Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Lichota's Patokabaret.

The link to the cabaret was sent to me by Marcin.

At first I thought it was something to laugh at, but I saw the eye of the horus on the front. I thought - another symbol....

Unfortunately, that was not the point here. Mr. Lichota's performance made me realize that we are dealing with another step in idiocracy and lowering the bar of values. Vulgarisms are only a background in all this. The center of the message is contempt for the Bible and God's Law with the emphasis on adultery.

I have never seen such a pathological cabaret. Just watch 10 minutes. It's still too much.



To think that somewhere out there in the audience are people with college educations. Well, but that is not what constitutes wisdom.

Updated: 16 December 2015 — 21:46


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  1. Classic brainwashing...

  2. Me and 3 minutes didn't last....

    1. dutiful woman 🙂 .

  3. This is the image of this world, by their fruits you will know them.

    1. exactly, by the fruit. Except that this audience, instead of being silent, was laughing. It was as if a thief was standing next to them, pulling out their wallet, and they would laugh. This guy is just robbing them of their value. They'll go home, a few weeks will pass, and the jokes will come to mind when a co-worker feels like having extramarital sex.

      I've seen some pretty bad cabarets, but this one is simply a failure and it's a testimony to the audience. Lichota, like Lichota, wants to make money, so he dances to his tune.

      1. You summed it up beautifully,in my opinion,it's embarrassing to watch.Embarrassing,a fake show that preys on normality but has to be passed off as something sick.This is what this world is coming to,that what was sacred until not long ago is now stupid.

    1. What do these people have in their heads... "They spend their evenings on Facebook". This world has completely fallen to (almost) the bottom! I completely don't understand how you can be in a relationship and "look for opportunities" by using social media properties like this.

  4. I have noticed that the level of cabarets has recently gone down to zero and the main topics in them are sex and various subtexts connected with it, the same goes for Polish comedies and what is now being shown in cinemas is downright sick and I am ashamed of the actors themselves that they make such fools of themselves on the big screen, but what an audience for such films

    When I see such a bottom as the one in this article, it motivates me to become more firmly established in Christ Jesus and to go through life like a tank without even stopping for a moment in this sick degenerate world

  5. Terrible, I don't know why the audience finds it so funny and the actor clowns around. But if someone has renounced values, it's all the same to him what he laughs at.

  6. Sorry it's off topic for the Christmas example, but it's a new topic so people refresh. I've been browsing Mr. Detective's forum for somewhere around a few months now, I've also been reading the Bible for about 9 months now( sometimes irregularly, but I do what I can and with all my might I ask God to do otherwise). Let me get to the point. My class is organizing a seemingly good celebration before Christmas, because it's student's day, but as it happens before saturnalia, it will refer to so-called Christmas. I have the task of performing in it. My role is limited to presenting the weather forecast for Christmas and I have to do it dressed as a snowman. I have made sure that my text does not refer to this holiday in a way that could make me do something wrong. I also haven't found anything bad about the snowman or its evil origins on the Internet, such as in the case of Santa Claus. And here the question arises whether I should take part in this endeavor even if I do not harm the Lord in my words. The question may be rhetorical, but I have no one to ask. You yourselves know how difficult it is in our situation to find a man who will be able to answer such questions.

    1. "You yourselves know how difficult it is in our situation to find a person who can answer such questions for us." - here I agree with you, and I think it is needed, especially for the newly awakened,(I myself joined the forum recently). Loving God, we should be open to our fellow human beings. As I don't feel spiritually mature enough to advise you, I would recommend you to write a post on the Christians forum to Christopher (admin), he helped me and advised me on a matter. Godspeed 🙂

      1. Thank you very much for your reply. It's nice that I found it interesting 🙂

    2. Principianti:
      and I quote - "My role is limited to presenting the weather forecast for Christmas and I am supposed to do it dressed as a snowman. I made sure that my text did not refer to Christmas in a way that could make me do something wrong. I also did not find anything bad about the snowman and its evil origins on the Internet like I did about Santa Claus."

