Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I received a strange message from translator

A while ago I received a strange message in Polish, but from a translator:


Illuminati Mason INTRODUCTION TO ILLUMINATI ..... It is a well known Illuminati reputation to make up Multi Millionaires,

billionaires who have great influence Regarding most global affairs, including planning the new WorldOrder. Many

world leaders, presidents, prime ministers, royalty and senior executives at large Fortune 500 companies

are members of the Illuminati. Now, for the first time ever, we are opening our doors to the masses. If you would like to Join the Illuminati,

Register with us today @ email address: [email protected] benefits pass to new members who

will join the Illuminati. Cash Prizes $300,000 USD New sleek dream car valued at $120000 USD

Dream House bought in the country of your own choice of one month's vacation (fully paid) to your destination sen

travel. Year Golf Package VIP Membership at all airports worldwide a complete lifestyle change Accessed

to Bohemian Grove one month to book a meeting with Top 5 World leaders and Top 5 VIPs in the world."



I don't know how to understand this. I have never received anything like this even in spam...Recruitment? so not professional?

Updated: 7 March 2015 — 17:18


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  1. Faggot knows what to think about it, the fact of the shaft just hard to guess the real purpose of the message,

  2. Either this is an invitation to the dark side or someone is playing a prank. Your choice.

  3. Admin I read about this sometime in November that in the US some woman was given cash for a car house all she had to do was sign.

    1. I've also heard about this before... hasn't it been brought up here on the blog?

    2. I think it's a template email/message.

      I don't know if it's not from their home page.

      I've thought it over. They are looking for agents for the time of the Great Tribulation. That's why the scripture says that brother will outspend brother. For the money.
      About 3-5 years ago I watched a film about fascism in the USA. It said that they were preparing or supposed to prepare children and scouts for surveillance.
      First they created a brand, a product - the Illuminati. Rich people controlling the world. When the issue has gained publicity and the "product" is known already, they encourage people to "buy" the product. Like getting into America's student elite societies.

      1. I think they want to recruit you into their structure

        1. I think that if they wanted to recruit me, they would have written in correct Polish.

          I believe this is a world-class action.

          1. You're right, I didn't think it through. They're counting on people coming to them, attracted by the money.

            1. we are months or a few years away from WU, tops.

  4. Maybe someone just sent it to you, informing you that such a recruitment is currently taking place in the world...?
    It cannot be ruled out that they also intend to interest you in such a membership...?
    Although with all their logistics and capabilities, such a form falls heavily under?
    You have the address where the message came from and you can ask what the person is talking about...?

    1. i.e. a message in an unpublished comment. I think someone got this task to send these emails where illuminati is mentioned, on this type of sites.

      One thing is for sure: WU is coming up and they are looking for agents even brazenly on websites hoping as predicted that some percentage of people will apply and they certainly will.

  5. But it seems to me that this association with such power and connections is looking for recruits among ordinary people?

    but to sign their papers is a contract.

    1. And who finds Christians at WU? Family, friends.
      That's why maybe God is saying to get out of the NCC, because everyone is on the record....

      I mean, they're not gonna put out an ad saying we're recruiting for the illuminati. So now I understand this. They're dictating it to average people hungry for money.

      1. of course, because who is the easiest person to fool these days...

      2. I have tried to find this material, but have not been very successful. If someone has more time, they can try. Some time ago, it's hard for me to say how long ago, I read an article on this subject on Wolna Polska. It was accompanied by a picture of people having a tattoo on their forehead in the form of three sixes arranged in a triangle. If I remember correctly the article said that they were offering great riches for accepting this sign. I don't know if I remember correctly, but I think it mentioned advertisements and billboards. Someone could look that up. At the time of reading, I treated it a bit like information from the fantasy section. Now I don't know what to think about it.

        1. "Some time ago, it's hard for me to say how long ago, I read an article on this subject on Wolna Polska. It was accompanied by a picture of people having a tattoo on their forehead in the form of three sixes arranged in a triangle. "

          Well... I think that's where I read about it. maybe I can find it

          1. In the pictures /probably several/ there were whole families - happy, rich and each person with a forehead tattoo. There may have been a link to a youtube video. I don't really remember because, as I said, I treated it like a sci-fi topic.

