Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Lilith - Demon and Adam's first wife

Very interesting story of Adam's supposed first wife Lilith, who rebelled against her husband.


Lilith - in Jewish folklore, a ghostly woman dangerous to pregnant women and infants in the first weeks of their lives[4][5]; believed to be the first wife of the biblical Adam, most likely derived from Mesopotamian tradition. wikipedia


14 Feral dogs will meet with hyenas, and goats will call on each other; moreover, there Lilit ...and find a quiet place to rest.


Some also interpret the Genesis 1:27 passage - "And God created man in his own image: in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them" - as Eve was only created from Adam's rib, he had a wife before Eve and this could be Lilith. This discrepancy is often explained by the careless combination of two biblical cosmogonic descriptions: Genesis 1:26 and 2:7.

The name Lilith also appears in the Qumran Manuscripts - in passages based on Isaiah and in various places in the Talmud and Zohar.

The first clear description of Lilith as Adam's wife is contained in the anonymous medieval work The Alphabet of Ben-Syrach, named after the author of the Wisdom of Sirach, one of the deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament. According to the text, she was created at about the same time as Adam - but not from a rib. She disagreed with her servile role (probably during sexual intercourse) and abandoned her husband. Leaving Paradise, she gave birth to Lilins (Jains in the Islamic version) conceived with Adam, who also aborted children. Adam begged God to bring Lilith back. Three angels, Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof, were sent after her. They threatened to kill a hundredth of Lilith's children each day until she returned to Paradise. Lilith responded by promising to sacrifice the descendants of Adam and Eve (only those who wear the amulet with the names of the three angels will be saved). She never returned to Paradise. She ascended to Hell, where she became the mistress of the highest Satan in the Hell hierarchy.

The story of the biblical Lilith is similar to a Mesopotamian myth in which a demon killed children. Wearing amulets with the names of the three angels became a common custom to protect children in medieval Jewish tradition.

This legend was mistakenly added to an English-language rabbinic book - the author considered every ancient work read in the Jewish community to be a rabbinic work. However - despite popular belief - The Alphabet of Ben-Syrach is not a religious source. Rather, it is a collection of satirical (even perverse) stories about characters from the Bible and Talmud. Modern historians are unsure of the original intent of the work, but it may simply have been a collection of anti-Christian stories or a satire on Judaism.

Some midrash say that the serpent who tempted Eve to taste the forbidden fruit was actually Lilith, not Satan himself. wikipedia





Updated: 26 September 2015 — 20:52


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  1. Fables. After all, it is clearly written in Scripture that before Eve was created, Adam felt lonely and there was no one among the animals who was helpful enough for him. Besides, as if it were the case that some lilith was Adam's first wife, it would be clearly written about in Scripture because it is an important fact....

    1. Exactly, such revelations are immediately suspicious because they do not follow from the Scriptures and yet distort the meaning of God's entire Word. For what would a female demon of such a nature as Satan, who gives birth to spirits, do to Adam? Simply the invention of someone to either distort the message of the Word of God or to deceive others.

      1. The Bible refers to 2 bloodlines.

        1. The second /the evil one/ from Cain.

    2. Kk and Cupak - that's right!

      Adam's Rib - is most likely a DNA Code Chain, resembling a "rib".
      God modified Adam's DNA chain slightly and Eve came into existence.
      There was no Lilith - Adam had one Partner, and that was Eve.
      Lilith is more a symbol of the Fallen Soul and she couldn't have been before Eve because it's contradictory,
      only after Eve had fed her a lie from the serpent deceiver, who pretended
      savior, the human race fell into Satan's snare, and suffered the consequences....
      Two "bloodlines" - nothing but two different spiritualities of the human race,
      sheep and goats, ...incidentally, the followers of Judaism seriously believed that the Soul finds the shie
      in human blood, so too we have the so-called "two bloodlines" - faithful or fallen human souls.

      1. Very apt summary; so to my right eye....

        1. Angelika 🙂 🙂
          then I'm gonna try to write something for your left eye, because it's like this
          you can't walk around with only one eye, ...because it's associated,
          you know what... the eye of Horus and all that kind of occult stuff.

