Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Would you like to meet with them?

Today I was thinking so much about how many people would like to get together and have an opportunity to talk to, get to know with:

1 Mazda car designer. Talk about trends, what cars will come out of the factories in 5 years, what gadgets will be standard.

2. Samsung phone designers. To be able to talk about what cell phones will be on the market, what new features will come out.

3. designing a navigable channel between the Jamno Lake and the Baltic Sea, from where yachts and sailboats are to sail.

4. the designer of Beach City in Mielno, which is supposed to look like this:


Surely many people would like to talk to these designers in person. So the question is, why do so few people want to meet the designer of the whole world, God? Looking at the waterfalls, the Grand Canyon, the wilderness, the beautiful animals, the planets, the stars.

I personally want to get to know God every day. It keeps me busy

Updated: 27 February 2015 — 16:53


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  1. Each of us experiences God's creation, but few can stop and look at the beauty God has given us.
    It's a matter of whether God is in our lives because if He is not then usually such people treat all these gifts of God as something natural that can always be put off for tomorrow because I've noticed recently that people are more interested in what is unique and unattainable than in what is common and when passing by trees, birds or plants you usually only hear: , "There will still be time for that. Now I have to focus on my desires.
    In my opinion, it does not please a person to have a creation that does not have a designer and this is the case when we do not allow God to exist in our lives and we make him unreal and unreal.

    1. Every very famous product, person is a symbol, a brand, something means something, whether it be Mazda, or Michael Jackson, or Mercedes, or gold.
      Ask people if they would like to own gold or meet David Bowie in person.
      God is someone who is out of fashion. Strange, because if we go to Szczawnica or Zakopane now, there is no free accommodation. The same as at the seaside in July. The question is who created it?

      To some of the Israelites, God was someone. Besides, there used to be fights not between people, but between gods.

      Although we have the true God, it is not appreciated. Why? Because we have been brought up on our knees, weak, Fatherless people. The God that the Catholic Church presents to us is a weak God. Jesus is a baby born in a manger.
      When in truth Jesus is in us. I will write about it soon, but it needs time, a little more than a little 🙂

  2. Speaking of cars and electronics, let us ask God that for producers the practice of "planned obsolescence of a product" is alien.
    Praise be to God Most High.

  3. I would love to hug Him and kiss His hands. I've always dreamed that way 🙂 .

      1. The Almighty Creator

          1. Let me put it this way: Someone Whom this broken not world does not expect..... laughs and scoffs, spits and destroys His beautiful works, while He opens hearts and rips the flip-flops off the eyes of those like us and we expect Him 😀 as He comes in Glory and Reveals His power to the World. In the first place, of course, we are expecting a rapture just to Him 😉 .

          2. "In the first instance, of course, we expect to be kidnapped precisely to Him".

            you know... Lusia... I think how beautiful it would be if we could all meet soon and be transformed. Sometimes it seems so beautiful, so unlikely. It's hard for me to imagine at this moment how happy our souls would be. To see Lord Jesus in full glory and be with Him forever... It is impossible to describe in words... but if I will be among you... I want it with all my heart and soul...

        1. I would too ... 🙂 ...

      2. It is written Go / capital letter / you know who you mean. I would like that too! I would like to sit at His word and listen to what He has to say to me. Sometimes dreams do come true, so maybe one day Lusia your and my dreams will come true too.

        1. May the dreams of all who long to be close to Him come true. May dreams turn into reality for our good and for the glory of the Lord.

        2. I know Magdalene... I noticed it was capitalized.... so I asked rhetorically 🙂 ... I dream the same and miss you....

          1. I wish God would just take me in.

        3. I wish this for all who believe in Him - He suffered, died and rose again for us

  4. Please see this short video 🙂 - Tiny babies supposedly don't lie 😉 And still ones that barely start talking 😉 !

    1. The child had some interesting dream maybe ? 😀

      1. It's best for everyone to see for themselves 🙂 I was very moved and convinced 🙂

        1. Too bad it's not on Youtube 🙁

  5. Yes, it must be an amazing feeling- to hug the person you've missed your whole, long life....

  6. The minority dies to live and the majority lives to die.

  7. And my dream is to be able to sit with Him, that He would hug me and tell me stories, and I could listen and listen. I have sometimes thought how lucky Christ's first disciples were to be able to be with Him and listen to Him.How much He was loved is one passage in Matthew how Christ prepared fish on the fire and bread before the disciples approached Him,they were pulling out their nets at that time.When they came out of the water He was already waiting for them,the fish was baking and He said-please feed yourselves./ Sweet passage / 🙂 I'm not going to be able to listen to Him.

