Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Grace and Glory - the threat of legalism


Let me tell you, when I attended services, there was something I didn't like. I know now that it was the rules, the formalism.

Plan: welcome, song, speech, song, speech, song, remembrance, song. Once a month agape (meeting over a cookie). People didn't even know each other well. Several young people to this day are distraught at the loneliness in that church.


I support the lecturer regarding the wine at Cana. It was real wine. You know what? When I started my way of being born again, awakened, I believed some Adventist text that it couldn't be wine but grape juice. After 2 years when I read the Bible myself, I came to the conclusion that it was real wine. Not from a religionist text, but on my own.

Isn't it the case that the holiday that was December 25th is legalism? I've been, I've bounced....

Even those unfortunate YOUtuber fans were probably partaking in the festivities.

Hypocrisy for thousands of years.

Updated: 29 December 2015 — 20:39


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  1. REJS Synthesis of antithesis One is either for or against Jesus. One cannot be syncretistic (ecumenical). It ends badly.

      1. This is how religious, spiritual, political leaders, and authority figures respond to uncomfortable questions,

  2. So off topic... Look what a beautiful moon today 😀 .

    1. God's got the power 🙂 .

  3. Jesus never abolished the Law.Om came to fulfill it.The laws that Yahweh God engraved with His finger are eternal!

    1. Are you in the service of death and damnation ? :

      "If then the ministry of death, written in letters on tablets of stone, had such glory that the children of Israel could not look upon the face of Moses because of the transient brightness of his countenance, (8) will not the ministry of the Spirit have far more glory? (9) For if the ministry of condemnation has glory, far more shall the ministry of righteousness have glory" - 2 Corinthians 3:7-9 BW - the decalogue is not in force, and the Sabbath was not a moral law, but a ceremonial one - Adventism among others completely errs on the subject of the Sabbath

      There is a Law of Christ where, for example, adultery is not just physical contact, but a condition of the heart.

      AND as for the Sabbath - Christ is the Sabbath rest. I don't know if you've read Adventist erroneous things, for example, but if you have, don't get screwed by their erroneous teachings, including Ellen White, their obsessions with food, their eschatology, etc. The Lord Jesus is not the Archangel Michael - Adventism errs in this area as well

      1. What makes us think that the Decalogue does not apply to us and is not a moral law? Can God's Word contradict itself? The moral law are the commandments given to Moses, written by God Himself with His finger on tablets of stone. The ceremonial law is all the precepts and laws written by Moses and given to the Levites. And under their curse we are no longer!

        And does the Sabbath not apply to us? What does God's Word say about this? 2Moses 31:17 "Between me and the children of Israel it will be a sign FOREVER, for in six days Yahweh created the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh He rested and rested." In Ezekiel 20:20 we read "hallow my Sabbaths and let them be a sign between me and you, that it may be known that I, Yahweh, am your God." That we are spiritual Israel who are bound by commandments we can read in Romans 2:28-29 "For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, and this is not the circumcision that is visible on the body, But he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and this is the circumcision that is a circumcision of the heart, in the spirit and not according to the letter; such a one has glory not with men but with God."

        Mark 7:6-9 "This people worships me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Yet in vain do they worship me, preaching doctrines that ARE human doctrines. You are defiling the commandments of God, and clinging to human doctrine. And he said unto them, Ye wickedly abrogate the commandments of God, that ye may keep your own doctrine."
        Jesus was the Lord of the Sabbath, He kept it Himself. Just like the commandments of which we read John 15:10 "If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love."
        In Heb 4:9 we read "For there remains yet a Sabbath rest for the people of God." Other translations read "Saturday day rest".

