The text was once again translated by Jacek.
- Albert Pike wrote "Morals and Dogma" - the "bible" of freemasons. A framed picture of Albert Pike can be seen in most Grand Lodges of Freemasons.
- Albert Pike led the Ku Klux Klan movement. "I have made a commitment to the white man, not the Negro. When I have to either accept Negroes as brothers or leave Freemasonry, I will leave it." - Albert Pike, prominent 33rd degree Mason-"History and Evolution of Freemasonry," p. 329.
The emblem of the Ku Klux Klan is a pyramid.
The official "bible" of the freemasons promotes Luciferian doctrines.
The use of these symbols is believed to date back to the fall of the tower of Babel, due to the emergence of numerous languages.
Symbols became the universal code of their language.
3. key Masonic symbolism includes:
ONE EYE - The eye of Horus (Satan), the all-seeing eye, Big Brother, the Morning Star, etc.
It is located on the reverse side of the dollar, on the left side.
HAND SYMBOLS - The use of the horn gesture called "mano cornuta" or "corna," specific handshakes.
PIRAMID - A triangle-shaped logo, a triangle representing a hierarchical arrangement, a pyramid, an obelisk.
SUNBEAMS - Enlightenment, sun worship, etc.
KEY SECTIONS - The use of symbols such as the pentagram, curved sword, eye, falcon/phoenix.
SYMBOLS OF FREEMASONRY - The all-seeing eye, the pyramid and the obelisk.
- After the tower of Babel fell, YHWH - God Almighty - gave the nations many languages to prevent the completion of the tower's construction. Freemasons use symbols to create the unity necessary to implement their universal agenda. Language is no longer an obstacle - symbols speak. The main symbol is the pentagram. And the headquarters of the New World Order? Symbols are everywhere.
- Freemasons meet in Grand Lodges that can be found throughout the world, such as the London Masonic Lodge
- The President of the Grand Lodge is the Grand Master of the thirty-third degree.
- Grand Lodges, present throughout the world, are temples used for occult initiation ceremonies.
- There are 33 degrees of initiation in Freemasonry.
- The vast majority of Freemasons attain no more than the 3rd degree. The lower degree freemasons are deceived into believing that it is a "Christian" organization.
- Each level entails an initiation ceremony. Only enlightened Freemasons are said to have the 33rd degree of initiation. Albert Pike was a 33rd degree Freemason.
- Most American presidents are 33rd degree Freemasons. Aleister Crowley - the chief priest of Satan - was a 33rd degree Freemason.
- The pyramidal structure of Freemasonry - it is a universal, hierarchical system. The sects included in this pyramid are all subject to Big Brother.
- Hand gestures - Freemasonry believes in Lucifer.
The gesture known as "OK" really stands for the number of the beast, i.e., 666, while the hand placed in a gesture of peace ("V") is also a freemasonic gesture. The universal symbols of Lucifer are the pentagram and the image of a goat. Satan = goat. Freemasonry is controlled by the goat.
- Compass, Square and Circular - The square is an instrument adapted only to flat surfaces. Thus it is an instrument suitable in geometry, or for measuring the earth, which also appears as a plane and was so perceived by the people of antiquity. The compass is a device associated with spheres and spherical surfaces. It has applications in spherical trigonometry, or that branch of mathematics which deals with the Heavens and the orbits of celestial bodies.
- The ritual according to the Scottish rite is in accordance with the York ritual stating that the letter "G" stands for "God" and "Geometry". However, it has a third meaning - "Gnosis".
- In addition to the meaning of the symbols of the Compass, Square, and Circus in themselves, when put together as they are represented, they show a triangle. In this arrangement, the Square forms the lower triangle, which is an ancient symbol of the female genitals, womb, etc. - after Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma": Consistory: XXXII. The Sublimity of the Royal Secret, pp. 850-51.
- Most Grand Lodges have a floor with a checkerboard pattern. The checkerboard pattern floor symbol is used in the media. The checkerboard floor represents the area of the lodge where a person undergoes initiation.
- The aforementioned pattern is also seen on the chessboard in the game of chess. There is a pawn on the front line - the bottom level of the pyramid is the people who fight for the King. The Queen, also known as the Madonna, is the most powerful element in this game. The doctrine of antichrist makes the Madonna more powerful than her Child.
- Those undergoing initiation take an oath never to discuss matters discussed by the brotherhood. Talking about these matters outside the Sabbath results in mysterious deaths. A classic example of this is Michael Jackson.
- World leaders, presidents and other effluent people are Freemasons. For example, note who attended the Pope's funeral in 2005, look at the ring of current U.S. President Obama and his speeches in the spirit of the New World Order, or George Bush's membership in the Masonic brotherhood.