      Snow is snow... a snowman made of snow is a kind of Snow Sculpture and that is not bad. On the other hand, worshipping snowmen, Christmas trees, figurines, that is, worshipping Idolatry is already wrong....
      We cannot blot out our sins by doing other sins - such a sin is idolatry.
      "And this begs the question of whether I should participate even if I am not hurting the Lord in my words."

      You're just predicting the a "snowman" outfit....
      The spectacle refers to Saturnalia under the guise that it worships God...So you see the trap yourself, but
      Do what your conscience tells you, I cannot forbid you,
      nor command, if you would feel remorse afterwards, then do not participate in this performance,
      and expect to be criticized...
      Greetings - celery
      my post from another topic:


      December 17, 2015 at 2:27 pm

      "He's nice and cheerful, but... I saw on a video somewhere that he did some work in honour of Pope JP2 and also in honour of the "Virgin Mary". Just a sincere Catholic like almost everyone else.
      With God."
      Well, that's... Well, that's...
      many people of every religion are kind, good-natured, noble, loving
      God the Father and their neighbors, yet they are already so heavily programmed and deceived,
      That they do not want to hear or inquire that the pope is a servant of Satan, that the cult of Mary
      is the "work" of a demon, that any religious cults, celebrations, rituals
      This is idolatry... Winter is coming.... there will be snow.... you can make a snowman
      And put on his robes and crown and worship him. But the snow will melt... So that the snowmen will be
      "more durable" we make them out of plaster, out of wood, out of brass and... we add the appropriate
      version of lies, pseudo-spirituality, an artificial relationship with God and.
      idolatry ready.
      With God - celery
      🙂 "

    3. Hi Principianti 🙂

      It's great that you realize what this holiday really means. It's good that you made an effort to craft your text for the occasion so that it is not unpleasant to the Lord God. I don't think the snowman is a bad symbol either.

      In my opinion, you will behave in God's way if you remain obedient to authority, which in this case is the teacher who gave you the assignment to speak at the ceremony, and take part in it.

      "[John the Baptist] said to them:
      -Do no more than what you have been commanded.
      And the soldiers asked him:
      -And what are we supposed to do?
      He told them:
      -Do not beat or harm anyone, but rest on your pay." (Luke 3:13-14)

      Greetings to you 🙂 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

    4. Perhaps while talking about the weather there would be a chance to mention that Jesus was not born in December at all?

      1. ...well, what about you DianaZ ? 🙂 .
        If he hints, he'll be stoned, or at best expelled from school and threatened
        all sorts of "religious sentiments" ...well, something like that 🙂 .

        but, just so you know, Principianti, it's Jesus
        he was born in late september/early october, when shepherds were still grazing sheep...I no longer have the link with the exact description.
        Hold it!

        1. Thanks again for your help, this time with a larger group. I don't think I'll be able to smuggle the information about what these "holidays" really mean during the academy, but I do it regularly during breaks in classes (I'm a high school student). I'm trying to make my friends aware of what's going on in this world and some of them already know what's going on, but the hardest thing is with my parents, especially since I live in a catholic family and have some familiarity with the church.

  7. Leftist ideology has taken away the father's reason, the child still resists. Read the description.

  8. Google has a strange animation today

      1. Look at the frieze of this betoven - these are the horns of a bull (baphomet, devil), and the 3 cards behind him are 6 hundred, 666

      1. The current google animation shows Beethoven and a short story about him, you have to get the lyrics of the song notes right to proceed.The whole thing ends with "Ode to Joy (EU anthem), which is a call for the NWO and praises Lucifer - the god of this world.
        "O, joy, spark of the gods"
        "Thy brightness shall eclipse all."
        "See, see, the great sun is the world"
        "Near joy shines upon us"
        And as for Putin and his immortality or longevity.I already wrote about this at the X-men.Perhaps Putin is a Masonic Illuminati and has access to Egyptian technology that is hidden in the pyramids.Maybe they are actually in possession of the so-called Lazarus Chamber, through which they can extend their lives.
        Found on a fan forum:
        "For all I know, it's a product of extraterrestrial technology in the shape of a sarcophagus, used by Apocalypse to regenerate energy, health, and possibly longevity."
        That is, it coincides with what we know about the Illumianates and their connection to ancient Egypt and the theory of who helped the Egyptians build the pyramids.

