Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

As September 2015 approaches, does this movie show us the future of America after "everything changes overnight"?

Thank you Julka for the translation 😉

I've been uploading the trailer for this unfinished film every few years. The author of this script died in strange circumstances...



Stefan Stanford

September 2015 is approaching, now there are only 2 weeks left to prepare for the potential big event, ANP takes a look at some videos that have been made recently that have a common theme that we can see across America, the mass transportation and creation of military vehicles and equipment in America as we approach September.

Along with millions of Americans we have a strong feeling in our hearts that we are about to witness something historic in our country's history, we have to ask ourselves if we are wrong or if America is about to turn into something resembling the dystopian world depicted in the movie "Gray State" by David Crowley(deceased) as we see in the first version at the bottom of this article. The similarities we see in today's America looking also into a possible future and this movie are paralyzing.


In the first video below from Texas Watch, we see literally hundreds and hundreds of military vehicles parked on both sides of the road near the railroad tracks near Texarkana, Texas. The cameraman asks "Jade Helm?" and the commenter on the video shares such thoughts as "looks like war is going to break out in the US, why do they need so many vehicles?" and "that's not normal, why do they need so many vehicles in one place for a drill when there is no need for so many vehicles in one place during a war?", we determined that this video was most likely shot at the Red River Army Depot, and these vehicles may not be related to Jade Helm 15 at all.

On March 1, 2015, two weeks before the first article published by ANP on March 13, 2015 regarding Jade Helm 15, we published an article called, "Thousands of military vehicles lined up outside underground bunker in America - What are they preparing for now?" We determined that the video below was most likely taken at a Texas Army base, but we were unable to determine why the vehicles were so positioned and as one commenter said:

"They are not even parked behind a locked and guarded fence. I seriously wonder if they are left for ISIS like all the other vehicles left for them in Iraq. It's unbelievable, we have an open border with ISIS and now these vehicles are just waiting to be taken by them..."

Much more below in this second video sent to ANP by John Favery, an ANP reader who recorded this video in Easton, Pennsylvania of what may be confiscated weapons, another comparison to the "Gray State" video of an event unfolding before our eyes in America.

The following video was sent to ANP by John Favery, who was in Easton, Pennsylvania. What is the equipment on these trucks?

A few days ago, air travel was suspended in both Baltimore and Washington causing traffic delays on the East Coast. On July 8, United Airlines suspended all its air travel for several hours after a "computer glitch." More "testing"? In the "Gray State," air travel and transportation were also largely halted.


All News Pipeline has recently published several articles about what could happen if America is attacked with an electromagnetic pulse or there is a total economic collapse. "Gray State" shows that during a martial law/crisis the same "laws of survival" will apply...think about "martial law" in America, do we really believe our stores will look any different than this?


A few months ago, ANP reported on a mysterious commercial released by AARP in which, in the background, television announces "martial law" in America. Was it a more predictive program? With riots and violence in places like Baltimore and Ferguson, do they expect more lawlessness across the country? Is there anything we can do as awakened and peaceful Americans to make sure this never happens?


The first video below is the official trailer for Gray State. After seeing everything we've seen across America over the past few years, this trailer is very hard to watch and really squeezes our throats and causes an emptiness in our hearts. The second video below is the full first version of "Gray State" for those who haven't seen it yet. Is this what America's future will look like after "everything changes overnight"? Let us pray that we are far beyond something like this as human beings living in 2015 America.

The last set of images below is also a screenshot from the Gray State trailer and shows America under military occupation. Of course, we pray it never happens here - is that even possible in America?





Updated: 21 August 2015 — 21:27


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  1. the guy who made this video shot himself in the head 4 times while committing suicide, I think that's a very good score for shooting yourself in the head alone others can only shoot themselves in the head once

    generally the film is all finished but the FBI seized all copies and originals

    1. I didn't know it was finished...
      According to the latest information, they were raising money for a movie

  2. Peter, in one of your posts, you made me happy when you wrote that you focus most on the word of God and don't live on information about whether or not there is going to be a war or crisis.

    I personally believe that the crisis will not happen earlier than 2016 because the EU has to introduce the bail-in law, which will liquidate the deposits of all people in Europe, which means that it is an easy money grab

    We are living in difficult times and I pray for you all every day to persevere to the end in the Truth

    I came to the conclusion some time ago that Satan is not our problem and our enemy at the same time but we are our own enemy he can only hint to us or tempt us in some way but in truth all evil comes from our hearts and minds and Satan is just a stupid creature

    I try to pray every day from my heart so that it is sincere and true, and not to repeat prayers like a mantra just to do my job

    we must also be careful not to become religious people so that our faith and actions do not become a kind of
    I am in a rut to do everything with sincerity for the Lord in order to share in His tabernacle now lately in my life it has been quite difficult if spiritual matters pray for me sincerely that God will help me and purify my mind and heart with God dear ones

    1. Satan is not a stupid creature, as Christians often say. But it is true that every sin committed by man, comes from his heart, Satan can only awaken the desire for some act, bring to mind something disgusting. Believers(not the born again ones) fall into a routine after a while, they get bored and go back to the old way of life, maybe there is one sin they cling to. They don't trust God, so they want to justify their sin to some extent by temptation, but demons can't do anything without our permission(they can't sin for us). And I think that even the greatest temptation does not diminish the transgression in the least, in the blood of Christ there is victory. I'm not attacking anyone, and I know this will probably seem strange to many here, but I'm writing what I've observed in "real life". Kind of an American way of thinking, I guess there are more people like that out there.

  3. I think that events will be rather in 2016(maybe in 2017)in 2015 at most there will be a prologue.

    1. Yes, at most a prelude, but what a prelude.

      1. There's going to be a lot of stuff in the U.S., but it's only a prelude to 2016-then the whole world will shake.

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