- Freemasons wear aprons, which are used to protect their clothes from blood during the ritual of sacrifice during initiation ceremonies.
- During initiation ceremonies, candidates are blindfolded and made to take oaths. The lower levels of initiation begin with an oath, while the higher levels involve bloody human sacrifices. Those who have passed the initiation are given degree 1. They pass between two pillars - another symbol of freemasonry as mentioned above.
- The dollar bill is a Masonic invention. Freemasons use money to control the world. Therefore, it is important to understand the motives of their leader behind this symbolism.
- Freemasons serve an entity called JAHBULONBut only the higher level Masons know this and recognize it.
- In their code for determining who their gods are, words of Hebrew origin are used: Jah = god, bul = Baal, he = Osiris, or Solonmon, i.e. Sol = sun/god Ra, he = Osiris, mon = Set, and finally Israel, i.e. Is = Isis, ra = sun god, el = god.
- The slogan of freemasonry is "Order from chaos."
- Freemasonry makes use of terrorism and fear (chaos) to create unity among people = New World Order.
- Terrorism is a facade. Order out of chaos? The attacks of September 11, 2001 were carried out to create fear in the masses. The twin towers collapsed as a result of CONTROLLED demolition of them, not as a result of theatrics where jihadists seemingly crashed planes into them. Muslims are peaceful people. Freemasons create chaos among religious groups to create a synthesis of religions - "we are one, we will serve one god, all gods are equal, all paths lead to god, and no one religion is superior to another". Zionism or the Palestinian war in Israel are other examples of chaos from which order is supposed to arise. Another simulated type of chaos is recession, and in 2000 and 2012 there was a widespread belief that the world was ending.
- Freemasonry uses mass media to "preach its sermons." Projects such as MK Ultra are an example. Music contains their message, movies present their views, and magazines promote their agenda.
- Freemasonry is anti-Christian. Freemasonry has infiltrated most secular churches. Examples are, characteristic of lukewarm Christians, doctrines on grace, so-called alpha courses, preachers giving divorces, gospel of success, secular humanism, etc. All of this is designed to weaken the morals of the faithful. Prayer has been withdrawn from schools to pursue an agenda stating that all religions are equal. The death penalty has been abolished, but the independence of children has been increased. Children should report their parents - in the novel "1984" George Orwell writes about how children report their parents to the "thought police". More and more rebellion is encouraged. A fashion for homosexuality is promoted. People declare themselves as those who have a more open mind when it comes to "sin".
- Freethinkers believe they are gods, and this doctrine is passed off in the media as secular humanism. People become so used to being unrestrained that they lose track of what is going on around them because the only activity they focus on is exalting themselves. We are too busy to notice the subtle changes in the world and the increase in moral corruption. George Orwell calls it "newspeak" - it is the constant brainwashing of the masses to the point that proles cannot remember what happened the day before. The Masons control the past, therefore they control the future as well. No one questions what is happening, so they duplicate their ideologies and the younger generations accept these ideas as normal. Terrorism is normal. We are so plugged into this Matrix that we don't see the agenda of the elites.
- The ultimate Masonic agenda is the creation of a New World Order.
- Masons don't want the masses to think! They reproduce the negative connotations relating to their own agenda and call them "conspiracy theories". They want the masses to "remain blinded", mainly using the media. They want the masses to think that all this information is unreal, yet it is all happening every day. It's your decision!
Eventually Jesus along with the angels will soon destroy the New World Order. Satan and the demons know they have very little time left and want to dissuade as many people as possible from the one true God YHWH. Pray for the Kingdom of God in Heaven and on Earth.
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, adorned like a bride adorned with jewels for her husband. And I heard a loud voice saying from the throne: Behold the tabernacle of God with men: and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and he shall be God with them. And he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more henceforth. Neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor hardship henceforth: for the first things have passed away."
Revelation 21:1
33 degrees - false Christ
brotherhood - the falsehood of God's brotherhood in the church
Okay, I have a question for the text. If such a supposedly powerful organization - Freemasonry is racist pro-white, how is it possible that the most victimized and oppressed race today is the white race? Why does the media promote race mixing? Why are non-whites favored everywhere, while white people even in their own countries feel oppressed by non-whites?
Perhaps so that non-initiated whites would become extinct?
This is the curse for deviation.
You have given yourself an answer and probably don't realize it, because the white race for centuries has exalted itself and accepted nothing but itself. The soul has no race, so begin to develop your soul to a higher level for good, not to complain about how bad you are in this white body.
What does it mean to "develop to higher levels your soul"? What are these levels?
Christianity is a myth, Jesus is an ordinary man from ancient times, just like Plato or Archimedes.
