Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Poles descendants of Japheth and Vandal.

I finally tracked down a document that a jawa brother turned out to have posted over six months ago as a link on this blog.


This is Jan Długosz's "Dziejów polskich księg 12."

After reading this Polish history, we can say to ourselves that we are descendants of Japheth and Vandal.


The tribal history of human societies




tribal subdivision2


tribal subdivision3

tribal subdivision4

Slavs and their settlements

slavic people

From the description it appears that the Father of the Slavs was Negno - a descendant of Japheth.

First of all you should know that the Poles come from the family of Japheth son of Noah. This Japheth, among his many sons, had also one named Javan, whom the Poles call Ivan (...). Jawan gave birth to Philira, Philira gave birth to Alan, Alan gave birth to Anchises, An-chizes gave birth to Aeneas, Aeneas gave birth to Ascanius, Ascanius gave birth to Pamphilius, Pamphilius gave birth to Reasilva, Reasilva gave birth to Alanus, Alanus, who was the first to arrive in Europe, gave birth to Negnon, Negnon in turn gave birth to four sons, the first born of whom was Vandal, from whom originated the Vandals, now called Poles.”

Pannonia was the pierotic seat of the Slavs.













Probably hence the so-called Slavic vedas: vandals, venedas, vedas


The name Wends (Western Slavs) was connected with the Vinedi, the Wenedi but also with the Vandals.



Here the historians dispute:

Updated: 3 November 2015 — 19:34


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  1. I have read probably all the old chronicles, there are many legends that are copied, for example the one about the dragon of Wawel is a copy of the legend of the prophet Daniel who killed the dragon of Babylon

    "(25) Daniel answered, To the Lord my God I will worship, for He is the living God. And thou, O king, give me authority, and I will slay the serpent without the aid of sword and club. (26) And the king said, I give them to thee. (27) So Daniel took tar, tallow, and bristles, and kneaded cakes of them, and threw them into the mouth of the serpent. After he had eaten them, the serpent burst; and he said: See what you have worshipped. (28) When the Babylonians heard of this, they became greatly indignant, and gathered themselves together against the king, saying, The king has become a Jew." Daniel 14

    On the other hand, who knows, maybe the Babylonian king also founded Cracow, some say that Krakus is a polonized Cyrus.

  2. As for me, it's some kind of magic with skipping over the antiquity of the Poles and their origins.

    This convinces me that the Slavs may indeed be the exiled Israel(10 generations). Otherwise why all the silence?

    Someday God will step in and the world will be in the power of good. Then we will begin to learn many truths.

    Let's hope our heads don't hurt because there will be something (lies) to clear our minds of.

    1. The Slavs are not an exiled Israel. The Slavs were the first people in the world before the Jews. Noe-Jafet-Javan-Elisha called Helios I-Sarmata-Helios II-Lech I Willie the founder of Great Lech called the Lechitic Empire.The ancestors of the Jews are: Noe-Sem from the seed of Shem after 400 years was born Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-12 sons of Jacob of which are the 12 tribes of Israel.So when the Jews began to exist the Slavs already existed long before the Jews.

  3. "For a nation is coming against him from the north,
    that will turn his country into a desert.
    No one will live in it:
    from man to animal
    [all] will flee and go away." Jeremiah 50:3 BT

    , "Here comes a nation from the north,
    a great nation and many kings
    arise from the ends of the earth.
    The bow and sword are held in hand,
    are cruel and without mercy.
    Their uproar is like the sound of the sea,
    they ride horses,
    are ready to fight as one
    against you, daughter of Babylon!
    The king of Babylon heard the news of them
    and his hands dropped,
    fear gripped him,
    pain, like a woman in labor." Jeremiah 50:41-43 BT

    Numerous kings who, as it were, form one nation...the Slavic nation, descendants of Japheth. They occupy the northern territories, or more accurately they are from the ends of the earth in the north. In those days, as far as I know, the ends of the earth were the borders of Europe at that time. As kings of many tribes and kingdoms and as descendants of Japheth, they had large areas of land at their disposal and what does this also prove about the origin of the Slavs? This verse:

    , "May God give also Japheth a large space..." Genesis 9:27

    Next we have:

    ,,...and let him dwell in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be his servant"

    Here in my reference is part of the prophecy related to Japheth and Shem and the associated spiritual connection.
    Who could live in the owner's tent? Not just the spouse? So this is probably a prophecy related to the betrothal of the seed of Japheth to the seed of Shem, but not so much bodily as spiritual...a spiritual inheritance that the wife and her children will receive through the blessing of their father, the nation of Shem.

    Further on in chapter 10 the genealogy of Noah's descendants is described so you can look there.