    1. here I found an interesting explanation, but my english is litle 🙂

      The horn is on the 2nd black key for the Second Seal which is the very, very soon Rapture! Google Doodle December 17, 2015 shows Beethoven's 245th birthday. It has the same configuration as my Apocalypse chart. The clock is as the last blood moon and the following two lines are seen. The Rapture horn is seen; there are 245 additional photos to my album showing the Rapture. [The scrolls of paper symbolize the 7 Seals being opened. The clock is on 59 minutes for my accident (Illinois Route 59) of April 14th, 2006, depicted on the 2015 Economist cover. I, Jonathan Halstead, am the Witness who is similar to Moses, King David, and Zerubabbel. Thomas Leming is the Witness who is similar to Aaron, Elijah, and High Priest Joshua.

      1. rapture hornn is a horn, a trumpet? From 1 Thessalonians 4:16 ?

        1. And well actually, the word "horn" translates as "horn" when referring to both antlers and a musical instrument....

      2. "This horn is on the second black key to the Second Seal, which is a very, very close Abduction! The Google Doodle for December 17, 2015 shows the 245th [anniversary] of Beethoven's birth. It has the same configuration as my chart about the Apocalypse. The clock is as the last blood moon and you can see the following two lines. You can see the horn of the Abduction; there are 245 additional pictures in my album showing the Abduction. The rolls of paper symbolize the opening of the 7 Seals. The clock is at 59 minutes for/to my accident (Illinois Route 59) of April 14, 2006 shown on the cover of The Economist of 2015. I, Jonathan Halstead am a Witness who is likened to Moses, King David and Zorobabel. Thomas Leming is a Witness who is similar to Aaron, Elijah, and Joshua the High Priest."

  9. This is just pathology :

    Promoting pedophilia...Lord Jesus come please.

    1. OMG this is seemingly idiotic but deeply sick

  10. I would get out of this grandfatherhood

  11. and you've heard this "theory" - there will be a fake kidnapping, the rest will be deceived into leaving and there will be a fake mole- chip, people will die because of this "fake"....
    😀 massacre what some are "prophesying"

    1. I don't believe in fake kidnapping for one reason:


      The land is yours.

      Until the end of the Tribulation, he allows Satan as much as necessary, but not so much that God's children are fooled by something on a massive scale like a flood.
      The evil one can create deviant religions, subcultures, but he will never do a miracle to counterfeit God.

      Satan has never done such a thing in the history of the world and never will.

      Praise God the Father.

      1. Well, God is the Sovereign of everything still, even though Satan rules materially because of and through sin. And such ideas and theories (as if prophecies already) with false this or that are the result of an ANTI attitude, in short: we don't like the harpazo-rapture doctrine, so we will arrange it differently....

      2. I also have this thought - that such predictions are just a kind of "combination", because the Word of God gives in its context (without understanding the New World today, etc) clear indications, only these "teachings" and theological warfare with each other have accumulated over the years, and alpine combinations

      3. "Satan has never in the history of the world done such a thing and never will." - and a false prophet?

  12. Poor, lost man... The day of the Lord is getting closer and closer

  13. The human race is mutating and losing its humanity Jordan Maxwell

  14. Process - The next step of civilization Good text.

  15. Today my mother, as usual, watched these as the Detective accurately put it patokabarets. I'm skipping the trash humor, or even the gutter humor, but when those godless men slandered Jesus by name, I could already feel it boiling inside me. Well, and the helplessness when, in my attempt to rebuke this vile blasphemy, I was told by my mom to fuck off... and that he was spitting on my words 🙁 Damn the system and entertainment provided by Satan!