        The Sabbath is obviously not necessary for salvation. Many people do not understand the nature of the Sabbath, which is not about rituals and rules. Devote this day to God-pray, study His Word, and you will experience the wonderful way He speaks to you at this special time. You may not keep the Fourth Commandment, but if you are hoping to become a Bride, forget it. Jesus comes for His church without blemish or wrinkle. She is to be TOTALLY obedient, she is to fulfill His commandment and she is to live a holy life. "Here the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and faith in Jesus will be demonstrated. "Rev 14:12

        It is also worth noting that when the new heavens and new earth come, the Sabbath will also be observed! Isaiah 66:22-23 "For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will create, shall stand before me, saith Yahweh, so shall your seed and your name stand. And it shall be that every new day and every Sabbath every man shall come to worship me."

        I think it is very unfair to lump all Sabbath observers together as Adventists. I don't belong to any church, but I do celebrate it.
        Also...get rid of pride and ask God Himself if this day is important. Pray, ask, and I guarantee you that through His Word He will give you an answer very quickly. It surprises me that many people who consider themselves to be very religious do not want to ask God what is important.

        1. Monica- sister ... You gave a quote about Jesus being the Lord of the Sabbath. Exactly. Also : "For there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God".
          In whom do we have rest in the New Covenant? To Whom shall all the weary, suffering, and longing for a close relationship with the Father come? To the Lord Jesus, is it not?
          How do we worship God? In Spirit and Truth, is it not? Who is that Truth?
          The new born in the Holy Spirit receives such a gift that he desires to study God's Word with all his heart, feeding on it, spending time with Christ, praising Him DAILY. He is our Sabbath.

          You wrote :
          "Also...get rid of pride and ask God Himself if this day is important. Pray, ask, and I guarantee you that through His Word He will give you an answer very quickly. It surprises me lately that many people who consider themselves to be very religious don't want to ask God what is important."

          A little unfair - don't you think?

        2. Also, Monica:
          "The sabbath is appointed for man, and not man for the sabbath" (Mark 2.27)

          You may remember how the Pharisees criticized Jesus for healing on the Sabbath?
          It is in Christ that we have rest from our works when we come to Him in full faith and trust.
          So Jesus did not abolish the Sabbath-He is the very Sabbath.

          Greetings in Christ .

          1. Magdula, Shabbat is not to be a yoke or a burden. We are to build a relationship with God every day, but on this special Sabbath day we are to give all our attention to Him. Not to work, rest and do GOOD things as Jesus did by healing on the Sabbath. These are not rituals and...Jesus is not the day (because you write that He is the Sabbath).

            Is it unfair to ask God for His will, His truth? I don't think so. I don't understand why Christians insist on their opinion instead of asking for the revelation of His will.

            Remember that Jesus comes for the obedient Bride.

            1. "Jesus is not the day (because you write that He is the Sabbath)."

              Monica, I don't think you read carefully what I wrote.

            2. "But on this special Sabbath day we are to give our full attention to Him. Not to work, to rest, and to DO GOOD as Jesus did by healing on the Sabbath."

              Monica, could you please write which day is this Sabbath day - how do you determine this day in today's times and in the current calendar?

              You also wrote : "I don't understand why Christians insist on their opinion instead of asking for a revelation of His will."

              Are you sure that you are not judging unjustly with these words? How can you be sure, for example, that Brother "Eirene" does not directly address the questions he wants answered to God and that he does not ask Him for His will, that he does not wish to do His will with all his heart and soul?

              1. II. The Lord's Day
                This is the day the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24).
                Resurrection Day: a new creation
                2174 Jesus rose from the dead "on the first day of the week" (Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1). As "day one," the day of Christ's Resurrection recalls the first creation. As the "eighth day," which follows the Sabbath,84 it marks the new creation initiated with the Resurrection of Christ. It has become for Christians the first of all days, the first of all feasts, the Lord's day (he Kyriake hemera, dies dominica), Sunday:
                Our assemblies are therefore held on the day of the sun, because it is the first day on which God brought matter out of darkness and created the world, and Jesus Christ our Savior rose from the dead on that day.85 Those who persisted in the old order have moved on to a new hope and no longer keep the Sabbath, but celebrate the Lord's day, the day on which our lives were blessed by Christ and by his death.87

                Magdula this is from the catechism of the church, they know very well that Sunday is the first day of the week and Saturday=Sabbath is the seventh day.
                In addition, I often listen to Radio Maryja and there is often discussed the issue of Sunday, they want this day to be free from work.And they will do it.It is worth considering why they care so much about it.