  6. God take care of us all...

    1. There is nothing I fear more than letting God down and falling away

      1. Me too. I keep thinking about it... I don't feel very strong at the moment... my faith is still too shaky... it's scary... but sometimes I even doubt the existence of the Creator for a second. I don't want that, because I'm so tired of it... I want nothing to be able to shake my faith... I also do not know how to use biblical quotations as well as many of you. I often write from my head, in my own words. In fact, I am only now beginning to put it all together in my head... for which I thank Peter. this blog has really helped me and continues to help me... and it started about a year and a half ago with 🙂 .

        1. "e sometimes I even find myself doubting for a "second" even the existence of a Creator."

          I think these are demonic promptings. I'll copy the text about that in a moment.

          1. I think so too, Peter. Especially since I really fight against it. I do not want this but from time to time it is as if "something" suggests to me e.g. some articles that deny the existence of God. Doubt appears for a moment but it passes quickly and so from time to time... I ask you very much to pray for me...

        2. Pray hard, many Christians go through periods like this and have moments of doubt, but sometimes you have to escape your thoughts into the Bible .

          It will be worse if they force us by torture to take the mark

          1. you know sportsman... the guarantee of course at this moment I can not have but I think, I even feel that I am already at a stage of life that nothing can delude me with any fortune 🙂 at least that much... but I pray constantly....

        3. See - If I doubt my salvation, does that mean I am not truly saved?

          It helps you understand things.

  7. I think it's a cheeky "see, you're dragging through life, write us and we'll help you..." approach. I could add a few more words, but we know what's going on. They are not hiding anymore. Yesterday there was an event in Wawa - BAL party of Illuminati or something like that. They know what people want so they want to "help" them and help them to go to the lake of fire and to damnation. Here are links from the event from

  8. See they are in Warsaw , they are no longer hiding - they opened a club for young people :

    1. Yeah... well, it's all becoming clear...

      1. prom is one of Satan's names...and they wear it on t-shirts that say long live prom !!!
        I think it is not about calling the party a ball ... hmm - "this cup" has a double bottom !!!
        They're laughing in people's faces

        1. Yes... they are clearly laughing... and not so long ago it was said that people who talk about it, who warn others, are so-called conspiracy theorists, or "freaks". And here they are... they are laughing in our faces... but it won't last long thank God 🙂 .

    2. Hah, these guys are known for making funny videos on you tube. Even if it's a joke - the symbolism is evident - the eye of osiris and baal=bal, Friday (5th era) March 6 = 3 and 6= 666

      1. baal = lord (titulature)
        Baal worship reached Egypt during the time of Ramses II (19th Dynasty), spreading to the lower classes of society. Soldiers saw him as the guardian of borders. The temple of Baal was located in the foreigners' quarter in Memphis. He was imagined in the form of a dog (warding off thieves and enemies), sometimes identified with Set.

        = dog - Gentiles are likened to dogs = now is the time of the Gentiles

  9. I think it's a cheeky approach in the style of "you see you're dragging through life, write us to help" .... They are not hiding anymore. Yesterday there was an event in Warsaw - BAL party of Illuminati or something like that. They know what people want so they want to "help" and help them to get to the lake of fire and to damnation. Here are links from the event from

    1. Wow, unbelievable...

      1. I am afraid that a lot of people, especially young people, will "soak in" there. They have been prepared beforehand, and that they don't believe in anything and treat it as fun will be bad. I think Satan and his chords have already started celebrating victory. I think they are confident and something is indeed coming.

    2. Satanists have unfortunately done a good job of infusing occult elements into pop culture - now the young think it's normal and fun, and the rest is "conspiracy theories" after all

  10. The truth may be mundane behind this email.
    The evil one loves our simplicity.
    It is possible that this email is meant to confirm to you, Dear Detective, that you are discovering the TRUTH and that you are on the right track.
    While it is meant to deceive you, to give you confidence, and to take away your humility.
    Harden your heart on some matters and doctrinal issues.
    An example: that, e.g., you are not wrong about the questionable points of some of Paul's statements.
    The famous alternative to Jesus' way through Pavlov's FORMULA:
    Confess me before others and you will be saved."
    "Well, you search without mercy for the beams in the church and leave out the Protestants." (he's got the clash in his favor)
    ITP. ITD

    1. Why can't some understand that the revelation was progressive...First the Lord came to His own, then the gospel spread to other peoples, and Paul taught the essence of the Lord's Mission - death for our sins - not our works for our sins, but the Cross of the Lord, the Eternal Lamb - vide the symbolism of the Passover during the Exodus from Egypt - the Passover lamb, blood and tidings through Moses.