There is no god (Christian Islamic etc).
There are demons that people involved in the occult work with, but they should not be identified with religions or so-called holy books, but rather approached from the scientific side.
No God, then no jarek.
There is no god (Christian Islamic etc).
There are demons that people involved in the occult work with
There is no god...
there are demons...
I have been a Mason for many years in the final degree of initiation. And I wanted to write that the text that has been written here in this article is a fairy tale pulled out of a finger and concocted by staunch Catholics, who want to boggle people's minds with how dangerous Freemasonry is to people. What are you writing, people! You do not know the real life of freemasonry, so do not express your opinion and do not make such crazy hypotheses. It is only the people of the Church who mix in the minds of the people, becoming an even richer organization. And who is serving the people here? But it is known, people are afraid of what they do not understand. And if you do not understand something, you study it and not make up such things. It is not the Freemasons who are dangerous, we are not attacking anyone, it is the people writing such texts who spread confusion in the society in order to pull as many "lost souls" as possible to their side.
If you are a Freemason, it is definitely not 33rd degree and you are deluded.
The very fact that you attribute to us membership in the Catholic Church without bothering to verify from the contents of the site who we really are shows how wrong you are.
Leave this organization in the name of Jesus Christ while it is not too late.
The true and flesh and blood Catholics were the Knights Templar, they would have put these Madonna and Illuminati Satanists in order briefly and to the point
The Templars were the progenitors of the Illuminati
Some freemasonic organizations consider themselves heirs to the traditions of the Templar order. Some Masonic lodges have adopted the name "Knights of the Temple", some also use Templar flags and dress up as Templars during meetings
Hello Could you explain how to get into a Masonic lodge?
I have been a Mason for many years in the final degree of initiation. And I wanted to write that the text that has been written here in this article is a fairy tale sucked from a finger and concocted by staunch Catholics
Be a Mason in the final degree of initiation....
Don't grasp that this is not a Catholic site....
The least trustworthy are those who criticize others.
So let's not criticize Satan and Hitler, Stalin, Franco, etc.
So the devil is a baaaar trustworthy person. After all, the Satanists' chief motto is "Do what you feel like doing."
For that Yeshua is not trustworthy at all. How many times he criticized the Pharisees.
Everything upside down.
The least credible are those who praise and pat on the shoulder people who need to be slapped right in the face.
The dollar sign in this case seems particularly interesting.
The ultimate agenda of the Freemasons is not the establishment of a NWO. Freemasons - and not only they - are unaware that the ultimate agenda is to implement on earth, among the remnant of the human 'mass' remaining after WW3, the Luciferian doctrine in its full bloom, i.e., the destruction of all religions, all governments, all political and intellectual options including Freemasonry et al. The 'enlightened' secret societies, the dictatorship over the minds, souls and bodies of the goyim. This is the last act of Satan hating mankind since Eden. The rescue is one and simple: repent to God and obey the 10 Commandments.
It takes many years to understand Freemasonry, and even that may not be enough. With all due respect none of you are freemasons, the church fights with the freemasons for a simple reason, because they are tolerant of multiculturalism, because a freemason has a purely esoteric spiritual approach, because a freemason knows that every religion is opium for the freemason believes in the god ra....which you can read all sorts of nonsense about here...a freemason knows more than that...he knows that the mayans used a solar eclipse to manipulate the people and they created a religion that manipulated the masses with the sun, just like the catholic church manipulates by scaring the masses with masons and devils...that's the secret. As for the Freemasons supporting each other... of course they do... that's the strength of brotherhood... the widow's children to me... this slogan is no different than e.g. a chairman calling the board in a crisis situation in the company... that's the whole secret... with Freemasons such attitude bothers you, and every second Catholic gets a job through connections and connections... maybe it's not so? there are plenty of misfits in the country...but they don't see them at home and the brotherhood of freemasons bothers for the new movement catholics made you believe that freemasons are responsible for the world conspiracy and only the elite of the world can belong to it...opium for the dark masses...since 1883 the National Lodge of Cuba exists successfully and in this country there are the biggest number of freemasons in relation to the population....really... the waiter of the Tropicana restaurant in Havana who wears a freemason signet and every second statistical Cuban family which has a freemason in its circle belongs to the world elite... sometimes it's worth to bow your head. In Poland also the church gave birth to the myth for the dark sheep that only the left and the left wing are freemasons... the most amusing is the discussion in tv republic about the influence of freemasons in the world... the hypocrisy is that the president of this television is Bronislaw Wildstein former "sedated" master of the phrase "exaggeration won". In right-wing media and in the church people talk about freemasons as something diabolical... but they do not see that thanks to Sp. Lech Kaczynski the Jewish Lodge at the American embassy was reactivated, which was outlawed by I. Moscicki's decree in 1927, they pretend that they do not know that J. Olszewski was a freemason. That A. Macierewicz was connected with freemasons, his close uncle was a member of the Lodge Kopernik in France... only once with the Lodge Kopernik Macierewicz appeared together at his uncle's funeral where he made a speech... they do not mention that the Kaczynski Brothers were shaped by J. Jozef Lipski, the most famous Polish freemason... who introduced young A. Michnik to the free-thinking circles of the Crooked Circle Club. I think that's enough. Freemasonry is nothing mysterious, it does not aim to take over the world... it simply knows what the church omits... and at the end... Freemasons, for example in Cuba, accept black people... there are also people in wheelchairs... that is why for this sensation I can only remain a veil of silence and a polito-political answer.When it comes to metaphysics, yes, the only entities that can be contacted are so-called science still doesn't know the answer and the church is well aware of this fact.... but that's another story altogether
I don't know what the problem is.
