Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"The twin flags of the Vatican and Palestine will be raised over the UN to mark the Pope's visit"

Jacek went back to translating. Thank you for this text.


The flag of the Holy See will be raised outside the United Nations headquarters to mark the arrival of Pope Francis on September 25, 2015.


"And on her forehead written a name - a mystery: 'Great Babylon. Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth." And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus, and when I saw her I was greatly amazed. And the angel said to me: "Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the Woman and the Beast that bears her, and has seven heads and ten horns." (Revelation of St. John 17:57)


EDITOR'S NOTE: In May 2015, Pope Francis signed an agreement that formally recognizes Israel's enemies, the mythical State of Palestine. This week, as he arrives to control the UN, the twin flags of the Vatican and Palestine will be raised in a symbolic conquest for the first time in the UN's 70-year history. Wait a minute! Did anyone mention 70 years? Just ask the prophets Jeremiah and Daniel about the significance of the number 70 in terms of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Catholics and Muslims are conquering the world in the name of their end time god. The situation is about to get very interesting.


A United Nations official has confirmed that the Vatican flag will be raised for the first time outside the organization's headquarters on the morning of Pope Francis' first visit. This is a complete change for the Vatican, whose ambassador to the United Nations said there was "no intention" to raise the flag before the pope's arrival on September 25.


Pope Francis, the False Prophet, thus raises the flag of the Vatican over the flag of the mythical Palestinian nation over the UN headquarters as a sign of conquest. This week the enemy of the Jews will manifest its power in full force.


The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly approved the Palestinian proposal to raise their flag, as well as the flag of the Holy See, as two non-UN member states with observer status.


The Palestinians have announced a flag-raising ceremony for September 30, the date of the annual gathering of world leaders of countries affiliated with the United Nations. The flag of the Holy See is to be raised silently.


The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the incident.

Updated: 22 September 2015 — 17:04


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  1. Could it be that the coronation of the dark emperor is about to take place?

  2. Knowledge of the Truth

    Apropos of grasping the article, interesting thoughts:
    It's tomorrow the 23rd... How time flies so fast ✈
    A moment of truth, a moment of tension.

  3. This is all very interesting. If Yom Kippur is indeed 25.09 as Messianic Jews claim, then "exalting" the Vatican on the same day is like declaring war on the Creator Himself. I haven't believed in coincidences for a long time, so this is actually getting very, very interesting. It's worth keeping a close eye on everything that happens in the coming days.

    1. For those who like "70". This year /June/ marked the 70th anniversary of the United Nations

  4. I know it's not on topic - today I came across information about the modern stigmatist Catalina Rivas ... what do you say about her? Is it "demonic"?

    1. Dave Hunt writes on this subject as follows: "Padre Pio's desire to suffer for sinners is a glorious sentiment, but also an affront to Christ, who clearly stated that he has completely paid our debt and is our Savior. Padre Pio claimed to have experienced suffering for the souls in purgatory for 30 years through his stigmata (bleeding from his hands), a supposed sign of his complicity in Christ's sufferings. Christ's triumphant cry of "It is done!" signifies that the payment (which justice demanded), has been fully made. His suffering has come to an end. Now Jesus is in heaven, having risen from the dead with a transformed body that no longer bleeds! Rome's claim that Jesus' bleeding and suffering is continued by others, helping to pay the debt that Christ paid in 100%, is heresy."

      1. Just as the true Spirit of God (the author of the inspiration of the Scriptures) will not speak contrary to the revelation of Scripture, will not depreciate the Word, move away from Him, so He will not affirm, give credence to something anti-, un-Christian, for then He would be misleading and aiding anti-Christian spirits.

    2. and let us notice that these various miracles, bloody and non-bloody, are also in other religions (antichristian, non-christian) - that is, they are there to screw people into these cults, to make them credible, God cannot make credible something that is incompatible with his revelation

  5. I am missing a youth category on this page. Would it be possible to do that?

    1. and what texts would they be?

      1. On the problems of youth in the Christian dimension.

        1. no lyrics, I'm not a youth, but I know that youth nowadays is especially difficult which can be seen on our forum 🙂

          1. And so it goes. Such times...

          2. Peter you may be right but in the end it's going to turn out the way I want it to in many of the things we've written about and it's not about pride it's just the way it's going to be in its own time dear brother sometimes you just need to take a break 😀

  6. Chaos and demoralization have assumed disaster proportions. People are pushing the limits of spiritual endurance, and many are overwhelmed by despair....

    1. Living conditions are overwhelming people with increasing burdens....

    Here they write that Yom Kippur - in 2015 - begins with sunset on Tuesday, September 22, and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, September 23.

    1. This is the website of the Judeo Messianic Community. -

      1. Oh, beautiful thanks 😉

        1. Here a lecture on Yom Terua /The Feast of Trumpets/. A lot of interesting information. Some say that the coming of our Lord may occur over the course of a year. If that were to be the case, then ... 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

            1. Watch from the 23rd minute and tell me what you think.

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