Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

What to do during family visits on these Catholic/Pagan holidays?

Born again Christians do not decorate Christmas trees in their homes, do not prepare many meals on December 24-26, but are invited to their families. The situation becomes awkward. So what to do?


Unfortunately, we have been pushed to the margins of society and any customs that are not in line with the tradition of the church are met with disapproval by society. In our own way we are excluded. The Roman religion is in Poland a religion of tyranny and social pressure. We are freaks because we read the Bible.

This is how we look in the eyes of our family with our biblical views:



What to do in this situation?

Do you share a wafer?

Do you give something for Christmas?


The issue is simple, in a situation where someone either has a truncated family or is old enough and independent enough that they will just sit at home.

Otherwise, I propose:


  1. Prepare biblical quotations, because this is the only time, except maybe for Easter, when we can smuggle in the Word of God like a thief, through which we can develop a discussion. It is almost guaranteed that in a larger group there will be a black sheep who doesn't like the Catholic Church and who will support us in the event of a discussion about an incompatibility of the church's dogmas with the Bible. It all depends on how the conversation goes and how much courage you have in your declaration of faith.
  2. The wafer is a simple wafer and I personally see no objection to sharing it, as in celebrating the memorial of the Lord Jesus.
  3. You can always limit yourself to wishes based on blessings. Say, "Uncle, I wish you many blessings from God in the name of Jesus Christ.
  4.  "Christmas. Probably some of them will get our families presents. They will say it's under the star, from the star, under the Christmas tree...and we can go to the car, to the room, depending on where we have prepared the packages and say that we also have gifts for you, because God blessed us this year.

Before such a visit I would pray for strength in spreading the Word of God, wisdom in conversation and for the Lord Jesus to touch the hearts of our family. Most of them will now look at us as idiots if we mention God more than three times, but after a few months they will see our transformation and will wonder where this metamorphosis came from in our lives.

Let us remember, we are no better than Catholics, we have only received the grace of knowing. Let us show humility, service and love during these visits. Let's take a special interest in the sick and silent guests, e.g., the depressed teenager who doesn't look happy but is probably experiencing some problems.

Let's not flaunt our knowledge. It rejects it.

Our Catholic families, they are God's people. Catholics are them, but not yet us.

God says in the apocalypse:

My people, get out of it,
so that you may not share in her sins."

Christians - into battle! To the Glory of God the Father and Jesus Christ!

Updated: 21 December 2015 — 19:58


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  1. I have a plan for my wife to lead the official part of the service this year. She will read a Bible passage about Christmas and then lead a prayer and forget the one to Mary. It should work.

  2. There is also an "extreme" version.If a family invites you to a Christmas Eve party, you can politely say thank you for the invitation, but you are a Christian and do not celebrate the birthday of Horus, Mithras or any other idol who was born on December 25th and you can make the family aware that they are being lied to by the KK.Finally, you can invite them to read the Bible together, pray and have a meal as a reflection on the birth of Jesus and the purpose of that birth.But your version is probably good too and so balanced.

    1. Palnar, ...extreme you say?
      Well, here we go...
      Typical "Christmas" tradition - Christmas tree, wafer, empty place at the table.

      [1] We supply the shie with an Isis figurine, see here:
      Isis figurine with Horus

      [2] We enter the cottage on December 24 to "pious" relatives - we put up a statue
      On a table where there is an empty seat for an unexpected "guest".

      [3] We tell the tale of Horus because, after all, these holidays are really in honor of him:

      [4] When there are protests that this is a holiday in honor of Jesus, however, we inform you that:
      When was Jesus born? - the website of the JJ [sorry...].ł-się-jezus/
      From onet:
      When was Jesus Christ really born!

      [5] Taking advantage of the shock and bewilderment of fellow diners, we "forget" the wafer.
      [6] We quickly snack on dumplings and fish [watch out for the bones] before the "shie starts" 🙂 [7].
      [7] With an exclamation: - "Stay with God," we slowly leave the meeting place,
      To prevent a wafer scandal, or worse.... No....
      If anyone has time, let them read a passage from the Bible - about idolatry even.

      What is it like for people who are faithful to God to have to be polite and silent
      in the face of lies and demonic rites ??? - there is no compromise !!!

      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      1. Celery, your version is brutal 🙂
        not to say terrorist.

        Not everyone can afford such courage and not everyone like you is 49 years old 😉

        1. I rejuvenated Ciem, I know
 such a Christmas gift,
          ............................................ but a 7-armed star, not a 5o so that you don't...

        2. Yeah? ...violent and terrorist ? ...I didn't notice... 🙂 🙂 🙂
          we don't knock over the tree, we don't crack the baubles,
          Easy, easy... we'd get sweaty and overheated unnecessarily,
          quiet... Well, okay... We're just informing you of the day Jesus was born,
          about mine is unnecessary, but I will write,
          I am 59 years old, born May 1957... 🙂 - celery

          1. I like it, only problem with this figure, but I think I will make it out of cardboard 🙂

      2. haha but you made me laugh celery, brilliant plan 😀

      3. Well, actually, good XD 😀

        1. Haha - and yes, I realize how much this comment has contributed 😉

  3. Nice suggestions Peter, this is exactly how our (newborns) approach should look like. I'm fortunate that I will be among only newborns. We don't celebrate Christmas, but we organize a supper with prayer and thanking the Lord for the passing year. We also just want to be together and talk.
    But if I had to spend this time in Pl it would not be easy. To those who have to face adversity these days, I wish that the Holy Spirit does not abandon them.

