Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Poverty is not talked about in Poland - it is a taboo subject.

I don't know if I got it right but Gabi from Greece questioned that there is no poverty in Poland. I'm not questioning poverty in Greece, but I want to show the scale of the problem in Poland. Compared to the characters below, I don't have the right to complain. However, the number of people living below the minimum is growing. Tax officers "just doing their job" and bailiffs are collecting more and more money.

I don't have time to write my thesis, also I apologize for being laconic.




Of course homeless people are all over the world. So let's talk about the scale of poverty in PL.



I have seen images like this many times:




Some theory:

Alarming data:

"According to CSO data published in the report "Poverty in Poland 2012″ in the sphere of extreme poverty were 2.1 million Poles. This means that in 2012 about 6.7 percent of people lived below the so-called minimum subsistence level, which in 2012 amounted to PLN 519 per month for a one-person household and respectively PLN 1771.96 for a family of four workers.

Between 2005 and 2010 the percentage of Poles living in extreme poverty decreased almost by half (from 12.5 percent in 2005 to 5.7 percent in 2010), while from 2011 we can observe a slow increase of the indicator to the level of 6.7 percent. So we cannot rest on our laurels and consider that the problem of poverty in Poland no longer exists. However, it is worth emphasizing here that the radical opinions often expressed in the press about the problem of poverty expanding alarmingly fast are not confirmed by the results of research.

The scale of poverty has remained virtually unchanged for four years, roughly since the start of the financial crisis. However, it is worth noting the alarming data on the structure of poverty, which show that children and young people are more likely than average to be poor."


The poverty line is 1355 PLN net per month

The poverty line for a person is set by the income which is 60% of the median in a given country. In Poland the median salary according to GUS is 3100 PLN gross (2200 PLN net), so the poverty line is set by the monthly income of 1850 PLN gross (1355 PLN net). It has to be written directly - people with a monthly income of less than about 1355 PLN per month are poor by definition.

The relative working poor are people who receive an income that is insufficient to provide a subsistence level of living and social needs in the community. It is variable in nature and depends not only on income but also on the level of inequality between the poor and the wealthy. What is important is that a working poor person has practically no possibility of saving an amount which, if invested in education, would contribute to increasing his or her salary. In Poland, the percentage of relatively poor workers is as high as 14.9%. This is 4 pp less than 10 years ago.

In Poland 10% working full year are the so-called working poor. For comparison, in the Czech Republic the percentage is 3.7%; in Finland - 3.3%. Worse conditions than in Poland are found in Romania, where the percentage is almost 18%, and in Greece, where the working poor constitute 12.4% of the total number of workers.

Significantly, among those employed under an employment contract in Poland, the percentage of the poor is 7%. Among those earning outside of an employment relationship, the percentage is 25%. The risk of poverty increases in those households where the abundance of work is low, i.e., the income of one person is shared by a large number of other family members.

Nearly one in four workers are poor workers

The percentage of the poor among households where both parents work is 6%. There is no doubt that the households most at risk of poverty are families with many children, where only one member of the family (father or mother) is gainfully employed - as many as 42% of such families live in poverty.

In Poland, in-work poverty is a downplayed problem. Those in power do not seem to notice that 23.1% working Poles earn less than 2/3 of the country's median wage.

Poor and badly paid employees are not only more frustrated and susceptible to political populism, but above all less productive, more inclined to e.g. petty theft, avoiding responsibility for company assets, less loyal to maintaining e.g. internal secrets, etc. This has a great impact on the competitiveness of the company and its ability to survive, e.g. in times of crisis.

The gap between labor productivity and wages is about 20%. Our wages are undervalued by about that much. Even if employers cannot afford to increase wages, there are tax measures that could motivate them to do so. At the same time, the state should introduce more relief for low-income earners (increase the tax-free amount, introduce a housing tax credit or a relief for people who rent apartments, etc.





It is mainly due to the lack of money that the population of Poles is decreasing. I think this forecast is optimistic:





So who in Poland does not see poverty?




Politicians, people living with their own egos or Poles abroad.




A bunch of beautiful people claim: "let's seek the kingdom of heaven first" without seeing the problem of others. It's fun to blindly vote for PIS or psl because it doesn't cost you anything. But it costs the poorest people. I used to be in politics not for myself. I wanted a different Poland. This blog was also created to fight against oppression, but as far as I can see, a beautiful spirit sometimes prevails over social sensitivity.

