Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I am a god - or how the New Age ends

I don't have time to search for other cases and there are plenty of them. I will only describe the example of Piotr Luszcz. I was inspired to do so by a reader, Mirabel.

Piotr Łuszcz was the leader of a well-known hp hop group promoting the New Age. One of the songs of his band Paktofonika had the title "I am God".

Here is the text:


One, two
One, two

I have one fucking schizophrenia
Emotional disturbance, please put it on the air
I'll tell you it's a fact, you'll tell me it's disgusting
Fuck you, you're going to get elbowed anyway
Because I am God, realize it (yourself)
You hear words that make your hair stand on end
Oh, boy, I'm invincible
H-I-P H-O-P totally committed
Overkill, endless potential
I guess in the DNA he was given to me
Wait a minute, Fokus, Rah, you're gonna make all the pi...dyes go crazy
When they recognize my personal charm
The soul of an artist, how humble and clever I am
Honest to the point of being transparent and
You know what hurts me? That it's all fucked up in the head
Disturbed peace to people of good will.

I am God!
Realize it, realize it
You are God too!
Just imagine it, imagine it


Fully sane, responsible for his actions
Like you waterproof, rushing here like a halny
It overtakes the real world, haunts the virtual
Binary system, flammable material
Will give a momentary flow of energy, a verbal blow
Potential candidate for theatrical performance
He gets a shock in 2000, for that let's burn
Time for an experimental elaboration
I preach content in an unconventional way, please listen
I'm hitting you on the focal point, know that the uncertainty will panic
I'm in awe, God's wrath is incalculable
I'm lifting you, from the top the view is magnificent
And a perfect picture, like a tropical landscape
Monstrous crash! Rah unpredictable

I am God!
Realize it, realize it
You are God too!
Just imagine it, imagine it


I see, I see, I see more
I know more, that's more or less
I'm learning the art of living, hip hop is my sensei
And I throw it, and it's like rubber
Pure technique, no falsehoods
Nuances, sensational seances
In meaninglessness, meaning is the only promotion
Balancing in nature, balance correcting
I am also floating on special effects
Purpose - eS eM O Ka for card white
A eN Be eL O Ka E Jot Be E eL
Light as helium I fill with dread
And I assure you, as enemies contact the floor
Your lifelong desire to match your gods
The vastness of the PFK goes its way
I swear on my tail, you'll believe whatever I want
And you'll feel even better chills from these

I am God!
Realize it, realize it
You are God too!
Just imagine it, imagine it

(Oh...I see,
That you introduced yourself nicely before us,
here at this time to listeners,
In front of those millions of listeners.)


On December 26, rapper Piotr Łuszcz (+22 years old) committed suicide. "Magik" jumped out of the window from his apartment in Katowice-Bogucice just 8 days after the premiere of Paktofonika's debut album "Kinematografia". He left behind a wife Justyna and a son Filip.


This is how the New Age ends. This man is not likely to be saved. The children have no father.

By the way, hip hop has the same function as punk did in the 80s.



Updated: 1 February 2015 — 19:54


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  1. Kind of a weird thing, I know some hip hop fans and it generally feels like they made this man a martyr. The guy had issues with his gut, not sure what or who "inspired" him to jump, after all he had a family....

    1. PS This attitude should be presented as a warning, not heroism.

      1. I'm not encouraging anyone, but some of Magik's lyrics, when listened to backwards give a lot of answers. It's nothing good.

  2. "On December 26, rapper Piotr Łuszcz (+22 years old) committed suicide. "Magik" jumped out of the window from his apartment in Katowice-Bogucice just 8 days after the premiere [...]"

    celery: - only after 8 days was fulfilled [here 8 = hourglass] his being JA god... Satan deceived him, tempted him and first "taking away" his soul [enslaving him].
    took his life later - by his own IAM hands... Dangerous is this one,
    the old NEW age... "surely you will not die" - Satan told Eve....