  4. I will read Luke's gospel passage about the birth, then lead a prayer to make it clear on whose behalf we are meeting and give thanks.

  5. The wafer (certainly the one bought in the krk temple) is food sacrificed to demons/balvans (foreign gods)....

    1. The demons will certainly be there because a plate has been left free for them, but so what if we have a strong God with us. The strongest

    2. And breaking a wafer with unbelievers is not the same as
      The Lord's Supper among fellow believers, so what does it mean?

  6. I envy you I will feel like a lamb in a cave with lions... :'(

    1. Matthew 10

      Behold, I send you out as sheep among wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

      Say a prayer to Lusia before this visit

  7. and my husband wants us to spend the night there and it's all Isis....

    I'm just going to go eat some dumplings...heh

    At home we didn't put up a tree or anything like that - everyone at my place knows that I don't celebrate it, but at my parents-in-law's - well, shock. But you have to respect their home - they're deluded.... I'm going to eat a pierogi ... :'(

  8. Do any of you know of a book on the hypocrisies of the NCC, I would love to purchase one?


    2. The Gospel According to Rome, McCarthy G. James
      I'm just reading it, a subtle comparison of the practices of the KRK with Scripture.

  9. so on amplification, although I don't know much about the artist of this song....

    1. Well, it's nice that Grzegorz Kloc is performing.
      I was once with Jack Konopny at his concert 🙂 .

      1. Oh, yes, aside from the church itself, Kloc's performance was touching 🙂 He seemed to be the nicest man ever 🙂 If he were just reading these words, I'd definitely give him a salute 😉

        1. Very nice song 🙂 I didn't know him. Nice of you to be at his performance 🙂 I'm glad you did.
          I also had the opportunity to listen to Tomasz Zoltko's concert at the church recently. And I recommend it as well 🙂 .

    2. I like his songs, especially "you are worthy" and "exalted", I used to post something on fb, once a one hit pop star( what do you give me?) Catholic. I like the guy:)

  10. adi is there no translation in the links I provided?

  11. And indeed it is thanks to !!!! May God reward you in your children !!!! 🙂 🙂 May God reward you in your children

  12. At least they won't burn us at the stake or chop our heads off with a sword, as is customary with the Saudis, for example...A poor consolation altogether.

  13. Get a grip!
    Do you know why it is these days that we celebrate Christmas? Because of the winter season... It used to be that people worked for three quarters of the year, sowing, harvesting and caring for their farms. It was the only time they could afford to celebrate. There was no pre-harvest yet. If the Catholic Church stepped into all the customs that had been cultivated for generations, would it gain a whole lot of believers? Probably not... Making compromises was the most sensible solution. Next point: Is Jesus Christ some kind of blindfolded Temida with a sword in his hand? Will He punish people because they celebrate the memorial of His birth later? I DON'T THINK CATHOLICS SECRETLY CELEBRATE SATURNALIA! Jesus, as the most intelligent person to walk this planet knows the hearts of people well. I KNOW the BIBLE VERSES and I KNOW that should be our only source of knowledge, but we are not ruled by some soulless entity. Forgive me Brothers and Sisters, but this is hooking into some kind of collective paranoia. ALSO at a time when celebrating Christmas sets us apart from all the levity and is part of our identity. Should we hide Christmas trees like in Italy? Once again I say: PLEASE GIVE YOURSELF A VERSE, BECAUSE I KNOW IT.

    1. Why shout, isn't it better to calmly with prayer and humility, ask God for understanding? There are answers to all doubts in Scripture. The sword is the Word of God. Either we trust people/traditions/habits or God.
      Matthew 10:34-42.
      34 Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a WALK. 35 For I have come to set a son against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 36 for a man's enemies are the inhabitants of his house. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me....

  14. I remember shouting out loud at the time: "Holy Father, to us!" and my friend shouted: "The mountain has come to Mohammed!". John Paul II replied to this: "Let the Mountain wait, Mohammed is already coming." At first, I went to the meetings with John Paul II full of larks, only to feel later that these meetings are a great commitment.
    John Mountain

  15. adi and those 2 coc's and I sent you a translation? 🙂

  16. I have an accumulation this Christmas. Christmas Eve between the wolves plus 25.12 the baptism of my uncle's daughter - where I'm not going to church, so another quiet explanation to the family what I think about the baptism of an unaware little man.

    1. More of this hurting loved ones than the glory of the Lord....

      It has long been observed that Baptism is not just a symbol, but a spiritual anointing. The children of many Levitical families had tremendous mental problems, and possession often occurred. Doctors failed to find the causes. What did these kids have in common? THEY WERE NOT BAPTIZED.

      Such Baptism can be repeated in adult life as a conscious human being, but let's not expose children to spiritual problems at an early age.

