Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Exactly, he did what many tried and wanted and nothing and here a pervert hero and take example!!! I'm hit by this mess and this stupidity, and secondly, why a pervert was elected to run the city!

  2. It's like these discussions about ISIS, that it's not a religious conflict, just like that recent news story about Christians being drowned by Muslims, that ISIS is also murdering hundreds of their brothers in faith after all. No one is focused on the fact that killing is wrong and since they are coming out of a group like ISIS, they must also be coming out of some values (or in reality lack thereof and anarchy) that this group of people have chosen to follow. The world's people are so stupefied and so mired in stupidity that it's just hard to find the right words of commentary for it all. It is impossible to give an opinion on the thinking of these people that would be at least politically correct, what they say in such a way about people of action (ironically already to some extent), and do not see the rotten root from which these people grow. Constructive criticism does not reach them either. Sad times have come.

    + Peter, nice layout of the site, it would be nice still with some background with sky. It would totally convey the spirit of the place 🙂 .

  3. They forget to mention that it was on the basis of his "orientation" that this guy got into politics. And straight people who would do even better, unfortunately, thanks to TVN, Wyborcza. etc. they can't.

  4. Problem, response, solution , great observation Admin,
    No one can see that it is a war of values all around, the root of isis are pseudo-religious Koranic values and the antichrist allah, the root of European stupidity is spiritual and ethical relativism (do not seek the true God, choose what you like, which can be seen in this German probably world of 5 dozen religions, another sign of the times, because 5 means the fifth era of the vision of the dowry of daniel, where there will probably be a religious global symprecism and merging humans with machines or genome of space visitors)
    There are always some roots of beliefs, e.g. Stalinism, the commune was based on simplistic evolutionism and atheism, these fruits came from within, and within - false idols whether evolutionism or religious and so on.

  5. In my opinion, there are no such things as biblical values either; there are objective values that God's Word confirms and reveals more fully. The fact that some twist their consciences with theories not of this earth is another problem.

    After the four promoted here, think what is going on, they do not even give the names of other candidates, so that the "mob" would not accidentally be interested in them.
    Embarrassing journalism by comparison, interviewing the one they don't promote.
    Nothing to do but study,the classics themselves.Brrr...!

    Oh, and here the promotion of the same two men still in the process of collecting signatures, it gets more and more interesting.
    How wonderful, together again, like two lovebirds.

  8. I have no doubt, they are pumping Kukiz:
    I have no doubts, they are pumping Kukiz, the system is pumping him, JOW-y is a smoke screen, to make him more credible. Olejnikowa in the interview with Kukiz spits on Kowalski, others when necessary use the name Ruch Narodowy and omit Kowalski's name.He is supposed to attract votes and it's not about Duda, because Duda is from PiS and it's a round-the-table system party, so it's not about Duda.Who is boycotting? Let's have a look and it's clear who they are afraid of, but rather of the people, the masses which would be attracted by this charismatic man, the young ones... You switch on tvKukiz, polsat-Kukiz, radio zet_Kukiz... I open the fridge-Kukiz.
    In the end he didn't want to but Mrs. Monisia persuaded him, nothing like the charm of Mrs. Monica O.
    Even if I didn't want to (but I do), I would go for Kowalski because they hate him, which means that the guy is dangerous for them - an ideologue.
    Kukiz said that he will assemble what he needs and withdraw.What a leader!

    1. kesja, it has always been the case that those who don't count in the polls have been left out of TV. JKM complained about this constantly.
      You know, you might as well say: they're pumping Korwin Mikke, and Tananjo isn't invited anywhere.
      I think your emotions are eating you up. You got too involved and I understand you because I was like that myself.

      Kukiz has always held these views.
      These videos don't convince me, but this does more:

      One thing puzzles me and that may be a conspiracy theory. It seems to me that they are pushing us ideologically into the hands of Russia. I myself prefer Russia to the EU. I don't know if these emotions are not controlled in order to make us want to separate from the EU

    2. Look at Kowalski, I think it's the same video you posted earlier:

      ...a disaster for me. He's an antipathetic jerk, not from this world...

