Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Healing and the Bible

In this topic I will use a comment made by my colleague Guzzik from our forum hoping that it will interest you:


"I recommend watching all of Torben's lessons. The later lessons are highly motivating and help you break through. Unfortunately these parts are not translated yet. Healing is from lesson 4 onwards. In short I will write what I learned from the lessons I have listened to/watched so far.

Healing is the duty of a Christian and whether someone is healed depends only on the faith of the healer. Jesus was able to raise even the dead, and what faith does a dead person have in coming to life? There are no other excuses: someone has not been healed because he has not forgiven someone, because he does not believe that he can be healed, etc. All these thick books on healing are written because people do not base their theories on what is in the Bible but on what they have experienced. People have a tendency to impose limits on themselves.

In practice, it is best to begin by healing people with such ailments where our faith is large enough. [The person doing the healing does not have to be baptized! Although Baptism is generally important, in this case it is sufficient that the person believes that God can heal through him]. If someone has a lot of faith at the outset and is convinced that he can heal from serious illnesses, he should immediately "throw himself into the deep end" in order not to limit himself unnecessarily. On the other hand, if someone has little faith and does not believe that he can heal, for example, someone in a wheelchair, he should start with smaller things, such as a broken finger or other, even smaller ailments. Faith is like a muscle. It only grows when you use it. Jesus' effectiveness in healing was 100%. The passage that says that Jesus had a problem with healing in his hometown does not mean that he tried and nothing happened. People did not believe, i.e. they doubted that Jesus could heal them and looked at him with prejudice, not even wanting to try to be healed. It is the same today. Hardened people are everywhere. You can even see from some that there is nothing to approach.

Many people study the Bible, attend churches, and do not do what they have known for a long time. Because of religious flip-flops, people find it hard to get rid of their limitations and start putting knowledge into practice. You should not wait until you are "good enough". Someone who has never healed will not learn to do so by constantly reading about it but through practice. There is no need to wait, just start to act.
(What I wrote is mainly based on the 4th, 5th and 6th lessons of The pioneer school)

Updated: 11 May 2015 — 22:01


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  1. "to impose limitations on ourselves. "It sounds as if we are gods and have power, but the Bible shows that not everyone has healed and will heal, and that God gives particular gifts to those He wishes. To one he gives one gift and to another he gives another:

    " For one receives by the Spirit the speech of wisdom, another by the same Spirit the speech of knowledge, (9) another faith in the same Spirit, I-N-N-Y the gift of U-Z-D-R-A-W-I-A-N-I-A in the same Spirit. (10) Still another the gift of working miracles, another the gift of prophecy, another the gift of discerning spirits, another the various kinds of tongues, and finally another the gift of interpretation of tongues. (11) But all this is done by one and the same Spirit, distributing to each one individually as he wills."- 1 Corinthians 12:8-11

    Apostle Paul's rhetorical question : " Do all have gifts of healing? " - 1 Corinthians 12:30a

    does not negate God's work-God can work Himself, or through someone, and heal from any disease. But God is sovereign and healing is not always good for a given time and for a given person.

    " they shall take up serpents, and though they drink poison, it shall not hurt them" - Mark 16:18 - those who dance with rattlesnakes in the US or drink poison also say that everyone saved should do so, but the truth is different - God is sovereign :

    " and the same Spirit, distributing to each individually as he wills" - as he wills he will give someone this gift or that, but not everyone has to have the same gift. The church is an organism, not everyone is a hand, not everyone is an eye, not everyone is a foot or an ear, etc.

    It is a pity that many who preach "that everyone should heal" - many of them do not preach not loving the world, fighting against sin, sanctification, do not preach that Christ came not only to forgive sins but also to liberate from the power of sin, so that man ceased to be a slave of sin and became a servant of righteousness.

    I don't know what Guzzik says about deliverance from the power of sin, sanctification, etc. but what is written above about healing is wrong.

    1. elpis....Friend, read the whole thing please and it reads like this:

      "(30) Do they all have gifts of healing? Do they all speak in tongues? Do they all lecture them? (31) Strive therefore earnestly for greater gifts of grace; and I will show you a way still more excellent.

      So if someone doesn't have one, they can apply.

