Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Welcome to Shemitah 2015: what were the signs preceding?

At the outset, I would like to cut off once and for all any venomous comments concerning my dealing with the following topic and related ones such as tetrad. Perhaps this tetrad is not confirmed in the Bible, but in BiiBli also there is no mention of Greenland, as far as I know, typhoons, healing properties of hemp, distances between planets, etc.

But it is God who created the whole world and it is not in chaos. My God is a God of order, he is a logical God.

Even if some Illuminati satanists have appropriated certain things, such as the names of the planets from the names of the fallen angels, this does not change anything in the context of the creation of these planets and their movement as arranged by God Himself. Similarly, the Earth is now ruled by Satan, but with the permission of God. It is obvious.

To summarize the introduction, I deal with what God created and try to arrive at a logic in it, incidentally following other truth seekers in this matter.


What were the signs preceding Shemitah 2015 this week?


1 Axis sandstorm: Turkey, Syria, Israel.

Sorry for the not very aesthetically pleasing marking, but I guess it doesn't really matter 🙂 I'm sorry.





Israelis walk across the lightrail tracks on Jaffa road in Jerusalem on September 8, 2015 during a sandstorm. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The storm in Israel was the LARGEST since the founding of ISRAEL, i.e., since 1948.



2. crane fall and lightning in Mecca:


Lightning strikes the crane just before it collapses on the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.


3. On September 11 (9/11), God covered the famous towers with a rainbow


4. it turns out that there was a partial solar eclipse in some regions today. this is what it looked like this morning:


Here for eng more:

This news can only be a coincidence:




To think that this is just the beginning of the day.....


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  1. Watch and pray that you will not be tempted, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Mat. 26,41.
    I don't know about you, but I am beginning to really fear the power of Yahweh and pray even more fervently that the Lord will have mercy on me and others and take me and others who have awakened from here if there is a kidnapping.

  2. Peter you are doing a great job. Unfortunately, some of us (me too at times) are driven by Satan to keep you, among others, from revealing the truth. This is a very important topic! Today I cannot sit still. I wonder what this day and tomorrow will bring, and then the next events. Amazing!
    Bless you all on this special day!

    1. "Peter you are doing a great job. Unfortunately, some of us (me too at times) are prompted by Satan to keep you, among others, from revealing the truth. '

      Great observation. I'm glad and was actually waiting for someone to say it. I didn't want to write it myself. I don't humbly have to agree with it because I see it, generally from different people. I don't feel proud. I think God intentionally humbled me, let me humble myself so I wouldn't grow into pride. He did it for the sake of the blog, and therefore the readers. Someone who gets applause alone falls into a lot of pride. I, in the last few months, have been very humiliated. But I'm hoping that God will give me a financial lift, because it's too much even for me.
      Back to the point of your statement. Yes, I see some of you making statements attacking me that are not your statements, but those of the superiors we do not see. With that in mind, I am aloof, but sometimes I have to make extreme, seemingly authoritarian decisions for the good of all. I started the blog and I have to take responsibility for it.
      This is not a blog for everyone. It is not a blog for the super experts of the Bible, that is, for the Pharisees. This is a blog whose main slogans are: truth, love for your neighbor, and all this to the Glory of God the Father.

      To Readers:

      You can know the entire ST and NT, but if you despise the others, there is no place for you here.

      1. God bless you, Peter! I sincerely thank Him for you and your work. <3
        I salute you all in Jesus Christ and praise God that you are! <3 🙂

        1. Thank you 😉
          and to each other I wish you many blessings from God

      2. And so you have a lot of strength, Peter. I also thank God that He gives you so much, so that you don't give up. He has great Power - don't forget that. God bless you.