          God the Father Creator making All things had a Will to share
          with Creation, the best of everything. On the basis of Reciprocity.
          In His Wisdom He also thought what Thought to use.
          He also used the best Method... And there was a Result - this Will,
          of this Thought and this Method, or Fruit, Deed, Work...

          After all, we are made in His Image and in His Likeness,
          NO OTHER THAN:
          Word is, after all, a method of communicating shie.

          Why, among other things, was there a Deviation?
          For man, through his vanity, has lost that Reciprocity
          Within one's own Soul - no Reciprocity with will, thought and method.
          It's Within.
          In the end, he lost the Mutuality Outside - with the Creator Father....
          Results - The effects are visible to the naked eye,
          and even with TWO eyes - left and right, ...respectfully
          celery 🙂

          Addendum: - Satan lusts after CHAOS, in the will, in the brain, in words and in deeds.
          Such a deceiver, the father of lies, was so overcome with pride that he fell.

          1. Celery 🙂
            But I can really see better with my right eye, and with my left eye it's just 30%... 🙁
            It's a Horus joke...

  2. For me this is a complete denial of the beginning of the history of mankind, the very claim that Adam, the prototype of man, had connections with demons is somewhat...improbable and unbiblical Genesis 27 So God created man in His image, 
    In the image of GOD he created him: 
    created man and woman. I associate these amulets somewhat with the occult

    1. That's Adam, he had two wives?
      lucky or unlucky?
      And how to figure it out ?

      Let me tell you a joke:

      Heaven... St. Peter stands at the gate and lets the souls in, those who have died of course...
      Szie asks each if they have sinned while living on earth....
      Ooo...yes Saint Peter....
      I have sinned as much as it will go in....
      And, have you been married? - Peter asks.
      Yes, I was," replies the soul.
      Then come in, your sins are forgiven - said Peter - [not to be confused with the Admin of the blog here].

      And so it was with the next - whoever was married [married] was entering heaven.

      But there was a smart guy standing in line and he was listening to the whole conversation with the "bouncer"...
      It was his turn and when asked if you were married,
      replied confident of victory:
      - Were you married?
      - Oh, yes, ...even Twice!!!
      Peter said:
      - Oh, then no... we don't accept stupid....

      🙂 🙂 🙂


      1. Well now I'm not laughing... Not only do I have two mothers-in-law, I still won't get through the gate... 🙁

        1. 🙂
          with Father's help, you can do it, Angelica...
          Just avoid all gates, gates, and turrets, and don't look at the number of in-laws....
          Walk through the dark valley on narrow paths,
          ...get through the bushes,
          you're gonna cut yourself a little bit,
          or they're gonna hurt you, but, uh...
          You will retain Humanity even if you have Three Mothers-in-Law - Hey !!! 🙂

          add: - And don't worry about your left eye, ...your Soul sees more than your eyeballs... Well, and God sees too...

          1. 🙂
            And a song for me?

            1. ah... there you go, Angelika,
              Sorry, I forgot...
              celery 🙂

              Romanca Group, Alicja Węgorzewska "Gypsy Refrain"(Official Video)


              1. celery, I feel jealous of Angele 😀

                1. Hey guys don't beat yourselves up!
                  A Slavic woman has two braids - share!

            2. For you, Angelika, and for everyone,
              Jelem Jelem hymn,
              what you can dance and cry and worship
              A father who has not yet killed us,
              For our sins... or maybe, maybe,
              Well, hey !
              sinti 🙂
              "Jelem Jelem"-SOUNDTRACK " The Caravans of the Last Vagabond Gypsies"


  3. Celery you pig 🙂 , Angelika, Detective - you just made me feel better 🙂 Thanks!

  4. There was a bug in Adam and Eve's firmware and it is still not fixed. It's a big loophole that allows viruses to get in and do whatever they want. The designer has become a little indifferent, although he has made a few attempts in the past, but for quite a long time he does not return to it, because it was intended to fix itself. But it didn't fix itself and there is no upgrade.

    1. In general, the whole creation is good, only that it is embedded in matter and somehow devours each other, but the intention was good. Only the general principle (structure) didn't work out.

      1. Apparently the assistants were doing something about it but they won't admit it.

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