                1. There will be "brainwashing" of Sunday churches. I'm not sure, but it seems to me that most Protestant churches have already signed on to make Sunday worship mandatory. The pastor of the church I left (because of the Sabbath) thinks that Saturday is not important, that the idea of the Sabbath is a heretical and apostate movement... If I told you the teaching of the pastor of this church you would probably catch your head. A perfect example of carnal Christianity 🙁 .

                2. ",They want this day to be a statutory holiday.And they will do it."

                  I know, I've heard about it and it can be thought-provoking. I also know about the replacement of Sunday with the seventh day by the Catholic Church, but Wojtus, does this mean that we should judge someone for not worshipping the Sabbath on a particular day? After all, according to the ancient Jewish calendar the days were determined by numbers and besides the Sabbath did not always fall on the same day which is the day known today as "Saturday" as far as I know.

                  After all, I'm not saying that someone is doing wrong if he wants to observe the Sabbath strictly, because that's not the point.

                  You see ... if I work every other Saturday and Sunday and spend every other day (in fact every day, even at work I have the opportunity to do so) "feeding" on God's Word and with Jesus Christ and getting to know Him and deepening my personal relationship with Him, am I doing wrong?

            3. "In summary, theoretically there are two ways of justification: by works and by faith. For justification to be by works, a person must be without reproach to the Law. No one is without reproach. That is why the Bible says that "no one will be justified by the works of the Law" because no one meets its requirements. And that is why Jesus died for everyone, so that everyone can be justified by the merits of Jesus! In contrast, those who claim that we must "merit" justification by works are cheapening the righteousness of God. Since they know that no one is perfect, they "lower the bar" by saying that if we try, God will notice and somehow forgive. This makes God into a corrupt judge who bends the Law. The concept of "justification by works" bypasses God's justice and emphasizes only his mercy. The concept of "justification by faith," on the other hand, is consistent with the justice of God and at the same time represents the mercy of God. In this case, the one does not exclude the other, for the innocent lamb of God made a sacrifice for human sin. "
              see article on "following Jesus", "the role of God's Law in man's salvation"
              in the next video I will show something that clearly illustrates WHAT THE LAW IS....

          2. And then there's this beautiful passage:

            "And so there remains yet a rest for the people of God. For he that hath entered into his rest hath himself rested from his works, as God from his. Let us therefore strive earnestly to enter into that rest, that no one may fall, following this example of disobedience" Hebrews 4.9-11.


            "For whosoever keepeth the whole law, and transgresseth in one, he becomes guilty of all. For he who said, You shall not commit adultery, said also, You shall not murder; if therefore you do not commit adultery, but murder, you are a transgressor of the law". (James 2:10,11).

            Are we able to keep the WHOLE law (the law of works)? Certainly not. So, if we keep strictly the Sabbath day as it was in the Old Covenant, but at the same time break another commandment, we become transgressors of the whole law.

            Jesus alone has only fulfilled all the requirements of God's law, assuring us of His grace therefore there is no rest outside of Jesus 🙂

        3. My understanding of all this is that the Law is eternal, but even in the days when there were no conditions for it, the Law was not kept.

          Now there are no conditions either because the homeland is gone:-(

  4. It is true that Christian churches may be threatened by legalism, which often turns Christians away from God and neighbor, but the question is where does this legalism begin. Is it true that when I tell Pastor Chojecki that Christians should not celebrate Christmas, including decorating the Christmas tree, am I still an opponent of unbiblical customs or am I a legalist, because this is what Pastor Chojecki called the people who lectured him about "Christmas"?