    BW Luke 4-1:13
    "(1) And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led in the power of the Spirit into the wilderness, (2) and forty days tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and when they were over, he felt hungry. (3) And the devil said to him: If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread. (4) And Jesus answered him, It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone. (5) And he led him up a mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in the twinkling of an eye. (6) And the devil said to him: I will give you all this power and their glory, because it has been given to me, and I give it to whom I will. (7) If therefore thou wilt worship me, all it shall be thine. (8) And Jesus answering said unto him, For it is written: To the Lord thy God be worship, and him only shalt thou serve. (9) Then he led him up to Jerusalem, and set him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him: If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down thence; (10) for it is written, He shall command his angels about thee, that they guard thee, (11) and in their hands they shall carry thee, lest thou hurt thy foot against a stone. (12) And Jesus answering, said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. (13) And when the devil had finished tempting him, he departed from him until a certain time."

    1. I think Celery understood the moral of the whole situation. You know, like Seler, I think. Unless it's a coincidence... and I don't mean the hip hop guy

      1. Peter,
        Of course I understood... Jarek Kefir made a fool of himself by coming HERE and scaring - what did he want to impress with ? nihilism, atheism or new age lies? - and yet he didn't deign to answer my question... did he scare me ? 🙂 ?

        and hip-hopper is a pity... everyone is a pity, whom Satan catches... Regards - celery

        1. Szie freaked out Kefir 🙂

        2. He didn't fool around. That's not the point. I'll write you some in an email and some here.
          Anyone who is against God is under the influence of demons and they spoke through him.
          What do I say to that?

          ". (19) Behold, I have given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and on every power of the enemy, and nothing can harm you. (20) But do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you; rather, rejoice because your names are written in heaven.
          lk 10

  3. Some time ago I think Admin wrote on an old blog about subcultures. He stated that subcultures are bad because they lead to division. It was mainly about metal, rock and hh.

    Later already on this blog Admin praised some Swedish heavy band because of their great patriotism. He also added rock songs because they are informative.

    Piotr, how did you find out about this whole situation, after all, you don't listen to rap. From television, from the media.

    You beautifully analyze several decades of subculture history based on individual pieces.

    I agree, the whole I am a god thing is nothing good, I can send you even worse hh related ones, but based on individual songs don't judge the whole thing.

    1. How did I find out? readers send me links. The one about hip hop today in a comment by Mirabel.
      Hip Hop brings with it nihilism and I will not change my mind. People who listen to hh? All the people I know personally and there are unfortunately not many of them - terrible.
      There are also good priests and good politicians and good musicians.

      1. There are no "good priests."

        1. I haven't met, but I think they are. The very fact that they are coming out of the NCC perhaps indicates this.

      2. Referring to that Swedish band... Those musicians don't seem to be doing well:

        Well, unless, like Frank, they show a sign of love.

        1. bad link.
          If this was meant for sabaton this is not my favorite band I have written about this many times in 2 days

          1. If I remember correctly it's about Sabaton and their song about brave Poles at Wizna.

            Well, unless it's about a different team?

    2. That Swedish band was the satanic Sabbaton.

  4. Magik was a member of another famous hh band - caliber 44, I think the lyrics are occult. I used to listen to a lot of hh, but I didn't really understand it. Now, with time, I understood what this shit was all about.

    1. Hey! They had a song with the words: Order of Mary! Go to battle! Go to battle!

  5. Yes, it's sad, the more so because the songs were really cool. Indeed of all Polish artists his songs are the easiest to read backwards, which is also not without meaning. Plus and minus is about aids but for us newbies I recommend maybe a long but worth reading report about aids, not many things surprise us but this may, greetings to all

  6. To Admin: You condemned metal, you condemned rock.

    Then you upload heavy metal and rock songs to your Christian blog because you liked them.

    From what I gather you've never listened to hh, which is a great starting point for your theory.

    I'm not forcing you to change your mind, but without knowing anything about the case you can't draw such far-reaching conclusions.

    Don't judge me and others based on a few guys you don't like.

    Criticism is important, but constructive dear Peter.

    1. I'm not judging you. I can see that it hurt you. If I listened to punk and someone told me that people who listen to punk are not cultured, I'd first think if they were right.

      "Then you upload heavy metal and rock songs to your Christian blog because you liked them."