      1. Mario_Walewska

        Have you considered this case from another angle i.e. the effect of generational curses?

        The issue of not being baptized need not come into play here at all. In Scripture, conscious people were baptized, and such little children are still unconscious.

        As for generational curses, for example, the Lord God punishes idolatry to the 3rd and 4th generations:

        "4 You shall not make any carving or any image of what is in the heavens above, or of what is in the earth beneath, or of what is in the waters under the earth! 5 You shall not worship or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, who punishes the transgression of the fathers on the sons to the third and fourth generation against those who hate me." (Exodus 20)

        The apostles knew about these curses, asking Jesus:
        "Master, who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind?" (John 9:2)

  17. As for the approach to spending Christmas with family, I once specifically applied not showing up at all on Christmas with my family for a joint celebration, etc., and spent the entire holiday sitting completely alone at my apartment.
    In my family nothing good ever came out of opening up about my faith, because what does it feel like to hear retorts that God created man because God created evolution or God created the world, but because God created the Big Bang, or when my cousin found out that I read the Bible he said that I was "crazy".

    1. And now you're spending Christmas with your family Michael?

      I think it's just fortunate that you are trying to share your faith despite these retorts e.g. It's hard not to get discouraged after hearing another bundle, I know that well. And it's even harder to try again. May it strengthen us for the future.

      And with that cousin, he told you the whole thing :-/ He probably thinks he's better than you, and you know I think he's definitely not doing well in life himself. Because without God you can't be free and have a happy life.

      1. I plan to spend this Christmas with my family, focusing on the positives that come from warm family relationships by focusing on what unites us rather than divides us.

        I don't know what this cousin's life is like at the moment because I don't keep in touch with him, especially since he earns a lot of money and has trouble paying back the slightly larger sum of money he lent him over 3 years ago, of which he hasn't paid back a single penny.

        1. I was not concerned with the external life of this cousin, for it may be so:

          but about the inside.

          As for him... "A performer borrows but does not return,
          And the righteous man pities and bestows." Psalm 37

          My boss gave a wonderful speech (a toast to the borscht?) about being close to family, focusing on the important things, relationships and what we have in common, not some gifts, being kind to each other every day, not just on holidays... and everyone eagerly agreed. I just saw God's love and peace in it all.

          I think this is more or less what the apostle Paul had in mind when he wrote:

          "Every other commandment finds culmination in this one: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Love does no evil to another person." (Romans 13:9-10)

          And in Romans 14:19, "Let us therefore pursue what is for peace and for mutual edification."

          However, I can't say that I haven't had and don't have dilemmas about how to celebrate or not celebrate Christmas to please God...I am constantly wondering if I am doing the right thing and what to do.

          1. Many times I have tried, while still a young believer, to show my loved ones that at times like holidays or other celebrations, I am there because I am a believer.
            The result was that as a 17 year old, I was all alone... Now after many years, I know I was a little Pharisee, with my attitude I wanted to show that I was better... a believer...
            Today I wonder what would the LORD JESUS do?
            He attended parties when sinners invited Him, and it was the Pharisees , who gnashed their teeth at it.
            How do we want to show families the love of the LORD when we back away from them in our false , better , invented holiness.
            Such a time can be spent wonderfully, you can show the Lord Jesus by your actions in love, even without words.
            Let us win our loved ones to the kingdom, with love .

  18. Attention may be provoked as sputnik reports, assad will be escorted to Iran by 4 Russian planes, the usa is reportedly planning to shoot down assad's plane like they shot down the great Yamamotoo's plane.

    1. Oh boy, Russia may see this as an attack on her and that's when she will start the invasion of US shores and the nuclear attacks you wrote about.Now it makes sense.When exactly will Assad be flying to Iran?

      1. Important arguments, a must watch for everyone 🙂

  19. And that's a ripple


  20. Brilliant post Peter, best regards!

    1. thank you and I thank you.
      May the Lord Jesus straighten your paths. May God the Father bless you.

  21. Do what you want, have a party if you want, don't care about the salvation of your soul...

  22. Sometime in late December, so maybe tomorrow or the day after.

  23. We are either God's people or Satan's spawn. There is no third option!

  24. I also want to add that at the end of last year hacker Gucifer claimed that there will be a nuclear attack on Chicago in 2015, and also World War III nuclear war is on the illuminati card of 1995 ...... Something feels dear brothers, something is in the air something so big that we will hold our breath for about 10 seconds ... I do not know but it is strangely not calm I still hear in my forest howling wolves and it is constantly as if the animals sense that something is coming, yet this autumn into winter, the warmest year in the history of measurements and the most catastrophic year in terms of natural disasters, surely something is coming and it is still this month ... If in 2018 we are to have a world currency it means that WW3 must happen before that .

    1. until I make an entry...

  25. The issue with the influx of refugees was obviously planned. I had a feeling that something was going to happen when this spot was shown on TV: It showed a black man running away from an angry dog. Then there was something about opening up to help refugees. It was over a year (if not two years) ago, if I remember correctly. Nothing happens just like that, it is planned by the "elites".

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