Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. God is watching over everything! <3

  2. Knowledge of the Truth

    These prophecies of Wilkerson should give food for thought. But people continue to live in the world and do not notice that the end is near. Despite so many events, phenomena. Of course everything can be explained in a human way, however the prophesied things are happening now and there is no denying it. There is no time to assimilate with the world, to enter into marriages. There is no point in sinning now, especially since this is the coming end. Imagine how foolish you are to act this way, God sees it, also in the next few years.
    There is no time for baby steps, this is not a release. It takes inner transformation, real transformation. Especially with this pornography and onanism and 'sexual venting', you have to understand that sex is for the bonding of marriage, an expression of love to wife/husband. And pornography, onanism destroys the bond with nature, the law and God. We need to fight against this in prayer and preaching, destroy all options, do not give room for diversion to Satan, the evil one. I suggest collective prayer, type of release from sexual enslavement. There is a point, we should talk about it and not treat it as a taboo subject, i.e. here I mean something else, namely making people aware of this area and directing them towards liberation from it. On top of that, if you are also a slave to sex in marriage or not, it is really bad. The world is promoting this today...several times a week! One can overlook relationships with God, love, etc. One must learn to do this, get control of oneself, the sinful nature prompts a lot of bad things. Quiet the desires, sinful emotions, behaviors. Focus on God and what is real, true. If emotions and thoughts come, do not fight them, because it has the opposite effect, but also do not give in - it has been proven. Fighting in this case is panic, lack of control over the situation. There is also a method not to include unnecessary thoughts, but to use thinking when necessary. Not thinking and concentrating only on observation cleanses and calms in a way, and is helpful in a fight. The method of fighting is developed and works, but you need to do something useful and have no gaps for not thinking. After a certain period of time has passed, you still have to fight and keep busy and think. That is, act wisely. For those who sin, they should think about the matter, for what is sin in the sight of God? Carnal slaves will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Man should be able to control himself, to be aware at the coming of Jesus Christ. To be free, to be a Christian is more than being guided by instinct, by a sinful nature, like a sinful unborn man.

  3. When things get really bad, they will blame it on believers in Jesus Christ, so that people will start to persecute them severely...

  4. I saw three nuclear detonations above the ground and one detonation that was high up. Then I saw another image and something was flying from the sky, similar looking like lupine seeds, as it flew from above it turned people into mud. As for the detonation, it was before Turkey shot down the plane. Can anything be done about that? No. The only possibility and protection is God's presence and allowing the Lord Jesus to direct our lives, otherwise God will not prepare us as we get in the way. Only one person can sit behind the wheel.

  5. I turned it off. It's impossible to listen to, the form rejects me, though the words may be true as well. I can't understand why all the preachers get so pissed off in front of the congregation and when they get out of sight they are so calm. When he gets over himself, let him try again - and without the music in the background, because it sucks all together.
    Someone's trying to push some crap on me, I can't prove where? But the form, it tells you to be careful.
    I'm too old a starling.

    1. It's best to keep talking until everyone falls asleep.
      At least you can see that the man is alive and living what he talks about.

  6. Some of David Wilkerson's predictions and vision have not worked in the past.

    , "Currently, I feel in my spirit that in less than five years, there will be no more so-called evangelistic television networks. They will all come to bankruptcy and total destruction!" - December 19, 1994

    , "Nine years ago I received a prophetic message and spoke it before the congregation at Times Square Church on exactly September 7, 1992. Let me recall them now:

    "This warning is not intended to frighten you, but that you bring it before the Lord and pray. This is what I believe God has shown me:

    Thirty days of chastisement will fall on New York City - the kind of chastisement the world has never seen before. God will cause the walls to fall down. You will witness unimaginable violence and acts of plunder. The violence will be so vicious that the whole world will be shocked. Our streets will be filled not only with National Guard troops, but also with the military.

    Thousands of fires will ignite simultaneously across the city. In Los Angeles, the fires were limited to only a few neighborhoods, but New York City will be on fire in its entirety. There will be fires in Times Square, and columns of fire will reach the sky and be visible from miles away. Fire trucks will not be able to control the situation.

    All trains and buses will be stopped. Losses will run into the billions of dollars. Broadway shows will be completely canceled. Businesses will leave town in a panic. Such things are to be expected in Third World countries, but not in a civilized country like the United States. However, after a short time, the city of New York will be completely bankrupt. The recent queen of the metropolis will lie in the dust becoming a city of poverty.

    You may ask, when will all this happen? All I can say is that I believe I will be here when it happens. But when it happens, God's people should not be afraid or panic.

    Recently, our mission offices have been inundated with calls and questions. People are asking: "Was the 9/11 terrorist attack the disaster you prophesied about in 1992?" No, not at all. What I saw would be far worse. Indeed, if America rejects God's call to remembrance, we will face the kind of judgment that was poured out on ancient Israel. And it will not just affect New York City, but all regions of the country. Even the middle part of the United States will not be spared. The national economy will collapse and violence will erupt. Fires will consume our cities and tanks will take to the streets.

    You may be wondering as I am, "Can all of this be avoided?" Yes, definitely yes. I believe the execution will be suspended if our president becomes like Josiah. You probably remember that this king sought the Lord with all his heart. We should all pray that God will give our president the same spirit that Josiah had, to tremble before the Word of the Lord."

    As far as I know, there's more.

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