      So what if he's telling the truth as I wouldn't want to have a president who is not in control of his emotions....

    3. there is another problem Kesja with your hypothesis. To say that the system is aiding Kukiz automatically causes you to judge him as a liar. Are you willing before God to admit that?
      I, for one, can say before God that Tusk is a liar.

      1. The system can also use a sincere person.

      2. I don't mean Peter, whether he has a chance for the top five, the point is to vote for him so that they know how many people are aware of him, how many support him.I think Marian knows a lot from Paweł Chojecki, his wife is said to be very open.If we go, our chances will increase, I am talking to people, I just had a phone call from Holland.Unfortunately, the vote for Marian was wasted, because the boy didn't read it and when voting by mail he put the certificate in the envelope with the ballot instead of the return envelope and sent it.
        I was also a positivist i.....a but I love the Truth and as you say,GOD led me out and someone made me aware of the situation.Kukiz once had a regular program with someone in Tvp,I do not remember the title or details,probably some kind of revealing .

        1. I think it was Terlikowski with Kukiz.

  9. 1) Well, he has great control over his nerves... I think it's great, because he mastered himself and gave what he came with, it's a masterpiece. This is not an interview with an objective journalist, but on the contrary, with a journalist who does not want him.
    Kowalski did not have a chance to voice his program without a firm stance, see the whole thing, everyone would want to break through, seeing that the conversation is going the wrong way.
    I think that for this embarrassment, he reigned very well, Niesioł would already have foam at the mouth.
    It's a 15min interview and the woman pushes him into a non-substantive discussion, I think he did a great job, where do you see an antipathetic jerk and it's not from this world? We have already gone through the politics of love, Tusk's hugs with Putin, PO's reluctance to hate speech, we need concrete men standing up for the Poles, not warm, nice, powerless dumplings.–by remove bias
    As a sensitive woman, I can see Kowalski as a concrete guy, not a loose cannon allowing himself to be blown away by some woman, and the goal is to present a program. He was factual and concrete, such a man should be, especially the president.
    With only 15 minutes, which the editor already wasted halfway through, he had to speak quickly.
    Someone like that I know will defend my good, my country definitely, not Kukiz, who was coquetting for years with the platform, one term of their frauds is not enough, so he supported their second term.
    If he did not see it and did not see for years that they are making a fool of him and they have been destroying my country for all this time, then we do not need a blind president, and if he saw it and continued to support this evil, then even more NO. Thank you no.
    Kukiz had such views all the time and that is why he looks credible. First, Olejnikowa talks him into running with a platformer, then they promote him in interviews with smiling editors, so the ratings grow and that's the point.
    That's the point, they determine what the polls should be, then pump up their favorites .Kukiz says that he will introduce JOWy and withdraw, and what next?
    2)Emotions you say-nothing without emotions.
    Kowalski is not my idol, because only Jesus, but you can see more and more clearly how they make a fool out of us again.
    Everything has been intelligently staged since the Round Table or even earlier.
    When the people find out that this is it, we pull it out for them, e.g. someone else previously planned for scenario B, and when the people find out again, we already have it, and so on and so forth.
    Polls are their psycho-manipulator strength .They have the media,they have everything,because the influence on the mind.
    And it still works,you yourself cited polls that it's obvious that it's always like this,and you yourself don't like Kowalski anymore,because he doesn't control his emotions.
    You yourself got caught up in the fact that you wouldn't want to have an uncontrollable president - goal achieved !!!
    But you pushed it away-the truth (because you admitted he was telling the truth), the truth has already been pushed away. Do you see that?
    Already pushed back because of emotions.
    . The order: sympathy + truth, not Truth + possibly sympathy
    You have already scorned Kowalski, because according to you he is not allowed to get upset in an obvious situation. The goal is achieved - Kowalski's audience is supposed to be upset and they are.
    .Would you be disgusted by Jesus with a whip in his hand and smashing tables?
    That's just unbridled. Sorry for the comparison.
    It's not about Kowalski or Kukiz, it's about the Truth.
    As little lights we should always stand behind the truth, that's why I come to your blog, because you follow the truth and for the umpteenth time I thank you for your work and I will always thank you, because you do a lot, but of course the glory is in God! -I would like to ask you to compare this short interview with that one, when you let the interviewee speak.
    ( - here the whole thing,)
    Thanks for your patience.
    Regarding Russia, the question is what they have already agreed behind our backs, what scenario, which empire they want to force us into and how much they are selling us for.
    Thanks for this
    link, because it just made me think there was something to it.
    The question is whether the so-called useful idiot (I do not want to offend) - although so intelligent or, worse, conscious "helper",