  8. Gee, tell me why Henry Kubik doesn't understand that in order to earn salvation one would have to be - from birth perfectly thinking, speaking and acting, perfectly glorifying God in all things - which transfers the title of savior from God to man since we are so great and diminishes the Sacrifice of Christ....
    Overall the message has a great one, but in this issue the mistake...

    1. I can't get over it...

  9. This world and its ruler, through ecumenism and other activities want to create a "unity" for which they have no chance. The spirit of the ruler of this world is a spirit of division and competition. Look at the Holy Spirit and His work. Most of us have never met, humanly speaking - we know little about each other, and how much agreement in views, experiences, aspirations and even... dreams. Sometimes I feel as if I've known many of the people writing on this blog for years. Great is the Lord and great is His power. Glory to God Almighty!

    1. sensational insight.

    2. Magdalene... it's true... it's amazing but that's how it is. from the very beginning when the Holy Spirit (I believe it's His merit, that it's not a coincidence) directed me to the Truth Detective blog I feel exactly the same...

      1. The blog is just a wicket, just like The rest is up to you.

        1. Just a wicket ? What happens when there is no such wicket in the wall ? Thank you for the wicket, surely many people will need it.

        2. so in my case was actually kind of a gateway... so thank you also for Henryk Kubik... after all :-)May the Holy Spirit not drop him...

  10. There are no people on earth without sin. When I came to know the Truth, only then did I realize how much I had sinned and how much God would forgive me. Yes, truly knowing Christ obligates us to do something. He said that we should sanctify ourselves, one tenfold, second twentyfold, third ...etc., or one less, second more. We fall down, we get up, we fall down again, we get up stronger, and so we change for the better. This is a process, it can't be done overnight. Here on earth none of us will ever be holy, only God is Holy and Good.I think He sees how we try and only with Him can we become better.

    1. You're right, Basia... about falling... I've written about it many times... Today, for example, the doubt came over me again. I just came across an article... it's a very tiring feeling, because I want so much to believe completely... why does it have to be like that? I'm sometimes afraid that when the time comes for a real test for me, I won't pass it, I won't measure up, I'll fail...

      1. Magdula. You can be completely at peace. God will certainly not put a greater burden on you than you can bear. He will not put you through a test that you would not be able to pass. DAD loves his children and knows them better than anyone else. God knows us far better than we know ourselves. I know that. You will be okay. He will guide you and guard you. You can do it!

        1. Magdalena, I know that, but I'm still worried. It's stronger than me. I envy those whose faith is so strong that nothing can shake it. I can't put it into words... I love God the Father, I love Jesus, I pray ... I seem to believe in the power of prayer and so much has happened in my life and yet I still have these doubts... I'm sorry... I'm starting to feel sorry for myself a bit... thanks for your support 🙂 .

          1. Magdula. The Holy Spirit will guide you. He will purify your heart, mind and strengthen your spirit. He will fill you with knowledge that strengthens your faith, will give the necessary knowledge. This He does for every person who wants to follow Him and allows Him to lead.

  11. What are you saying dear, the Holy Father is already watching over you, the Holy Spirit is guiding you. Don't be afraid, don't be calm, you have a window, look into the sky, He is there, He sees you, He sees that you are trying, He will help you.When you have bad moments the best thing to do is to use Christ's words to strengthen you.Take the Gospel of Matthew, or John read a little.You will see it will help.And don't be afraid.
    We're all together with you Magdula 🙂

  12. I could meet them all, but to talk about God 😉 Why dream of meeting the creature if we have a chance to meet the Creator :-)? Interesting reflection, Admin. Amazing that more and more people see the absurdity of idolatry towards figurines and images, and few see idolatry towards another human being.

