Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

How Christians should say to their neighbor "get lost."

In order to learn to say "fall" correctly, we need to define the situation in which we can use the Christian substitute.

Let me give you a few examples of when emotions can turn on.

Let's say you're a driver, and someone has unculturally forced a priority.

Let's say your husband/wife said something unkind or maybe even rude.

Let's say the store clerk is not nice.


He suggests in such a situation to simply say - "Peace be with you".

If someone is ashamed, has resistance, let them say in their mind, "Peace be with you brother/sister.

I think that this attitude will not only help us to control our emotions, but it may also benefit our aggressor. To deal with these hyena demons, without offending the hyenas, you can briefly pray for the person in question. Let us fight with love.


When the world says "fall", we say "peace be with you brother/sister"


After that, everyone learn about, that you are my disciplesif you love one another J 13, 35




Updated: 22 October 2015 — 10:22


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  1. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Such a text was (for me for sure) needed. I should have done it the day before yesterday, meanwhile I failed, I got carried away cursing and swearing at my mother, and the demons had fun. You know perfectly well how despicable it feels afterwards... Probably many blog readers will agree with me that this topic is very important and worth digging into. I can see for myself how much the Lord changed my speech when I was baptized by immersion in His name. It stings my ears how almost everyone around me curses, especially women. I rarely do it myself anymore, but if I do, I immediately feel strongly that I have done wrong, that it is filthy, offensive speech, unworthy of a Christian. But what to say precisely in situations like the one in the post? Blasphemy is a coded response, the question is how to "reprogram" it.

    1. "I should have done so the day before yesterday, meanwhile I failed, got carried away cursing and maligning my mother,"

      This is a very serious issue.

      1. giving up the old man is a process. Do not feel sorry for yourself, but confess your sins to God and he will forgive you. Satan accuses, but we must know that we do not live in a Harry Potter fairy tale and nothing happens by magic. Instead, a lot happens with the grace of God and our work on ourselves.

      2. case of conflict with parents
      Honor thy father and mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee, that thou mayest live long and that you may prosper on earth,
      I don't need to elaborate on that.

      3) "Feeling lousy afterwards" is a sign of new birth. Before that, you probably didn't feel mean and didn't repent. People who are not born again do not care about humiliating others.

      1. Of course I used to suppress this regret, always explaining to myself that she started it and knew which string to strike. I was insensitive, if I felt remorse it was rare and for a while. Now I was crying immediately after the incident, and it was impossible to stop. I confessed this sin to the Lord, and my mother and I apologized, though I did so reluctantly at first. In the past, these things happened almost every day, but now I thought that no one could be upset with me, but her, even if I heard some very upsetting things. She's a very conflicted person, swearing is commonplace, so when she lets out a bunch of crap, I try to leave the house and run away. Now I know that I can only run to the Lord, praying even in the spirit to keep the peace with my mother. May it be so, in Jesus' name.

    2. Knowledge of the Truth

      Jack, I recommend to you the list of sins of speech, of the tongue. There is a whole list, you may find it useful, it is valuable. These quotes show how many people consider themselves Christians and yet sin with their speech constantly and do not want to change it. If you look at it, maybe it will help you in some way.

      1. Thanks brother! My heartfelt greetings to you in Christ!

        1. Knowing the Truth I too thank you, you can check yourself with this text 🙂

          Detective you have strengthened me with this article. Peace be with you - expressing love and favor and such a simple expression 🙂 I would even say beautiful

  2. I really liked this text,great solution.I don't get loud irritation or upset at people anymore(only sometimes in my mind),but it's the same.

  3. I, for one, have been pondering this topic and love of enemies for quite some time.

    The Word can do everything! In the beginning was the Word! I think that blessing everyone, even the children of the devil for spitting in our faces, accepting this slap in the face for Christ and with Christ-like peace should be a characteristic of ALL newborns. Besides, how can we not love them if only for this foolishness? How I pity them for their separation from God, for their lives of hatred, if they could feel what we, Children of the Most High, feel... 🙂 .

    I love you brothers and sisters
    and in the words of the youth (that's me)


    1. "Besides, how can we not love them if only for this stupidity? How I pity them for their separation from God, their life of hatred, if they could feel what we Children of the Most High feel... 🙂 "

      Beautifully written Lajcik (the youth that is you) 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. "Peace with you" - is a really great idea!

  5. Very good and beautiful God's solution! Thank you for them.

  6. I find it hard to control myself when I am right. When the director (employer) lied to me outright, I told her that she was only human in body but not in spirit.
    I learned then that if I wanted to have moral principles I should build my own school.

  7. Knowledge of the Truth

    What jokes are allowed and cut retorts? From movies too. Is it okay to psyche someone out to be cool in company and boost self-esteem or to marginalize someone? Many sin with speech. But almost no one likes politeness these days. Even here, many "true followers" think rudeness or swearing is acceptable. And I don't blaspheme at all without bragging. In the guide to good manners they write that you can use swearing, just it can't be the whole content, etc. And they are some kind of complement. Of course, pronouncing the name of Jesus in vain is also a complement for them. So both forms are rather not for Christians.

  8. or advertising " paaanie, come on" 😀

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