Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

New episodes of the X-Files series preview the NWO

If the translation is original, it looks like they're already handing it to us on a platter. Why? Because no one is going to stop them from doing it. Not any political organization, not any truther, not any God who allows humanity with free will to go into this nightmare. It has always cost a lot to walk away from God. This time the cost will be greatly proportionate to the sins of this world. The Great Tribulation is just around the corner.

Unfortunately the video is only on fey. Only 2 minutes long.




This I have told you, that you may have peace in Me. In the world you will suffer tribulation, but have courage: I have overcome the world"

Of course, the above verse mentions only ordinary tribulation, but there is generally a call to courage.

""Luke v 21 : "Watch therefore and pray at all times, that you may be able to avoid all these things that are to come, and to stand before the Son of Man""



Look also at the beginning of a famous movie from the 80's "The Fugitive" with Arnold. Sent to me yesterday by wojtuś.

Just the first minute:


Jacek from IR sent me a photo of his new company phone, which he got from his boss:









You could say it's a phone from Horus.

From what I remember Jacek works for a Muslim.

Updated: 28 January 2016 — 14:50


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  1. The announcement of the NWO was also in one of the series that Scooby Doo, and it was called Scooby Doo and the Detective Brigade.

    In addition to the usual puzzles, they also had one main one that they solved throughout the episodes.

    First they wanted to establish the identities of their predecessors so to speak, then in one episode it appears... A dog possessed by Annunak.

    He tells us that beings from another dimension helped create civilization, there is mention of nibiru and reptilians.

    At the end, the heroes face the evil Annunaki, who has manipulated all 5.

    NWO was also in Star Wars,Bond etc.but since such things are in children's stories....
    Well, I have no questions

    1-1.5 years left for WU


      Oh, here's an excerpt from one episode

      The first time I saw it on TV I was stunned

      1. Terrible.Preparing from an early age to meet Lucifer and his angels....

  2. Wow, with this phone it's not bad....

  3. Once again here is an article on a topic I have been wondering about lately. Monday was the new season of arhiwum x on Fox first episode Tuesday second episode and I watched. It's strange that the reactivation is just now And the talk there is not only about aliens but about hybrids about a hidden world government and all the things that are being talked about now in the context of nwo and the end of the world. In the film there is no atmosphere of mystery as in the previous one everything is shown on a tray but every episode facts are added. Experiments on fetuses, mind control and all the rest prepare the ground for deception and wu

  4. Luke, I think they also want to ridicule the people who talk about all these things. You could say: what a loon, he's seen Archive X and he's always talking about conspiracies.

    1. I think so too. In fact, many uninformed people are already reacting this way-"this one is just fantasizing! He's some kind of religious nut! He's always talking about demons and the end of the world because he's watched too much '___' - insert in this gap any illuminati film or TV series based on the technique of prophetic programming (in free translation, the English equivalent is "predictive programming" and somehow it doesn't surprise me that neither this term nor its Polish equivalent can be found in any dictionary) so passionately used by the worshippers of evil. Not only do they, like undetected pedophiles, derive a sick satisfaction from the utter helplessness of the masses they molest, but at the same time they are excited by the awareness that there is a certain percentage of humanity that is aware of this practice and that is unable to do anything more than expose it, trying to open people's eyes...

  5. In fact, we Christians should be more concerned with examining reality based on Bible prophecy than dealing with some of the miracles served to us by Luciferianists.

    1. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be vigilant and not let our eyes be pulled over.

    2. the point is they show Bible prophecies in the form of science fiction movies 😀 they are like vision boards, they were supposed to be signs in the last times,
      they make fools of us, they put it before our eyes, as they did in Egypt - the message will be understood by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear (this is also what the NT says "what the Spirit says to the churches..."), maybe this is how the fallen ones want to prove that mankind is too stupid...

  6. Protests against depravity of children in schools. 30.08.2015

  7. She Went by the Tank - Dziady (1991) A song that captures the spirit of the times.

  8. While on holiday in Władysławowo I noticed a kebab place run by Muslims with a huge logo in the form of an eye of horus. This is a soft form of dzihad - slow taming and preparing the ground for the future reign of the antichrist, which will soon gain strength...

    1. "poor planet." - I'm not worried about the planet. God will make a new one.
      "help on the way" - the space brothers, the dragon and his angels are about to fly down we know...
      that big head - the image of the head of the beast that had a wound and came to life

  9. Oh my, with this archive of x they tell people directly what is waiting for us, I'm just curious on which Friday will turn off these computers and will attack Russia, does anyone have the whole episode or something to watch?

  10. but see how they have made propaganda in the "independent" circulation of information among atheistic "truth seekers" that Russia is a good answer to the nwo together with china etc. meanwhile russia, china, korea etc - red communist heirs, bear, dragon and rabbit (rabbit means trick and deception, illusion) can be a good tool for the nwo

    1. Yes, Russia, China,Iran,Belarus, Hungary, Serbia,nationalism, right-wing,patriotism-are the cure for the NWO, but they are not the cure for this world or Satan's system.
      Before the time of the antichrist comes, and the beast of the nwo falls.
      They were created so that people would love the one who would destroy them (i.e., the antichrist)


    What is happening to these people... And to think that there are people who believe this

    1. She'll always write you back no matter what the arguments are: YOUR TEXT IS A REACTION TO THE COLLAPSE OF YOUR EGO STRUCTURE. YOU'RE WAKING UP FROM HYPNOSIS

      new age sect...pray for it

    2. That's nothing yet.
      I have not looked there for a long time, but I look and there are such titles




      I watched part of this 1,and I don't think I'll sleep
      He was so scared of em

      1. This woman's eyes alone are terrifying, I won't say... Of course I will pray for her

  12. I've been seeing more of this lately, a commercial with this logo, a t-shirt with a disney star showing the 6 gesture on his eye, models on a stained glass window covering half their face with their hand. It's getting bad, more and more movies and games are imbued with these logos.

    1. At the 2014 World Cup, one of the players had this mark tattooed on him.

  13. Regarding the movie The Fugitive. The year is 2017, which means the big crash is coming soon? And what else do we have there? The main evil character is named Damon Killian.
    Something close to Demon Kill.

    1. It is also shown in this video how TV manipulates.
      With a special app they prepare a scene how the main character dies and show it live. And the truth is completely different.

  14. The crash will probably happen as early as next month, someone has misled you, I have already watched 2 episodes of the x-archive and my detailed analysis is now underway.

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