Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Hello, I have some questions about prayer. I am still fresh in the knowledge of the truth and until recently I prayed the prayer and the rosary, because I was used to Mary since childhood. Now I want to stop this, but I do not know how to pray to God. Please give me some tips.
    And I have another question: what do you think about Michael the Archangel? And do you have a cross hanging on your walls or nothing at all?

    1. The cross has represented the sun and the sun-god, baal, since the dawn of time. The Bible states: "Cursed is he who hangs on a tree." Jesus took the curse of sin due us upon himself, so he made a full sacrifice on the symbol of Satan/sun-god/baal. The cross depicting a dead "Jesus" suggests that Jesus was not resurrected, which is the essence of Satanism (e.g., their slogans "God is dead," "God is dead," etc.).

      Christians pray directly to God. "For there is one mediator between God and men - the man Christ Jesus." Jesus also talked about asking the Father on His behalf.
      As for prayers, there is the so-called Our Father in the form as in the Bible. But everything should be a conscious sincere conversation with God.

      I hope I have helped. Regards.

      P.S. I just saw that Przemol wrote back earlier. I fully agree 🙂 .

      1. Fantasto Daniel are you ranting as a living or was it you that ms. Doda. Saying that someone was drunk on weed. When it comes to the church and the Roman Catholic religion created by Emperor Constantine and his wife in 325 AD there are no intermediaries between God and humans. God is everywhere and knows everything, therefore He does not need intermediaries. Everything you do and think is God's will and he does not have sclerosis like you, although they say you are a copy of him.
        - Further - since the dawn of time, the Cross has been the greatest curse on earth. Thanks to the Roman Church, whose members committed genocide against nations including the Christians of Israel by feeding them to lions and bestially murdering them in sports arenas. One of the first Gods invented by humans was indeed the sun but the symbol of the Sun God was not a cross but the Nazi symbol of the swastika with the ends reversed, a symbol that has had various transformations but never a cross. Hitler had the ambition to become a new god on earth and he modeled this on the history of Rome.
        Christianity is the religion of Israel and not the Italian state.
        - What is the true God of Rome whom they denied in favor of Israel - ? you certainly do not know is the bull Serapis, For his glory every year in December killed the bull and ate his flesh and drank his blood - tell you something? - What God did the Poles deny? Although the Poles have denied their gods, they still worship them every year and in every town and city they hold ceremonies in honor of the ancient God, the Mother of All Gods, and as everyone knows there is only one Mother - and that is MARZANNA.
        - Before the Italians composed what they called the Bible, the legitimate Christian believers drew their knowledge of God and Life from the Bible of Barabbas, which was forbidden by Rome.
        Barabbas a warm friend of Jesus...

        1. "Fantasto Daniel you are ranting"

          Please be kinder to your opponents in the future.

    2. hey, here are some interesting and concise discussions of various issues -

    3. The Lord God is a Person, one must address Him as a little child would speak to a loving father.

      Every person has a programmed part of their brain that is responsible for listening to God, this is called conscience. If your conscience says good things, consistent with Scripture, tells you to serve others, puts others first, such a voice is from God.

      If evil, selfish, and hateful things come to mind toward others, such thoughts are from Satan or from the carnal instinct.

      Seemingly a simple mechanism, but it is known that in practice good things are more difficult than bad and it is easier not to listen than to listen.

      1. Thank you very much for the hints 😉 in my family the cult of Mary is practiced and on the walls hang various images, I'll try to gently educate my mother, although I doubt that she would want to believe it, not to mention aunts / grandmothers because they would probably laugh at me. And it's hard not to have someone in your company who also wants to delve into this and understand how much we are being deceived by the church.

  2. I'll tell you that when you pray to God, pray to him normally in your own words, talk to him as you always talk to a normal person, do it from a sincere heart

    Rosaries and other inventions on the walls are not necessary because we pray in spirit. As for prayers, it is just repeating the same words like a mantra and no one listens to such prayers except demons

    Read the Bible and ask God to give you direction in life
    what to do and what to avoid, ask him to help you put on the armor of God

    The most important thing is to have a desire to know God, then He will reveal Himself to you in your life, but for this you need great patience.

    and as for Michael the Archangel, what would you like to know about him I personally would not focus on such spiritual beings, the most important is Jesus Christ

  3. Teresa from Toruń

    Isn't it better to make a separate section for these memes ?....

  4. I disagree with one of your statements here, about Michael the Archangel. But this is Jesus... Revelations... With an archangelic voice descending... He was born as an angel. Hence the prefix arch... His name in heaven was Michael, and when he came down to earth he took the name Jesus. Look it up in the Bible.

    1. "with the voice of the archangel" is a translation of the Holy Bible intended to confirm that Jesus is not the only begotten Son but only a created angel. In all other translations it is "with the voice of the archangel". This is a fundamental difference. "God so loved the world that he gave a SINGLE /not created/ son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life".

  5. I'm guessing there will be a lot of backlash about the Archangel Thessalonians 4:16. I know this thinking is also shared by Jews... But I think if Jesus is the firstborn of God then He must be the Archangel. What do you guys think about this from the Bible?

    1. BG 1 Tim.3-16 " GOD is revealed in the flesh, he is justified in the spirit, he is seen of angels, he is preached to the Gentiles, he is believed in the world, he is taken up into glory." Who is this God revealed in the flesh. JESUS, of course. How then can it be proclaimed that He is an angel ???

  6. Regarding the cross and so-called "holy" images, in addition to what the forum members have already written, I would add that this is a violation of the Ten Commandments. People worship them, bowing down instead of God. In addition, it is a carved image of a person who is in heaven and we have such a prohibition in these commandments.

  7. Thank you so much Magdalene for the clarification 🙂 Have a nice day 🙂 I'll be right back.

    1. You're very welcome 🙂 .

  8. It disagrees with Jehovah's SW in many places, but in this case they are absolutely right:

    In this sentence the word νφωνη (voice) as well as σαλπιγγγι (trumpet) are in the nominative (I suggest looking up the Greek dictionary for unbelievers) and not in the complement or accusative, so the original grammatically correct wording of this quotation is:

    "For the Lord himself at his command, with the voice(denominator) of the archangel and the trumpet(denominator) of God will descend from heaven...."

    Any other translation is unfortunately a grammatically incorrect manipulation. The King James Bible itself also renders this translation as above:

    For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel , and with the trumpet of God

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