      Aside from what you wrote. In my church, still my church, no one is applying for this as far as I know.
      Guzzik following Torben wanted to say that we have such a gift from God, or rather, such a healing not used

      1. "So if someone doesn't have one, they can apply.

        But this does not mean that every Christian must have the gift of healing. We must also remember that with fervent prayers we can also do a lot and therefore ask God for healing 🙂 .

        1. I don't insist that everyone does, but I don't rule it out. Either way it is possible and the churches don't teach it and that is the truth.

          1. it is possible...

          2. The current Christian faith consists of memorizing Bible verses, and this is not yet the norm, all in anticipation of death.

            What a barren Christianity, devoid of the power of God.

            If I was like that you wouldn't be writing here because I would be afraid, and yes there is a forum, blog and social network not to mention other sites.
            My question to opponents on this issue, i.e. healing. How many people have you convinced of Jesus?
            doesn't want to be licentious, but wants to demonstrate empty, empty Christianity. Laodicea.

          3. Let's face it, most healing is back pain, short legs, runny nose, and so on. And when it comes down to it...fracture, paralysis, wheelchair, down, nothing happens. When asked why healers don't go to hospitals, they will say that they don't have the faith, or that they won't let them in, and so on. If there were healings like in the Apostolic times, people would probably come on their own. Of course, I do not deny healings, I have experienced them myself, but I believe that healing is not something guaranteed, as some proclaim, "that the disease is here illegally and everyone MUST be healthy, and if he is not healed it is the fault of too little faith of the person praying for healing." Many Christians struggle with body as well as mind problems themselves. I wrote about my experience in a comment under this post

            1. Yes, these major illnesses are not always successful and at this stage I am not able to fairly assess why. Is it a matter of the times or lack of the Holy Spirit or lack of humility ...
              Maybe other reasons are like showmanship so to speak.

              There is another reason: lack of fasting.
              A healer will not help with this. Jesus said when casting out demons in one case that this kind is cast out only by fasting.

        2. and I gotta hand it to you...

    2. I agree with you. The statement I quoted is old, and does not subscribe to Torben's teachings.

    3. Not everyone has the gift to heal, but that doesn't mean that those all can't through the power of Jesus Christ heal someone.

      A gift is a talent, it's a tremendous faith in this case. It is effectiveness in what one does.

      It's like saying you have a talent for painting because you paint wonderfully, you always make an impression, and I don't have a gift for painting and I don't make an impression, I just paint, although it doesn't always work out.

      Lack of gift does not mean brother of skill.
      We all can everything that is given to us.
      But we don't know how to do everything right.
      Therefore, we should ask for gifts.

      And I have a piece of advice for you. Don't ask for gifts for yourself as if you want profit...desire gifts for your fellow man and God will give you the same 🙂

      1. "And I have a piece of advice for you. Don't ask for gifts for yourself as if you want profit...desire gifts for your fellow man and God will give you the same 🙂 "

        nicely put 🙂

  2. The statement I quoted is quite old. It says what I have learned from these lessons, but at present I do not agree with certain things. I no longer believe what Torben says, that God wants to heal everyone through us and that if this does not work it is because the person praying for healing has insufficient faith. At the moment I think that yes, people will be healed, but in Heaven. I think that miracles and signs such as healings are mainly for non-believers, as a confirmation of the preached Gospel, and are not something guaranteed, something that must happen. If it is God's Will, it will happen. We can see believers who have problems with their body as well as their mind. As far as I know, Christ promised His disciples persecution, tribulation IN THIS LIFE IN THIS WORLD, not prosperity and health.

    1. guzzle,
      I think you have gone astray. I am not a charismatic, but I have experienced NATURAL HEALING several times.
      They were small issues, but they worked immediately.

      this humble driver says the same thing:
      Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed... (Mt 11:4)

      Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out evil spirits! (Mt 10:8)

      If you abide in me and my words in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father will be glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples (John 15:7-8).

      (30) when Thou stretchest forth Thy hand to heal and to perform signs and wonders through the name of Thy holy servant Jesus. Acts. 4.30

      9) Heal the sick who are there, and say to them, The kingdom of God has come near to you Luke 10.9

      As you can see these quotes for legalists are an invention of the Bible writers I guess. That's how I take it.

