Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Chodakowska and symbols


Take a look at the photos below, showing who is Mr. Famous fitness trainer Ewa Chodakowska.





Such a small detail...





Here her hand:










They all create their system that the world, including some Christians, are fascinated by.











This is one big body favoring the master of this world. A world that transcends politics and business.

It's a world of culture, sports, culinary, etc.






Updated: 4 January 2016 — 12:12


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  1. I've been talking about this for a long time 🙁 It's very sad because she SEEMS like a very nice and warm person.
    However, her career - as a girl from nowhere - gives a lot to think about. Huge success, just wonder to whom she owes it 🙁 )

  2. Famous? I haven't heard of it...first time I've seen it....

    1. You haven't lost anything Diana 😉

  3. Do you mean she is Edomite, Khazar or Danite?
    " Here her hand:".
    Well, what about that hand?
    This is further proof that to succeed in Lucifer's world, you have to bow down to him.

  4. I wonder how much in this mindless mimicking because it is so trendy and all the celebrities including Polish pseudo-stars are doing it with their hands, and how much deliberate and thoughtful action? The fact that the girl from nowhere lived only 20 km away from me in a town which is not much different than a beautiful open-air museum and location. What is puzzling in this context is her rapid career and, what is worse, the fascination of her person with all kinds of sewage media in which she is presented as a star who cares about the health and fitness of all Polish women. After all, she is the one who forced thousands of Polish women to get off the sofa and take up the fight for better physical condition, as if Polish women had nothing to do and ate chips all the time lying in front of the TV!

    1. fitness is also about independence, it's about being away from your husband in a club between successful women who are not, because what is success in God's eyes....

      1. Except she doesn't urge fitness at the club. Her workout programs are all designed to be done at home. A mat, a bottle of water, her program on CD and that's it. She also often encourages women to get their husbands to workout together.

        1. So on the surface, it's a role model promoting an active lifestyle. However, breaking through this layer and looking biblically, we cannot ignore the exposed snake bracelet on the cover of a popular magazine, because nothing here is accidental-just like her other adornment with the all-seeing eye of Lucifer.

  5. With such individuals as idols, it is no wonder that people fixate...

    1. All people are sinful and lack glory, but stripped of demonic genes, they have a chance at salvation and eternal life.

      1. If they did not voluntarily go along with the Evil One.

  6. While I do not know the woman, I am concerned about the subject of homeopathy.... Supposedly, there is a petition circulating in the country to allow it and use it in medicine? Jerzy Zięba speaks about it. What do you think?

  7. I don't know her either because I don't watch the hypocritical devilish media, but you can see what they are capable of for money and nothing else matters. But all this is for the time being, but I hope that sooner comes the coming to terms with these people and a healthy spirit of truth will prevail in the name of our Beloved Savior Jesus Christ.

  8. this woman is a marketing product and business done on other ladies dreaming of a nice figure, body cult and feminism in one

  9. "multi-culti dating" - a timely topic because refugees also have ekhmm.... "needs"...

  10. She doesn't even have a degree-- she's not an AWF graduate. She did some course and they're promoting her on the strength...
    In Greece, she tried, but it didn't work out.
    He performs exercises incorrectly which is dangerous for e.g. knees, spine.
    Lazy can exercise at home of her own free will. She promotes more hedonism and body worship. And she doesn't look nice and friendly to me. As for her origin she is 100%, like all celebrities;-)

  11. These gestures are starting to be more and more on her page, normally you don't pay attention to it, but in many photos she has her hands folded in a victoria gesture (here a beard, who after her recent achievements is just very on topic hope that Ewa does it unconsciously, but I also start to believe that people who achieve success are successful not by chance. (This guy in several pics is making these suspicious gestures,

    And now the crème de la crème ... profile and new album

    She has 2 million followers on Fb... I hope it's a coincidence : P

    1. Theory or rather truth

      I suspect that it is a man, a transvestite and someone is sponsoring it well.It is worth looking at You tube investigating people.In Poland still unthinkable, but when I looked at this 'lady' athlete and her unnatural proportional face and silhouette unfeminine is like a slap in the face, not much in it harmonizes!!!

  12. I will add that he has a constant "mannerism" of clenching one eye (+ licking the corner of his mouth with his tongue) in all commercials, newspapers and spots like other illuminati "stars".

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