Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Satanic music and antichrist hymns.

  2. Jutub freedom of speech...

  3. This is a minor topic, the important thing is that we have been fooled, I do not know if you know that 28.9.2015 began WU while the Pope launched Agenda 2030 at the UN, while all the news about the war in Syria, the murder of pilgrims in Mecca, the created wave of refugees, the explosions in China, effectively diverted attention from the most important decision of the twenty-first century, the adoption of Agenda 2030, The plan of the new world, which was launched on the day of the blood moon, began the countdown to the end of time, it agrees with the Bible a hundred prosents, will make a peace agreement with many for seven years, representatives of all countries were there, and every country signed this document, our country too, unfortunately ..... even calculate. 28*9*15=3780:90=42 or 3,5 years, this is the end and the time of the final showdown between good and evil, the beginning and the end & and Omega. It was beginning of WU which all of you missed, so all of you were waiting for this moment, on this forum everyone wrote so much about it and all of you let yourselves to Lucifer, the bearer of the light, you were easily overpowered eh,,,, that's why you understand after 28 2 days immediately troops entered Syria, Russian started bombings in Turkey, everything escalated, even though it has been 2 weeks since 28 do you understand? The date that was about to start was the 239th beginning of the U.N., and you were waiting for the big fireworks, you let yourselves be taken in like children, it's a pity that you're so weak, and you take your time writing about some satanic music, you should focus on the truth and not on people, who have already lost the chance for eternal life, the fight is for the living, here and now in this courtyard here in this second the rest is fiction, there is good and there is evil, intensify your efforts to fight against evil because time is short, the last round of 12 has begun! Wake up, false flag in the US, massive explosions, America will be covered in blood, no more jokes ....

    1. Priest child:

      "'Let no one deceive you in any way; for it will not come to pass until the apostasy comes and the man of wickedness is revealed, the son of perdition, the adversary who exalts himself above everything that is called God or is an object of divine worship, and even sits in the temple of God, claiming to be God.'" (2 Thess 2:3-4)"

      Yes people thought it was going to be something big, but on the scale of the WTC.

      The sensation-seekers doubted that there was anything, when in the meantime Frank came to the USA blaspheming God.

      1. Maybe Frank showed up? hmm, there's a lot going on lately...

      2. preparations and plans-agendas are ancient and constantly updated as this 2030, ideologization with ufuds, extraterrestrial civilizations, stupefaction with cheap entertainment, political divisions imposed on everything, discreet freemasonry activities... It's a mass of factors, but the effect should be visible to all - a revelation, like removing the mask of this someone.
        The work of global spirituality is progressively going on: the papacy, Warren, ecumenism, importing new age into Christianity, undermining the authority of the Word. Only "fundamental" Christians defend the absolute authority of the Bible, and the world has already created legal terms for the future equating Christian fundamentalists with Islamic extremists, paranoia.

    2. Priest 🙂
      The Bible refutes the idea that we can set an exact date for the start of the Tribulation. The making of a peace covenant for 7 years is also not in question; it is possible that it involved Jesus-Messiah. The exact duration of the Tribulation can also be questioned. I recommend to you the video 10 facts about the Tribulation, the Antichrist and the Jerusalem Temple where this is discussed in more detail 🙂

      1. Kosik 🙂 🙂
        I must admit that this is a rather convincing interpretation . This abolition of blood sacrifices of atonement has been on my mind for a long time . Daniel 9:27 "And he [he] will make a strict covenant with many for one week; in the middle of the week he will abolish the blood sacrifices and the food sacrifices."
        There remains an analysis in terms of the Book of Revelation, however, which speaks of the Great Tribulation beginning in the middle of the 7 year reign of the Antichrist.... Perhaps this is simply an analogy to Daniel's prophecy of the Messiah....
        Well... let's keep watch...

        1. I heard somewhere that Daniel is about the Catholic eucharist, that it may be replaced by something new already associated with the mole,
          such speculation.

    3. Priest, you call for us to wake up... But from what I see of people here, they have long since been awakened - they are living according to the teaching of Jesus Christ! It's already more difficult to wake up, the sensations you report will not contribute anything here!

    4. Something about it . I think so too with this WU. After all, no one is going to come out and announce - listen people, WU has just started. We think that the beginning of the WU is a war, an asteroid, a great crisis or some other catastrophe, but does it really have to be like that? I don't know.

      1. I wrote on September 26 about the significance of 23.09 here:

        And according to me, as I wrote, 23.09 was of colossal importance, but I will not agree that WU started on that day.

        Soon I will post a text with my commentary showing that we can be deceived as to the common understanding of estachalogy.

        1. It seems to me that the tribulation we go through every day as Christians and the great tribulation are 2 different things, and that the great tribulation will not begin until the Lord Jesus takes His church to safety (rapture). The passage that speaks to me the most is Luke 17:26-30:
          "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man: they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day WHEN NOE ENTERED THE ARK; suddenly the flood came and exterminated them all. As it was in the days of Lot: they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day WHEN LOT EXISTED FROM SODOM, a rain of fire and brimstone fell from heaven and exterminated everyone; SO WILL IT BE on the day when the Son of Man is revealed."
          I could be wrong, but that is my impression.

  4. Isn't that man the current pope ? , I'm already an old admin horse 🙂 . What are you ; D

  5. It's not sensationalism it's hard fact. Read about what happened on 25-28 at the UN in New York.

    1. 28, Putin and Obama at the same table. 70 UN.


    Edgar Winter


    Phase 1: True worship. Purity and clarity. Prudence, dignity.
    Phase 2: Dependence on God. A kind and grateful heart.
    Phase 3: Disposition and Service.
    Phase 4: Independence, personal interests, and changing perceptions.
    Phase 5: Indisposition, self-care, self-satisfaction.
    Phase 6: Idolatry, self-indulgence, ungrateful heart.

  7. In my opinion it was the 28th of September that started the UU, here Beata, beautifully wrote that if no one came out and announced that the UU had just started it would be a big flop for them, people take the Bible too literally! Let us not forget that the Bible is written in poetic language, e.g. that the moon will be red like a sackcloth and not that there will be a tetrad, just to give you an example, the Bible is written this way on purpose, because if it was written in the language of today, easy to read, it would not be a mystery and everyone would know the future, and so people are put to the test and everything is a great mystery, even the 23rd.09 it was well noted by Claudia, there were 70 gathering of the UN a great sign, and by the way I am very pleased that I was understood and supported by women on this blog I did not expect, I am very pleased, but it turns out that in many cases women can also have a very open mind, and are able to analyze the situation well, and not to reject and ignore immediately, and remember that on the ground of ignorance germinates tyranny. We live in the last 7 years greetings to you with God , very good blog ! admin

  8. And one more thing the scripture scholars said he would use the usa to make a deal and it just happened in new york at the un in the capital of world communism and there were no rare representatives of israel or arab 🙂 .

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