Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Lajcik's testimony



I come from a deeply Catholic family. As a 5 year old I was already reciting all the prayers by heart. As an 8 year old I said all the First Fridays, all the rosaries. Later I became an altar boy. I served 'God' with JOY and I could get up even at 25 degrees to walk 3km through snowdrifts to church at 6 a.m. And here you cannot deny my childish love to God - because I really did it for Him.

When we all started to mature and all my friends were already spending Sunday mass with a beer on the field, I still went. I still believed it was actually that, at the same time never understanding 'transubstantiation' I begged God to explain it to me so I could feel it - unfortunately to no avail.

Friends around me were drifting further and further away from the Church, while I persistently told myself that if I was going to be saved for that 1/168 hours a week, I was going to do it. I'm going to pray, I'm going to bow down to the Eucharistic Christ, because after all, he instituted it.

After that... hmm. The parties started, the alcohol and even the drugs. And what? And nothing. Even Sunday's hangover didn't stop me from going to church as standard, knocking myself out, coming back, sleeping soundly.

There was one thing that did not rest in my heart: Marian devotion. I had been taught this since I was a child, as an adult a rosary was thrown into my room for me to pray, I treated it like an amulet - idolatrously. But I could never explain my OWN aversion to the rosary. I hated it, I would tap one bead 'in my mind' in 5 seconds, just to get it over with as quickly as possible. Unlike my Father, whom I have always loved (or at least wanted to love.) Today I know that this aversion to Mary was caused by the Spirit of God, and today I know that deep down it has always dwelt within me - but I only understood its guidance from childhood after my conversion. I cannot blame my grandmother for teaching me all this - she meant well. She taught me, for example, to always ask the Spirit of God for guidance before leaving the house - that was beautiful, and only now, after rejecting the 'trinity', has it become clear to me in 100%.

So what happened? Lies repeated a thousand times became truth. The noise in my head about the billions of years of the earth, the infinite universe, gradually pushed God out, until amphetamines appeared in my life, which caused that finally, following the rest of my friends, I stopped going to church as well - surprisingly feeling quite good about it! By the end I doubted the existence of anyone - the above mentioned teachings pushed the Creator completely out of my mind.

And then, while wasting another day mindlessly browsing memes, I came across illuminati cards. After typing this one of the first websites was Kubik's work helped me a lot, gave me a new birth and opened my eyes, unfortunately there was also a momentary deception regarding ap. Unfortunately, there was also a temporary deception concerning St. Paul, which the Father fortunately pulled me out of and gave me the Knowledge.

I spent 8 hours a day poring over information and articles. I was angry, I felt cheated, I was scared, but somewhere in my heart something was screaming "IT'S SO SIMPLE, AND THE EVANGELIA HAS A GREAT PRAYER"!

Maybe not everyone here will agree with me on these points, so I don't want to convince anyone and I leave it up to each person to know as they have, but learning about the short eternity of the earth, the non-existence of purgatory, and most of all the non-existence of hell as a state of eternal torment/eternal separation has caused such a tremendous love for the Father that I have been walking with the Lord for over a year now and these have been the greatest times of my life.

Every day I pray to the Father "Lord, don't let me be deceived" and He helps me to sift the tares from the wheat. May Jesus Christ bless you all

Updated: 9 October 2015 — 20:33


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  1. A very good testimony I am glad to read such articles about all these wonderful people you are I praise God that I have you even if only through the Internet but I will always pray for you I myself have a huge number of things to change in my spiritual life therefore pray for me because I do not want to end badly prayer in truth is a powerful tool only this world effectively drowns out this weapon

    1. Przemek, baptism by immersion helps a lot. Temptations will appear also since that time (I fell painfully once), but I see how much has changed in me, and yet not even three months have passed. Finally I started to read the Bible regularly, I am learning the New Testament like a child, now the Gospel according to St. John 🙂 De facto this year for the first time in my life I started to do it, I felt such a desire. At my home it was taken off the shelf once a year for a priest's visit. And yes, it was getting dusty, parents not practicing, especially dad not interested and rather non-believer. And this is where the key word falls: prayer. For example, for dad and other deceived people, so that the Holy Spirit would open their eyes to the Truth. I have also only recently started praying regularly. This is all new to me, amazing. Praise be to God the Father!