        1. thank you and each other 😉

      3. Thank you my namesake in the name of Jesus Christ for doing a great job in searching for the truth.The great day of september 26th is coming.For some it will be a day of joy,for others it will be a day of fear and trepidation.For a year I have been trying to spread the truth,but what I was saying was contradictory to the doctrines of the church and did not have any effect.Lately I have been trying to make a name for myself on Christian forums but I have been either banned or ridiculed, but Christ's words about me had to be fulfilled (Mark 9:11-12).11. They also asked him, saying, "What do the scribes say that Elijah should come first?He replied, "Elijah will come first and make things right, but how is it written about the Son of Man? He must suffer much and be counted as nothing.Over the past year I have spoken to over a hundred clergymen and they all refused to believe me. Three weeks ago I was devastated by the situation and I asked Allah what was the reason and he told me that everyone will be punished and I will find the answer in Isaiah[56:9-12]9.You, all beasts of the field, come to ground zero, you, all beasts of the forest! 10.All its guardians are blind, all of them unintelligent, all of them dumb dogs that cannot bark, but yawn, lie down, and like to sleep. 11. The dogs are the greedy, the insatiable, and the shepherds who know nothing. They all go their own way, each thinking of his own advantage, all of them without exception. 12.Come, says each one of you, I will bring wine and we will drink strong drink, and tomorrow will be as it is today - festive and very prosperous. I was very depressed because on June 26th I took off the first two seals [Revelation 6:2-4], the first signifying the revelation of me to the world, the second the consequences if this does not happen, i.e. World War III. However, in the spirit I heard a voice saying that angels reveal me to men [Revelation 1:51]51.He also said to him, "Truly, truly I tell you, you will see the heavens open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. I also have a request that all 'unbelievers' withhold their critical opinions until September 26th, because I have a merciful heart shaped by Jesus whom I have carried in my heart for 14 years, but as it says in the book of HENOCHA some judgments on those who mocked me will come from above.

  3. There are some riots, clashes in Jerusalem. Police used tasers, tear gas. Palestinians, suspected of having explosives, were searched during a check by Israeli police. Those fled and barricaded themselves in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    Today after sundown, the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah begins.

    1. begins:

      I don't know if you have read eve, but about a week ago a Jew was on the temple hill wanting to bless the water and the police arrested him....

      1. I also thank Yeshua Hamashi for your work Peter, I have gmail set up, your blog is for me like interia or onet used to be. If it wasn't for your conversion I don't know, I would probably have to find another blog, but this one is very rich in content for me.

  4. I haven't heard of this Peter.
    Speaking of today's incident, it turns out that Israeli police broke down that door of the mosque.Some Muslim said that there is damage (burned rugs) I watched the Palestinian president say that this is the occupation of their mosque( and it is known that it is sacred to them), that if this does not stop then the Jews will start a religious war.

  5. As far as the US is concerned, the market is probably closed until Monday, so we will know something about tomorrow afternoon/evening (different time zone) in financial matters. Something like that, or am I mistaken?

    1. exactly, we may hear something tomorrow.

  6. That's what they'll be honking at dusk today, right?

    From what I remember what Scottie on yt taught, they are to blow the trumpets 101 times, and the last one is called Takiah Gedolah(or similar) and Paul writes that at the sound of the last trumpet, there is to be a rapture 🙂

  7. There's a sense of solemnity in the atmosphere... It's hard to explain. And I salute you... If something happens, I pray for you right now. Let me tell you, if I had any doubts about immigrants, I don't anymore. 15min ago downtown, standing on the street, full of people like it's níedziela. A foreigner walks by (as if from an Islamic country) and says nothing to anyone, but when he passes by, he turns towards me and says: Get the hell out of here, your Christ. And I praise God for this act of faith. I no longer have any illusions about them, but where did he come from in Kielce? Take care.

  8. Well, here's a sign. California earthquake 6.6

  9. Today is the 13th but so far it's quiet, nothing is happening, cloudy day, no interesting things, nothing.

  10. The sad truth is that most people do not want to know God and His word, Jesus. When in need, go to God, when in need, go to the banker...

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