      Ok you attacked me because hh was attacked. Only I put sabaton on the blog not for the music but to show that a foreign band appreciates the courage of Poles. If they tell the truth in krk, I will also quote them and post information.

      I don't have a good opinion about hh and I won't and no one will make me. I'm sorry.

      However, I can see by the emotions you show what a god hh is to you. Ask yourself if this is a good thing.

      1. In general, we should probably think twice about listening to any world music. And many "Christian" performers just call themselves that, and sometimes even worse curses are put on their songs, because that's what Christians will listen to them and thus put curses on themselves (John Todd). If a piece of music etc. has a bad effect on us, we should stop listening to it regardless of the genre... E.g. so-called Christian black metal is unlikely to promote growth in love and peace... Although it may be useful for something, the very content of such music brought me closer to the Truth, and then I rejected it, it was no longer needed....

        Btw. Sabaton doesn't sing about Poles because it appreciates them, but because it sells. He also sings about e.g. Germans in WWII, and apparently he was supposed to make an album about bandits from majdanek? Money, money, not ideas...

        1. After yesterday's discussion with these 3 hh defenders, I have come to the conclusion that I am not radical enough after all.

          So that others understand me correctly. I don't listen to Sabaton. I only gave an assessment of the lyrics about Poles.
          Well, you see, from you I now learn that they sang about Germans as well.

          Unfortunately but people who listen to hh live in this world. I have not been for a long time. I would like to listen to what I used to like:

          etc. etc.

          but I don't listen because it's demonic.

          I used to have about 500 tapes. I threw most of them away.

          It is time to write a text about pseudo-Christians living in this world. In this way, maybe, he will reduce the number of readers, because the truth hurts.

          1. Peter, I always support radicalism 🙂 however, I think it should be in the statement and not in blocking others (although if they keep trumpeting the same blindly...).

            "It's time to write a text about pseudo-Christians living in this world. That way, maybe, he'll reduce his readership, because the truth hurts."

            Great idea, well covered....

            Greetings In Jesus the Nazarene 🙂 I'll be right back.

            1. "Peter, I always support radicalism 🙂 however, I believe it should be in the statement and not in blocking others "

              You may be right..I don't know. What I do know, however, is that if I allow myself to notoriously persist with something I think is wrong, it will make the blog a dump.
              I don't make money on my blog and in fact I lose money, so I don't care about the audience. I have this comfort.

  7. Caliber 44,
    "Forty and four", the symbolism of a number used in the function of a digital cipher as a "name". This is how the future defender, saviour of Poland, resurrector of the nation is called by Fr Peter: "From a foreign mother: his blood the old heroes, / and his name will be forty and four", seeing the kibbits deporting Polish secondary school and university students to the north (part III of Mickiewicz's Dziady [Forefathers' Eve]). With its mysteriousness and uniqueness, the cipher touched the imagination of readers of subsequent generations and grew into a rich literature of philosophical and philological commentaries.

    J. Kleiner saw in "forty and four" a kabbalistic cipher for the name Adam - the future savior will bear this name only after fulfilling his mission, and it is therefore an honorific title. W. Weintraub believes that Mickiewicz most likely adopted the number from the mysticism of L.-C. Saint-Martin, fascinated by his speculations on the mystical significance of the digits derived from the Kabbalah (kabbalism). The poet therefore used a digital cipher in The vision of Father Peter in order to create around the text an aura of divine mystery; from the cathedral of the Collège de France (1844) he himself proclaimed that the man of providence was A. Towiański (earlier, in the pages of Biesiada / Feast - 1841 - he called himself the Messiah, the man of providence for Poland, the chosen nation). A friend of the poet, S. Goszczyński, reported that "it was the effect of an extraordinary inspiration while writing Dziady, without any conscious thought he put down the number 44, not knowing why he put down this number and not another, because it came to him by itself in a moment of inspiration". According to Z. Sudolski, this is the most appropriate explanation.

    44th President of the United States - Obama

    1. I also immediately thought of the bard, as you wrote caliber44

  8. Do you really think hip hop is bad and only bad???
    And have you heard of Mirek Kolczyk? Or Arci? Probably not...
    Please listen to this 'bad' hip hop through which God is touching hundreds of hearts nationwide.