  5. Great sermon, be sure to listen...

  6. The author of the film, Jan W. Klif, is a former Satanist. He felt on his own skin what the dark side of power is. In the 1980s he was a musician and singer in black metal bands and an occultist.

  7. Perhaps unrelated to the topic, but a peek at what's really going on already...

    1. "pentagram maxi dress" 😀 massacre

  8. Another example of a celebrity who is not afraid to talk about faith: Not a bad case. Even leaving aside his belief in the veracity of the "right-wing-left-wing" opposition, perhaps he doesn't know it's theatrical. What is in my opinion even more embarrassing, is his submission to the Great Whore - because whoever does not speak out against the Roman Church is for me as if he was bowing down to them, taking into account how much power the Jesuits and the Vatican really have. Bazelak is supposedly a Protestant, but he sympathizes with the Catholic Church. And the reason for that is especially sad because whoever disagrees with such an argument and points out his lukewarmness will inevitably be labeled either a "lefty" or a "heretic". And when asked about the source of his talent for hitting his neighbor so hard (in exchange for a large sum of money) that he falls unconscious like a freshly cut tree on the verge of life and death, he will probably point his finger upwards towards heaven, like Tomasz Adamek, another catholic experienced in neutralizing donkeys. Disgusting.

    1. "Has no one pointed out to you the inappropriateness of the T-shirt you are wearing? Demonism, Satanism, magic, the worship of pagan beliefs - all these can be read from it."
      This "Christian" does not mind wearing and promoting T-shirts with satanic, occult and pagan symbols.
      I fear that Freemasonry has begun "producing" pseudo-Christians ready to carry out the last part of the three wars plan.

      1. Oh that's right, I have the identical sentiment. The world is probably supposed to think that these pseudo-Christians like Bazelak, or Tyson Fury (boxing/MMA/martial arts are clearly satanic) are true followers of Jesus because they talk about Him. And are they wise as serpents and gentle as doves? Have they abandoned their lucrative careers in Satan's system? Do they not see the various pathologies in the Catholic Church? Well...

  9. I did not listen to it to the end because I could not manage it. There are a lot of things in there that are grating, and it's generally quite chaotic.
    Yes, we are not under Law, but under Grace - the Law of the Heart. It is on our hearts, instead of tablets of stone, that the Lord has engraved the Law. He has given us a feeling for it, not merely an understanding of it, and a burning need to do His will.
    True, Grace can easily be turned into debauchery and Law into legalism. But both coupled together is the freedom the Lord has given us.
    Christ revealed what the Law is all about and what it is in essence, but He abolished nothing.
    "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or line shall be changed in the Law, until all things be fulfilled. Whoever, therefore, does away with one of these commandments, however small, and teaches people so, he will be the least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever fulfills them and teaches them to be fulfilled will be great in the kingdom of heaven." (Mt. 5:17-19)

    As for the Sabbath, the handkerchief, etc., we are bound by the principle: whatever does not flow from conviction is sin. And it is not the conviction that is injected into us by human interpretation of Scripture, but what we know after reading it with the Holy Spirit. Personally, I was closest to the Lord when His Law was everything to me, when it was unthinkable for me to do anything related to working on the Sabbath.
    Only when we do something out of consideration for people or put our hope in the act itself do we become Pharisees. When we do something that comes out of the fear of God and love for Him, that includes Law and Grace equally, and we don't look at what we or anyone else thinks about it, then there is freedom.

    1. "Only when we do something out of consideration for people or put our hope in the act itself do we become Pharisees. When we do something that flows out of the fear of God and love for Him, that includes Law and Grace equally, and we don't look at what we or anyone else thinks about it, then there is freedom.

