Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse

This is a quote from Romans and overall probably one of the heaviest and I suspect not practiced quotes.

I have been reading the Scriptures for about 4 years with varying intensity. However, for about six months, maybe a little more, I have been putting into practice this message from Romans 12.4

In Gdańska it reads as follows:


(14) Do good to those who persecute you; do good, but do not curse."

Benevolence is the same as blessing. From the Greek:




Benevolence is an expression opposite to malediction.

It is perfectly visible before the election who practices this order. Unfortunately, right-wing sympathizers do not often shine by example, Korwin himself not infrequently says: these fools, idiots, etc. This is a bad seed.

I once even prayed for Tusk.

Now I pray for the person who deprived me of my job and others.

The worst thing is to pray for people who persecute us on an ongoing and regular basis, who are unkind, who humiliate us. Someone who did something to us long ago is history, but fresh persecution creates a block to praying for the persecutor.

I think it is easier to get a black belt in karate than to be a model Christian. However, we should strive for this ideal that we will not achieve. That is the Father's will.

Let us pray for our enemies.

Updated: 21 October 2015 — 22:55


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  1. You yourself called people fools and you rightly said that this does not argue with the Bible.The same goes for a fool or an idiot.If I say to someone: "Listen, you are behaving like an idiot" or "stop making a fool of yourself" then I will make it clear to him that his attitude, not him, but his attitude, his actions are not right and he should change them.E.g. Korwin will say that kopacz is an idiot, she is talking crap, but then e.g. yesterday at the debate, he elegantly says goodbye, kisses her hand.
    Yes, no doubt you are right, it is one of the most difficult verses, but it is also one of the most important.Every Christian is obligated to love their enemies, we pray "and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

    1. "You yourself called people stupid, and you rightly said that doesn't argue with the Bible."

      panar you are confusing terms.

      here I described it, know the difference:

      But we must not say, for example: those idiots from sld

      or Komorowski is a moron

      the point is not to insult anyone ad persona

      1. According to what you wrote we are not allowed to say "those idiots from sld", but it is already allowed to say "those fools/fools from sld? I guess idiot is a synonym for stupid? An idiot is a person who acts irrationally, stupidly, has the intelligence of Lucifer, and does not have God's wisdom, although I agree that the statement should be as substantive as possible, often "stupid, idiots, retards, thieves" interferes with this substantive message.

  2. "The worst thing is to pray for people who persecute us on an ongoing and regular basis, who are unkind, who humiliate us. Someone who did something to us long ago is history, but fresh persecution creates a block to praying for the persecutor. "y

    It's true... I've been thinking about this problem a lot lately. I find it easier to forgive when someone who has humiliated me has done me wrong some time ago, especially when that person has admitted their mistake and apologized, but it is harder to bless the person who has been harassing me on an ongoing basis without even realizing (or realizing, I'm not sure) that they are doing wrong.
    But... I recently prayed for this one person. I asked God to draw him to Himself as He has done with others and to open his eyes to the Truth...
    I try, though it is not easy, to see such a person as he would become after accepting Jesus Christ into his heart, that is, after being born again of the Holy Spirit.
    But how do you love your enemies?

    1. on to the Romans

      (20) If therefore thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head. (21) Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

      1. Yes... but how hard it is...

        1. Always think to yourself at such a moment that it is not the fault of the person who does this, but of Satan who enslaves the unfortunate person and this leads to such actions. When you realize that every persecution is carried out by Satan, it will be easier for you to understand your neighbor and forgive him for such behavior. In sum, you will forgive him for being deceived, not for treating you badly 🙂 That is why it is necessary to pray for our neighbors, so that God opens their eyes, who leads them and, above all, WHERE.

          1. Of course Anne... 🙂 I admit you are right....

  3. It is foretold and inevitable...Only God can stop this madness. Who but Him!

  4. Man of today, when he is oppressed by the devil's servants, pray and be sure that through God you will be saved and defended.

  5. The standards of God, Jesus Christ are absolutely high. To separate man, God's creation from his heart and the evil that sits in it is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing. I think that the new birth strongly changes the perspective here, because then we see in the enemy a stray soul rather than the devil incarnate.

  6. I personally have the worst time praying for politicians and the pope.Until recently I couldn't even look at the pope and our current president.I don't know what's wrong with me,but I have this thing where something turns me off from certain people.When I prayed I said God how can I love them,how can I not listen to what they say.I have no idea how it happened,but now I don't feel any dislike for these people.

    1. I don't know how to approach this because the pope will end up in the lake of fire. So he should not be prayed for. He is consciously on the side of evil. This is the difference between a thug who grew up in unfavorable circumstances, in a pathological family, and a pope who went through many levels of conscious initiation on the path to evil.

      If you are correcting me.

      1. You are right about the pope's prayers, I misspoke, I meant more not to be hateful to people, but on the other hand we should pray for our enemies, I don't know, for me the pope and Islamists are my enemies so I pray for them.