  13. Note that this is not his message. H.Kubik is repeating and amplifying the words
    Jesus himself in the gospels of his chosen disciples who taught him about the Kingdom of God for about three years, namely Matthew, John and Mark writing the gospel of Peter.
    He prayed all night on the mountain - who should he choose as disciples. He did NOT choose Paul.
    So he did not give him the legitimate KEY to the teaching of the Kingdom of God
    For the rest, Jesus spoke highly of the Pharisees as a viperous tribe.
    What you mistakenly call "ENJOY" Jesus calls in many ways "FULFILL THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN"
    or "go and sin no more," so what is the merit of it?

    There is no equivalence in this respect between the chosen 12 and Paul and many other saints with visions of Jesus similar to Paul's account.
    Recall the game of "deaf phone" and think about what is the foundation of the science it brought.
    Jesus from God the Father. Of course these three gospels. The rest may be inspired, ancillary, etc.
    I didn't notice H. belittling the sacrifice of Christ. Where did you get that from or where did you make the association and read it?
    Luc, was Jesus unjust to teach the 12 for about 3 years and to show Paul in a nutshell all the knowledge in a vision?
    (Saul heard the light but did not see the voice 😉 and on this he built
    parallel to Jesus', the Pavlovian way to salvation
    just repeat "Jesus died for me that I might be saved"
    Where such a path is mentioned by Jesus the Savior himself??????!!!!!
    or the Old Testament?????
    ps. why didn't Paul cite or refer to any parables
    (like the sower, etc.) in which parables did Jesus teach? Matthew 13:11
    You (the chosen 12) have been given knowledge of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven,
    THEY WERE NOT GIVEN (to the rest of the listeners). Sorry, but Paul was NOT GIVEN IT!!!

    1. Jesus didn't go on for hours at all, and answered and actually thanked God the Father very simply
      in Luke 10:21
      "...... "I praise Thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto the simple. Yes, Father, for such is Thy good pleasure. "

      Yes the 12 were "simpletons"

      Paul was not a simple man... maybe that's why he didn't understand the whole thing.
      in terms such as GIVEN it was to the 12, including the treacherous Judas, who later repented.
      Before the wise, including Paul, IT WAS COVERED!!!! according to the good pleasure of the will of God the Father, but the admonition and the blinding lest he should trifle with the warning was given to the believers by Jesus.

      Unfortunately no one on the forum has responded with quotes from the 3 gospels and the Old Testament so I would rather not use Paul as a foundation in statements that Jesus or the evangelists do not support.
      It also has a large percentage of the perzkaze that I read, listen to, and believe to be in line with Jesus
      ...maybe I'm not spiritually mature and am too resistant to deceptions like the unproven "Confess me and you will be saved" type
      It would be enough if someone gave a confirming quote from the ST or 3 gospels
      but no one will find one because there isn't one....

      Follow Jesus, brothers and sisters, and you will not go astray
      Brothers and sisters are those who do the will of God the Father

      1. Kasia, this profile of this blog has embedded the idea of the Bible as all inspired scripture.
        So, either get off Paul or change your blog. There are a bunch of them out there.

        1. Okay...I get the point.
          But, Peter, what would you do if you were me?
          My brother is married to a Protestant (ex-Catholic).
          Your articles about wives, women and their relationship to their husbands
          They almost fit her like a glove!!! The woman is sweet when she's in the mood and beautiful.
          ...then everyone eats out of her hand.
          In a marriage, on the other hand, she likes to rule, dominate, lead, be admired, etc.
          On the other hand, if something gets into her and she messes with my brother, you can't do ANYTHING to her
          because she says she IS SAVED. She has no regrets, no apologies. No conscience.
          He knows he will be in heaven by LASKA.
          She sins in a word and feels guilty about nothing. She often humiliates, insults her brother and sometimes knowingly or unknowingly slanders her family
          and foreign "friends"
          Imagine driving 100km/h and in the heat of the argument she grabs her brother's steering wheel
          ...and the risk of a fatal accident to the entire family.
          I often beat my husband (my brother) which he is ashamed to admit to the world.
          She yells at him when she doesn't like something almost every chance she gets.
          But she goes to her Protestant church and repeats what she is taught there.
          She left the Catholic school because the Protestants took her hand and she had bad sisters leading the religion in the Catholic school.
          -favored the other kids and harassed me.
          I think he's doing it mostly because of the part of Paul's speech
          "Confess me and you will be saved"-she feels saved
          What should I do then????I don't know how to help my brother.Please advise.
          I am afraid that I may lose my brother who prays all the time and hopes for correction.