    By the way- rap is just a tool- it can be used in bad or good faith.

    Detective Checkmate 😀

    1. which doesn't change the origins of hip hop.

      Detective - The term "detective" comes from the Latin detego meaning to discover, uncover, reveal. A detective is commonly a person who conducts investigations by undercover methods,

      no mach chess. If anything, it's a mate 🙂 .

      It's just that someone used Satan's tool and did a good job, but I'm not going to change my attitude towards hip hoppers. I've been hurt too much by these people and the genesis is what it is.

      1. 1) I appreciate your work, mainly your persistence and systematic approach to getting information.

        2) you generalize a type of music because you found a piece, one piece.

        3) I don't think you listened to what Maggy posted (you wouldn't have had time), which is a shame - I happen to know both of these artists personally and each is a wonderful Christian, Spirit-filled, gospel-preaching person. You could be inspired by their lives and devotion to God.

        4) How do you want to reach young people? Through the Pilgrim's Songbook? Or Gregorian chants? Christians who use rap or heavy metal (No Longer Music) to carry Jesus reach millions of hearts of people around the world, their testimony overcomes the evil one.

        5) Reading your blog gives me the impression that it's a container for anything that might be controversial 🙁 Too bad, I thought it was about truth.

        1. ad3 I didn't listen to the end of it, because I saw that you can't have objections to this piece and in the comments they were well described.

          ad5 Controversial. Ok, I can write about what TVN or the Sunday guest says.
          Well you should be honorable and stop reading this blog if you still want to be honest with yourself. Another person with offended pride because I criticized this type of music.
          As I mentioned, I've had bad experiences with people listening to this music, and those experiences won't change, but that doesn't mean everyone is like that.

          In fact, I appeal to everyone. If for some reason you don't like this blog or its author, be honest with yourself and stop reading it. OK?

          1. You will write what you will, but controversy does not always = truth. See which way Henry of has gone - he's already emphasized parts of the Bible, and redefined the doctrine of attaining salvation.

            I appreciate your work (many of the topics you cover provide me with a basis for further research), but I think you tend to overstate and generalize. I agree that hip-hop (as a culture) and rap (as music) are rather anti-values, but please don't cross out everything from A to Z. It's as if I crossed out your work because most bloggers are teenagers writing about their love affairs, come on! :/

            1. Well, let's have some logic. Offended children suddenly attack...because you criticized their toy.

              "See which way Henry of has gone - he's already emphasized parts of the Bible, and he's also redefined the doctrine of attaining salvation."

              Well you see and you are not honest with yourself because you still read it. Not honest with HK because you haven't explored the topic and I am exploring. God being merciful should allow all Catholics to be burned just because they were deceived by Babylon? I for one am puzzled by this, but you immediately cross out and yet continue to read. To me that is hypocrisy.

              "controversy = truth" Such a slogan anyone can throw. You might as well write that he lies or manipulates. And evidence? None.

              I do not write for controversy, if I wanted I would write in the same style as or

              Frankly, I'm sick of people like you. Don't like it? Stop reading. The choice is simple. You have no character.

            2. Actually now you have given me a lot to think about mate. I will make the blog for a trusted group of people like I used to do on my old blog.
              Without the detective, life will still go on for everyone and I will have a more peaceful life.

          2. Peter,
            Come on, ...relax 🙂 - none of us are perfect, we are all learning, remember how I was pretentious before too ?
            But I appreciate you and your work - if I'm writing here at your place, that means something....
            It means that you are honest, and the fact that we sometimes differ in our perception of reality - e.g. in music - is not a reason to tear your hair out and sulk... Take care!
            Hey ! - 😉 - Celery

            1. I know you've changed and your approach to me... yes I know , you're right especially in the context of things today because that's what they're about.
              They came for a known purpose, but I notice, according to my suspicions about which I wrote a few times, that there is a trash heap among the readers. Some of them are atheists wanting information about the end of the world, some of them are newly born, some are Catholics (several people pester me in emails), some are pastors looking for inspiration for their services.
              And now this: some do not recognize Henry accusing me of being friends with him. Others, like Cyril and Bushi, recognize Henry while rejecting Paul.
              Others would like me to love their world, such as with hip hop. We also have opponents of release and healing. Itd etc.
              I think it's time for a sift.

