Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The second bottom of Jesus' words - "the speck in your neighbor's eye you see, but the beam in your own" .

I once wrote a text about it, but now I would like to add to it.


In Matthew it says:


Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye, but do not see the beam in your own? Or how shall you say to your brother: Let me take the speck out of your eye, and behold, the beam is in your eye? Hypocrite, take the beam out of your own eye first, and then you will see to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

It's been a year since I wrote the text from the link above, and my view on this topic has crystallized even further.

It's not just about not pointing out flaws in others. I think Jesus wanted to show us that by looking at others, we are not doing the work within ourselves.

This is also not about not seeing evil, e.g., in the Roman church. We must discern:

1 Thes 5

"21 Research everythingAnd what is noble - keep it! 22 Avoid everything that has even the appearance of evil. ""


and even admonish them:

(Matthew 18:15-20)
Jesus said to his disciples: When your brother sins [against you], go and rebuke him in private. If he listens to you, you will win your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two others with you, so that the whole matter may be based on the word of two or three witnesses. If he won't listen to them, tell the Church! And if even the Church will not listen, let it be to you as a pagan and a tax collector!"

So Christians have the right to admonish based on judgment.

How many Christians are super experts about other people. More than one person has written almost my psychological profile, my personality portrait with emphasis on my flaws. Yes, I have my faults, but do you know yours? Do you know your sins? Yes? And are you working on them?

Imagine two athletes. Let's say athletes, runners. One of them is weak and says about the other runner from the team: "Michal Wisniewski is a weakling, he makes mistake after mistake, you are as thin as a razor blade". Will this critic get better at running because of this?

Let's bring this to the church. We all differ in our degree of spiritual growth and Bible seniority plays no role at all. You can read the Bible for 5 years, but someone who reads for a few months may have greater insight and have a greater root of the Word . The root of the parable of the sower.

Paying attention to others does not exempt us from working on ourselves.

So now sit down comfortably reader, take yourself a piece of paper and a pen, it can even be a pencil :-), write down your flaws if you dare.

If you don't, then you are simply a fraud before God. I don't mean my method with a piece of paper and a pen, but with a so-called examination of conscience if you have one.

Most of us have pride and I guarantee it to you. Some have less of it others have more.

Let me give you a hint. A great test of the sincerity of our Christianity is when you are dealing with someone who is rude, or at least not very nice, or just totally disagrees with you. Then you see what kind of reaction you get. Do you react with aggression? You have just been exposed as a weak Christian.

I noticed it this year after myself, so I know what I'm talking about. I also see on this blog how it works.

I suggest reading this text as a study in self-criticism:


To encourage your introspection, I will confess something to you. I struggle with bitterness because there are several people who want to destroy me and would like to see me fall. I often struggle to forgive them. I see a lot of evil in these people, but being vigilant I try to look at my faults. I know that only Jesus can deliver me from this and that is what I pray for.

Dereck Prince once said that no church condones alcoholism or smoking, but at the same time they tolerate binge eating and the spirit of gossip that is so typical of women. Gossiping about others is a great way to whitewash yourself. This one is such and such this one, and that one is such and such that one. Super recipe for whitening yourself. The devil is rubbing his hands.

To summarize:

Work on yourself, because it is you who will be saved or not. You will not whitewash yourself by criticizing Peter, Baska, Monica...






Brother Przemek started a blog:



Updated: 8 December 2015 — 20:24


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  1. Detekywie, what do you think of Pieczynski's words?

    Yes, he strongly criticizes the church, but he writes about the inner guide, as for me it is strongly imbued with the new age sect, I wonder if it is a conscious act. Greetings in Christ

    1. yes I have been watching him for a long time and he has gone from extreme to extreme. From hating the church to new age satanism

      1. Satanism By Weight sounded funny.

  2. Great text. Thanks Peter!

  3. It's a great text and it's very true, I agree with everything and most of all with the Christianity test, I myself went through the test not long ago and I must say that it didn't look too good, praise God and thank God for our enemies, they teach us the most.