          1. A classic example of the Spirit of Jezebel.

            "I think he's mostly doing it because of part of Paul's statement"

            Absolutely not.

            If she knew Paul, she would be a golden woman.

            If I spoke in the tongues of men and angels,
            and I wouldn't have love,
            I would become like a clanking copper
            Or cymbal sounding.
            2 If I also had the gift of prophecy
            and knew all the secrets,
            and had all the knowledge,
            and all [possible] faith, so that I can move mountains.
            and I wouldn't have love,
            I would be nothing.
            3 And if I had given all my possessions for alms,
            and put his body up for burning,
            But love I would not have,
            I would gain nothing.
            4 Love is patient,
            gracious she is.
            Love does not envy,
            he's not looking for publicity,
            he does not exalt himself in pride;
            5 shamelessness is not allowed,
            does not seek his own,
            he doesn't get angry,
            doesn't remember the bad;
            6 does not rejoice in injustice,
            but it resonates with the truth.
            7 He endures everything,
            believes everything,
            He puts his hope in everything,
            will survive anything.


            "And the fruit of the spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, mastery. Against such /virtue/ there is no Law."

            There are many teachings of Paul showing how to live. Yes Paul was not a disciple of Jesus during his lifetime, but Jesus led him. People also write to me that Jesus is leading me. Should I feel bad about this? Am I someone who is bad along with Paul?
            Jesus spoke through Paul because while the gospels of Jesus' apostles are a code, Paul's letters are instructional.

            What would I do? First of all, I would try to cast out the spirit of Jezebel. I know it's almost impossible in this situation, though nothing is impossible for Jesus. From your position it looks that way. I would pray until the end. Her husband should pray constantly for a change of heart in his wife.

            We are saved by grace, but Paul also writes about works:

            "Do you not know that unfair will not possess the kingdom of God? Be not deceived! Neither debauchees, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor divorcees, nor men cohabiting with one another, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor revilers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God."

            So grace can be rejected.

            It follows that people who sin and therefore have evil deeds will not enter the kingdom even if they believe. Is this simple in reasoning? Yes

            I would suggest presenting it to her calmly with a loving attitude even if it is an attack.

            Surely she sins in some way with her body:

            And it is well known what deeds are born of the flesh: fornication, uncleanness, licentiousness, Galatians 5.19

            You write:
            In a marriage, on the other hand, she likes to rule, dominate, lead, be admired ..

            (8) But those who seek approval for themselves and oppose the truth and worship iniquity will face wrath and vengeance.Rom 2

            This woman has no fruit of the Holy Spirit. She is like a heathen woman. Satan is rubbing his hands in the churches.

          2. She knows these quotes almost by heart and she doesn't mind doing
            the exact opposite. He doesn't care about them. Sometimes they reconcile. Sometimes he even regrets it.
            I used to believe she was kinder and gentler, and over time that changed.
            Once, when they met, she wrote a love letter from Paul to his brother..:
            "Love is patient, it is kind. Love does not envy,
            ...itf" He was like in 7th heaven.
            My ""I think he's mostly doing it because of part of Paul's statement"
            is not accurate. She usually responds to admonitions with the quotes from Paul that I pointed out
            which means: "I am saved by grace" It's done.It's finished.He paid it all.
            I mean, it's done. It's over. Jesus paid the price for everything. Jesus has forgiven me.
            and paid for all my sins, i.e. her sins.Itd, Paul's selective texts.
            To other texts he reacts: I know it, I know it, and searches for silly beams at meza....a You this, this and that...
            Stupid," meaning if he didn't do something for a while because he was doing other things, she has a malicious excuse to complain,
            grumbling, whining, all in a raised voice of course.
            I concentrate only on the part where Paul qualifies it for the Cure.Jesus in the gospel I almost DO NOT CITE AT ALL.
            They will shout or run away at recalled quotes from Jesus or other quotes from Paul (such as the one you mentioned) or "wives obey your husbands..."

