Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

What is a Sect? What if they call you a cult for reading the Bible?

Due to the large influx of new readers, I would like to remind you of my text from three years ago on the definition of a sect. I am reminding you because the first thing that happens to the born again or awakened ones is that their families call them a "sect". It is enough to read the Bible and you are already a sect.



Recently a friend, who reads my blog daily, said to me in nervousness "you guys are a cult". I asked "why". I received the reply "because you speak of the spirit of izebel". Leaving aside the absurdity and illogicality of this statement, I will add that this person represents the spirit of Izebel very well. She has destructive tendencies and destroys everything that is in her way and she herself is devoid of feelings. Everything is ok, until I put the translation about the spirit of Izebel. This just confirms to me that I am doing the right thing by posting the analysis of Jezebel's spirit. From the mouth of such a person, about whom I don't want to elaborate, it is like the "we have you" program, or according to the saying "strike the table and the scissors will open".


Coming to the topic. It is often enough to say something about the Bible and we are already called a sect, like a drunken Lesiu collecting garbage on the beach at the convention in Leba.

Ok, so let's take a factual approach to the object of study and operationalize the concepts.


A religious studies approach Because through such we can mainly explore:

"A sect is a religious group or movement, separate from a religion, or a religious association that has broken away from any of the churches or religious communities and has adopted its own doctrinal and cultic principles and organizational structures..."

1) We are not a denomination and that is beautiful because the first apostles were not either.

2) We have not broken away from any particular church because rather we are a collection of various former religions.

3. we don't have organizational structures.

4: We don't have a building.


Capturing definitions from the MSWIA report


A sect can be considered any group that, while having a strongly developed power structure, is at the same time characterized by a significant divergence of declared and realized goals and the concealment of norms that significantly regulate the lives of its members; that violates basic human rights and the rules of social coexistence, and that has a destructive impact on its members, sympathizers, families and society.

1. there is no power structure in our country

2. we don't have stated goals

3. we have no hidden standards because we are not any organized group.

4. we don't regulate the family life of the members. Everyone does what they want to do. We haven't even seen each other in the vast majority.


A sect is a group in which there is both a high level of totalism (control of members' lives) and psychomanipulation.


I don't control your life and you don't control mine. I don't know what kind of partners you have. Zero control and therefore zero psychomanipulation.




It doesn't really matter to the average person whether a group can be called a cult or not. If it is a threat, then calling it a sect will not change anything.

The author of this article does not believe that the word "sect" should be erased from the Polish language, nor does he advocate creating a single definition for all. Simply experience shows that such a definition is impossible to create with such a variety of ways to approach the problem.





The Catholic view

"Opoka" - a laboratory of faith and culture

  • The term sect is not applied today to churches or Christian communities Nor to the great non-Christian religions. So what are sects? How to define them? What position does the Catholic Church take towards them? Are sects a threat to the Church? Can you explain the relative success they enjoy in the modern world?
    Sects or new religious movements
  • In Christian churches, Jesus is considered to be God and the SaviorThey believe in the Trinity as God. If Jehovah's Witnesses therefore do not confess the Trinity and even ridicule it, they are not a Church for us, but a sect. We have the right to judge this, to defend our identity as the Church. If someone comes after two thousand years and says that he is the Church, we verify him within our internal system of values and say: this is not the Church, that is a sect.

"Opoka" - a laboratory of faith and culture

    • If: the group leader's power is unlimited; there is a heavy emphasis on hoarding money; the individual has no right to resign from membership; elements of doctrine sound different to begin with; the group makes it difficult for its members to contact their families; there is an obligation to form families within the group; there is a restriction on the flow of information from the world; an attitude of hostility to the world is promoted; the group is hostile to non-religious education then you are probably dealing with a destructive sect


Thus, even in the Catholic view, we meet all the criteria of a Christian community, but at the same time we do not fit into the canon of a sect as understood by the KRK.


Sects are also characterized by a strong non-negotiable leadership. And here we also refute this, because our leader is Jesus, and I only provide a virtual space for discussion by posting material from Pentecostals, Adventists, Baptists and sometimes from the Catholic Church, such as the conversion testimony of a DJ and a former karateka.

In fact, my person is often under fire (a recent example of hell), which is not typical of uncritical sectarian leadership.


From now on, if someone accuses you that you are from a cult, let him educate himself and don't talk nonsense, because a first-grader is more capable of logical understanding of a given definition than someone who shoots accusatory bullets. Someone who is accusing us in this way is eight-timing himself in his ignorance.

To sum up. No matter how you look at it, you cannot classify us as a sect, much less pigeonhole us.


ps strangely enough as I was typing this, my browser shut down a few times.

Updated: 26 February 2018 — 11:02


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  1. "If someone comes after two thousand years and says that he is the Church, we verify him within the framework of our internal value system and say: this is a non-church or sect."


    1. Yes, and I even forgot to add that at the time of WU or just before, people like us will indeed be a cult. All that is needed is for the system psychologists and legislators to introduce a proper definition, similar to the Third Sex Act

      The legislature decides what is the standard.

    2. and here I suggest a new topic for Peter - church according to the Bible, according to Greek dictionaries and context, not according to denominational definitions done mostly to benefit a particular denomination.

      1. actually, it's worth addressing that as well. At some conventions I say what the church is, and it is ekklesia from Gr. congregation. The church does not have buildings.

