Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Norway's largest bank urges people to give up cash

"DNB Bank says cash has gone out of everyday use in Norway and functions mainly on the black market, reports The Local."




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App 13


(15) And it was given to him to breathe a spirit into the statue of the beast, so that the statue of the beast would speak and cause all who did not worship the statue of the beast to be killed. (16) He also causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, (17) and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the animal or the number of its name. (18) This is where wisdom is needed. He that hath understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast; for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six."



Updated: 26 January 2016 — 20:18


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  1. The devil is watching, the plan is being put into action, the cashless plan, the chipping of people, and now, Lord Jesus, have mercy on us! Hallelujah

  2. That's why you need to promote cash payments in stores, etc. I canceled the payment card as soon as they introduced fees for it. Let the will of Heaven be done, you always have to agree with it, but you can always do a little against the system;)

  3. I support it. I take out coins or bills everywhere I go and let them count it, even small ones. I read that a Chinese man in China paid so small that the cashier counted it for 24 hours hahaha that's what you call doing against the system with God :).

    Perhaps the prophecies of Zechariah 5 will soon be fulfilled.Should we be afraid? NO! Let us rejoice that the words of our God and the prophecies of His servants are being fulfilled.Let us remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ that all this must happen! At the end of this video there is a scary trailer of some horror movie referring to this whole situation.I don't recommend watching it for people with weaker psyche.I personally got scared terribly 🙁

    1. They are intentionally scaring us.
      It's the same way this whole nwo/iluminati thing works

  5. There are no laws in Babylon, fear rules in Babylon
    here a man kills a man for money
    people chase poisoned dreams, bite each other like dogs

  6. I think I agree with the admin, but looking at what is happening it seems to me that Poland will be under the influence of the USSR as before, and interestingly Germany too, or at least the greater part of 2/3 of it, more on that later, I have to admit that Groxt has made a good point, in fact at 23 there is still a lot of pressure with the snowstorm in the USA and now the shooting in San Diego, everything is going according to the Bible and everything is around us God have mercy on us and take us to the Feast of the Lamb Hallelujah!

  7. France, the fall of Europe, this is the end of a country that has given up God and its European roots and has brought millions of black people with it, what a pity France was such a proud and strong nation, so many centuries of history and what for nothing.....

  8. Resignation of cash, card with a chip, all this would be really very good and convenient - imagine, you go to the ZUS and do not stand in line, just ID card by putting it to the panel and you get what you want. In truth it would be good but not in this world, for this you need honesty. If no one had bad intentions (and they do) it would be a great solution (proof, driver's license, passport in one)

  9. Hello everyone just now I am up to date . Bank DNB since 2014 prevented people from withdrawing money directly from the cash register from employees . Personally, I was in the bank to withdraw money but at the window and not from the ATM (there are limits on the card weekly 9 thousand crowns). And the lady was surprised that I have an ATM, and if I want it, I have to go to the post office and get it there. I was terribly surprised, because I was in the bank and could not choose my money? Also DNB itself will close this option . And by force they want to introduce cashless transactions .

    1. It is as Daria wrote, also the limits per card per week. And the gentlemen from the beginning of the discussion should not be so proud of how they cheat the system. Please take a small child with you to the store and stand at the checkout with this toddler on your arm for e.g. an hour counting change. It is good to advise and discuss when you are not in a similar situation yourself. Besides, in Norway in every store there are machines for counting change, which the buyer throws in, and the same machine gives the change. The sales clerk sits quietly and does not count anything. What if the sales clerk in China was your wife? Then it wouldn't be so funny that she sits at work all day counting money. We Christian wives run to the store to buy groceries to cook dinner for our family and then we read the blog and what do we read? Comments from our brothers, and what comments anyone can read. Certainly not for comfort.

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