Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Korwin: Europe is already dead. And it's not that the Muslims came. Europe was liquidated by the invasion of secularism

Whatever Korwin's intentions, this statement seems truthfully heroic in the face of the lies the mainstream media is serving us, and I don't think it would be unchristian to use the term "sewage" mainstream media. If Jesus was talking about weeds at harvest time, then what the media is serving us is mainstream media sewage.


""Europe is already dead. And it's not that the Muslims came. Europe was eradicated by the invasion of secularism. European culture was based on Christian values, generally speaking. You could be an atheist, but yet you celebrated Christmas, everyone looked up to Christianity. And at the moment we have a secularized Europe. So it's no wonder that Muslims who believe in God go into it like butter. Because a nation that believes in God, believes that paradise awaits man after death, is ready to die in defense of the Fatherland. And if someone doesn't believe in an afterlife, he won't take risks, he won't put himself in danger."""

Leaving aside the rationale of the students' idol statement, by the way, I am incredibly curious to see how Korwin will react to the arrival of the antichrist.


Who knows maybe this is the time when a super politician blessed by Islam, Jews and krk at the same time will come and solve the problem with refugees, crisis and wars. this will be the last antichrist, the last dictator of the world having power and authority from Satan himself.

Updated: 13 September 2015 — 10:22


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  1. I remember an interview I watched with him before the election and he was probably aware of this because he said something about a man who, as he put it, "will be elected in due course" and there was something about the European Union along the lines of "there are strange forces at work there, I can't tell you what they are".

    I've been looking for this interview for half a day but there's a bunch of it on yt, maybe some of you remember it.

  2. Hm... that's the thought that just occurred to me about the Antichrist - the false messiah.
    Is it possible to destroy, for example, Islam as a religion - the belief in allah in Muslims? Or is it possible to destroy the true faith in hearts in Jesus Christ? They have tried for 2000 years without success, so they know it. It seems that the false messiah - pseudo liberator of the world, followers of all religions will have the task to unite humanity (with the help of a false prophet) regardless of religion under one leadership promising in return "eternal peace" . The main, real, hidden goal will be to prepare to fight the Lord Jesus Christ. And here he will use all kinds of tricks, false miracles, etc. to convince the followers of all religions to himself under the guise of tolerance and brotherly love according to slogans like - that we are all brothers regardless of religion, sexual orientation, etc. But before that something terrible must happen - for example World War III the most terrible but also the shortest of all so that people from fear, from despair will be able to believe in everything just to guarantee them world peace and prosperity in this unjust world.
    These are just my musings, of course, that I wanted to share with you 🙂 I'd like to share them with you.

    1. I think the same, antichrist and his team will be saviors but of this temporal, material world, plus some syncretic spirituality - what everyone likes - because after all God is one and religions/ways are many 😉 - a lot of even Christians reason this way, categories - believe in what gives you benefit, mental relief etc that's why they invite imams to church buildings e.g. in Germany, ecumenize with Buddhism etc - all this is a result of rejecting the objective nature of truth, and diluting God's word to human concepts. God once did not spare Israel for such spiritual adulteries.
      Such a good thought I heard, that science can relate to spirituality but occult, it just needs some impulse, an epochal discovery, and here the idea of aliens, the fathers of the human race fits perfectly.

      1. Oh, that's right. I forgot to mention the atheists. After all, as we can see, the pope is convincing even them to himself and so it doesn't matter what you believe or don't believe - what matters is that you acknowledge and believe and at the same time you pay homage, worship, bow down to the "liberator" of this world which entails worshiping the ruler of darkness himself.

        1. But there is another matter. It is the destruction of the Harlot and the fall of Babylon the Great, and what is Babylon the Great but an assemblage of all the world's religions? According to this it appears that the one who unites them is not the Antichrist, or the last king, who is to destroy Babylon the Great by the will of God, and then take over the world government....
          Well, yes... that would be so much for my part in this topic so far 🙂
          Let us watch, pray, proclaim the Truth and not be deceived...

          1. Yes, every point of view, be it spiritual or anti-spiritual has its dogmas, therefore they must strike deeper, so as to satisfy everyone, and here the next step of evolution with the help of some cosmic brothers for example

  3. I found something else interesting in this interview:
    "Either the revival of Christianity, or the rise of a NEW EUROPEAN RELIGION, or the Muslims will come"
    Korwin predicts that perhaps a "new European religion" will emerge. We already know that this religion will not only be European, but global.

  4. It seems to me that Jonah Quran-Mecca 😀 rationalizes, looks in pragmatic, not spiritual terms.

  5. Next "case":
    The woman in John 12 - Israel "I had a dream again:
    Behold, the sun and the moon and eleven stars bowed down to me." I Genesis 37:3-9

    wonder woman - has an eagle, phoenix on her chest, played by an actress from Israel, the character's name is Diana Prince - connection to . Diana princess, William's mother who is believed to have died in an assassination attempt because the royal family did not like her, and a famous news report stated that Prince Charles is descended from Dracula, who is also called the dragon, dragon, meaning the dragon (royal family) attacks a woman (Diana) like the image from obj. John 12,

    coordinates nicely symbolically

  6. The synagogue of Satan wants to destroy God's chosen people. They will not live to see it!

  7. KULT "Waiting for the Kingdom of J.H.W.H."

  8. The notoriously ridiculous interjections about this man are these the vibrations you want to feed us, or do they fit more with the dark side?
    And it is he whom you accuse of lacking mercy.

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