Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Guatemalan President Pérez Molina: "I acknowledge Jesus as Lord of Guatemala"

President Pérez Molina: "I acknowledge Jesus as Lord of Guatemala"President of Guatemala.., Otto Pérez Molina , said that recognizes Jesus as Lord, Guatemala , blesses, enlightens, empowers and guides the Guatemalan people. These statements were made by the president in  Second National Breakfast of Prayer for Guatemala , where businessmen and government representatives , along with Thelma Aldana , a congressman from California in the United States, Janice Hahn , governor of South Carolina, according to the U.S. Congressional website.

Otto Perez Molina began his speech with the words of the apostle Paul from Philippians 4-13 : ” I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me . " He said his job is to serve Guatemala in lowering the violence and malnutrition . ” Christ is the strength a Guatemala is a successful country and is an example of what things can be done well and when Guatemalans have the desire and have God in their hearts "Perez Molina said. . The host pointed out that for more than a decade he has dreamed of celebrating this activity aimed at transformation of human beings . AcontecerCristiano.Net

Updated: 17 April 2015 — 21:23


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  1. This is very good news!

    1. you don't know what his intentions are. Either way it sounds nice

      1. The people of Evil will certainly not like it. Brave decision.

  2. if it's sincere that's great ! 🙂 🙂

  3. It's amazing. I wish these words were said in Poland!

  4. Let's be honest, he probably recognized the Catholic "jesus" as the lord, so the antichrist... but yeah, it sounds nice 😉 .

    1. possible, but:

      There is no official census of religious affiliation. The Roman Catholic Episcopal Conference of Guatemala estimates that 65 to 70% of the population is Catholic. The Evangelical Alliance the official Protestant organization estimates that 35 to 40% of the population is Protestant. Most Protestants are Pentecostals belonging to denominations such as the Full Gospel Church of God (210,000 members),

    2. but unfortunately this country is largely Protestant. Zong.

    3. What heresies are these? There is no such thing as a Catholic Jesus, Jesus is one and even by Catholics he is called the one in the Bible.

  5. It's lucky it didn't fall on the "Queen of Heaven". Probably as a person in power his statement has more power in heaven than ordinary people.

    1. And in our case, unfortunately, there is a queen...

  6. This country has learned that only the Supreme King Jesus God gives happiness and provision. I invite you to watch the film

  7. I have a question, is shopping on Saturday an offence against God? I don't mean any ordinary shopping, because you can usually do it until 10 p.m. every day, but this is a place where sales are conducted until 1 p.m. and there is no possibility to buy anything on a weekday, moreover, the income from sales is given to charity, so will I offend God if I buy something there today?

    1. I worship on Sabbath from sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday and sometimes I also have a problem. I try to plan everything so that I can have that time for our Creator... unfortunately, I don't always succeed, even though I take Sabbath seriously.

      1. I am about to leave this Sunday church.

  8. I've got a challenge for the Detective and others 🙂 I've got a challenge for the Detective.
    Please visit this page There is a book on it, please investigate if the things that are described there are not some kind of deception.

    1. hm... I guess this book is actually worth "screening" 😉

      1. It comes out that this book is a deception, a waste of time for it. Better to spend the time in prayer or walking.

        1. I just started reading it. After I read it, I'll be able to say something 🙂 .

  9. Interesting confession. Without questioning someone else's faith, one might also consider whether this is not the dominionism very popular in pentecostalism, gaining territory for God and similar practices.

    1. Isn't this the "ecumenical Christ"? So it doesn't matter what's in the scriptures as long as we work together for "world" peace?

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