    1. The author of this text criticizes only the Catholic church and the others (Protestant, etc., from this it follows that they are very good churches). There are many wolves in sheep's clothing even in the Catholic Church, but I invite you and others who criticize KK and this should not be done, even because of the above mentioned article about the beam in the eye, to the Church of the Queen of Angels in Woronicz Street to attend mass with a priest. I invite you and others who criticize KK and this should not be done even because of the above mentioned article about the beam in your eye, to the Queen of Angels Church in Woronicza Street for masses with Father Witko for liberation and healing. Please do not criticise charismatic priests but just pray. May God protect you.

      1. Margaret, you are so wrong.
        There is also a lot to explore in Protestant churches;

  4. After all, it's obvious what the passage is talking about. Did it really take you a year of detective time to come to this conclusion?

    1. I think it's even worse. It took me a year to complete it and put it into practice. And 40 years to understand it.

      "(1) And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual, but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. (2) I fed you with milk, not solid food, because you could not yet receive it, and even now you cannot."
      1 Kor

      May Jesus Christ be with you.

  5. I think there are some issues worth considering.Namely,utopian Christianity,real Christianity and the phenomenon of religious fanaticism.I have been considering these issues for a long time.I read a good text yesterday by the Free Bible Students on the subject of just religious fanaticism and I encourage everyone to read it and discuss it further.

    1. I wouldn't call it fanaticism, but tempting/deceiving Satan. I think that every person who is getting closer to God is subject to such phenomena as pride, intolerance, etc., Satan is a crafty beast and in no way will he allow them to know the truth. This is probably where the false doctrines of rejecting half the Bible, etc., come from.

  6. I managed to turn today -
    This all ties in very well with what Detective once wrote here about Jezebel and Tiatyr

  7. "Paying attention to others exempts us from working on ourselves." I think it was supposed to be: it doesn't exempt us. 🙂
    Peter, don't be destroyed, may the Lord Jesus give you strength and comfort. <3

      1. Hi, I'm only 16 years old. I really got to know God last year at the beginning of my 3rd grade school year. Even though we've had a lot of misunderstandings because of our faction, we've stuck to it. The worst part was when my parents called me at school...
        I've been going through a tough time lately. I'm rebellious, nothing seems to work out, and I'm hurting everyone around me. Every day I pray for help to study and persevere in faith with God, I try to read the Holy Bible as much as I can, I usually do it in the evening because there is no time during the day.
        I have been reading this blog for a long time and today I am writing my first comment only. Thanks to you I understood a lot and my thoughts became clearer at once.

        1 Thess 5:15-22
        15 Take care that no one repay evil for evil, but strive always to do good to one another and to all. 16 Rejoice always; 17 pray without ceasing. 18 In every case give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 Do not quench the Spirit, 20 do not neglect prophecy. 21 Examine everything, and keep what is noble. 22 Avoid all kinds of evil.

        1. I have this request for everyone:

          if there is ever a comment similar to this, let's just pray for that person after reading it. Even this minute.

          1. Morning prayer for madlen <3 may it be a beautiful and blessed day in the Lord! For madlen and for all of us. <3 🙂

        2. Not you our Lord Jesus has in His care "madlen".

        3. Hi madlen 🙂

          Thank you for writing.
          It's beautiful that you persevered with the Lord despite the adversity you describe.

          Very good quote you chose from Thessalonians, I've been coming back to it often lately 🙂

          I think it would be good for you to deal with this rebellion, and to trust God again.
          Lucky for you that you picked up on something going on inside of you.

          Rebellion against authority figures, such as parents, teachers, or authorities is related to rebellion against God.