          3. Admin
            If they're harassing you, it's probably a good thing, right?:)
            That means you're headed in the right direction. After all, Jesus said that if the world didn't love Him, it won't love us either, right?
            Blessed are those who suffer persecution for His name's sake what:)
            Heads up, everyone deserves mercy, even those who attack us. Let us rejoice for this reason and be glad ......:)

            1. Yes for the sake of the name of Jesus, but not about some stupid hip hop that is more important to others than the person

    2. Maggy 🙂
      despite the fact that I am already a grandfather - born in 1957 - it was a pleasure to listen
      these rappers! - because Content matters, it's the message they carry in their songs that counts,
      and here I agree with you:
      music is just a tool - it doesn't matter the varieties, types, styles... but what it brings
      in the formation of man toward God and toward good,
      Satan also wants to manipulate music, to use it to despise God,
      Whoever goes for it - the contractor, I mean - is stupid for believing the lie....
      Jarek Kefir should listen to this music... maybe he'll wake up... maybe not..,
      His brocha... Regards - celery

      1. A voice of reason, thanks 🙂

  9. So now the blog will be a mutual adoration circle... "Congratulations" on your choice.

    1. Thank you for your appreciation. Greetings

  10. Cheer up Peter .I look forward to reading more of your articles .

  11. You are doing a great job Detective !!! Thank you! I am glad that I came across this blog at some point. In my opinion, the important thing is to express your position and your opinion , without attacking anyone. If we respect each other and respect the right to a different opinion - everything will be fine. While searching for the truth I also read a lot of i.a. salvation. com. I don't agree with the author and I don't like the attack on the apostle Paul, but there is really a lot of valuable information there. No one has a patent on the truth, many times we are wrong. That's why we search. Let's show respect for each other and acknowledge the right to have a different opinion, and
    Above all, let us remember to pray for one another.

  12. Łukasz from Międzyzdroje

    Keep your head up Peter! I was supposed to check out of Krakow today, but I have to go for a spinal X-ray. I am also sometimes fed up with everything, but as you know, this state passes faster or slower. I'm sure that these recent events on the blog will only make you stronger, give you new strength for the great work you do. Not long ago I myself had a small crisis, but the situation that happened to me today, only confirmed that I have to unsubscribe from krk. Maybe my accident today was a coincidence:), or rather an attempt to scare me? Anyway, it's hard now so it will be beautiful later. This is our goal. I wish all of us to persevere. Glory be to Jesus!

    1. I usually work fast and yesterday I wanted to close the site and make it for selected people, but it was impossible, simply the functionality does not allow in wordpress.
      Moments of weakness... hmm Gro probably describes himself as a Christian with my readers not really knowing who he is. I have been attacked personally and if someone were in truth a Christian they would submit to the biblical procedure in my review. I have described it several times. First one speaks in private ad persona. Then if that doesn't work you take two witnesses and if that doesn't work you shake the dust off your feet. No one acted in such a way, only a public coup was made by: Maggy, BB and someone there earlier, probably David.

      I will soon write a raw text about Christians and let everyone answer for themselves whether they really follow Jesus.

      ps thanks for lifting my spirits 😉 Maybe someday I'll take a look at Zdroje 🙂 I sometimes go there for the Gines 🙂 and the obligatory pier....

      1. "I generally act quickly and yesterday I wanted to shut down the service and make for a select few,"

        it would sadden me if you did

        1. I'm the same way, Peter, don't worry, do your thing, I've been here for 2 weeks, but I'm terribly addicted, I come in a few times a day, you're doing a great job, also keep your head up 🙂 .