      1. I have also experienced healing, but this does not exclude the fact that Torben may be wrong about certain things. For example, I believe that he is wrong when he says that every person MUST be healed of every illness, and that if this is not the case, then the reason is that the person praying for healing does not have enough faith. But I am lost. As many people as many interpretations in every matter, be it Law or healing. You can go crazy.

  3. "as He wills to give someone a gift of one kind or another, but not everyone has to have the same gift. The church is an organism, not everyone is a hand, not everyone is an eye, not everyone is a leg or an ear, etc. "

    I agree with your words... the first thing that came to mind was 1 Corinthians.

  4. I would ask that you remove this post with my comment, as I do not want to promote Torben's teachings that I currently disagree with. My fault, because I didn't delete old posts from the forum

  5. Maybe the problem is that most Christians don't know they can receive this gift or they don't ask for it.... I've wondered about this recently as well...

  6. I do not have the gift of healing, but I feel good in talking about God, even so I have no problem not healing. God has already shown me that He will not give me the gift of healing, because I would probably become too proud.
    I'd rather be more humble and have love without gifts than be proud with gifts.
    I prefer to be a prophet proclaiming God's Will, and I am growing now in the direction of not healing, but in the direction of patience and orderliness because now I am going to show in religion at school some teaching from the Scriptures, and if someone heals, let them heal, but remember that everyone gets what the Spirit gives, not what they want to get, I wanted to heal sincerely, but the Spirit did not give it to me because it would not be good for me.Instead, He showed me that I should focus on things different from healing.
    Shalom Brothers and Sisters!

  7. Peter, I want to thank you for bringing up this subject. Once again I have realized something that has been on my mind for a long time. I also know what I will turn to God with today. I wish you all a peaceful night 🙂 .

    1. The truth is that people don't want to be baptized with water or DS or healed. I know, from an ex-Catholic's point of view, that is something exotic, because in the CC they cast out demons and heal from the highest caste, but we are supposed to stick to the Word of God.

      1. You, dear ones, are confusing gifts with signs, hence so many misunderstandings.
        Signs, as Jesus says in Mark 16.17-18, accompany those who believe. and faith is active obedience.
        If you walk with the LORD by faith the Holy Spirit will want to do through the believer what Jesus did and confirm His Word as Jesus' Word with signs and wonders.
        But let us remember that Jesus did what He saw and heard from the Father.
        The believer must therefore also have a close relationship with the Lord in order to do what he sees or (and) hears from the Holy Spirit.
        So when a believer hears, sees in a vision or has an inner conviction that he is to lay hands on, that the Lord says lay hands on, then you are to lay hands on and things will happen and it will actually be in Jesus' name and not your own, and the Lord always! then he will confirm his word because he is not a liar.
        Once a friend wanted me to cast out a demon from her little grandson.
        We asked the Lord, because we did not feel inwardly that we should release and we received the Word that it is not the demon but the lack of discipline in upbringing and mainly the constant quarrels of the parents that cause the child's behaviour. The parents later confirmed this, we did not know them before.
        We could shout, expel, and nothing would happen.
        At other times, the Lord confirmed the presence of the demon and this grandfathering came out.
        You understand what I am saying, walking in the Spirit, fasting, a close relationship with the Lord, and things happen.
        The gifts, on the other hand, you have because they were simply given as a gift and are always working, even though you may have them and not use them.
        In summary, everyone can heal in the sense that by walking with the Lord and preaching the Word, the Lord will confirm it in every believer when He wants to and how He wants to.
        I think that it is better to lay hands on, to want to heal people for the sake of love for those who suffer and not to be afraid that nothing will happen, because it can happen (even without a close relationship with the Lord) because of God's sovereign action and God's love for the world as well as for the sake of glorifying God through this sign - than to do nothing, depriving God of the opportunity to show his glory through our person.
        One must be alert to God's leading.
        The saddest thing is that those who say that they want to love so much that they are so unworthy are often just passive, not showing signs or gifts, because instead of trying hard for them, as Paul says, they are passively waiting, as well as afraid to lay hands, cast out demons, speak in tongues...
        It is necessary to experience the filling of the Holy Spirit, with the sign of a foreign language from the Holy Spirit (you can't invent this language by yourself), to have its power and then not to fear e.g. demons but to show love to people, casting them out.
        I once asked such denialists of the SIGNS, if in your presence someone begins to wander on the ground from a demon, how will you help him, that is, show love, call a psychiatrist?