      1. Thanks Jack for your comment about the immersion, I did it but Peter laughs at me and says that it is a self-baptism and it is not important but I look at it a little differently

        1. Frankly speaking, I fear that you are deceiving yourself as to its importance. Sure, what's in your heart is the most important thing, but nevertheless I would suggest that you take any opportunity at the next convention, break through and let Peter baptize you. With the Lord God.

  2. And to you too 🙂 Maybe I'll be tempted to write about myself one day too....
    Ps: I don't know why but still when I see Lajt's post I have an image in front of my eyes of that girl ,, Ola God the Pope offend " 🙂

  3. O 🙂 Same with me it started with illuminati cards. I was terribly curious about this topic, I spent many hours on the internet looking for information and it was from the cards that I came across, thanks to which a lot has changed, and is still changing. How happy I am!!! 😀

  4. Beautiful testimony Lajcik 🙂

    All your testimonies are very moving

  5. It is good that you publish testimonies of people who do not necessarily share all your views.What exactly do you think about Jehovah's Witnesses and people who reject Paul and Luke such as Henry Kubik?

  6. Thanks Lajcik 🙂

  7. I always think to myself that breaking out of the Catholicism practiced for generations by a family should be seen in terms of God's intervention. It is a miracle.

    1. Yes it's already a miracle 🙂 and it's great if you find that true Christian faith right away then...but you can fall "from the rain into the gutter" 🙁 ...reject God completely or join the new age or who knows what else some sect...the church of the flying spaghetti monster 😉 .

  8. By the way, brother Lajtowski, I'll tell you that I also used to drink white wine, about 20 times in total, and each time I felt more or less bad. At the same time, I was also drinking vodka. Not to mention the "downfall" the next day, a terrible feeling... I was fond of all kinds of psychoactive substances, but white is a particularly treacherous thing. Only benzodiazepines and opiates are worse... The best thing is that I feel that I don't need those drugs anymore in Christ 🙂 And the Lord is also the True Physician of the soul, who frees from depression 🙂

  9. I was reminded after reading your words that I felt someone's presence and fear when praying the rosary, still that "mystical smell" of the rosaries....

  10. New Tyskie beer commercial - In this commercial men are on a train and they don't really get along in conversation, in subsequent shots the same men are shown in various situations with a beer in hand, super chatty and huffy. It made me think about the fact that nowadays a simple face-to-face conversation with a person is just boring for many. You talk to someone and that person is doing something on their phone every 2 minutes. You go to a cafe and there are two people sitting at the table next to you, each staring at their own screen. Besides, I've often come across the statement that the best conversations are had when drunk, because sober it's boring and dull.

  11. Hello, could I also share a testimonial?

    1. Yes, send it to my e-mail, okay?

  12. 12-1 it is very possible that there are leaks, a lot of leaks, moreover the usa has no way out because it is the only way, it can enter syria and iran otherwise it will lose its influence, in the syrian east once and for all, isis and al-kaida, will hold on, to a maximum of 3 months, longer will not last, so america is at the wall, it has to act fast, already today, we had a taste of what is coming, false flag in turkey, to completely drag Syria into the war in the middle east is just the beginning, the usa has little time to act, or lie down. They have already lost in uk, they lost sevastopol and their base in crimea now they are losing also in the middle east, time of protection is running out !!!!!

  13. Knowledge of the Truth,2/naloty-na-dzihadystow-bez-efektu-bombardowania-nie-wygrywaja-wojen,583918.html
    I just thought the same thing about the Islamic State bombing. The whole truth in its grandeur....

  14. Listen, this is my guess about the Antichrist: it will be Pope Francis. Well, he has said that he is aware that his time is short (i.e., that he will be killed soon). And the Antichrist is supposed to fake the resurrection. And he is to sit in the temple of God, which is the church of God. That is, a pope who is a Christian and sits in the body of God's church may be killed and then resurrected, only it will no longer be Pope Francis but the Antichrist. I don't know how that would be carried out.

    1. Sorry, it's not my guess, but the author of the video I'm translating

  15. Changing hormone levels in the body makes many godly intentions easier or impossible.

    You shall study the doctrine from the words which by my will are written in the gospels and from the World you shall reject everything because it deceives you.

    Why is there no such commandment?

  16. knowing the truth you rely on information from tvn, the most hypocritical media, resim, then congratulations to you xddd.

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