          1. Well, and I'm going to chime in on those statements here.
            A piece of good work fact sometimes we all err, but because of a few people there is no need to give up:)

  13. Unfortunately, a lack of objectivity in certain matters, due to the large number of readers, will always bring with it smaller or larger disagreements caused by different views on various issues. Maybe in this investigation of yours, which I respect and appreciate very much, there is sometimes a lack of objectivity, which does not mean that we should abandon everything we think about a given issue.
    There is no need to generalize and lump everything together: evil, demons, hypocrisy, deception. Everything is disgusting and should be kept as far away as possible because it is dangerous. Not true. As in hip-hop culture, as in every other area of life, people put their hearts, their love, and therefore good things. God works even where we don't expect it. It all depends on what we have in our heart, and then it translates into our whole life, so especially even creativity. So you too, do not lose your heart, I believe in you Peter, and again thank you for your work.
    With God.

    1. "In my estimation, hip hop is the worst sub and counter culture. The followers of hip hop are highly concentrated egocentrics. They explain their rudeness by their suffering.
      I discourage listening to hip hop both for adults but especially for children. It is music of the bottom and pathology."
      Everyone would be exposed even by such a statement. We should not judge, we should not lump them together, we simply should not. You say, Peter, that it's because you have such and not other experiences. So take a broader look, test the waters before you go, detective...

      1. ok, let me ask a question for fans of this music:

        1. are you and your colleagues listening to this music cordial to others?
        2. do you use ugly words?
        3. do you value your work or do you think you deserve everything?
        4. do you and your colleagues smoke herbs?

        What I noticed in hip hop is the worship of the mother and the contempt for the father. Probably not everywhere, but these are my observations based on a research sample so to speak.

        1. To music fans... I'm a fan of music, but not necessarily of hip-hop, I don't classify my love for music to any particular genre. If the music is diverse, beautiful, conveys some kind of emotion and I like it, it doesn't have bad influence on my heart then I just like to listen to it. If its lyrics do not spread hatred, evil, depravity or anything that comes from Satan, then why should I deny myself the pleasure of listening to a piece of music?
          I'm not going to answer these three questions, because because I started to defend hip-hop you took me for a little punk who paints tags on walls, spits on stairs, has no respect for anyone and swears at anything and anywhere. He's got a burnt out head from pot and begs for money because he can't go to work.
          I have the impression that these questions come from a very divisive, even unpleasant and somewhat hateful opinion of everyone who has any contact with hip-hop.

          1. You see wally, what you're doing is so called ugly sticking "a bit of a hateful opinion on everyone who has any contact with hip-hop.", "you must have taken me for a little punk who paints tags on walls, spits on stairs, has no respect for anyone and swears anywhere and at anything".

            I said nothing of the sort that I took you for, and I can see that we don't logically agree.

            I wrote about my experiences and not with one person, two or three. Also, I watched interviews of hip hop artists.

            This dialogue is missing the point.

            Anyway, I think that HH carries nihilism and the fact that there are religious songs is like I said, there are good priests, good politicians, although I don't know any.

          2. Let me also clear up some doubts. I also don't have a good opinion about mainly junior high school students who listen to all kinds of rap songs, most of which are about drugs, alcohol, parties, women, police and the like. I also often see them behaving without any respect, haughty and closed in their rap world, but let's remember that it's not entirely their fault that they are like that, that someone has a greater purpose in it. And let's remember that God comes to remembrance, that God changes people and shows them the truth. And judgments, evaluations, all this is rather worse and simply does not belong to us. I also feel sorry for the majority of deluded kids listening to rappers who put such demonic content on their records that it hurts your head, but evil lurks everywhere, let's pray, let's love, not divide and judge...

            1. "But let's remember that it's not entirely their fault that they're like this, that someone has a greater purpose in it."

              Of course it is not their fault. The fault is with the creators and promoters of this boorish subculture, just as it was with the creators of the so-called "flower children", "punk", etc.
              You yourself confirmed that hh is a pathology and the fact that 1 out of 100 musicians sings something without swearing is an exception confirming the rule.

              Dear HH Fans. If you do not like my perspective on HH, just say goodbye. With your attack on my person you want to force me to look more flexibly and liberally at HH. You want me to look at the 10% music where someone sings about God in a cultured way. I will not change my opinion, but I will radicalize it and write something more reliable about this music.
              I would prefer that you find some middle-of-the-road blog to read, where priests dance, rap etc.




              I don't seek popularity and I don't assimilate into a particular subculture.

        2. "2. Do you use ugly words?"