        Which God will the world see through you, the tiny one, the big one or none at all, even though you have just been talking about God.
        That's why Jesus wants us to be signs of his power, not ours, so that he can take the glory for himself.
        You say you're waiting for a gift.
        And yet you will not find in the whole Bible the gift of casting out demons, there is such a sign, but there is no gift, because casting out demons can only be done by those who believe, so revise your faith, check how you believe, and whether you really believe as the Scripture says.
        Of course we are to strive in our lives to be sanctified continually, but we can also sanctify ourselves and in obedience lovingly lay down our hands and drive out the enemy from among men for God's glory as the Scripture says.
        The Lord wants both.
        Helpful link: healing as a sign

        1. "...then revise your faith, see how you believe, and whether you really believe as the Scriptures say."

          I generally agree with you Kesja, but I think that was directed at Maciek?

          It is good that there is still someone who has some cognition and is not living by verses. Bravo Kesya!

          I've noticed that when it comes to healing and releasing, these verses don't count. We can talk for hours about hell, the shape of the earth, about Paul, about Trinitarianism, but healing is taboo. It's like the font in the Bible is steaming.

          1. What this guy in the video is doing is the same thing Huna adepts are doing. And Huna is pure paganism and occultism. I am not convinced that it is really the work of the Holy Spirit.As far as I am concerned I have serious doubts.

          2. Of course not to you.

  8. And I have an organizational question, namely what are these strange creatures that have appeared next to the nicknames ? 🙂 They look like some kind of parasites from the cartoon "There was a life" 🙂 🙂

    1. I'm also wondering - who "spiked" and horns ? 🙂

      1. Well, we are asking here and the admin is silent, and the horns are probably not the best associations, although after a closer look you do not have horns but something like "grippers" that have arachnids from the family of ticks 🙂 🙂 I would like to ask you a question.

        1. and I think I've got some antennae or something 🙂 .

  9. All in all, if Christians heal others then non-believers, atheists are wondering how it is possible, I am at least surprised by the healing that took place in Białystok

      1. interesting comment by boar:

        "I know him personally and that's the only way I'm interested in knowing him. As far as I'm concerned he's just a man who follows what he believes wholeheartedly and I'm not going to find out anything more about him, and if he's gone into something dark it's none of my business because I know he's a man who's been pulled out of a really big darkness. I have grown weary of "trench warfare" Christianity,"

        In general I feel that this forum is powerless, passive, over-intellectualized. It is as if they are allergic to the Holy Spirit.

        1. Todd Bentley, Arthur Ceroński, Todd White, and probably many others are also said to have come out of a great deal of darkness, and watching them speak you can see that they are wholeheartedly following what they believe in, and in any case they are putting a lot of effort into what they are doing - the question is whether it pleases God. Benny Hinn also has his followers, and is said to heal, and it must be admitted that he "acts" and is not passive.

          1. If I am a hard worker in general and suppose my friend is also a hard worker, but I hold to God's Word and he does not, does that change anything about the perception of our hard work? we are both industrious.

          2. I agree. But I meant to emphasize that only one of the two of you is effective in doing God's will, and the other one, even if he thinks he is working for the Kingdom of God, may be wrong, and it is not out of the question that in some cases it would be better for him not to work at all in this direction, unless he intentionally wants to do harm, or he likes so called "art for art's sake", and so on.

            1. Well, that's right, so we need to discern, otherwise we throw everyone into one pot and eventually no one will try to heal.

      2. From friends:
        "Korzeniecki had a sermon series at KECh in Bydgoszcz, I had the opportunity to listen to them (several years ago). Each successive sermon focused less and less on the Bible and more and more on "me-Korzeniecki-the-healer". Let the fact that Korzeniecki is a pastor in this church and uses such titles as evangelist testify to how far KChB has gone downhill.
        Korzeniecki was also a pastor in the church in Nakło. One day, without informing his flock, he DIED, abandoning the sheep. This identifies Korzeniecki as a TENANT, a WOLF, and a DOG."