    1. "The question is whether the so-called useful idiot (I do not want to offend) "

      I was like that, too. I lost a ton of time and some money. Not only with JKM
      .... and what?

      ..and you have a blog. God will guide Kukiz as well. If someone truly seeks the truth, he will come out of this swamp. I think that someone from the new generation should talk to him, because he is not aware of what awaits people, where this world is going. If there is no upheaval in May, I will talk to him myself.

      Marian has no chance of even making the top five.

  10. Peter,thanks,nice,melodic and halfway untrue.
    "but I can change myself"-I can't
    "and I can change you"-I can't.
    I offer my refrain:
    to the 1st stanza: to the 2nd stanza
    "But I cannot change myself "Only JESUS will change me
    I can't change you either How will I change you too
    We need our LORD If that's all I want
    "To make us feel like we're in heaven." I encourage you, too.
    I do what I can in my backyard to spread the TRUTH.
    It is not my work to change, it is in the power of the Lord.
    PS.I don't look at the poll bars,I've grown out of it,because that's what they are all about,to program us before the election.

  11. Something went wrong,,throw that away; repeat entry.
    Peter, thanks, nice, melodic and half-true.
    "but I can change myself"-I can't
    "and I can change you"-I can't.
    I offer my refrain:
    up to 1.stanza:
    "But I cannot change myself
    I can't change you either
    We need our PAN
    For us to be like in heaven "
    to the 2nd stanza :
    "JESUS alone will change me
    As well as changing you
    If that's all I want
    I encourage you too."
    I do what I can in my backyard to spread the TRUTH.

    It is not my work to change, it is in the power of the Lord.
    PS.I don't look at the poll bars,I've grown out of it,because that's what they are all about,to program us before the election.

    1. with a wink and a half-joke was the dedication.Generally I meant it:

      I will not change the world I will not change
      I have no illusions.
      It won't work for anyone.

      Though revolutions are for the people.
      I will not start a new war.
      And I will not end the old ones.
      It's all utopia.
      And ridiculous are the intentions

      And that's not quite right either.
      We simply won't change the political world, but we can shake people up by evangelizing.

    2. ""but I can change myself"-I can't
      "and I can change you"-I can't."

      Now I have more time because I was reading from my cell phone earlier.

      I can change myself. I know, you think, only with the help of God. Yes and no. First we must make a decision to give our lives to Jesus, and only then can Jesus help us to change ourselves. Besides, even after the new birth there is constant work ahead of us...
      As for changing someone. In addition to my blog, I have several people who were converted through my mini evangelism. So we can change someone and we even have to try. I have written about this many times. DS is on the move. The apostles and followers of Jesus traveled thousands of kilometers in those days compared to today. Today believers lock themselves at home and finito

  12. I agree exactly, that's why I changed only the refrain, but it doesn't mean that we shouldn't try - just once every 4 or 5 years - to make sure that we don't live badly here, if we can and can do something to be able to lead a biblical "quiet and peaceful life", to be able to proclaim the Kingdom of God, the Good News.
    I think it is silly to sit there and say, eee there, I can have it worse, I don't care, and then moan before the Lord:oh God help,give....,if you could have influenced something before.

    1. that's why I go to the polls and say evil: NO

      1. in 100% agree !
        Today I had a conversation with people like: what difference will it make!
        It is written and must be fulfilled,they argued.
        I gave the example of Nineveh, that prophecies are conditional, Nineveh converted and only after 200 years was destroyed, I gave the example of Hungary that it is possible, I informed that the life of Christians is a continuous election, including putting a ballot in the ballot box once every 4 and 5 years as a form of saying NO to evil and that the antichrist is not to ride on the back of Christians but of the world.
        They only frowned when I asked them if they would only think about it when their children were taken away...
        I also told them that I don't know why, but unlike them, I always prefer to have it better than worse, I'm just so abnormal.