      1. But with whom do I compare this generation, Luc? It resembles the children in the marketplace,
        Who covenant with their peers: 17 "We played to you, and you did not dance; we wailed, and you did not fail. 18 For John came: he neither ate nor drank, and they say, "An evil spirit has possessed him." 19 The Son of Man came: he eats and drinks. and they say:
        "Behold the glutton and the drunkard, the friend of publicans and sinners."

        I speak of a FEW questionable phrases attributed to Paul and I have already been called Anti-Pavlov,
        that I don't understand something, etc.
        I cannot find the way to salvation mentioned or attributed to Paul in the gospels and the Old Testament.
        Luc if you have it please give or give a hint where Jesus or God the Father confirms it.
        I like, value, and respect St. Paul in the vast majority of his inspired writings.
        "Paul taught the essence of the Lord's Mission" WAS WRONG HERE ALSO-JEZUS NEVER CONFIRMS IT
        Jesus explained his mission in black and white as follows
        Luke 4:43 came to preach the GOOD NEWS OF THE CROSS OF GOD FOR WHICH HE WAS PRESENTED
        Luke 5:31 to call for the repentance of sinners (not the righteous-so he didn't have to die for them)
        Luke 8:1 went through cities and villages, teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God
        and dozens of other quotes where he taught and warned to keep (not on the shelf!!)
        The will of God the Father in Heaven and His PROMISES.
        Simple as .. like a wire. And this time Jesus, according to the will of God the Father
        He gave it to the simpletons (the 12) and not to the rich, the medics or the Pharisees (like Paul),
        This is mentioned in Luke 10:21 and Matthew 13:11

        The mission of the Lord as death for our sins?????for the followers of evil also like Hitler etc.
        Absolutely NOT because at the end of the harvest they will bind the weeds (servants of the evil one) into bundles that will go for burning.
        Did Jesus anywhere mention this extra mission or Isaiah? I'm going to die and that's enough for all of you to be in Heaven.
        in a word, that ye all may be saved.
        And this is the biggest problem of many Protestant churches and the media tube of these churches
        this alternative route is being talked about on the radio and television overseas.
        I like you Luc but you are not able to prove or confirm to me on this point the compatibility of Paul with the message of Jesus.
        Surely if you do the will of God you will be saved and you try hard (which I believe you will)
        If, on the other hand, you rely only on the repetition of Paul's formula, then such people who cry Lord, Lord, do not

        prophesied, expelled....." there will be many and they will be REJECTED!!!!!!

        1. You need to distinguish between mere verbal formulas - and the actual impact of your faith on actions.
          Someone who has believed God, in Christ as Savior (you can't save yourself, that's what satanists promote - be your own savior) - changes desires, will, transforms mind, changes attitude to God, world, self and others, begins to respect God's Word seriously. It is the effect not the element.
          Salvation is by Grace through faith plus NOTHING.
          A living and active faith, not just a verbal one.

          PS And who are you, a great theologian to now question the canon already established in the 2nd century?
          You are looking for Satan even in the Word of God, you are buckling down, not respecting the intellectual achievements of the Reformation (despite some of its errors) and its Scripture-based theology.
          You are looking for errors where there are none.

  11. The truth may be mundane behind this email.
    The evil one loves our simplicity.
    It is possible that this email is meant to confirm to you, Dear Detective, that you are discovering the TRUTH and that you are on the right track.
    While it is meant to deceive you, to give you confidence, and to take away your humility.
    Harden your heart on some matters and doctrinal issues.
    An example: that, e.g., you are not wrong about the questionable points of some of Paul's statements.
    The famous alternative to Jesus' way through Pavlov's FORMULA:
    Confess me before others and you will be saved."
    "Well, you search without mercy for the beams in the church and leave out the Protestants." (he's got the clash in his favor)
    ITP. ITD

    1. WRONG TIP.
      I don't want to get into a discussion about Peacock and what you wrote, although I am tempted to, but I know it would be a long discussion.
      Just to make a long story short: the Word is important to God. "In the beginning was the Word."
      Revelation: "with the breath of his mouth he will destroy."

