Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"Queen's message for Christmas 2015: Enjoy your last Christmas"

First Francis announced that this Christmas could be his last, and now the Queen of England has reinforced that.



The Queen shared the sensational news yesterday while filming her annual Christmas message for the BBC, making an allusion to her deep personal grief over Princess Diana's murder, according to a well-informed BBC employee.


Evidently concerned, the queen said: "She knew too much." The queen asked her subjects to understand that the royal family simply did what was necessary for its own survival.


Senior BBC production staff and palace advisers attempted to cancel the shoot, but not before the Queen expressed grave concerns that this would be the last Christmas on earth, as sinister forces far stronger than her own marched through Europe, becoming more successful every day.


"I hope you are enjoying your last Christmas," she said bitterly before BBC staff, under strict orders from palace advisers, cancelled that take and sent lower-ranking staff to an earlier lunch. Later that day, that message was recorded again, and the second take proved less troubling to the establishment."



Translated by Jacek. Thank you.


One thing is for sure, the stage for 2016 is prepared, and so are the actors, but the people of the world are not prepared.

May Jesus Christ keep you in his protection.

Updated: 27 December 2015 — 16:53


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  1. May God be merciful to us weak and sinful people.

    1. We are but miserable dust. May your will be done, God.

      1. "The dust shall return to the ground as it was, but the spirit shall return to God who gave it." [Koh 12:7]

      2. God loves something that is just detmagog dust?

        1. In the face of the majesty of God, we mean little.

          1. "But I am poor and destitute, but the Lord cares for me."
            Psalm 40:18

    2. May our heavenly Father say, son/daughter enter into My glory.

  2. All right, then. Let's get this all over with.

    1. Thanks Diana for the link. Let's keep our thoughts and hearts directed to the Lord and our eye on the scheming of the evil one... The elites are probably planning a great deception, so let's abide in the Lord Jesus.

    2. What if someone had said that 10 years ago - how many of us would have been saved? I was not a disciple of Christ 10 years ago. If it lasts another 20 or 40 years or more then praise the Lord - His plan is perfect and it will be another X years of grace, but as we know the time of grace will have its end one day. But the Lord's plan lasts forever and is perfect. We must ask for patience, for an outpouring of love through the filling of the Spirit - Romans 5:5.


      1. it's not quite as you write MD.

        I don't think that our parents stuck in the KRK will not be saved. This is my personal opinion, albeit supported by quotes from the Bible.
        I won't go into the subject, but in my opinion it is not as we have been told for 10-20 years that God is waiting. God has a date that we don't know.

  3. society is not prepared because it is now more important for people to know where they will go and what they will wear on New Year's Eve

    and there is one verse that illustrates well society's approach to life

    Let's drink and eat or we'll die tomorrow

    1. The tragedy of this situation is truly heartbreaking. Precious time wasted, instead of being used to contemplate the Word and God, is spent booking a last-minute appointment with a beleaguered hairdresser in a trendy vanity salon, or even, as is increasingly the case with young men, seeking out a luxurious 20-something prostitute to fulfill their wildest whims. Additionally, the few non-drinkers on that day seem abnormal to the crowd. Marana tha, one would like to shout...

    2. Well, for the body only for the body, and what comes after that is "what was meant to be"...

  4. We will go in and out and find pasture. And we will finally see the shepherd. It is my faint hope that this is given to us, brothers and sisters. ?

  5. I already wrote about this a few weeks ago on the forums that this past Christmas is rarely news.

  6. Pepsi has created a strange video and its trailer not related to their product, but to a black alien satellite orbiting Earth. The whole thing is called "Black Knight Decoded" "Black Knight Decoded"

    At 1:08 of the video the name of this video appears in a special font, DECOD3D where the letter E is reversed to the left and stands for three. When we move it to the right place we have: DEC 30 DD which means: December 30 D-Day

    D-Day The Normandy landings - was a watershed moment of World War II in Europe.

    Perhaps it's a message along the lines of that WT911F where all you had to do was move the letter F to have a WTF911 from November 13, when some space object was supposed to fall.

    1. Hmm, interesting, that is like the date this space object fell, just what could it mean? Even more interesting is this D-day.

      1. The date of the fall of this space object ?

        1. it's a sign that the millstone is getting closer, the millstone resembles a ufo disk and some read it that way Satan will reveal himself

          1. Either way, it's symbolic of an evil spirit working in the air

    2. There's been a lot of buzz about this video lately, and looking at the number of sci-fi movies about UFOs, it's an increasingly promoted topic. Maybe they'll figure something out with "aliens" soon enough.