      A very good point 🙂

      I was reminded of another passage from the Letter to the Romans:

      " And the one who is weak in faith1, take him in kindly, without arguing about opinions. 2 One is of the opinion that you can eat everything; the other, weak, eats only vegetables. 3 The one who eats [everything], let him not despise the one who does not eat [everything], and the one who does not eat, let him not condemn the one who eats; for God has graciously taken him in. 4 Who are you that dare to judge another's servant? Whether he stands or falls is his lord's business. He will stand, for his Lord has power to keep him standing.
      5 One makes a distinction between certain days, and another regards all as equal: let each hold to his conviction! 6 Whoever observes certain days observes them for the Lord, and whoever eats everything eats for the Lord. For to God he gives thanks. And he who doesn't eat everything doesn't eat for the Lord's sake, and he also gives thanks to God. 7 But none of us lives to himself, and none dies to himself: 8 for if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. And therefore in life and in death we belong to the Lord. 9 For for this cause Christ died and came back to life, that he might rule over the dead as well as over the living.2
      10 Why then do you condemn your brother? Or why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the tribunal of God. 11 For it is written:
      On my life, says the Lord, before me shall every knee kneel.
      and every tongue shall praise God.3
      12 So each of us about himself will give an account to God."

      and another from the Epistle to the Colossians:

      "Let no one therefore judge you because of the food or drink (which you eat) or because of the festival or new moon or Sabbath (which you do not celebrate), for all these are but shadows of things to come; but the reality is Christ. (If you died with Christ to the elements of the world, why do you (again) submit to such prohibitions as if you were living in the world: do not touch, do not taste, do not move? After all ... these are only commandments and teachings of men, having the appearance of wisdom in rituals invented by men, in humiliation of self and mortification of the flesh, but having no value when it comes to the mastery of the senses." (Col 2:16-17;20-23)

      1. Thank you Magda for your comment 🙂 I agree with you.
        "Judge not, that ye be not judged.
        For with such judgment as you judge, you too
        Judges; and with such a measure as ye measure,
        they will measure to you."-(Matthew 7:1-2)

  10. The greatest black image of Christianity is done by the apparent followers of Christ, but they are unfortunately the most numerous...The true disciples of Jesus are a handful...Are we ourselves them?

    1. The posers have the real ones for the last...

    2. That's right, brother detmold 🙂 apt point.
      How much of us is a follower of Jesus Christ, and how much of us is the attitude presented by the "scribes" who were only looking for ways to catch the Lord in some error, catching words, looking for opportunities to reproach. Isn't it a trap to fall into the certainty that one has exclusive rights to God? But maybe I shouldn't comment, what can I know, after all I am only a "baby in the faith".

  11. Monica wrote:
    "There will be 'brainwashing' of Sunday churches. I can't be sure, but it seems to me that most Protestant churches have already signed on to mandatory Sunday worship."

    "If I introduced you to the teachings of the pastor of this church you would probably grab your head. A perfect example of carnal Christianity 🙁 "

    I believe that both condemning someone in Christ for not worshipping Sunday and for not worshipping Saturday is not right and an example of carnal Christianity.

    Let me remind you of Paul's words in Romans and Colossians, which I quoted above.

    1. It was supposed to be :
      I believe that both condemning someone in Christ for not worshipping Sunday and for not worshipping Saturday is not okay and IS an example of carnal Christianity.

    2. I don't worship Sunday on Sundays, and maybe you can also worship Sunday NOT on Sundays... it's for Sunday worshippers I understand, but it's an empty name because they don't exist, Sunday is not a god for us. Civilization now worships Friday more than Sunday because it is the last day of work and the beginning of parties and libations....

      1. " Sunday is not a god to us."

        Well, Adi... and that is the point... that's why you can't go to extremes because it's not the day we are supposed to worship but our personal, living Creator and Savior 🙂 .