      I.e., mass scale. I wouldn't look for myself in it. Satan would want it that way...;.

  12. They even have an official website through which they recruit -

    1. I know where I saw it a while back... on

    2. Oooooo...
      They wrote their own - will -.
      chapters e.g. how are you being watched, do I have to sacrifice a victim to enter, the future of this planet....
      186 pages...

      1. And they only released 44 pages - after all, it's Obama's number as president of the usa

  13. And I fainted when I saw it. Look, guys, we gotta stay strong.

    1. Exactly- I had the same feeling

  14. " At the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who for my name's sake leaves his house, or brothers or sisters, father or mother, children or field, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit eternal life. And many of the first shall be last, and the last first.

    " For whoever wants to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life because of me will find it "

    "This is how it will be at the end of the world; the Son of Man will send his angels; they will gather out of his kingdom all the scorners and those who do iniquity and will cast them into a fiery furnace. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father's kingdom.

    " To everyone therefore who confesses me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But whoever will deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.

    "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to divide a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man's enemies will be his own household.

    " Blessed are those who suffer persecution for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven "

    "Blessed are you if they insult you and persecute you, and if they tell lies and say all manner of evil against you because of me. Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is great in heaven.

    " No one can serve two masters. For either he will hate one and love the other, or he will cling to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.


    1. Basia, thanks a lot !:)

  15. I had a parish priest at my house the other day. He wanted to see me, I wonder what the matter was. I should mention that this pastor doesn't just come to people. I have a suspicion that he is a hidden member of the Jesuits. I can only guess that it has to do with my recent "actions". I guess I will soon be "unmasked" in my city and my secret project will be carried out openly. At least I won't be greeting them through their webcams openly. I know one thing, they have specific files and collect notes about any suspicious information. For example, the last visit of a priest to my house and a sharp discussion with Mr. "Doctor of Doctrine", who did not even know who Constantine was, nor did he recognize the name of the Book of Exodus, 20th chapter. But, instead, he quoted me the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of 1854, telling me that this is the content of the Bible. He was very curious what church I belonged to, when I told him it was the church of Christ he asked where it was and sharply wrote it down in his diary. .... THEY HAVE ME !

    1. They cannot stand that Christ does not belong ONLY to them. They have usurped so much that they can't fix it anymore because they would lose face.
      For them, the Word of God is the beginning of a tradition, not a closed, complete, infallible message

  16. Bushi was good - where is it? What a bunch of cymbals they are ha ha ha.

  17. I went to the movies last night and I was blown away. I think I went for the last time with my parents.
    See the second trailer for the cartoon Minionki here I give a link, watch the whole, exactly at 0:44 of the film see the name of the label - Illumination entrainement.
    The heroes go to a fair of evil. Evil is presented here as something mega attractive.
    Next up is another children's cartoon that will soon be released in theaters and it's titled -UPS! Noah sailed away.
    They completely ridicule God and His chosen ones and prepare for the coming evil.

    1. Brainwashing poor children. At 1:40 min - "Serve me and you will have everything you dream of: wealth, fame..." - this is just like Satan when he tempted Jesus in the desert. Everything is devilish in this fable.

      1. and what percentage of parents will pay attention to I pity the children. Maybe God will take the children to Himself during the Tribulation

  18. You can tell it's a joke.

  19. To "see" God one must not look into the abyss, for one becomes part of it.

    The whole world is a 101 pattern.

    I once met a man who had an overwhelming knowledge of the NWO, but he LIVED it! He was constantly looking for information about this CITY OF THINGS!!! - instead of experiencing God on a farm, where he feels and sees His power in the form of plants, animals, even the sun, which is not covered by skyscrapers! - and found nothing, because just like most of you here all the time worrying about what this and that.

