Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Crisis Actor.

Yes, as I mentioned in the text about puppets, we are dealing with a theater, and besides the stage and the script, there are actors figuratively and literally:



I don't know how much of this is true from the photo, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was, because the illuminati love games. The problem is that the finale of this game of theirs will be unhappy for them.



Updated: 16 November 2015 — 09:38


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  1. Even at our place there was already a comment that it's not the same person, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was the same person after all.

    1. I did some more digging on the subject, and it's not necessarily the same girl, though.

  2. Curiosity:
    I once saw a movie (or maybe a TV series), title I can't remember, where time travel was possible. People used it to visit famous disasters. The tourist would travel to the time and place of the accident, participate in the events, and return to their own time before they would die. And one of these tourists just happened to fall into the habit of appearing in pictures of various disasters.

  3. I remembered the news that all the TV stations showed on September 11, '01. They showed Arabs dancing in the streets, cheering, normally an ecstasy of joy. Of course, later it turned out that these were recordings from a completely different day and a different occasion. But billions of people were shown that 'attacks on America are received with such great enthusiasm by the Arab world.' Now there is the same circus, an example - ISIS beheadings allegedly stolen by Russian hacks from a recording studio (!) using a prompter and a green board:

  4. Anyway, even if it is not the same person, it seems to me that even during disasters they have their actors to manipulate the emotions of the population. After all they have them everywhere let's not kid ourselves and the world of film music acting is their domain because they create a puppet theater in this world. Good post...

    1. Priest, is it certain now that there's going to be another coup soon?

    2. Nothing will. In 2016 yes, but in this one no more. Assassinations never happen one after another, only in a large time frame.

  5. There used to be a profession of a weeper in the countryside, she would go to funerals and lament. Some professions disappear and others arise, such are the times.

    1. How I dislike something like this...wrr ?

  6. That's for sure, it's over. Realist, I see you don't know much, they don't come one after the other because what? Because you think so or because you want to scream your conscience to calm down?

    1. And do you know exactly what time this coup is supposed to be? In the sense of still today or maybe tomorrow? Because I don't know what "in a little while" means? Maybe again at night like it was then?

  7. Well you know I'm not a mason to know the dates, let alone a prophet, I know it's just a matter of time, don't get upset, say your prayers, stay calm, God is watching, the services are completely out of control, as you saw I posted that they found rocket launchers etc in Lyon today, so the situation is so tense it's mind-boggling.

    1. Aha, so in your opinion terrorists will take advantage of the confusion and carry out another attack.So this is just your guess.And those nuclear attacks in France, which you wrote about that are supposed to be this month are also just your speculation or something confirmed?

  8. I mean, I'm relying on facts, I'm not following the situation and I'm making conclusions and I'm listening to what people are saying, even French intelligence is saying that there will be another attack this month, so it's not my guess.

    1. "Well, you know, I'm not some kind of Mason to know dates."
      Where did you get the date 25.11 then? And then you wrote that there will be nuclear attacks on France later this month.Are you confirming that it will happen on 25.11?
      "Even French intelligence says there will be another attack this month."
      Are you basing your knowledge on public sources or some secret ones? If secret, is the intelligence about those nuclear attacks on 25.11?

  9. You think the date of 25 in the usa will be in France, the exact date I do not know .

    1. So you know some dates after all.Ok, let's sort it out/
      25.11 - USA
      28.11 - In your opinion, "black day" what should happen?

  10. I know a lot of dates but it is not certain that everything will come true, I warn people I study the situation from various sources, with a group of friends who help me and every now and then block their channels on yt, so there is something on the right we hit the nail , Well yes 25 atomic bombings in the U.S., I wrote a long time ago and on the 28th a lot of macabre events are going to happen, but too much to write I will gradually report on the situation but for now let's watch because it can still be very interesting until 20 , and then we will look further everything began with the 13th as I said and wrote that everything will begin with the fall of the satellite into the sea, that there will be bloodshed, now it's just accelerating the machine leading to the NWO , I know that a friend of mine thinks that Clinton can make a big difference but he is researching it, not based on the Bible but based on facts, a woman dictator who can attack anyone.


    Here you go, here is an interesting link about crisis actors....

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