        1. Prophecies about the end times are not conditional:) besides, how do you know that you say NO to evil? Are you able to enter the mind of a candidate and see if he is not bribed or has evil intentions?

          I haven't voted for a few years, and this blog has made me doubt whether I should go and vote. It is obvious that Duda or Komor will win, so what is the sense of voting for someone else. Someone will say that you have to vote according to your conscience for an honest person. And here a problem arises: how can I know that Kukiz is honest or that by voting for him I will not contribute to Komorowski's victory. After all, Kukiz is taking votes away from DuDa and not from Komorowski.

          1. "And here comes the problem, how do I know that this Kukiz is honest, or that by voting for him I won't contribute to Komorowski's victory. After all, Kukiz is taking votes away from the Duda and not from Komorowski."

            A very good opportunity to explain to anyone else with a similar approach.

            If I spoke in the tongues of men and angels,
            and I wouldn't have love,
            I would become like a clanking copper
            Or cymbal sounding.
            2 If I also had the gift of prophecy
            and knew all the secrets,
            and had all the knowledge,
            and all [possible] faith, so that I can move mountains.
            and I wouldn't have love,
            I would be nothing.
            3 And if I had given all my possessions for alms,
            and put his body up for burning,
            But love I would not have,
            I would gain nothing.
            4 Love is patient,
            gracious she is.
            Love does not envy,
            he's not looking for publicity,
            he does not exalt himself in pride;
            5 shamelessness is not allowed,
            does not seek his own,
            he doesn't get angry,
            doesn't remember the bad;
            6 does not rejoice in injustice,
            but it resonates with the truth.
            7 He endures everything,
            believes everything,
            hopes in everything,
            will endure all things. Corinthians

            Love rejoices in truth; it does not rejoice in injustice.
            THEY want us to hate all politicians, trust no one, and the evil will spread wider.

            I would like to say that the fact that there is still no cadastral tax or such deviations as in Sweden is due to the social attitude of people like me and others like me, i.e. not socially passive people. Catholics boycotted Empik for firing Nergal and Empik almost went bankrupt. It is in serious financial trouble.

            The indifference of good people is enough for evil to prevail.

            I am voting for Kukiz. Some say that the services set him up. I doubt it, but if so, it is his conscience. He will receive a mandate of trust from thousands of people. Even if he was an agent, his conscience will move him one day. Kukiz has always been idealistic and the fact that he is not new born is another matter. I don't trust Korwin anymore, he failed me many times, but if there was no Kukiz I would vote for Korwin for the sake of principle, for the values with which I identify myself in the majority.

          2. thanks, I'll think about it

          3. "The prophecies of the end times are not conditional:"-can you substantiate this with verses, a minimum of two?
            I'm talking about the fact that they can move in time, not that they never will.
            1) Jer 18. 5 Then the Lord spoke the following word to me: 6 "May I not act with you, O house of Israel, as this potter? - the oracle of the Lord. For behold, as the clay in the hand of the potter, so are you, O house of Israel, in my hand. 7 Once I resolve against a nation or kingdom, that I will blot it out, overthrow it, and destroy it. 8 But if that nation against which I have decreed punishment repents of its iniquity, I will repent of the misery I have purposed to send upon it. 9 At other times I determine that a nation or a kingdom should be established and flourish. 10 But if he does evil toward me, not hearkening to my voice, he will repent of the prosperity that I have determined to bestow upon him. 11 But now say unto the men of Judah, and unto the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I prepare for you a calamity, and I plot against you. Repent ye therefore every one of your evil ways, and make better your ways and your doings!" 12 And they said: "In vain! Rather, we want to follow our own convictions; each one will act according to the drive of his own perverse heart."
            2) 2 Peter 3.9 You do not delay in fulfilling the promise - for some are convinced that the Lord delays - but He is patient with you. For He does not want to lose some, but to bring everyone to repentance.
            3)How to know if someone is honest?
            Pray for conviction in your heart to God, seek, ask, after all, it's only once every 5 years, and finally you need to trust someone like your fiancée as a future wife, because there are still some decent people on this earth.
            When I was collecting signatures for Kowalski, one lady said that there are no more honest ones.
            Then I asked her to look at me and said: I am honest with you and maybe you are too, that makes two of us.
            I don't know who said that:
            "Beware of the indifferent,they do not kill, they do not betray but with their tacit consent murder and treason exist in the world."