    3. Such a D-Day curiosity. The Allied landing began
      June 6, at 6 a.m.
      1944.06.06 06:0

  7. Yournewswire website is as reliable as or other wyborcza. Nowhere is this video cut out. The same with the alleged text of Francis about how these entourage can be the last.
    Are we supposed to take our word for it because some website writes about it?

    1. I have heard that some charismatics are trying to fit various statements into their apocalyptic theories, even twisting them.

  8. Queen, Pope and the rest of the rulers and greats of this fallen world, Satan will not save you, and in you burning flame you will end!

  9. In my opinion, 2016 might as well see the destruction of the Great Babylon (Vatican City) and that is why, according to the Pope and Queen, the current Christmas is the last...

  10. Admin Peter, what else can we do besides preaching the gospel and making people aware of the dangers? We have no influence on the earthly authorities, which are under the control of the evil one... Aha. We can, yes, we should pray for salvation of ourselves and our loved ones.

    1. well, you've answered yourself detmold

    2. We can also give an example of life, a testimony to others - how a Christian should behave and live.

    3. The earthly authorities and the evil one are under the control of Christ - He is the head - He has everything under control. Even when the antichrist comes it is written again and again that e.g. : "He has been given authority". - Although the Lord hates sin, he permits evil to exist within certain limits, but he will destroy it in the end when God's plan comes to completion

      " For in him dwells bodily all the fullness of the Godhead.
      10 And you are complete in him, who is the head of all authority and power" - Colossians 2:9-10 UBG


  11. Look at the logo of WYD. Do you see there the eye and the Egyptian cross, but inverted, i.e. with the loop down. Is it my overinterpretation and exaggeration.

    1. it also looks like a woman's womb with a baby inside

  12. I got an interesting message-mark from fey:
    "We ask everyone on Facebook to use their real names and
    names so their friends know who they are contacting. We will ask
    you again on December 30.
    Reply to this message with a copy of your proof
    identities. More information about the types we accept
    identity documents can be found at"

    1. It's like, they're doing a census and it's time to permanently log off?

      1. see if they will delete my account on the 30th, you can see that they care about personal data, it is one big database of people and their spiritual sympathies after all...

        1. adi don't be naive. We are all in their databases. Our skype conversations, phone numbers, dates of birth, etc.

  13. Hmm... but what could it all mean? War, the end of the world?

    1. Nothing really concrete. Certainly that there is a stage prepared to visit

    2. Probably not the end of the world, war? hmm, not enough information so far, more probably the destruction of the Vatican, the mass collapse of Catholicism and perhaps other Christian denominations and the mass introduction of one world religion.

  14. You've been lying out of your mind for years
    because the masses have short memories
    you're running dry
    but every lie has its end

    You've been spinning the bat for years
    that will soon bleed your skin
    pride will get you lost
    and death will come with the day of judgment.

  15. If the words of the queen are not distorted in this entry, it means that it is not about the last Christmas at all, but that it is the last one, as we say "the last Monday" etc.

    No emotion...

    1. Well, the text was translated by a professional English speaker.

    2. Nag an,
      I don't know if it will be for Satan's servant Francis
      "last Monday" or last "holiday" for the goddess from England,
      or maybe... "last Sunday" [as in the song], and then
      Shall we part? - They'll be lifted up... "into the sky by their kind alien brothers."
      and they - these gods - will hide in underground cities and be
      Watch the slaughter of needless humanity and the "glory" of demons,
      Whatever they say, or even if they are silent - they are satanists.
      Sorry it's from onet, but we're already being "fed" ... and the father is dead
      He is, after all, a role model for the inebriated, ... "the faithful otherwise".

      does the pope know the truth about aliens ?

      "The flow of information and knowledge in the 21st century is enormous. In just a few minutes some news can promise the whole world. However, there are still plenty of puzzles and mysteries that the whole of humanity is puzzling over..."

      1. an "interlude" or even a musical score ?
        lasts only 43 seconds,
        and Frank looked up tenderly, and Elka shrugged,
        gee... incomprehensible 🙂 🙂 🙂

        Chmielna Orchestra - This Last Sunday

      2. and, in Yiddish, you've heard
        this song? - No?
        you're welcome 🙂 .

        Last Sunday - Letstikn shabes

        everyone has a chance to convert,
        even Elka and Frank... and if not, let them
        fall into a tree,
        although... it's a bit of a shame about the tree,
        ...can't carry, ...such a "burden"
        contempt and derogation.

  16. Artificial small world Artificial material
    Artificial Little People In Stiff Clothes
    They have artificial faces They are waiting for the morning
    Artificial Little People In Stiff Clothes

    They want to be instant Like powdered soup
    They want to be instant Like an electronic brain
    A World of Artificial Dreams Controlled by Television
    The world of great illusions and their artificial visions

    1. detmold Did you write this or is it an excerpt from a song?

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