        1. I'm sorry Magdulka, and I'm surprised that you took my comment as an attempt to judge you or anyone (you should know that;-)
          I just wholeheartedly seek the truth and in commenting I am guided by love and not judgment.
          By the way, I recommend a beautiful "radio play" on the Sabbath:

          who wants to listen to it.

          1. Wojtusiu but I didn't take your comment that way at all 🙂 I think you misunderstood me.... I know that you are not trying to judge me or anyone else. I asked you that question just purely rhetorically because unfortunately in some Christian churches it goes to blatant extremes. This unfortunately happens not only in the Catholic Church 🙁 )

            I know that you also seek truth with all your heart - I am sure of that about you.

            And the "radio play" you suggested I'd love to listen to.
            We're all still learning 🙂 .

    3. Magdula only God's Word can judge, certainly not me 🙂 You can stone me for what I write, you have the right to disagree, throw a lot of Scripture verses, insult, etc., but you must know that Jesus will come for those who fulfill the commandments (10 not 603 of the whole law), who live holy lives, who do not compromise with sin, who fight with their carnality, who say a firm "NO" to this world.
      The rest will be wedding guests, but they will have to go through the Great Tribulation. If it is hard for us to live holy lives now how will it be in the WU when our Bibles are burned and we are persecuted and killed?

      1. "You can stone me for what I write, you have the right to disagree, throw a lot of Scripture verses, insult, etc.,"

        Monica 🙂 Where did it occur to you that someone would want to stone you here? Did you feel that way?
        I don't think anyone was offended either. At least not me 🙂
        If this is how you took my posts, for example, I am sorry but you are wrong.
        Anyway, I don't get offended that easily.... well maybe sometimes for a while but it passes quickly 🙂 .

        Monika I believe that each of us here has sincere intentions and wants to follow Christ with all our heart and none of us has a patent on the absolute truth so we have to stick to Jesus and pursue the truth together, sometimes argue and chastise but we must also remember what order we are in now as a newly born of the Holy Spirit. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us not forget that.

        Greetings in Christ

        1. Eh... to correct again 🙁 sorry....
          I wasn't going to write : what order we are in but UNDER what order....

        2. Magdula, I absolutely did not feel attacked:) this is an extremely cultured blog 😉 lately I've been a bit persecuted for openly admitting to celebrating the Sabbath, for saying we need to turn away from sin...the funniest thing is that "brothers in Christ" do it, so I'm willing to take it all in stride 😉

          1. Perhaps no one is persecuting you, but merely resisting possible pressure. I don't know if you are pressuring anyone as Adventism does, but the attitude of Adventism is wrong, as is its teaching on the Sabbath and beyond.

            " For one makes a difference between day and day, and another judges each day equally. Let each one be well assured of his intention.
            6 Whoever observes the day, for the Lord observes, and whoever does not observe the day, for the Lord does not observe. Whoever eats, for the Lord's sake eats, because he gives thanks to God; and whoever does not eat, for the Lord's sake does not eat and gives thanks to God. " - Romans 14:5-6 UBG

            " So let no one judge you because of the food or drink, as to the feast, the new moon or the Sabbaths.
            17 These are shadows of things to come, but the body is Christ. " - Colossians 2:16-17 UBG

            Adam, Noah, Abraham, etc. did not observe the Sabbath because they did not know it. Had they known it, it would not have been a sign between God and Israel. There is not a single command in the New Testament to observe the Sabbath, but there are warnings against those who command it, who condemn others, who stir up their souls.

            If you keep the Sabbath, keep it, but others have the right to treat each day the same. Paul wrote this because he knew that the Sabbath was never a moral law, but a ceremonial law given only to Israel under the old covenant. Christ came and all ceremonial shadows were fulfilled in the Lord - He is the Sabbath.


            1. I am following this discussion about the Sabbath, because until six months ago such a term was not in my vocabulary, and even now this issue is very unclear to me. However, I would be inclined to support the statements of Brother Eirene and Sister Magdula given the NT passages given....

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