Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Military training, war with Russia

Today I watched a discussion involving Korwin Mikke and Swiecicki from the OP. I'm posting a comment on this because gro people are probably afraid of war with Russia.


This is a very substantive discussion, often even from a representative of the PO sit-in.

What's significant about all this recent fuss about universal military training is, as Korwin said, that on the one hand, men who have not served in the military are to be trained, and on the other hand, trained soldiers are to be released from service.

Another fact that is mentioned in the discussion is the number of nuclear warheads on the Russian and US sides, in favor of the latter. So a potential war involving these weapons of mass destruction is out of the question. Of course, from our perspective, we can consider that THEY, the Illuminati, the Zionists, the Vatican, want to slaughter as many people as possible. However, firstly God will not allow it, and secondly, from a common sense point of view, what would be left in the world after such wars? Kononovich's "prophecy" would simply come true and there would be NOTHING left. Thus, the system would not be prepared for the mass tagging of people with the mark of the beast. If cities disappeared from the face of the Earth, there would be no clinics implanting the chip, no doctors, no banking system etc etc etc.

A nuclear war is therefore out of the question.


An important point in Korwin Mikke's speech is his feeling in the Europarliament that something strange is happening of which he is not yet aware. He does not know because he does not analyze the present reality through the biblical prism, but through the human prism, perceivable through the intellect.


To me, there are two variants of what is supposed to happen:

1. the armies of each country are disarmed according to the plan described in the text The world's last dictator is coming. so that there would be a single UN army. To carry out this plan there would have to be a conventional war of at least a few weeks duration. Then the antichrist appears as a man of peace.

2. intimidation leading to the so-called cold war and the antichrist comes as a man of peace solving the problem.


I personally am betting on point 1 because of the compulsion to form the 10 kingdoms of the end times. Of course under peaceful conditions they can also be formed, but the antichrist must come with a bang, in a state of fear of the nations, as a savior.


What I wanted to add is an appeal not to vote for any candidate from the current parliamentary parties, because they will implement the US policy as Korwin Mikke rightly pointed out. This in turn will result in an attack on Russia. You want war, vote for: Duda, Komorowski, Cucumber, Palikot, Jarubas.

After the resignation of Waldek Deska who endorsed Korwin Mikke we have a choice: Korwin, Kukiz, Wolf. The latter has no chance to cross even 1% so it is a lost vote. This leaves Korwin and Kukiz. Paweł may have a problem with collecting 100 thousand signatures, when Korwin already has 200 thousand and has already submitted them to the committee as the first candidate.

Komorowski is almost 50% in the polls despite all the gaffes and poverty. Now we know why:


Beloved, we are clearly living in the end times and the coming of Jesus is just around the corner. The rapture could happen any moment now. It is no longer that only a handful of fanatics are convinced of this. The whole Protestant world is prepared for the coming of Jesus Christ and before that for 7 years of the Great Tribulation.

Only Catholics think this is one of many wars and Jesus will come on a white cloud maybe in 100 years.


Updated: 13 March 2015 — 19:20


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    1. One of the king's children may be an instrument of the antichrist or the antichrist himself. Imagine a nice little boy who suddenly becomes the agent of "divine revelation" and starts doing miracles, signs. Oh how cute 😀

  1. I have not voted for several years, but I am tempted to go and write on the card "I choose this candidate whom God wants to appoint"

    1. I support... very good thought 🙂 .

      1. I would put up a banner that says "You have no power in the world"

    2. This will not help, because they will understand it by adjusting it to their own thoughts, e.g. to the one the church will point to.

    1. pay attention to who his parents are asking for prayers...

    1. I guess only people who live by the television are unaware of the start of the end times

      1. They drum on TV about the reform Francis made, but I look where the reform is, I look and there is NO reform, but papa is so cool, he gave money for the elevator, he could have given more, money is the idol of the Poles.

