Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jezebel's spirit exhibited in mass culture.

While some people thought that the Jezebel Spirit did not exist or downplayed it, as of today I am convinced that we underestimated the subject of the Jezebel Spirit. Luckily, an expert on Masonic signs in Polish music Liksar sent me an email today with one of the many songs about Jezebel by Edith Piaf, famous in the 50s and 60s


Jezabel... Jezabel...
It's the demon that burned my heart
This is the angel who dried my tears
It was you, Jezabel, you
Those constant tears of happiness
Jezabel was you

But love is destroyed.
Everything has fallen in my life,
Crushing, trampling, taking my heart,
Jezebel ... But for you,
I would circle the earth
I would go to the depths of hell.
Jezebel, where are you? Jezebel, where are you?

The memories we believed in have faded
They are living beings
With eyes dead, twitching still with the past
But my heart suffers from obsession.
Beats repeating
Deep inside me
It's a word I love,
Your name ...
Jezebel ... Jezebel ...

But love is destroyed.
Everything has fallen in my life,
Crushing, trampling, taking my heart
Jezebel ... But for you,
I would circle the earth
I would go to the depths of hell
Shouting incessantly,
Day and night
Jezebel... Jezebel...


The song was written in the 1950s. It's not some fresh invention.

Someone described in this text a typical action of this DEMON.


"This is the demon that burned my heart."


How typical. A burnt heart. That heart is no longer there. It was burned by a demon.

"This is the angel who dried my tears."

If there is no heart, there are no tears of repentance either.



"But love is destroyed.
Everything has fallen in my life,


This demon sows destruction. First there is rebellion, then the demon comes in and what does it do? It destroys love. Everything falls down in the life of such a person.


But my heart suffers from obsession.
Beats repeating
Deep inside me
It's a word I love,
Your name ...
Jezebel ... Jezebel


Despite the destruction Jezebl wreaks, she is revered deep inside.




Let's look at the career of Edith Piaf


She was known for her incredible expressiveness and drama[source needed] in performing songs specifically written for her. Her rough and relatively low voice contrasted with her petite stature (147 cm)

Having reached the heights of her career, she began to help young singers, facilitating their artistic start (among them were Yves Montand, with whom she had an affair that lasted several years, Gilbert Bécaud and Charles Aznavour). She was married twice. She married her first husband (Jacques Pills) on 20 September 1952, but they divorced after four years. Between 1948 and 1949 she had an affair with the married Marcel Cerdan, a world boxing champion. On 9 October 1962, she married Theophanis Lamboukas, 21 years younger than herself, known as Théo Sarapo, whom she tried to help with her singing career. Despite the peculiarity of this situation, criticized by many of her friends, Lamboukas proved to be her faithful friend, caring for the singer until her death.

Piaf died of hepatocellular carcinoma on October 10, 1963 in Grasse.



Soon, Liksar will tackle many more songs about Jezebl, of which there are said to be dozens.


thanks to Likasr

Updated: 7 November 2015 — 18:01


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  1. What is bad is promoted and what is good is ridiculed....

  2. unfortunately, my favorite Mireille Mathieu sings it too 🙁

      1. And regarding singers, actresses, painters and all sorts of "artists" there is the matter.
        I work at a community center and there are several girls for every boy attending art classes. However, in 20 years, the proportions are reversed. The ugly sex is more in these professions and the beautiful sex is less.
        It's a very hard piece of bread, and when you have to support a family it's even harder.

  3. And by the way, I recommend looking at the output of two other female vocalists - Beyonce and Stevie Nicks of the band Fleetwood Mac:

  4. I told you so, these spiritual things are symbolized all around us, it's just that our "spiritualists" don't see it, you have to manage on your own

  5. How to deal with it? Do not love this world and trust in God!

  6. Today, humanity is dominant and humanity is exterminated....

    1. Bogusław Wolniewicz 32 CHURCH AND FATHERHOOD Family part 2

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