      2. Well this is what I was wondering today. First of all - are these politicians, elites, are they even real people? And if they are people, to what extent are they aware of all that is going on?

        Did Christians pray for Nero, for example? If so, it apparently didn't affect him anyway. Usually lesser or unknown, non-influential people are converted. I don't associate many famous people being truly converted, and newly born. For example, is there any record of any of the popes repenting?

        Did all the people Jesus met who were hostile to him, did they all convert, if we assume that Jesus prayed for such people, since he himself encouraged them to do so?

        As far as I know, not everyone will be saved, not everyone will get to Heaven, so if we take into account that it is Jesus who chooses who will be pardoned, because it was He who suffered death for sinners, criminals, doesn't it mean that some people are lost from the very beginning, and chosen to perdition, such as Judas?(Which is not certain, because rather none of the people know what God will do with him).
        If we assume that Solomon will not be saved (it is only an assumption, not a certainty), does it mean that despite his knowledge, despite his previous faith and fidelity to God, he was destined for perdition from the very beginning? Why did someone with such great knowledge, cognition, with prior Faith and faithfulness to God, go down the wrong road, while someone who was on a very wrong road, such as Paul, for example, experienced in one moment a supernatural, personal revelation of God Himself, and ended up on the right road?

        1. You have very good thoughts... I think so...
          And what conclusion comes to mind? Well, that we should probably pray for everyone, because we are not able to predict who will be converted and who will not, who will be drawn by God to Himself and who will not. Sometimes it may be the worst scoundrel who shortly before his death will accept Jesus into his heart (example: scoundrel on the cross on Golgotha). We do not really know God's intentions for other people.
          On the other hand, I don't know how to figure out the issue of a person like the pope, for example.
          How about asking our Father in Heaven about it?

          1. Actually, I would love for all people to be saved. I told God about it...

  7. Welcome!
    I pray that the Lord Jesus allows me to see people through his eyes. Then I can see the devil's attempts and not man's bad will. I bless and pray for those who persecute me, but first I review where I could have acted similarly in similar situations, or what this situation could teach me about myself. I pray until I forgive them, until my emotions subside, and until I feel peace about the situation. This is not easy sometimes, so I pray that God will allow me to forgive. I always try to add that God will solve my problems according to His will and for His greater glory. And one more thing - I never tell myself that it's hard, but that I trust God to lead me down the path that is best for me. I think I have worked out a pretty good method for me works although I have realized that I actually haven't had to use it in a long time.
    With God Brothers and Sisters.

    1. "I pray that the Lord Jesus will allow me to see people through his eyes," he says.

      And that is the key to solving the problem.... Thank you for this important tip, which I will definitely not forget 🙂
      Godspeed sister 🙂

  8. It seems that God uses bad people for his own purposes, like it was with the judgments on Israel. I don't know if there is any point at all in praying for politicians or popes or whatever, probably more for someone we know and asking for conversion for such a person ???? For the church of God, people not denominations, there is a point, a difficult subject ... "But you do not intercede for this nation, nor make supplications or prayers for it, nor insist on Me, for I will not hear you. Do you not see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? The sons are gathering wood, the fathers are lighting fires, and the women are kneading dough to make sacrificial bread for the "Queen of Heaven," and on top of that they are pouring out liquid offerings to foreign gods to offend Me. Do they offend Me - the oracle of the Lord - or do they rather offend themselves, to their own shame?" (Jer.7:16-20) .
    According to this, for example, it makes no sense to pray for Poland at all, and with others as well.

  9. I think God can convert the greatest sinner - if he wills - therefore "thy will be done". If he wills it, he will make the donkey speak, and if it is his will, he will arouse in the proper people the desire, or compulsion, or design, or whatever you want to call it, to do the proper things to accomplish his will. And surely He knows better than us what His Will is and what is good for us. Therefore, for a good few years now I have not been going to elections where we can only choose between greater and lesser evils, and we have a doubtful possibility to judge which one is the lesser. I simply trust God.

    Privately, I thank God for every experience, even those that at first I consider bad, because I decided that everything that happens to me is God's will, teaches me something and I don't know what it will lead to in the future. I assume that it will lead to something good if it is from God - I just don't grumble but thank Him and expect all good things.

    However, I pray for my husband, my children, my mom, my brothers, my boss, those who get into some kind of relationship or conflict with me. I pray for their conversion and resolution of all problems according to His will and for His greater glory (I already wrote this somewhere). I "train" daily my complete and total trust in my God and Lord.
    Don't think it always succeeds right away. But I've noticed that I'm getting into that mindset faster and easier, and well, I've been sleeping soundly for a long time now 🙂 I've been sleeping soundly for a long time.


    1. "That's why for a good few years I don't go to elections, where we can only choose between lesser or greater evil, and we also have a dubious opportunity to judge which is the lesser one. I just trust God."

      I have exactly the same opinion ...
      Greetings 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

      1. then at least pray, Magdula, for the Poles to elect in your city people who are closest to God. This is your duty.

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