Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Admin won't let me fall asleep :D, did you watch the whole thing or did you just upload it quickly?

    1. Especially the video... 🙂 hoping to go ziuziu lulu
      and there will be peace and quiet!

      1. Angelika but you're a baby 😀

        1. "Truly I tell you, unless you repent and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven" Mat 18:3

          Thank you for the "apt" term... 🙂 .

          1. well look at that and I wanted to be sarcastic 🙂
            I'm kidding, but you're right.

  2. Do all people have a soul or individual self-awareness?

  3. The video is ok, but it leaves you unsatisfied because there were many more "things" we tried to discuss (agree on?)


      Sorry to paste the website, but I am convinced by what they wrote there....
      because it is biblically justified.

    2. What's he up to with that Amen ? 🙂 🙂 I don't know.

  4. People doubt Yahweh's prophecies and punishment and that is why the Apocalypse is coming soon!

      1. Well, just as I thought, there will be an antichrist. Their messiah is our antichrist. All in all, Jesus will come within 10 years

        1. "Their messiah is our antichrist. To sum up, Jesus will come within 10 years."

          nooo I thought the same thing 🙂 I'm not sucking up I really thought that 😉
          the antichrist is coming and this is also great news for us because it means that we can also expect our beloved Lord Jesus Christ soon 🙂

          1. good good you suck it up 🙂 you won Magdula Vacation in Crete:


            Of course I art 😀

            and either there's a kidnapping or there's not...

          2. ha cool! 😉

            "and either there's going to be a kidnapping or there's not..."

            there are always two possibilities 😉

  5. Dancing Angelina

    I slept poorly tonight, and that's because I dreamed I was watching "Fast and Furious" episode 666.
    And this episode was about how we talk fast, write fast, but wwoollnnoo think...

    1. Angelino Bydgoli

      I'm sure you're concerned that an iron also has a soul.

      1. Oh, no! I know that...
        The soul comes out of the iron when you press the button....
        It shows...
        And it makes such a psss...

        And if a person opened one artery, let's say on the thigh, he would find out quite quickly how the soul leaves the body... along with the blood...

        1. "I have also seen the souls of those who were beheaded for bearing witness to Jesus and preaching the word of God, and of those who did not worship the beast or his statue and did not accept the mark on their foreheads and on their hands. These came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. " Revelation 20:4″

          Is this vision of souls a vision of blood? No.
          pwt of law:

          (29) Then you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you pursue Him with all your heart and with all your soul.
          From all the blood? No. It's the mind.

          (5) You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength.


          (10) And she, sorrowful in soul, offered up her prayers to the Lord, and wept inconsolably.

          Sad for the blood? No.

          (3) My soul shall boast in the Lord, let the lowly hear and rejoice!

          The mind, the consciousness of Angelino Bydgoli 🙂

          1. Angelina Bydgoli

            The word soul or spirit supposedly occurs 1,642 times in the Bible. Also, I wish you luck when it comes to discussing the context of the statement....
            With the assumption where 2 Poles there three sentences in one topic, the result will be impressive....
            🙂 🙂 🙂

            1. "the result will be impressive"

              and always the same 😀

  6. Poland sided with Evil and became Evil itself

  7. I read the discussion that ensued under the previous post. Well, by the end of it my brain was mush. Anyway, people were quoting Paul's letters, the Gospels, Revelation and other books. But why start at the end when you can start at the beginning? A quote from Genesis:

    After which God said: , "Behold, man has become like Us: he knows good and evil; now let him not casually stretch out his hand to pluck the fruit from the tree of life, eat it, and live forever."

    So it seems to me that eternal life is a reward for those who believe in Jesus, work for God and even give their lives for believing in Jesus. Why should sinners live forever? Admittedly separated from God, but eternally.

    I'm for the fact that those who are not saved will simply end up in the lake of fire and cease to exist.

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