Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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"Biometric tattoos the next step on the road to the mark of the beast"



Geoffrey Grider

"And he causes everyone: small and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive a birthmark on the right hand or on the forehead, and that no one can buy or sell who does not have the birthmark-the name of the Beast or the number of his name." Revelation of John 13:16-17


EDITOR'S NOTE: The Bible clearly teaches that the rapture of the church will happen before the mark of the beast is officially discovered by the antichrist during the tribulation for Jacob. What we are seeing now is an unsaved world rushing uncontrollably fast, at breakneck speed toward the adoption of technology that will end with this mark.


The future of electronics plating may be tattooed on your skin. Chaotic Moon, a software design and development company based in Austin, Texas, is creating high-tech biometric tattoos made of components and conductive ink to create a set of electronic circuits that can extract biometric data from your body for such things as health.


The Tattoo hardware is currently in the prototype stage, but company head Ben Lamm told me it will be able to collect and upload health data and other information, much like the Jawbone or Apple Watch, and send it to medical personnel - or even the military.


"It's the new electronic haberdashery," Lamm said in an interview with Techcrunch. "The future is bioelectric plating."


"It's not something that can be easily removed, like a Fitbit. It can be under a bulletproof vest, directly on the skin collecting data and sending it back," Lamm said of military applications.


The tattoo is temporary and washes off just like a regular tattoo done for fashion. According to Chaotic Moon, the tattoo will be able to monitor body temperature and detect if someone is stressed based on information about sweat, heartbeat, or hydration levels uploaded via Bluetooth and location-based low-frequency mesh networks, such as those used by apps like Jott or Firechat.


(...) Lamm also mentioned using tattoos to track people's locations at concerts, or to track his child at an amusement park.


Some of the attractions with military applications include these tech tattoos detecting poisons in the air, pathogens in a soldier's body, or identifying when they are injured or stressed. "It's an environmentally friendly, non-invasive use of a platform that essentially turns you into a human circuit board.


Biometric tattoos are promising, but not original. Cyberpunks, or grinders as they are sometimes called, form a strange and fascinating subculture of people who like to manipulate their bodies with technological implants.


While grinder culture mostly revolves around opening up the body and surgically installing magnets, RFID chips and other components for biohacking purposes, there are also quiet voices being heard about biometric tattoos.


(...) While permanent tracking ink undoubtedly raises a number of problematic issues in its own right, the possibility of even temporarily tracking people presumably also goes hand in hand with the possibility of new privacy or medical regulations. According to Lamm, Chaotic Moon is only creating a product, and leaves all those decisions up to whomever buys or deploys the technology.


(...) "We look at it as a human circuit board, and the human body as a platform on which we can build," Lamm said.




Translated by Jacek. Thank you.





Updated: 30 November 2015 — 13:02


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  1. My answer to the subject of tattoos of this kind - shove them up your ass! I won't let myself to be tagged and even more I won't let myself to be smeared with some super ink that will monitor and spy on me every step of the way! Fashion is fashion, if they want to, they can even tattoo it on their foreheads, not me! I'm old fashioned and I'll stay that way! The world is heading in a really sick direction when we are restricted in our civil liberties, explaining it as our safety, convenience, etc. At the same time, there are tons of invaders coming to Europe without any IDs, and they buy such "fake" ones in Turkey, which the beloved Eurocollar wants to tickle with 3 billion jewro to help solve the refugee problem! The same Turkey that uses oil supplied by ISIS murderers, that slaughters the Kurds, violates Greek airspace as much as it can and prints fake papers for terrorists is still going to get money for it, and what is the best, the visa regime to the EU will soon be lifted? They want to bring millions more into our homes? They are loaded here in bulk and waiting for the conflict to break out! No control and limitation of their FREEDOM explained by political correctness will lead to chaos, which is so important for the rulers of this world! Terrified nations will quickly swallow any solution that is offered to them and that solution will be the NWO!

    1. Unfortunately, it will be bad. It is already beginning to scare parents that an unvaccinated child will not go to school or kindergarten, that parents will pay fines, etc. Most people will accept it for the sake of convenience, the rest will have to because it will be required. You have to prepare yourself to be self-sufficient otherwise it will be a mess. Lately I have been thinking a lot about where and how to escape and I think it would be good to organize self-help between Christians. The worst are those in the cities. Where to run, where to get supplies, etc. You have to think about it now, because when it comes, after the liquidation of cash, what will be left is barter. Unfortunately, the majority will not have anything to exchange...

  2. The devotees {conscious} of this satanic world are going to perdition. The unconscious can still be saved. The question is, do they want it?

    1. Most of them probably do not wish to be disturbed and have their lives destroyed. They often see it as an attack on their values and traditions. They do not feel or understand the need to be saved. The term "salvation" means nothing to them and sounds anachronistic.

      1. These are victims of the cult of one's own ego, but unfortunately this is what the world instills....

        1. And the fashion for tattoos satanically tickles the ego. "I've gotten a tattoo, but I'm special!" Who will see the danger in such a case? And even if they do, won't it just be the voice of one crying in the wilderness?

      2. I heard, for example, that religion is an individual matter and people don't want to be told what to believe...
        only, gee, it's all about SURVIVAL. This is literally a matter of life (eternal) or death.

        Exactly as you wrote Jack, it seems to me too that they do not feel or understand the need and importance of salvation....

        1. The Bible is like a legal declaration of God, not just a religious revelation, that's why it is so fought against and ridiculed, and if you try to ridicule e.g. state law - or call for ignoring it - you'll go to the prosecutor on the carpet or to the tax office like nothing, at least ... such a situation

          1. PS some people wish and others don't, and it's not anyone's business to determine someone's wishes for themselves, it's like saying "everyone doesn't like sausages, don't offer them, take down that pig commercial!" 🙂

  3. There you have it, without wrapping your head around it:

  4. Who does the German chancellor serve? Shocking footage from 2012

  5. Sometimes it grabs my head what kind of times we live in....

  6. Are these times normal?...

    1. Sometimes I can't help but feel powerless in the face of all the mess around me....

      1. God give us strength to fight discouragement arising from the problems of everyday life.

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