discouraged and tired...They have a sense of being stuck in a trap because they don't know how to change Poland; as if someone is holding their minds on a leash...God, break this vicious circle!

  7. Great article, kind regards.

  8. They present the process of globalization as a unification, as a unification of the great world, while in fact it is the monopolization of power through corporations, networks of associations, etc. Freemasons are a means to prepare the world for the great deception.

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