    God said:

    Mt 6:24-34

    24 No one can serve two masters, for he will despise one and love the other; he will care for one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. 25 Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body than clothing? 26 Look at the birds in the sky: they do not sow or reap or hoard, and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more important than they? 27 Who among you by his efforts can add one moment to his age? 28 Why do you worry about clothing? Look at the lilies of the field as they grow: they neither work hard nor spin, 29 and I tell you that even Solomon in all his splendor was not dressed like one of them. 30 If, therefore, this herb in the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, God so clothes you, much more you of little faith! 31 Therefore do not worry, saying: "What shall we eat?" or: "What shall we drink?", or: "With what shall we clothe ourselves?" 32 For all these things the Gentiles are concerned about. And your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 Strive first for the kingdom and for his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34 Don't worry then about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for the day is its own misery.

    Yes, it is necessary to be conscious, but to live in joy and give it to others. The evil one only wants you to remain in sadness, even unconscious sadness.

    Knowing the Father and His Son is possible only in ourselves. All sorts of people, like Henry Kubik, who mislead the masses by telling them the truth (of course he is right about many things) serve as well as mass media, theaters, events S - snake; port - from ancient Norse means let, from Latin gate, door, etc.

    I write too much of this, I can't do that because I won't get anything done.

    God be with you.

    1. You are right in what you write, however, knowledge of the enemy and his plans is also necessary, if only to be able to recognize him in his actions and not to succumb to deception. I think that H. Kubik does a lot of good, and that he makes mistakes is a human thing. We all make mistakes. I hope that the Holy Spirit in due time will lead each of us out of our mistakes. May God watch over us and our ways.

      1. Spiritually beautiful Magdalene. Mr. Henry Kubik is an agent, I am sure of it, because I have spoken to him many times.

        Thank you so much for your kind words.

        Yesterday I had an unpleasant situation, which shows that demons are at work when someone wants to get completely out of this world, but I said to myself in my spirit that whatever happens I want to go on the road, not on God's way, because you can only go there on foot.

  20. I forgot to add that Jesus Christ is also God, for He is a Part of the Creator, so also Himself!!! Christianity is not monotheism but polytheism, for GOD AND HIS SON are Gods, at the same time being one, united, fused.

    I ask you to pray for me, for I am struggling with my sins, and I feel that lately as I continue to fight the evil within me, the demons are attacking fiercely.

    May God Be With You

  21. Hehehe, I will also write that the word love means a nice boneyard, YOU HAVE NOTHING, but you rejoice, for God and the Son is with you, so you have everything.

    Warm regards 😉

    1. Marius, I want to thank you for your words and reminding us of such important words of our Lord... May the Holy Spirit guide you...

  22. listen, thanks to checking the country of sending the message i.e. Nigeria, now I know almost on 100% what the nature of this email is.

    Matthew from the forum wrote:

    Peter, read about the Nigeria scam.

    "I'm not saying this is definitely another scam, but Nigeria is famous for this, for tricking people into small payments for promises of wealth, lucrative ontracts, etc. Maybe they just got interested in the illuminati now and that's how they want to make money or it could also be that it's just actual recruitment of agents. "

    I'll add:

    and that's the most likely version...
    Someone is using the Illuminati image to make money, hoping that many will want to have contact with the Illuminati.
    Considering my mentioned lack of professionalism in the email (translator) this is probably a stretch attempt.

    Either way the Illuminati seems to have it down a page and the seps are taking advantage of it.

  23. I am so happy by becoming a member of Illuminati, now I am rich and prosperous. Illuminati is a great and powerful means to get popular in life. So if you really want to be rich and famous, write to us: [email protected] or call: +2349051289718

    1. As you can see above, spammers in the service of evil do not let up. And by the way, it's terribly sad that, faced with the prospect of becoming disgustingly rich and famous, so many people experience - in their opinion - full happiness.

    2. I'll just say one sentence.
      Don't you know God man, that you write such things?

  24. All these things but at what cost (to give up one's soul) God help those people who have no intention of doing so

  25. Beware, this is a fairly common Nigerian scam. A classic scam. Search around, there are many descriptions of being taken in by the illuminati ?

    1. Now I know that, but it wasn't popular back then.
      On the other hand, if they are sending these emails, it means that many are willing to join the golden calf

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