        " I am sending thoughts that are relevant insights regarding so-called healing techniques at some "Healing Conferences":
        "Who healed this man?
        Leszek Korzeniecki (7:20 - 7:30min), to his assistants and a sick man:
        ".... instruction is in effect at all times, please relax, close your eyes and don't tense up, you don't have to pray, you don't have to produce yourself in any way, the only thing is, simply, you have to be open to accepting what God can do now."
        If the participants of this event follow some (???) instruction of Leszek Korzeniecki, it means that we are dealing here with some method, and not with God's action. Further words of the above mentioned: "no need to pray, no need to produce in any way", only confirm the fact that we are dealing here with some (???) secret method, and not with God's action.
        All esoteric treatments rely on knowledge of methods (such as Sozo), without having to turn to Jesus. The Bible shows us that healing is always an answer to the prayer of the sick person, or to the prayer of the parents of a sick child. Here, however, prayer is counted by the aforementioned, as unnecessary production. The very introduction: "...please relax, close your eyes and do not tense up" is exactly the same "incantation" that all bioenergotherapists and hypnotists throughout the world use when putting people into a state of hypnosis.
        It is written examine the spirits. Then let each one answer the question for himself ... what is the power behind this man? I know that when God heals, no human instructions or methods are needed by anyone, because God has said:
        I, whose name is Yahweh, will not give my glory to anyone else, nor my honor to idols. [Isaiah 42:8]
        Who, then, healed this man and who received the glory for it?.... let each one answer for himself."

        1. Adi,this man was healed by the Lord Jesus,Root does not give glory to himself but to the Lord Jesus,they pray in Jesus' name not their own.These people then also give glory to God,which can be heard on this video,so everything is ok.
          The Lord Jesus said to become like a child, many people are adults and closing their eyes helps them to stop controlling their surroundings and receive from the Lord like a child.
          When you pray, you often close your eyes. Why? - Not to concentrate on your surroundings, is that a technique?
          When the Lord Jesus healed, people accepted the healing from Him, we do not read that they prayed, they asked and things happened, and here they also ask those who pray and then speak to the disease in the name of Jesus.
          If someone were to spit this mud on a sick person's eyes today, the heretics would immediately call it shamanism, which means that Jesus was a shaman, yes?
          When we pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, we sometimes tell people to stop praying because they have already asked the Lord once, and now you have to speak in tongues because you can't do it in Polish and languages at the same time.
          Is it a technique?
          I agree that we have to be vigilant but the Lord Jesus said when some people healed in the name of Jesus and did not walk with him that whoever is not against us is with us, so we also have to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water and call God's actions demonic, it is dangerous.
          Regarding Nakło, are you sure that he ran away, maybe he left because he did not get along with the people.
          "This identifies Korzeniecki as a NEMBY, a wolf, and a dog."-Are you not afraid of such terrible terms judging him,I would be.
          Why the wolf and why the dog?
          I'm not a fan of Root but your epithets are striking.
          "KChB has gone to the dogs"-I have a dog and he is my faithful friend,many could use to go to the dogs.
          KChB is many churches, so don't slander them.
          Call the General Council and you will be surprised at their response regarding L.K., and you will have to apologize for publicly slandering them here, if you want to please God. Greetings.

          1. Apparently a dog in Scripture means a man who practices sacred prostitution. Therefore it is written that outside Jerusalem there will be dogs and witches and harlots and murderers and idolaters. So you have to be careful with this epithet because it is extremely harsh.

        2. I will try to find some time and write more about healing. You have certainly noticed that I am very cautious about this kind of phenomena. Believe me that I have grounds for this. On courses of reiki, bioenergotherapy, radiesthesia, phantom surgery, in the teachings of huna, Silva courses and many, many others a lot is said about God /of course it is a different god/. Satan uses human weaknesses, problems, desires but he also uses the most noble desires and needs of people. I will say more - he has greater satisfaction if he uses what is beautiful and close to God in man. We must remember that the closer we are to God, the more careful we should be. The Scripture says that the evil one prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour because he knows he has little time. Believe me, he will try to use everything, especially what is good and noble in people's hearts. Instead of focusing on the desire to heal, let us pray like David "Wash me completely from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin"/Ps.53,4/ and further, "Create in me, O God, a clean heart and renew an invincible spirit in my breast"/Ps.51,12/. If our hearts are truly pure and filled with the Holy Spirit and our minds are surrendered to God's will, He will act in us and through us according to His will - for our good and the good of our neighbors. Love and obedience is the only way to freedom and happiness for ourselves and those around us. 🙂