Someone who thinks things are good in Poland simply has it too good.

Updated: 12 February 2015 — 12:24


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  1. You know, it's a shame. I WROTE SEVERAL TIMES THAT THERE IS POVERTY IN POLAND AND IT WILL GET WORSE!!! You manipulate and distort facts. Shame! You can't admit your mistakes, that's what! If it was good in Poland, I wouldn't move out. And please do not lie any more about what I wrote in my emails, or make them public, let people judge your REAL work.

    1. please is the information not reliable:

      you're getting too emotional about this. The idol has spoken again.

      And I don't make emails public. Where's the copy of the email? A lie.

    2. ok so I'm unreliable, lying and what else?

      1. Maybe I'm an agent and a Jew? Or an illuminati?

        This blog sucks. i wanted to close it many times, but now i think god is giving me a sign to do it. Such players are beyond my strength ...

        Nice, Gabi punch me in public again!!!

        1. No, don't give up admin

  2. Come on, the blog and forum are extra.

    Poverty is getting worse, I agree, the national interest has been abandoned, because the interests of the EU and the "community" are more important, there is no need to delude ourselves, the free mulchers and globalists are behind this project, our politicians do not even know what is happening in the world and where it is going. Even if fire fell from the sky, they will say that it is because of europesimism and intolerance.

  3. Peter, don't give in to the evil one. He is attacking again, I think the end is near. Of course there is poverty and the media are convincing us that it's not so bad, just to brainwash people.

    1. Thanks Eve. If it wasn't for those few people behind me I would have shut down this blog which would be a relief...

      1. for Truth's sake don't give up

  4. After all, Piotr, you do a lot of good for those who are especially at the beginning of their journey, but not only. There is meaning in what you do. Do not forget about it. God will reward you!!! The evil one constantly accuses us, attacks us, our children, our work for the Kingdom, our families. May God strengthen you!

    1. Thanks Ewuś, although I'm slowly burning out. How much more can I write? Basically, all the truth is on this blog and the previous version.
      Look, I posted material about Spain and Portugal. How many people will still vote for the roundtable? All the same as last time, except the rest except (knp, Korwin, RN)will not vote at all. How many people?

      70% will not vote. So many people don't care and everyone complains. This is how a life without God ends, and a life without God is a life without truth.

      1. if there is a rapture before the Great Tribulation, then people can congratulate themselves. They had the truth on a platter on several pages in Poland. They did not accept the truth.
        Then when in fear, go to God.

  5. Admin I also stand behind you and your Blog be firm!
    We are us and behind you, admin, is Jesus and you have the greatest support in him

  6. I sometimes write something but only to keep the discussion going or to make some people think. I used to write less but lately quite often, every time I think of something, I enter the blog and here it is exactly written. At first I was terribly surprised, but now I'm glad that someone still has such a powerful thought process as me ;). Keep it up.

  7. Gabi, to get so pissed off over one line:

    - "So who in Poland doesn't see poverty?"
    - "Politicians, people living with their own egos, and Poles abroad."

    Instead of first asking the author at least what he means by that, or why he wrote that?

    (Gabi on the suspect list for being an enlightened Jewo-mason 😉

  8. No Catholic illuminati will spoil my favorite blog! WON!!!!

  9. Tax free amount in Poland is 3091 PLN/year. Which gives 257 PLN/month.
    The minimum subsistence in Poland is, as you said, 500 PLN per person per month. Which gives 6000 PLN per person per year - this is the minimum subsistence in Poland. Now let's take a family of 4 people as an example. As you can easily count, the minimum subsistence level for a family of four is 24 000 PLN net. Since, on the one hand, the authorities have defined the minimum of subsistence in this way, won't they make a tax-free amount based on this value? Not from 24 000 PLN, but from 500 PLN a month per person, which gives 6000 PLN a year per person.

  10. Unfortunately, nobody talks about poverty, because many people are simply ashamed of it. A lot of people have debts, and if someone is stuck in a spiral of insolvency in which he fell into through no fault of his own, he can apply for consumer bankruptcy, which gives a chance for debt relief.

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