Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Should you go to the polls next week on Oct. 25, 2015?

Before you inundate me with emails asking if I should go to the polls I will answer right away.

As you know the blog took off with, among other things, the category of politics. I tried to expose this hypocritical world of politics, or rather theater. This year I have stepped away from politics focusing on the end times and spiritual growth.

In truth, I was not supposed to go to this election, but over the last two weeks I have changed my mind for two reasons;


1. the refugee issue

2. impending crisis.


Who will say that "the results of the election will amount to nothing". If so, then the work of the fathers of the Reformation is of no use. According to such a fatalistic view, everything is already arranged and our element of will has no right to exist. The best thing we can do now is to give up and bring 1 million refugees to Poland.

Of course I don't believe in what miraculous changes. I believe in Jesus Christ. He is the one who fills the Earth and everything on Earth.

Instead, I believe in opposing homoterror, closing the borders, and having a healthy intervention plan during a crisis.


If elections were of no use, the flower of Polish intelligentsia would not have been killed during WW II and after the war. Foolish people rule better. They are only waiting for us not to go to the election, and then they will realize without any restraint the policy of the USA and Vatican.

Why do I take under the possible crisis? Because a reasonable party will not go into debt again and will not rob the Poles.


Election results are also an issue:


- mandatory vaccinations, the entire Sejm including President Duda is in favor of these vaccinations,

- to take the children away. The case is similar. The whole Sejm including PIS upholds this anti-Christian office and directives taking children away from Poles. Why should we later pray for families whose children were taken away when these children may not be taken away.


What choices do we have?

These two parties are the closest to biblical Christianity, except that the latter has non-believers on its lists, so take that into consideration. However, if I had to choose between voting for a Pisowski's machine for pressing parliamentary buttons and a supposed atheist from Kukiz's list, Justyna Socha from Stop NOP, I would definitely prefer to vote for Socha.

We should remember that Korwin's party is not Korwin himself, it is people who identify themselves with Christianity. I will not vote for the party or for Korwin.

I leave aside the issue of the highest taxes in Europe. I know they are higher in Sweden but Swedes get something for it. The Polish tax system reminds of the scenes from the movie Robin Hood, where the sheriff's men came and took the last "penny".


If you want Islamists in Poland, do not go for elections. PIS will docilely obey all orders of the Vatican and the last order of Francis is to accept immigrants from "Syria" (read ISIS). ( read ISIS)

We cannot change the world or Poland, but we can reduce oppression and suffering.


In the following link, from about the 37th minute, a Syrian couple speaks about refugees from Syria. A significant sentence: I understand you Poles, because you are afraid of the same people from whom we fled.


By not going to the polls you have no right to complain later about: refugees, taxes, vaccinations, military action etc.


Even if we consider it 100% theater, our vote is a stand for values.





Updated: 19 October 2015 — 14:48


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  1. I don't really believe that an election can make a difference.

    There's even a saying:
    "If elections were going to make a difference, they would have been banned long ago."

    1. and I think it's injected into circulation by the Freemasons.

  2. So you have to participate in this circus to keep it from becoming an even bigger mess?

    1. The entire parliament behind Francis will accept refugees. If we don't go.
      It is convenient for them that we do not go. The following will go instead of us: housewives, officials (electorate), firemen.

      1. So yes or no it will be bad....

      2. One must fight (peacefully) to the last to be justified before God the Father and Jesus Christ!

  3. May our vote in the election be the voice of the Holy Spirit, the leading one of truth, for who can make the most right choice if not God Himself 🙂 .
    Let us obey him and let his will be our will also in the coming elections 🙂

  4. Elections are an illusion for the grey mass that they have an influence on something. To a true Christian elections make no difference, because he runs away from earthly matters anyway. You can already "heckle" me 🙂 .

    1. No one is going to heckle you. We are never heckling here, only discussing.

      So I'm pulling it further.
      Tell me techtrance, can you imagine what would happen if there was no Freedom Movement, Korwin party and patriotic background of PIS? well, let's go further, what would happen if there were not even Catholics and we would not vote....

      1. No, I don't want to, but that doesn't convince me either. Thank you for understanding admin. My candidate is God the Father, and you know why? Because I am sure that He keeps His promises, and man, you know, first of all his own needs. I have no intention to participate in this theater of emotions, promises, etc. nonsense. This is all system=s Satan. If you want to attack the system, you need God, because you are fighting Satan himself, with whom you have no chance. Many young people are being told, go to the polls, it's your future, tralala. I care less and less, I just want to walk away into the sunset or swim with dolphins in the ocean, just be with nature and God, without all the administration, laws, documents, papers, borders, conflicts, presidents, parties and all that crap. Thanks again for your understanding and I pray for all those fleeing this populism. Greetings

  5. There is no democracy, there is no such thing. Everything is according to the witchcraft, and only God changes, disallows, extends the time for the fulfillment of the apocalypse.

