Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. 01.01.2016 the outbreak of the Third World War so says Klauso ex-CIA agent says that the war will break out on the night of New Year's Eve on New Year's Day as people are having fun war will come suddenly there was even so in some prophecies, and now look what a powerful number 11 and the sum of the year 9 gives us a total of 911. I am afraid that there is no turning back from this. This tetrad which was a warning just before the 3 WS and WU because in 2017 23 rising we already have a sign that will be a warning before the middle of the tribulation as we write in the Bible about it, so there is no other way but to start a war right now, and let's not forget that the Jesuits as well as the good go according to the Bible, so there is no other way, except that the Jesuits think that they will win this war, but unfortunately they are not the ones who fulfill the prophecy of the antichrist.

    1. and Islam doesn't exactly celebrate New Year's

      1. Islam? - How about gypsyism?
        no such condition?
        is... I'm telling you
        but I don't know
        where 🙂

        Pedro and the hens. Performed by ; Stasiek Wielanek.

          1. good piece...
            however, are
            nor God

  2. That's all well and good, but I still can't understand why God gave him the power to hurt people. He could have just ended it a long time ago and there would have been peace. But now we have to prove ourselves, even though by definition we are hopeless, we have to be perfect, even though by definition we are sinful. What is this all about ...

    1. ChristianStateOfPoland

      The omnipotent, omniscient and perfect God did not create bots, but free beings with their own initiative, created (most importantly) in the image of the Lord. The beings were not meant to be perfect clowns who like twisted dolls worship and praise because they were programmed to do so, or worse, intimidated (God can destroy evil like a bug). This is not a failed experiment, the Lord has foreseen everything, created certain unchangeable mechanisms, and desires to have reasonable loving children, not an intimidated herd of sycophants. He created, and then everything lived its own life... in order to have only the beloved, the Lord made attempts to "clean up the bots" (Flood, etc.), but over time (due to original sin contamination, etc.) everything went back to "normal". The adversary grows in strength, and cannot be destroyed just like that, because then the Lord would deny His divine attributes. The ultimate solution is the descent to Earth of Christ, who through His death, not the whip of God, destroys sin and evil. Just as in the beginning Satan, or whatever he is called, consciously chose to depart from God, and subsequent generations followed in his footsteps, so now we are to consciously choose Salvation - that is, a return to God as perfect beings. The test is not easy, it is not enough to say Lord, Lord... you have to walk through the narrow gate... The ship "Life" is sinking on the Sea of the World, Satan invites you to the lifeboats, and Christ takes those willing to the lowest deck.... The choice is ours.

      1. Nicely written 🙂 .

        1. and you, Klaudia, have better and better avatars. You seem to be coming out of the darkness....

          1. Also nicely put!!! 😀

            1. Keep getting better, I agree wholeheartedly 😉 and thanks for the heads up, I'm not interrupting anymore.

              1. Jack you don't mind you can join the conversation about Klaudia 🙂

                1. 😀 oj, Peter, Peter!
                  And: glad my "brighter" side was noticed! Thanks, guys!!! 😀

            2. ChristianStateOfPoland

              Thank you very much, it's a pity that my "talents" in the humanities were underestimated by my Polish teacher 😀 and I had to compensate for it with mathematics... Because in algebra everything is clear, and in Polish 2+2 sometimes is 4 😀

              1. I also had problems in high school with my Polish teacher - she kept clipping my so called "wings". And then I ended up at Polish Philology with my friend from the bench - as the only one in the class with biol-chem profile 😀 .

    2. In addition, Islam is oriented towards fighting and murder, and Christians towards meekness and mercy... i.e. death, has anyone noticed this correlation yet ? I have a growing unease with the Bible as a promoter of the NWO (the passage about you serving even a cruel master as a slave) and a sower of fear i.e. all the descriptions of apocalypse and murder in the name of God in the ST. Are we even the awakened or newly reborn programmed to take part in battles against another religion, as the elites assume? A Muslim who murders is guaranteed paradise according to their doctrine, while a Christian goes to paradise if he does not murder and in addition forgives the oppressor (??) Why do such thoughts come to me?