    From Shem descended God's Chosen People, Abraham, Isaac, Israel(Jacob) and the 12 tribes of Israel.
    Japheth and his descendants are described in this topic by John Dlugosz, etc.
    Further speaking of spiritual marriage and the spiritual inheritance of Shem given to Japheth we have as far as the eye can see in the case of the New Covenant fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the offspring of David a descendant of Shem.
    Shem as the protoplast of the Law and Japheth as the protoplast of grace. The Law of Moses was given to Israel, not to the descendants of Japheth, who based their rule on a firm hand and on grace, which is why the new covenant has spread so nicely to us in Europe and the Slavic countries, who now put their faith in Jesus Christ and in his gift of grace....

    It's just a thought and I may be wrong because I am only cheers to those who are a bit confused by all this 🙂 .

    With God

    1. "Further speaking of spiritual marriage and the spiritual inheritance of Shem given to Japheth we have as far as the eye can see in the case of the New Covenant fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the offspring of David a descendant of Shem."

      nicely said!

  4. No wonder when cognition increases they send us Islamists.

  5. Hmm...a thought occurred to me.

    Since the Slavs would be descended from Japheth, they cannot be the lost Israel.

    Israel descended from Abraham, and he is a descendant of Shem, not Japheth.
    As we know, the fathers are the extension of the lineage. So would it come out that the Israelites - 10 generations (descendants of Shem) were scattered among the descendants of Japheth?

    Something doesn't add up for me here, does the error lie in my reasoning?

    1. Work Buy Consume Die

      Your reasoning is correct. It does not change the fact that spiritual Israel are all believers in Christ. The division by blood was abolished at His saving death.

    2. The Poles are descended from Japheth son of Noah, Japheth had seven sons, one of whom was Javan, who had a son Elisha, also called Halisa/Helissa, who had a son Sarmatian, who had a son Halisa/Helissa, who had a son Lech I the Great of whom is the name of Big Lech, called the Lechitic Empire.I read that Sarmata was the son of Helissa I and grandson of Jawan and Lech I the Great was the son of Helissa II, so there was Helisa I and Helisa II. Elisha was called Helisa I and the father of Lech I Willie was Helisa II.We have Greek roots, of Noah, Japheth, Javan, Elisha/Halisa/Helisa I. Japheth, Javan and Elisha settled where Greece and the Greek islands are today.Sarmatia is the beginning of the Great Lechia/the Lechitic Empire.Lech I the Great was the grandson of a Sarmatian.In the olden days names were often given after the father or grandfather,mother or grandmother.The legendary Lech was prince Lechsyn of king Jan he didn't found the Polish state because it already existed under the name of Great Lechia/the Lechitic Empire.This prince Lech came to Gniezno,the seat of the kings of Lech at a time without a king.He didn't sit on the throne himself maybe because he was busy with battles but when his son Krak grew up prince Lech put his son Krak on the throne. There are various questions on the internet if we are Sarmatians, I would say that we are rather of Sarmatians, his son Helissy II and of Lech I the Great.

    3. Ten generations, they were exiled, also taken into captivity, the seller into captivity. The exiles probably went to different strengths. Ephraim and Manesha came to India through China. Ephraim and Manesha were found. In China and India live the Jews from the generation of Ephraim and Manesha.

  6. Work Buy Consume Die

    Dzierzwa/Mierzwa, a chronicler of the early 14th century, came to the same conclusion: "I, called Mierzwa, have found in writings such a beginning, or origin, of the Polish nation from the beginning of the world. Thus it should be known that the Poles are of the line of Japheth, who was the son of Noah. When his father blessed him, he exclaimed encouraged by the spirit of God: May God give Japheth a large space. This Japheth had one son, whose name was Javan, among the many sons that he had begotten, and whom the Poles call Ivan. And Jawan gave birth to Philar."

    1. And therefore the Poles are not Jews and never will be like their ancestors, and certainly the Poles are not Israelites - the origin of the Israelites is much later than the Slavs.

  7. and in the Bible, Javan had no son named Philar. 🙁

    1. Philar hilar-heliisa elisha son of jawan

      1. I read the chronicles of Prokosz which confirm our descent from Jawan son of Japheth.

  8. Biblical Hebrew sounds of names are generally deformed such as *ulkuos turns into vrkah, etc....

    Anna Catherine Emmerich: "My Bridegroom has shown me the unheard-of disorder and intrinsic impurity of all things and all His actions to restore the original state" + "The first [Prajindo-European a.k.a. Prajindo-Germanic] native speech of Adam, Shem, and Noah is different and only exists in particular still narratives. The first pure [Indo-European] daughters of this speech are the speech of the Bactrians, the Zends and the sacred speech of the Indians. In these languages, words can be found exactly similar to the Lower German of my hometown. In this language, too, is written the book which I see in today's Ktezyphon, on the Tigris River lying."

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