    The word you borers, that is, you go into the woods, and we decide.

    Still the question of voice. They say: I have given up my voice, that means you have deprived yourself of it, also means you cannot communicate with anyone through it.

    Think about it. 🙂

    1. ok Marius. Can you guarantee that after the elections for 4 years you will not complain about bad laws?

      1. And what do I have to complain about? It's out of your control, it's all in God's hands.

        And a song at the end:


  6. Oh cho, today I came across this quote by Janusz -.
    "The worship of Our Lady of Czestochowa is paganism because one should worship God the Father, not Goddess the Mother."

      1. Knowledge of the Truth

        Actually there is some mention of JKM's denial of Marian devotion.,18073.html?page=3&

      2. Yes, he was quoted that way by his spokesman.

        Here's more:
        "Well, then we read the Second Commandment: ' 8 You shall not make for yourself a statue or any image of anything that is in heaven above or on earth below or in the water below the earth. 9 You shall not worship or serve them. For I am the LORD your God, a jealous God, punishing the iniquity of the fathers on the sons in the third and in the fourth generation-those who hate Me, 10 and who shows favor in a thousand generations to those who love Me and keep My commandments." (Deut. 5:8-10, quoted from the "Millennial Bible",
        ). If I were an ultramontanist, I would wonder whether the various misfortunes that befall our homeland do not stem from this violation of the Decalogue?

        People! Are you people blind? In the belief of 90% L**u God, the Mother of God is infinitely more important than the entire Holy Trinity combined! I have even seen the Mother of God on the cross in church!!! Regular heresy - and that's it.

        Please count the church songs in honour of the Virgin Mary - and in honour of the Holy Spirit. A year ago I put up in Józefów a chapel in honour of the Holy Spirit ("... who enlightens our hearts and minds") - and I had to import a cast from Italy, because I could not buy it in all Poland!!!! Given this, no Catholic (or Christian) should be surprised that the minds and hearts of Poles remain unenlightened! "

        1. then the Catholics will want to destroy him for being "Protestant"...

          One of the comments on jkm's blog, absolutely absurd to us:
          "THE DIVINE MOTHER IS THE MOST IMPORTANT - after all, she gave birth to Jesus and that's that. That's logical. I know that various Protestants want to reduce her to the role of a "sack for the baby", but no matter how much they shuffle their limbs and whimper they won't change our Polish faith."

          1. "to reduce to the role of "sackcloth for the child" is an insinuation, while the kk reduces the human-Mary to the role of co-redeemer and idol of "graces," which fits strangely into the ancient worship of the queen of heaven condemned in the ST.

  7. The results of the elections are determined before the elections, so why vote. The fact that Pis is going to win the elections and Szydło will be prime minister is not because the people want it, but because it was decided by our occupants. The president Duda was presented 2 years ago and approved a year ago, the rest is marketing.

    "By not going to the polls you have no right to complain later about: "

    This is not true because the choice is also not to vote and everyone in Poland has the right to do so. This is called abstaining from voting. I'm not going to vote for the lesser evil and I don't understand why this blackmail.

    The only thing that would work is if the Poles converted to God en masse, so the only effective vote is to vote with your attitude and the gospel. Because we have rulers as we are and as we deserve.

    1. So for you all this democracy idolized in the media is an illusion of choice?
      I also have this impression

      1. There is no choice, the whole show is just to give credibility to the appointment of MPs. Which party will rule is decided during hundreds of meetings and negotiations of our local oligarchy, but the main forces in politics are determined by our occupants, i.e. Germany, Russia and in this election the USA, which is installing a government under their control. Hence, suddenly there appeared unknown faces like Duda or Szydło with American diplomas and American-style election campaigns. Hence all these scandals and purges in our oligarchy dominated by Russia. Neither our politicians nor ordinary people have anything to say about who will govern us, how many immigrants we will accept or whether we will go to one war or another.

        What we can do is not to contribute to it and not to legitimize unfair elections with our own person. The only weapon against the evil authorities is the honesty of the citizens and, in fact, faith in God. Instead of voting, it's better to pray for good authorities, and who knows, maybe one of them in Warsaw, Berlin or Washington will find out their conscience and do something useful. The power comes from above, not from below.

  8. I am not an atheist hon.

    1. That's why I wrote "supposedly."
      There are also rumors that you are a pro-New Age organization. I would like to thank you very much for all your work as you indirectly save the lives of many children.
      May God the Father guide you in the name of Jesus Christ.

  9. I'm going to this election for several reasons. For me it may be the last election, that's for one thing (health). It may also be the last election in this form, because the next one may be a tribal council election somewhere around a campfire in a forest. I hope that this will not happen and that we will not become Polanians instead of Poles, but the current situation does not bode well. Greetings

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