Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Dead Synod - a little known, one of many dark pages in the history of the Roman church.

Information about such a synod was sent to me today by Krzysiu alias Krysio. Thank you, all the more because I had no idea either green or any other color...


What was a dead synod?



Deadly Synod - Synod convened by Pope Stephen VI in 897 in Rome for the posthumous trial of Pope Formosus.

During this period Arnulf, crowned by Pope Formosus, and Lambert II competed for imperial power. After the death of Formosus and the short (15 days) pontificate of Boniface VI, Stephen VI came to the papal throne, who initially also supported Arnulf. However, when Lambert consolidated his power, he changed his position. Probably forced by the emperor, he convened a synod which was to posthumous judgment and deprivation of the honour of the Pope Formosus[1]. For this purpose, his corpse was taken from the grave and dressed in pontifical robes. Then cut off his three fingers, which he used to bless the people, and after the judgment, his quartered corpse was thrown into the Tiber[2]. This event caused great outrage, especially among the clergy ordained by Formosus. A few months later Stephen was arrested and strangled.

Later that year, Pope Theodore II annulled the "synod of the dead". On his orders, Formosus' remains were fished out of the river and buried with due reverence. Sergius III (904-911) again condemned Formosus and annulled all his ordinations. In the process, he deprived those church dignitaries who had received benefices from the condemned pope of their offices.


I could write a few sentences, but what's the point?

Dear Catholics, do you still consider the papacy to be the rule of God on Earth?


Updated: 17 November 2015 — 14:23


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  1. Infallibly simply, once this way, once the other way, as the soul desires 🙂
    To dress the corpse and judge him, even though he can't even defend himself, but what the heck, it's just a celebration

  2. Out of the rain into the gutter, out of the gutter into the rain.

  3.,1356,title,Rosja-uderza-w-bastion-ISIS-w-Syrii-Pociski-manewrujace-i-bombowce-strategiczne-w-akcji,wid,17979503,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=115f58 russia is carrying out a massive attack in Syria, the Russians have officially announced that the downing of a Russian plane over Sinai was an act of terror.

    1. Priest, do we have peace and quiet until 25.11 or will anything else happen before then?

  4. Greece will be in crisis wants to rebuild a huge statue of the sun god Helios (Lucifer) the so-called Colossus of Rhodes.This is expected to cost about 250 million euros.Does anyone else have doubts who rules this country?

    1. This is a war on symbols as you can see

  5. Something will happen for sure, already happened today just Russia announced that the plane was a bomb or false flag, someone wrote a few days ago that supposedly the attacks must be at longer intervals and there is no way that after France (small f because of the fact that this country is already dead) something will happen, This has already been disproved because on October 31 a plane was shot down and on the 13th there were attacks in France what a precision, and by the way I read that the figures on the cover of the economist give the date of 25.11 I do not know how much truth in it but the guy from the same circles as us told about it so you can trust him.

  6. Russia is bombing the goats on a massive scale, it is very dangerous, France of course only pretends to bomb these flights are only political and not paramilitary.the Satanic spawn created by the usa and israel is falling apart thanks to russia and whether we like it or not america is at the wall they have to make a powerful attack to give the green light to their army, it's different from the usa and all their shadowy coalition that has been bombing isis for a year and until russia stepped in the islamic state was getting stronger and stronger, they created a monster that will now attack them of course with the tacit approval of isis isid governments and services.

    1. bombing the Cossacks,


  7. Digging up the decomposing corpse of a "governor of Christ" in order to subject it to judgment is just as repulsive as cutting up or displaying the corpse for public viewing as part of the Catholic cult of "relics of the saints.

  8. And one more thing - on 31st October at Halloween a Russian plane was destroyed, then an asteroid that looked like a pumpkin flew near the ground, and on 13th November it fell into the water, ufo and there were attacks in Paris, remember nothing happens by chance, everything is around us, everything is happening.

    1. all these elements together illustrate biblical symbolism, the fall of the millstone (speculated to be an asteroid, meteor, or even a ufo...) and then chaos, etc.
      PS can anyone help me - how to add audio (I would like to do voiceover) to a movie downloaded from you tube? I would like to make some important videos

  9. Here in France there is no hope left, it is worth watching how stupid the people there are. They do not see the scale of the threat yet they attack those who fight for their livelihoods ....