          "In whom do you put your trust that you rebelled against me?"
          2 Królewska 18,20

          I recommend to you the teaching of John Bevere - Power and Forgiveness Part 2.
          Greetings to you madlen and I will write the same as Magdula: May the Lord Jesus protect you.

        4. Madlen Hold on to Jesus,He doesn't reject anyone who comes to him for help.DS will guide you it won't be easy,but our Lord and King won long ago now it's your turn.We too will support you.

          1. Madlen, I prayed and will try to remember you. It is so hard for us young people to talk about our faith precisely because of the total godlessness and stupidity that prevails among 15-30 year olds. And yet you are breaking out. Praise the Lord! I salute you in Christ! <3

            1. Thank you all, you are really great. I wish there were people like that around me.
              together and together in God we can do everything! 😉
              I am also praying for you and will continue to do so for a long time. thank you again <3

  8. People, get a grip on yourselves and stop worshipping idols of all kinds and start worshipping God.

  9. Comparing ourselves to others and judging as if we were some kind of moral authority (like this) "because we believe the True One" is not really ok because we will see our imperfections better by looking at God's Law - even the 10 Commandments - and not by exalting ourselves above other sinners

  10. "A great test of the sincerity of our, your Christianity is when you are dealing with a person who is rude, or at least not very nice, or just totally disagrees with you. Then you can see what kind of reaction occurs."
    -exactly like this!

    1. I also agree with this in its entirety !
      In general, I agree with the whole text 🙂

  11. Thanks to Detective for this study .

  12. "Work on yourself, for it is you who will be saved or not. You will not whitewash yourself by criticizing Peter, Baska, Monica..."

    I would only add to these words that without cooperation with God's Spirit, no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to work out our own transformation. Let us remember that ONLY God has the POWER to "whiten" our hearts and souls. So let us allow Him to do this. Let us allow Him to transform our hearts. He has promised us this, so He will keep His word, let us just trust Him 🙂 .

    1. exactly Magdula. You're very right about that

      1. 🙂
        Well , at least in this one 😉

        1. no well there are still a few points. M.Involvement in elections 🙂 .

          1. Oh there oh there 🙂
            And I haven't changed my mind about it anyway

    2. I too Magdula agree with you ☺ without DS we can spin and still nothing will come of it.
      It seems to me that pride is a big problem,even when we think everything is ok.It's hard to let go of our opinion,we can't let go even when we are right.Man is so evil and selfish that it takes DS to make him realize who we are without Jesus.It hurts terribly to know this truth,and my heart breaks that we owe everything to Jesus.He had to die a horrible death so that we could come to the Father.There was no other way.

  13. Right, right, right!
    The text is very good and bringing down to earth. We must - I must - work on myself, work harder and harder, and not give up, not give in to evil. The Savior is just around the corner. And that it is difficult, and that EGO rebels, and that nerves get carried away...only Christ was perfect, we strive for perfection. Prayer, fasting and work on yourself.
    The more people against you admin the more the Lord with you. Persevere, because the finish is near. You can do it:-)

    1. "Persevere, because the finish is near. You can do it:-)"

      That's what something said to me in August "hold out a little longer." 🙂

      "We have to - I have to - work on myself, work harder and harder and "

      Here Magdula reminds us that it is the Holy Spirit who can help us. By ourselves we can but go for a walk 🙂 .
      How many times I wanted to get rid of various vices-sins and could not.
      Yes, let us work, let us try, but let us beg God for deliverance from sins.

      1. Magdula wrote: - "...that without cooperation with God's Spirit, no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to work out our own transformation by our own efforts. Let us remember that ONLY God has the power to "whiten" our hearts and souls...".

        Admin Peter wrote: - " is where Magdula is good at reminding us, that it is the Holy Spirit who can help us. By ourselves we can but go for a walk :-)..."

        Jesus said: - "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing."
        [BW John 15:5]

      2. Right again:-)
        Only God and the Holy Spirit can save us! Let us trust, let us ask, let us abide!

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