    1. I cut off a letter, it was supposed to be that she spits at my words, herself using extremely foul language at every opportunity. And so it has been ever since I can remember that I had such a pattern at home - my father spat very rarely and only when he was agitated, and not always, but my mother didn't hold back at home, because outside the four walls she already held her tongue. It was perfect only during the priest's New Year's visit. As a result of being brought up in such an atmosphere, only recently have I started to watch my speech. I used to think that blasphemy was everywhere and that "k..." was just a fucking word, just to avoid using it in front of children. How hard it is to understand one's sins if at least one parent has set such a bad example... And on those trashcans, I've heard them blaspheme too - the ones broadcast at night. It would be easy for me to hate my own mother for what I heard from her mouth about myself, my dad, my friends, and other people, and they were truly despicable things, but given the degree of demoralization and stupefaction in society, leaving aside, of course, the known commandment, it would be hard for me not to see her first and foremost as a victim resulting from years of influence. Add to this the wrongs of childhood, youth, some long-buried grudges, and the result is what it is. And here I appeal to all brothers and sisters who declared to pray for my intentions - you would do better, Dear Friends, if you pray for my mother, because she is in a deplorable spiritual and physical condition, drowning more and more in her own haughtiness, impiety, venom and hatred... In the name of Jesus, thank you!

      1. A person's language shows what is in their heart....

        Matthew 15:
        "11 It is not what goes into the mouth that makes a man unclean, but what comes out of the mouth that makes him unclean."
        15 Then Peter spoke up and said to Him: "Explain this parable to us!" 16 He said: "Are ye also yet ignorant? 17 Don't you understand that everything that goes into the mouth goes into the stomach and comes out. 18 But what comes out of the mouth comes out of the heart, and that makes a man unclean. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, misdeeds, thefts, false witness, and curses. 20 This is what makes a man unclean. But the fact that one eats with unwashed hands does not make a person unclean.

        I'm sure it's hard for you to function on a daily basis in the kind of atmosphere your own mother creates for you at home. I'll pray for her, Jack.

        Lately I have started to pay attention to how people communicate in terms of what is in their hearts. I think that it is not only blasphemy that proves that there is something wrong going on inside of a person, but also contemptuous speech towards another person, picking on different things, and even bad humor. And here I think that only the Holy Spirit can help, filling us with self-control, so that we do not get into unnecessary arguments, discussions, disputes with such people, but react with calmness. God alone knows how hard it was for me not to react with anger to my father's texts.

        1. I don't know Kosik, maybe your father's behavior was not aggressive or violent, so you have this view of it. I, too, reacted calmly in such situations when my mother behaved aggressively, and now I regret that I did so, because it was this calmness in such situations that destroyed me both mentally and psychologically, and ruined my relationships with others. I don't live with her anymore, but in case of some stupid quarrels that don't make any sense, answering her more harshly has a better effect than staying calm. There is no sense in making a victim of yourself and suppressing negative emotions unnecessarily, because such suppression only destroys us from the inside. It is best to run as far away as possible from such a person because only then can he/she understand that his/her behaviour is pointless.

          1. Toxic people (energy vampires) are terrible stubborn people...Do not discuss with such, and close the door.

          2. Maybe Michał..., I've been arguing with him pretty much all the time since adolescence, and it wore me out psychologically. When I would respond to him with anger, he would respond to me even more - you know, point for point. Now, probably only thanks to the presence of the Holy Spirit, I am mostly at peace with him, which cannot be my own peace... because I don't recognize myself... sometimes he still sticks a pin in my head with some words, but I manage to pray to God so that I don't have negative feelings towards him... and I have forgiven him everything after my conversion.

            I don't know if this is Christian, but
            "As it is, it's best to get as far away from such a person as possible."
            I definitely share your opinion

      2. I'll pray too, and I pray from time to time as I remember

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