      1. And then what if it turns out that the elites are also programmed ?

    3. Assim,
      God gave people Free Will, or the ability to choose
      "It's all beautiful but I still can't understand why God gave him the power to hurt people."
      God is waiting - not the best word - that people will come to their senses and show Goodwill towards the Creator and towards other people [be relation, of course].
      "He could have just ended it a long time ago and there would have been peace and quiet and so we have to prove ourselves even though by definition we are hopeless, we have to be perfect"
      we are simply to NOT sin in order to remain Humans,
      and then the Rapture...

      That's clear, isn't it?

    4. and now you ask Assim,
      and what is SIN and why can't we sin?
      it's not that God has some kind of vision...
      SIN is the Loss of Humanity,
      God does not WANT us to lose our Humanity !!!
      but we have free will...
      then we can
      to be scumbags, and then we're surprised,
      why there are so many scoundrels, hyenas,
      You Assim become a Man, and all dogs
      You leave... don't shoot them or anything...
      You may not become God,
      but, gee, you keep

      Mori Shej Sabina: Gypsy Lullaby by Kalyi Jag
      and... who knows if it's not
      eternal life...

  3. I know that day is also a big isis holiday.

  4. I keep wondering about these nuclear attacks in the US, well I wonder Priest if your predictions will turn out to be true, I am really curious and I don't know what world I will wake up in tomorrow....

  5. Hehe , it's not a prediction brother it's a source fact you even have this date on the cover of the economist , I think we will wake up tomorrow in a different world , I'll be shocked if nothing happens by the end of the year I'll just freak out but it's impossible all this has been prepared for years this is the last game of the 12th round I'll say more than that on the 26th there will be some macabre events and on the 27th and 28th and 29th people who are in it a lot more than me say these are some powerful dates and numbers november rain this song tells valseni about these nuclear explosions that then comes the rain and washes everything away

    1. Don't stick to patterns, because maybe nothing will happen until the end of the year, but for example in January.
      Let's remember one thing. War is a tactic. In Europe, the greatest frost is not until January-February.

      Though anything can any time

    2. Well listen on the 27th it's "black friday" in the US and maybe ISIS will actually want to do black Friday to them literally and figuratively....

      1. Well, yeah, then there's a bunch of people.
        If anyone reading this is from the US, consider a trip to the city these days.

  6. the jokes were over.

    1. I think there are no coincidences here 🙂 .

    2. I mentioned that first song somewhere in the comments.
      It seems to me that in the lyrics it is sung "love is a satan", while on "lyrics" they state "love is a satire"....
      I don't know...
      But cases don't exist....
      At least where someone is fast-tracking their career....
      By the way, yesterday on TVP1 they released the movie "Sign-Redemption" about the rapture and the left and the antichrist and the biometric chip and the nwo...and deliverance from faith in God....
      The truth right in front of your eyes...and it works like a distorted mirror....

      1. they put on a movie and you didn't say anything. Not nice...

        1. Because by accident, my husband turned it on when he got back from his afternoon and he didn't want to sleep... 🙂 .

    3. Notice that in Madonna's case the names of the cities are mentioned

    1. they do rely on sensationalism and such titles they have from time to time, but this time it may be so

    1. Maybe scientists are descended from Lucy and somehow that fits their reasoning.
      We come from the most famous couple in the world.

      1. And that's it, period!

      2. Normally we're celebrities

  7. People are already so messed up in their heads that they will follow the wrong one because it will seem to them that what they are doing is right, salutary and good...God protect us and keep us from wrong choices/decisions.

  8. I love being such a celebrity. This is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in my life.

  9. III RP VIRUS OF COMMUNISM. The virus that destroys the soul

    1. Thanks april.
      I was going to write about it for days, but all is not lost as the video is only 3 min long 🙂

      1. Write, write! It's imperative 🙂 .

  10. The system degrades people by forcing them to become beasts...Only a few are able to resist it and keep their humanity....

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