  10. When I first learned a few months ago that you can heal in the name of Jesus I immediately tested it on myself, I had pain in my cross for several months, after praying the pain immediately went away and did not come back (not counting a few seconds), I also prayed for my wife, you can see improvement although she says that it is for another reason, it is hard to say, others I did not dare to heal. I began to dabble in the subject of healing, and as a result my faith in healing has dwindled to a pea and my doubts have grown to the size of a mountain. I feel blocked and as if I am regressing in my faith because through the doubts other bad things have come. It's not that I don't believe in healing, I'm just blocked, afraid that nothing will work out, that it's not for me, I just have weak faith in my healing and through my faith. Besides, I do not know if you should heal only for your own benefit, so what I will ask now will sound selfish, but if anyone would like to try their hand at it, yesterday my tooth broke and on Friday I have an appointment to have it removed, maybe God will give and I will be able to do without a break in my teeth, for now the tooth is still in place but it is holding on by a hair.

    It is written in the Scriptures to turn to the church for treatment, for now it is you:)

  11. Not long ago I found a video talking about how you can protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation:

    Since I read the Bible at random and look for deeper meaning between the lines, I decided to confront the above information about the Slavic protective silver thread around the head with two passages from the Bible:

    The Book of Kohelet

    7(12) "For under the shadow of wisdom, and under the shadow of silver, man rests..."

    The Book of Sephaniah

    1 (11) Complain, ye that dwell within: for all the merchant people shall be smoothed out, all they that wear silver shall be smoothed out.

    On the one hand, under the shadow of silver, man rests, and on the other hand, anyone who wears silver will be smoothed.

    My attention was drawn to one detail on this site where you can buy these magic headbands, look, on the left is a picture of children with headbands on, and there is a lightning bolt pointed at the girl's head.

    What does lightning directed at the head mean?
    Mind control?
    Did it get there by forfeit?

  12. Wild, you know him little, for today Root has to put his family life in order, I will keep the details to myself.
    This is some info, which does not diminish the power of God when the Lord wants to release, heal, because it is the power of the Lord, not the Root.
    Somewhere pride crept in, he became a guru for people, and this is dangerous. He cuts off people who tell him the truth.
    I say this with 100 % certainty of truth,I never say things that are not confirmed,because that would be detraction,so a sin.
    People were doing miracles in his -Jesus- name, and the Lord told them this tragic thing about their eternity, we know it: go away...
    You say, "I am not going to learn anything more about Him,"-this contradicts the apostolic injunction, for one may be heading for the lake of fire, and how will you help him with your indifference, and yet we are to pull people out of the fire, to help them stay on the narrow path.
    It is imperative that we keep our robes clean and help each other to do so, for we are fighting for the prize of eternal life e.g. Rev 3.5
    " This is how the white robes will be donned by the WINNER,
    and I will not erase his name from the book of life.
    And I will confess his name before my Father and his angels."
    ;2.7 He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
    TO THE WINNER I will give to eat the fruit of the tree of life which is in the paradise of God.
    Look at : Ez r 18.24
    24 And if a righteous man depart from his righteousness, and commit evil, and follow all the abominations which the wicked commit, shall he live? NO ! of the acts of the righteous will not be accounted to him, but he will die because of the iniquity he committed and the sin he committed.
    We must be vigilant and purify ourselves at once, and turn aside to receive mercy.
    Proverbs 28.13 "He who confesses and REPENTS experiences mercy."
    It's not an easy fight, we're fighting.
    Speaking of allergies to D.Sw.
    Intellectual texts do not require a cross, which costs money, but to go out, to preach, to free it costs money, they can laugh at you, spit at you, lay your hands on you and there is nothing, you have to die for your glory.
    Then you will be accused of immersing yourself in water, not in the baptismal formula, but in the mighty name of Jesus, as the apostles did, or people will begin to pray in other languages.
    Then you may have to continue guiding the person, and this is also a cross effort, you don't want to but you have to.
    It takes a lot of chambers to hear the Lord, the Holy Spirit, and it is better to watch a video or eat, because it is hard to fast to subdue the body.
    And when you hear the Lord, you must obey him, for he will tell you to apologize to your husband, wife, help your brother in Christ or...
    It's better to stay out of it, easier
    No matter that the Lord Jesus said that signs should accompany believers, we know better.
    Hands are falling down, but nothing, as Wolodyjowski used to say, let's do our own thing, that is, let's fulfill the orders of the Lord for His glory, maybe others will add.