For the most part, we agree.
Masons have contact with demons, which means they're working for Luck.
Ddemon is a concept and a name, there are so-called damons, conventionally bad and good, and the church ignores it... because they do good in a metaphysical way... in reality, they can do what is not yet clear, the concept of calling the so-called demon is subject to rituals and rites, it is about entering into a trance of good or evil...Drug addicts also enter trance thanks to drugs and appropriate music, in India people who walk on hot coals or pull a caravan with hooks attached to the body are put into trance... in psychology trance has its own code ICD 10.
Huretic. Come to Jesus. He sets you free.
Yeah, where is he? I want to talk to him... real... metaphysical or whatever... is this the jesus who led a small sect and turned it into a religion imposed by the sword and the blood of innocent people? If he is so divine, why don't the people living in the bush in Brazil know anything about him... any shaman would sooner make contact with a good metaphysical being and do good than you would talk to or make contact with Jesus... or the god ra or any other religious creation... paper men used to run brothels... was Jesus waiting there too?
religion imposed by the sword is not Jesus. It looks at the tab at the top for Hitler and the Vatican. That's what this blog deals with, the truth that Catholics and people like you don't know.
Say in peace in silence: Jesus, if you are then reveal yourself to me please.
On 100% it will be revealed, but not the way you want it, because Jesus is not a waiter.
And why do you moderate the truth that says...jesus wills it? I don't think so.
because you don't write the truth, and if you publish it, someone weak in the faith will fall into your satanic ways.
The truth will defend itself and Jesus will defend himself. If you don't publish my posts then what are your words worth, you manipulate and only share what's convenient for you... you've lost... you're afraid of the truth... and it's not my intention that anyone should come to my way, firstly because it's not satanic and secondly my intention is arguments not informationctrination like you do...The fact that you are blocking my posts means that you don't have any arguments for my posts, so you want to silence them... you are no different from other hypocrites of all kinds... think about it, because if you don't publish these posts, it's like you doubt Jesus and what you believe.
If you write God's name with a lowercase letter and probably the names of others with a capital letter, then we have nothing to talk about.
"When it comes to metaphysics, yes, the only entities to contact are so-called demons..."
You may not be aware of it, but this is Satanism.
You want to write strenuously on a Christian blog in a positive light about demons. If it weren't for this naivety I would think you were an agent, but you are just deluded like the new ageists are deluded.
No, for demon promotions on this blog.
Praise God for your attitude Peter.
As you can see Huretyk is already going as far as emotional blackmail.Well maybe not so much him as the demons.
It is a waste of time to discuss and promote visiting.
Sadly, we all see how the world tries to destroy the Lord Jesus.
They can stand on their heads and call on the cohorts of the evil one nothing will help them.The Lord Jesus has overcome all,His Word is powerful and all will fall before Him.
You have been given a chance to find yourself on this blog, save your life and call on the Lord Jesus, He doesn't reject anyone, He is real and all demons tremble before Him.
33 is not a coincidence. It is interesting that the cassock of priests has 33 buttons.
Why do freemasons have 33 degrees of initiation. We know that Jesus was crucified at age 33 is that why?
One does not fight Satan with Satan.
Every person has a choice and every person will be accountable to God's judgment for their actions, thoughts and sins.
God is Love, but you need to know how to open yourself to God, learn to listen to what He says to us and learn to read the signs that He gives us through others, both good and bad, to be able to defend against evil.
"Freemasons serve an entity called JAHBULON, but only higher degree Freemasons know this and recognize it." "
Only higher level Freemasons know this.
And suddenly the point of being a Mason ceases to exist since everyone already knows who to serve....