  2. I have no faith in the integrity of the election. In my opinion, the script and cast have long since been approved and the movie is rolling! War is in the air and it's only a matter of time before we start hearing the sound of explosions in our cities. The questions that bother me more now are: should we think about stocks while money still has some value, or should we turn our world upside down and look for a house far away from the city? I realize how difficult the task ahead of us is - the war itself is terrifying and cruel, and where to be a faithful follower of the Lord Jesus... For this task we need to prepare ourselves better, because it seems to me that not everyone (of us) will be able to survive...

    1. I think you should give very serious consideration to the issues you mentioned

  3. THEY at our place , i You may pass THEM on the street without realizing it.

    1. Tusk reptalianin 😀

  4. Admin,I would appreciate it 🙂 I think this is an important point. I myself spent a lot of time to understand what is really happening in the world.Today I think that ... too much (although the knowledge is valuable)! The topic does not end with two or three videos and a few articles. This is a bottomless pit. And if it wasn't for my desperate plea to God to help me learn the truth, otherwise I would probably go crazy! Indeed, this path has answered my request without a shadow of a doubt - I know a lot, but I certainly don't know everything. Recently I've decided that this is enough for me and that I don't need to dig and search any more and waste time looking for nonsense answers to questions about politics, whether I want to or not... Since it's closer than further away, it's like with an unexpected visit of guests - we suddenly get on our toes to quickly put everything in order. Unfortunately, in this case we do not put our thoughts in order in a moment, we do not put in order the things that are put aside somewhere. If a war breaks out, it will be even more difficult to have a moment of calm reflection about whether I am ready to "fight"? When the Lord comes, there will be no time for quick adjustments to perform better. I think our focus should be to see if we ourselves are ready for the collapse of the world as we know it and to survive in the new world without ceasing to be a child of God. It will be a challenge... greetings 😉 .

    1. "Today I think ... too much (although knowledge is valuable)! The topic does not end with two or three videos and a few articles.It is impossible to grasp it in a week or two. It's a bottomless pit."

      And how much time did I put in... as the only person in a family of 35 (Catholic) people... The rest are sleeping....

  5. it's "someone" from us 🙂

    1. That's what I think 🙂 I think

  6. 4 min. about the Bible by an 11 year old -

    1. I'm touched 🙂 .

  7. I think Ola is very right though... I also feel more and more that what we know at this moment is enough. no matter how hard we try we won't know the date of Jesus coming... that's what the scripture says... we can only guess that the moment is getting closer.... hopefully 🙂 I believe in it more and more.... maybe some of us worry too much about whether we are ready or not.... maybe we follow world events too much, too much to the point of headache (this is often the case with me lately). I understand this more and more and I still get caught up in the same daily routine of looking for new information etc... and after a while I think to myself that this is rather unnecessary... Magda, start watching... stop worrying... read the scriptures more often... Today I had another dream... I won't describe it, but maybe it was the answer to what's been bothering me lately... I'll tell you briefly what I understood from the dream: don't worry about what will happen to us. The Lord Jesus is with us. He won't let evil get us. It's true about fear, that demons feed on it... they are the cause of our fear... Let us rather focus on fighting with the sword of the Gospel of God... of the Holy Spirit... Let us ask for spiritual strength... patience... peace of mind... etc... let's show others how to be disciples of Christ... but nothing by force... Dear friends, I greet you in Jesus Christ... Have a good night 🙂 .

    1. None of those presenting the plan for the Third War are fully convinced of its veracity.
      The man writing this text is probably a desperate Jew.
      His style is disastrous, accusatory, insulting.
      Nothing comes of it.

      I don't know if the War III plan is real, but I do know that it is working out step by step.
      Either way, I hold to the book of Revelation, which for me is superior to this plan.

    1. I think there will be more situations like this before the election

  8. "Nuclear war is therefore out of the question." - I doubt it either, Russia has a lot of ground troops in the area so it's unnecessary, the US could get a few bombs sooner.

  9. He's got them going 😀 He's got the guts

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