            He uses the technique of inhaled attack as a defense and pukes and induces guilt in his brother for any crap (a sock on the floor),
            dishes not cleaned even though my brother does them most often
            My brother also quietly does his chores around the house afterwards.
            Even before the marriage, she sometimes cheated live, i.e. she openly told her brother that she was seeing someone and made him wait
            or gave up hope by saying he was just a "friend"
            I think after that she gained the confidence to treat him like a slut because he waited and thought it wasn't deep and just a crush.
            Guys just respond to her beauty and long gorgeous legs down to "just long neck".
            And not only guys, because women also want to warm up to her beauty and femininity that she has for strangers.
            ach.... sometimes I resent that her church focuses and teaches Salvation for everyone by Grace.
            And that the all-redemptive-final sacrifice of Jesus has ALREADY BEEN accomplished for her and for other conscious sinners without repentance.
            Now he can do whatever he wants because he is GUARANTEED and FORGIVEN no matter what he does or how much he sins.
            according to the doctrine of their Babtist church.
            ps. I would also add that she often attacks (my brother) and her husband with the Catholic Mary, paid indulgences, confessions, etc., which she ridicules as
            like his beliefs. My brother is catholic but he studies the bible, he doesn't pray to Mary and he can't have much influence on catholic distortions.
            Like indulgences, etc.
            I will say that when I read your articles about the dominance of women in marriages, I sometimes think that you were a witness to my Catholic brother's marriage
            with his Protestant wife.There's too much detail there!!!!!
            She threatened and threatened to call the law more than once... because weak, innocent women don't get picked up.

          3. "Jesus spoke through Paul because while the gospels of Jesus' apostles are a code, Paul's letters are instructional."

            Peter, I think you hit the nail on the head with those words. Paul talked about salvation by grace, but he also wrote a lot about works, which are simply the fruits of faith... faith and works become a matter of course for the one who loves Jesus, inseparable. I understood, among other things, from Paul's words that it is certainly not about such works as the Church "teaches". one cannot be selective with the words written in the Bible... it is so obvious...

  14. I really appreciate what H.Kubika is doing. It was the first website I came across and the material there opened my eyes to many things. As for Paul, unfortunately, I have to disagree. I have been reading the Bible for years for my own personal use. There may be something in Paul's letters that I could "pick on", but the whole thing is ok. Many people have made their own corrections to the text of the Bible. As far as Paul's election is concerned, in my opinion, he was chosen by Jesus. It should be remembered that after Judas' betrayal there were eleven left. They were joined by Matthias who was chosen by lot. If I have to choose between someone chosen by lot and someone to whom the Savior appeared, I choose Paul. The fact that Paul was chosen is also confirmed by his mission. Who else would go to the Gentiles?
    Would the Gentiles listen to a Jew? Or rather someone who had the citizenship of Rome? God said that his thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are not our ways. God chooses whom he wants. In my opinion, He chose Paul.

    1. I agree with you, Magdalene, about Paul. in my time I have given much thought to his apostleship... There are indeed some words in his letters that I don't think quite fit with the teachings of Jesus etc. but as a whole, as you also noticed, there is a lot of wisdom in them that is also logical and all in all thanks to his letters the New Covenant (the meaning of Salvation and all) becomes more understandable. I still have my doubts but I don't dwell on them anymore because I am already sure that without God's will Paul's letters would not be in the canon. As you note, who else would have been in charge of converting the Gentiles? Paul knew many of them because of who he was before he was converted. Besides, he was a very determined man and Jesus may have chosen him because of his nature. It could be that there was some misrepresentation in his words... I don't know, maybe it wasn't all his words... maybe someone tampered with them, hence the doubts of many... but to dismiss him completely and say that he was on the side of Satan... that's an exaggeration. I don't think God would allow the teachings of Satan's servant to be in the PS. God (until then of course) allows many evil things... He allows evil to do many things, but would he allow the Bible to be so polluted? The CoC often relies on Paul's words but note that there are also many glaring contradictions between what the CoC has taught over the centuries and Paul's teachings....

      1. Paul is for spiritually mature people and for those resistant to deception. I could write for hours, but why bother. Let each person choose for themselves as they see fit.
        Also, let this blog not be a place to argue about Bibles, but rather to integrate Christians into Jesus.

        1. "Paul is for spiritually mature people and for those resistant to deception."

          I agree... also I could write a lot more with my own thoughts 🙂 .

        2. I'm also as far away from an argument as possible 🙂

        3. It's not an argument. It's just expressing a different opinion. 🙂

          1. For example, on the question of salvation by faith, which Paul wrote about so beautifully and logically, I actually understood from the very beginning what he meant... but I'm leaving that topic 🙂 .

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