        1. we are culturally instilled with a "brick" version of the church, not a spiritual one; it would be nice if you would illuminate this more broadly for readers and your critics.

  2. "If: the group leader's power is unlimited; there is a heavy emphasis on hoarding money in the group; the individual does not have the right to resign from membership; elements of doctrine sound different at the outset; the group makes it difficult for its members to have contact with their families; there is an obligation to form families within the group; there is a restriction on the flow of information from the world; an attitude of hostility to the world is promoted; the group is hostile to non-religious education then you are probably dealing with a destructive sect."

    That's what I call critical self-assessment, a Catholic sect, as if they were talking about themselves 🙂 .

    1. raising money
    2. an organized hierarchy "the only one of its kind in the world" where at the top rules an apodictic one man who can do everything even to rise above God's laws - the pope
    3. they change their dogmas from time to time
    4. hostility is promoted towards other people who are not Catholics and are of other faiths
    5. all truth about the creation of the world and creationism is rejected and called stupidity in the name of the science of evolution

    "the group is hostile to non-religious education then you are probably dealing with a destructive sect"

    yes the church is a destructive sect

    1. I would add to Cupak's list that, after all, you can't resign from membership either.

  3. A good text, closing the mouths of all those thinking "correctly". In fact, what is happening on the blog and around it cannot be called a sect because these are destructive by their very nature. In my opinion, all churches, which have a strict hierarchy and a well-developed system of psychomanipulation, and in addition derive material benefits from their members, fall under the definition of a sect. My friend went to the seminary, after a year a nice friend and a man in general was turned into a machine for inculcating bullshit, using very sophisticated social techniques, until I could not believe that within a year you can change someone so much.

    1. Oho, social engineering. They must train the clothiers in this. These seminars brainwash no worse than regime television. And this comment perfectly shows who the sect really is. It is the Roman Catholic Church. Not the only one, and perhaps not even the most abhorrent, but it is certainly a sect.

  4. If they could, they'd burn us at the stake...

  5. I would say that a sect is one where salvation is dependent on membership in a church and where some form of coercion is used.

  6. Eh...I found out that I am either sectarian or irreligious because not only am I not Catholic but I do not belong to any Protestant denomination and therefore I have been labelled an enemy of Christ and certainly I have no right to call myself a Christian 🙂 .

  7. Acts chapter 24:
    (5) For this man, we have found, is a spreader of pestilence and a charge of unrest among all the Jews throughout the world, and a leader of the sect of the Nazarenes.

    (14) This, however, I confess before you, that I serve my native God according to that way which they call a sect, believing all that is written in the law and in the prophets,

    As you can see with this cult it's nothing new 😉

    1. "The Greek word haíresis, translated in the Bible with the word "sect," occurs six times in Acts, three of which are in the sense of a sect (Acts 15:5; 24:5; 28:22),[15] as well as in the Epistle to the Galatians (5:20)[16], in the Second Epistle of Peter (2:1)[17], and in the First Epistle to the Corinthians (11:19)[18], but is translated in these texts as "partiality"
      On bible hub even - selection, opinion.

    2. That's right. Thanks, Vojtus.

  8. It is enough for some people to mention just a word - spirit, God or angel - and already there is derision and total "concrete" - you will not talk, European atheism is eminently materialistic, the value in itself has become "having your own opinion" regardless of its objective value - true or false.

    1. Nothing new if he's not dimming and dimming.

  9. And here I've already flipped through, you all need to see it from start to finish:

    Better let the Detective publish this, because it makes your blood boil

    1. He wants to ridicule the truth

  10. If this guy is serious about this, he's pretty brainwashed

    1. Take a look at Kubo's profile to see if he's serious.

  11. Let's see
    What is it like for someone to openly, signing their name to their work (please look at the properties of the pdf texts posted) to write about human sacrifice and incite crime?

  12. Interesting topic. And even more interesting is the fact that literally two days ago I created a graphic about it, because the topic has been on my mind for a long time 🙂
    The topic is of course still relevant, even the apostles were called a cult:
    "This, however, I confess before you: according to the way, called by them a sect, I serve the God of my fathers, believing all that is written in the Law and in the Prophets." (Acts 24:14)
    So, if biblical Christianity is called a cult by someone, it means we are on the right path, the path that the apostles themselves walked 🙂 .

  13. I belong to a cult. To the so-called "one true religion". Although it doesn't matter if it's a sect or a religion, greater or lesser evil. I belong but only because of emotional blackmail. God only knows how tired I am of it all. I know that someday I will have to find the courage to leave this mafia-like company with its rule of silence. If you don't like something about leadership, keep it to yourself. Otherwise, all those who love you so much will cut themselves off from you if we tell them to. Of course we will let them know that God wants them to. That they are doing it out of love for God and you. It is also best for the family to cut themselves off from you. If they don't, there will be more or less pressure on them to limit their contact with you. And if your family does not live with you, it is advisable. Extended family is out of the question. If someone says hello to you after you've been disconnected and you continue to do so after a reminder, you will also be kicked out. Love prevails here, but remember that it is relative. Today you are our friend, tomorrow you are our enemy, if you disagree with our leaders in one thing, and you don't hide it. Is this a cult? They say no. After all, it is a registered religion in Poland. And Poland is what. A nation chosen by God. It is not God who legalizes religions in countries. They serve someone else and so do sects.

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