  10. I wonder if it wasn't some satanic ritual... He must have been very uncomfortable if they treated him like that even after death ( maybe murder ? ).
    As for Russia we know that oil there has dropped a lot...and there is quite a bit of it there.... so it is quite possible that this is how it could start... Russia, France... all unite to fight the Islamists... super war ... antichrist... we will see what happens next?

  11. Why does the author constantly spew hatred and disgust for the kk, the papacy? It's the same people as us - posts about love for ISIS members appear, and the admin pulls out old dirt, as long as he has ammunition on the enemy. And the devil sits and rubs his hands, because you are making admin judgment in your heart, nurturing bad emotions, bad intentions, and you don't even notice how a drop drills a rock... Satan is a deceiver and you may think you are doing the right thing while he leads you astray. We are to love people, not their sins. All people, without exception, are controlled by sin, deceived, harassed - some go with the flow or even into it, while others fight against it with their own strength (which does not work), or thanks to the Lord Jesus - because only in Him is there an escape.

    1. Luke, are you familiar with such a concept as truth?

    2. Luke

      The pope is called the governor of Christ. The above entry shows that in reality the papacy has little to do with Christ, let alone being His vicegerent. If for you the most important thing is worldly defined love, then taking this line of thinking, it doesn't matter if someone is Buddhist, atheist or Christian, what matters is that they love people. Then why bother with anything, why bother with sound doctrine?

      I also think that deceivers, wrong teachings need to be exposed. Even if someone is not a sophisticated deceiver, anyone can be questioned, criticized if they are wrong, and this does not have to be tantamount to an attack, hatred.

      1. Exactly, God has given us a specific message, not anything that anyone likes, the spiritually important definitions are in the Holy Scriptures, and these should be reflected in the teachings of the respective church - in the case of the Catholic Church.

        The "Marian question" itself and the apparitions and their evaluation in the light of Scripture itself show that the Catholic Church does not take Scripture seriously, only what fits their program line.

    3. Legitimate opposition is not "hate". And if it is - then the homolobby is right that we are guilty of "hate speech" and we are going to jail 🙂

      1. I honestly don't understand - where does the Truth Detective deceive Satan about Catholicism? And where is the "burning of hatred" against Catholics?

        1. just telling the truth is already hatred according to the system

          1. "truth is hate for those who hate the truth..."

            1. adi you have every predisposition to become a great philosopher. The sentence is suitable for wikipedia


              Wait, I'll put my glasses on:


    4. Luke use your power and start reading the Bible and you will see the differences... No one here is judging anyone or spewing hatred. The facts about the church and the papacy are revealed here and they are so cruel and disgusting that one can get the mistaken impression that we are judging them or slandering them but unfortunately these are the facts. And they are presented so that people could learn about the differences and choose the right way of life... and a little bit out of curiosity

  12. "Therefore, having rejected falsehood, speak the truth, each with his neighbor" Ephesians 4:25
    Of course there are people in the church just like us, I myself was raised in those dogmas. People should know the truth, it has nothing to do with hate speech.
    Unfortunately, the pages of Roman church history are what they are. If it were revealed what the Vatican archives hide there would be more of them as well. The pope who was going to review just the Vatican's finances alone was killed just after a month, in a way that is still unexplained.

  13. After all, Krk smells of musty odor and corpse stench, so...

    1. It reeks of musty spiritual adultery and the stench of falsehood, all under the fumes of homosexuality and pedophilia.

  14. The only truth is the Lord Jesus, who founded His Church. Mankind is tainted with sin, so what is so strange that such "agents" have appeared in the history of the Church? After all, Satan feels best in the midst of the Church, and through such stories he wants to draw you away from the true faith. Let us not be deceived. The Church is made up of people, and none of us are perfect nmimo it has survived for over 2000 years because it is based on Jesus Christ.

    1. church history are the agents themselves.


      Please write, who do you consider to be the harlot of the apocalypse? Who, according to you, meets the following criteria at the same time: a city located on seven hills, drunk with the blood of saints, dressed in purple?

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