      1. It is not my intention to devalue Root, he has done and is doing many divine things, I am only talking about what threatens everyone, the danger of considering oneself a guru for others when there are successes.
        Leszek began in great humility and God "exalted" him and now he needs our prayers.
        I know he certainly has faith when he prays for spines, joints, bones...

        1. similar healings are in Catholicism, in bioenergotherapists, and in various religions - how do you explain it, I have my own theory but I am curious about your opinion

          1. well, it is known that in the church and at witch doctors it is demons who do it

  13. There's a paradox with this healing. Most newcomers treat it as a fairy tale. However, remember the notorious breaking of the commandment in the times when you were Catholics and maybe even now:

    You shall not use the name of the LORD your God in vain, for no one shall escape punishment who uses his name in vain.

    It is an intentional commandment to ask God when there is actually a need. Now it is the case that someone will stumble and say "oh Jesus". Often even "Jesus, I f-..."
    I wrote about it:

    So calling on Jesus for trivial matters was acceptable, but for healings no longer? How enslaved are Christians

  14. Now I have a question... maybe someone will answer me, maybe not... about believing in the power of healing

    If you were to enter a camp (quarantine) infected with ebola, plague, cholera, leprosy, etc. to pray with these people for healing, would you enter?
    So quick and to the point today!

    1. It is not about the power to heal but the power of God and who you give glory to after healing.
      It is a well-known fact that if there is an original, there will soon be a fake.
      The devil himself will not invent anything new above God, so from his side there are only fakes made elaborately.
      What do we have a D.St. for?
      He is to guide us into all Truth, and as it is written, you have the anointing of the Holy One and know all things.
      The question is whether we have and are walking in the spirit, whether everything is judged by the fleshly man to the letter of the Word or to the spirit.
      This is dangerous, because God's action can be called devilish, as it was with the Pharisees, and vice versa devilish to look like God's.
      Let us judge by our fruits, according to the Word, but not by one passage, for there is a biblical principle that each case should be based on two or three witnesses, according to the Spirit.
      I apply a simple rule in cases that are not clear to me - I do not go, but I do not infect others with texts about the devil there, so as not to fall under God's judgment, if I do not have 100% confirmation in spirit and in the word that it is from the evil one.
      The Lord Jesus made mud, spit, talked to demons one time, other times not, one time in front of crowds, other times asking people rule, all according to the guidance of the Spirit
      "If you were to enter a camp (quarantine) infected with ebola, plague, cholera, leprosy, etc. to pray with these people for healing, would you enter?" - Would the Lord Jesus have entered or not?
      Would he have had love for them or not,would the Holy Spirit have led him there or not?
      Fear is the opposite of faith,in fear doubtful to enter. Just how can we be judged for not visiting the sick, if we are to leave them infected?
      We are guarded by faith says the scripture.If you believe that the Lord is sending you to them then you go and you are not afraid.Perfect love removes fear.
      The Lord is not perfidious, to heal some and to infect the sent one.
      We had a lot of contact with the slums in my city,with the aids infected and the Lord guarded,fed them,ate with them.With the converts we drank from one cup during the memorial supper.

      1. I like what you said Kesja 🙂 I like what you said.

        My question was meant as a taunt to those who "can" heal because they "feel" that way and heal, for example, back pain
        But in a situation where one would have to go "into" an infectious disease then they would quickly lose faith in their calling.

        Yes: faith versus fear...
        and faith without works is dead!
        An easy topic in theory and incredibly difficult in practice!

        P.S. My answer to my question 🙂 I'd like to ask you a question.
        I don't have the gift of healing, but I would go among the infected to pray with them (condition: to God the Father...).

  15. "We had a lot of contact with the slums in my city,with the aids infected and the Lord guarded,fed them,ate with them.With the converts we drank from one cup during the memorial supper."

    kesja - kudos to you, great respect 🙂

    1. Magdula 🙂 I second your words. Glory to God and respect to the people who act like this.

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