          4. ""The prophecies of the end times are not conditional:"-can you substantiate this with verses, a minimum of two?

            How can I prove with a Bible verse that something is not there?) you can only prove something that exists. anyway we are talking about elections and I don't recall a verse saying that going to the polls depends on the timing of e.g. the great tribulation

            The quote from Jeremiah that you rolled over has nothing to do with elections, there it is about how each individual citizen acts and how the accumulation of that affects the punishment or lack of punishment.

            The conclusion is simple, instead of going to the polls let's change as a nation for the better and God will bless us with a good ruler. If any of the candidates spoke about the essence of Poland's problem, which is idolatry and turning away from false gods, I would be the first at the ballot box on Sunday. Turning the nation to God is the only solution to the problems. We don't need these jovial or other libertarian ideas if our foundations are rotten from the inside.

    1. good spot, one of the best

  13. Peter, please review this, because I've been working hard and
    Thanks for your patience, but there are few of us among believers who understand that we can and do peacefully oppose evil, even though other brothers and sisters mock us and consider us carnal.
    Well, the spiritual ones are the ones who stay at home (tacitly consenting to the evil), and we are the ones who run to the ballot box once every 4 or 5 years with a piece of paper.
    After all, salt preserves against spoilage,in this elective form too.
    And yet prayer+action!
    Ad rem:
    1) -Kukiz at Kuba Wojewódzki's, he has a common bible !!!.. with Mr. Kuba W.and not only
    2) That's how much Kukiz's JOWs will give, look at England which he is admiring, those JOWs didn't give anything there. Kukiz mentions that JOWs are to lead to 2-party rule!!!, that's his final goal (in the Senate there are 1-mandate seats and so far PO rules there anyway).
    Not to be outdone:
    .–tu about this from 13.30min. trillion-dollar British horror movie.
    3)They are pumping Kukiz not against Duda, I think, because Duda is not threatened by 50%, but they are afraid of a new force of young people, i.e. National Movement, which is represented by Marian Kowalski.
    The spot above and below captures his charismatic personality: .
    Kukiz in Lublin speaks about his contacts with Petelicki, he is friends with Schetyna etc... and denies marching for independence....Curiously...
    Of course, I don't know which is true, whether he's offended that he's been denied the JOW by those in the PO, or whether he sees the posit...
    4)The system of others is not pumping...of the new ones only his, Olejnik (+ some secretary from PO ) urged him to run on her show , - This here, Kukiz on Olejnik,
    and yet Kukiz considers himself to be anti-system, it is the system with the media in its hands that, against all logic, promotes him against himself!
    5) Kowalski writes articles for IDZ POD PRĄD, and he reads this magazine, and there they write about recent times, so I think he is aware of the times, because you asked once.
    I'm not haunted by Kowalski, I just paid attention to him once, when he saved the march of independence, I'm interested in him now and I like this man, and Kukiz raises my doubts, which I confirmed by his visit to Wojewódzki, the level of conversation, an almost naked woman, ...
    Unfortunately, Kukiz did not get upset that a Polish woman fell down with her skimpy outfit in public, etc., he did not even comment "jokingly" (and he himself has three daughters). After all, he rightly claims that decency and morality in life are above party politics.
    Why does he need that piece of paper with Wojewódzki's signature on it? He bragged about it in another interview as his victory.I won't comment.
    6)Korwin is an internationalist, he wants to poison us with GMOs, just like Komorowski... He never came to power because of, among others, his strange texts and behaviors that offend people, his supporters or undecideds just before the election.
    Kowalski was probably 17 years in Korwin's UPR, so he has the same views as him economically, except that he is a patriot, speaks clearly and expressively and has charisma.
    Here 2 relevant contributions: - Kowalski and Chojecki on Korwin , as longtime members of his party -!!!-Smith 17 years loyally by Korwin's side , until ...

    Lord, give wisdom to the Poles in this election, so that, as you said, we lead a quiet and peaceful life... 2..

    1. By the way, you have to be a non-thinker to claim as some do, about Kukiz taking votes away from Duda. Before Kukiz garnered 100tys of support, Duda was polling at around 28% and Kukiz at 3%. Now Kukiz has about 11% and Duda has about the same at around 30%. Simply as I wrote somewhere, the closer the election, the more real the results. First there was the Komorowski propaganda.

      As for your thoughts Kesja. Kowalski would have no chance to "mouth" 5%. I estimate his electorate at about 2-3% and that's over the top. I remember every election how hard it was for UPR to break through with 2%.
      Kukiz did not take the electorate away from Kowalski. If anything, it's with 0.5%.

      You are mostly right, but the support posts are absolute. I feel sorry for Marian because he is fighting windmills and .... human stupidity.

      1. "By the way, you have to be a non-thinker to claim, as some have, about Kukiz taking votes away from the Duda. "

        So, according to you, Kukiz is taking votes away from Komorowski? I cannot imagine a Kukiz supporter who could vote for Komorowski, rather for Duda. In the partyocracy one or two candidates from the already existing power are put forward for the office of the president and people choose between them. The rest is a smokescreen which runs to advertise itself and its views. So there is such a thing as the institution of taking votes. The whole system is idiotic, which is why I I haven't voted in several years.

        You can go to the polls for 2 reasons that seem logical to me:
        1. voting for a candidate I like and who is likely to win (I don't have one)
        2. boosting a favorite candidate because those 2-3% are always good for an incentive (I hesitate here).
        The rest of the reasons have no bearing on reality, at most you may feel better or worse. Additionally, I see no biblical reason to participate in this fraudulent voting system, people are not designed to consciously choose their own rulers, they always get the one they deserve whether they go to the polls or have a king or some other group of oppressors. Power is as the deeds of the people and vice versa.

        1. When I wrote this I meant all those pseudo-right-wing portals, such as which is in love with the Dudz

          "So, according to you, Kukiz is taking votes away from Komorowski? I somehow cannot imagine a Kukiz supporter who could vote for Komorowski".

          Well, no, buddy. Komorowski simply had the votes inflated. The votes for Kukiz are not votes for the person of Paul, but they are votes of dissatisfaction with the current system

          1. " these are voices of dissatisfaction with the current system"

            That's true, but how does it translate into reality? Certainly, it is information for the authorities whether to prepare martial law or not, what is the pressure in the society, whether it is enough for another Maydan or not. I am sure that they are counting the votes very scrupulously. Information about the dissatisfaction is for them and not for us and for their use. We already know for a long time that we are dissatisfied.

            1. We know, but the rest of the sleeping princesses who vote for the system don't

    2. as Kesja already wants something strong, but not confirmed:

      It was on the profile in Kukiz's comments and doesn't seem to be there anymore.

  14. Those who fight against windmills need to see that they are not alone, that's why I'm going for Marian Kowalski, that's why.
    Those from the National Movement must see that some people are slowly falling from the scales from their eyes, and they have to be an example to them of courage and tenacity, a drop drills the rock, which can pull others.
    I do not want to sympathize with Marian but I want to support him practically! I support him with my vote and pray, because I know that he is on the right side.

    And here is a statement from my husband, who wants to add his voice to this discussion:
    In addition to the pre-election columns is also - at least for me - a reflex of solidarity and gratitude for those who for years without looking at the economic situation are themselves - honest, patriotic, etc.. and bang their heads against the wall of the system of enslavement, bearing the sacrifices despite the fact that the castrated society around them like cattle chews up any hay they are given.
    Only the end is always the same - when they no longer have anything to milk them from . they'll end up as steaks.

    1. And how does the question of religion look like for Kowalski? attitude towards the church?

  15. Thanks, detective. It goes along with the way he's shying away from linking it to the independence march.

    1. we don't know if it's true. Rest assured.

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