          You don't have to listen to Hip-Hop or other music to use ugly words.

          "What I've noticed in hip hop is the worship of the mother versus the disdain for the father. "

          Probably it often comes from the fact that they come from pathological families where usually fathers were .....

          Yes overall.
          Of course not all music is bad. Unfortunately Satan was and is so clever that he also uses music for his evil purposes and then he creates such miserable pieces of music. But you can't say that all HiP HOP comes only from Satan. In the same way there are stereotypes that metal is ONLY satanic music. Yes, a lot of metal is satanic, mainly the harshest kinds of Black, Death Metal. Pagan Metal, but not all. Similarly, Metal is not only tearing "face", as it is commonly said. It's a wide genre.

          1. "You don't have to listen to Hip-hop or other music to use ugly words. "

            you don't have to, but that's cool in HH. Polite environment will not accept.

            "It probably often takes for the reason that they come from pathological families where usually the fathers were "

            I'll use your gun, buddy: it's not just HHs who come from such families.
            Besides, it is breaking part of the commandment "Honor thy father and thy mother".

          2. It also really depends on the type of HH. Not every HH has every second word or "K" word.
            I very, very rarely listen to HH, but one with only swear words won't pass through my ears. For me this kind of music is a cesspool, without any ambition.

  14. Will + Thoughts + Methods = Result = Deeds = Fruit

    Methods include Words [methods of conveying, communicating],
    which need not [but can] be the fruit, the reflection of my will
    Nor my thoughts, intentions, or even results = realization of Personality.

    Song lyrics can be wonderful, they can stir up emotions, feelings,
    can bring you to your knees, including ecstasy... The one who sings so beautifully
    doesn't have to be a good person. Maybe... but it's worse when he's not.
    Therefore it is written: - "By their fruits ye shall know them."
    Where does it say so? - Well, certainly not with Jarek Kefir, he blasphemes God,
    because I read his articles on his blog. If you are stubborn, I can provide...

    I also really like music, I've even been accused of being my god.
    Listening to my favorite music didn't stop me from finding the Father,
    trusting Him and resolving to remain faithful to God.
    Music has often allowed me to get through nightmarish life experiences,
    I will not write about them... Since God created the possibility [method] of composing
    music - then let's not condemn it in lambent terms - let's condemn its forms of Degeneration,
    using it for unholy purposes [as a method of demoralization, etc.], because that's what
    mainly to Satan - to defile anything that can be defiled....
    Let us avoid music and the words in it, which are degrading, demoralizing, degenerating, destroying
    valuable morals and qualities of humanity. So that we are not inferior to animals.

    1. an addition... to relieve the tension... because... "now there is a war" 🙂 ...

      El Cielito lindo 2010 (Banamex)

      1. ok, I've calmed down now 🙂

    2. Could you name Jarek's lyrics that blaspheme God?

      1. Simon, do you want this? - Really?
        I have not archived those texts where he mocks Jesus,
        From the Creator, either directly or indirectly, but
        I see that you absolutely want to keep me busy and occupied.
        take away...just read his blog and posts from last
        a year... it'll take you a while, and if you don't believe me,
        I'll find the entries... but why? ...but why?
        for whose glory ? - celery

        1. No need; a waste of time. Praise God.

    3. Kefir is a lost dude.

  15. Peter, don't break down, you're doing a good job. We're with you.

  16. Peter, I have noticed that any polite remark to you about something in which you may not necessarily be 100% right causes you white fever.

    You wrote that I and BB staged a public coup....
    Please read our comments and your responses to them again. Who is being aggressive? BB, who wrote:

    "I appreciate your work (many of the topics you cover provide me with a basis for further exploration), but I think you tend to overstate and generalize. I agree that hip-hop (as a culture) and rap (as music) tend to carry anti-values, but please don't immediately delete everything from A to Z."

    or you, who wrote, among other things:

    "hey people and did I cross everyone out? well let's bring in some logic. Offended kids suddenly attack...because you criticized their toy."

    I will confess to you- we are married and have been following your blog for a long time, many interesting articles you have written, many interesting videos you have uploaded, we have told our friends about your blog, initiated conversations inspired by the messages found here.
    But as the Bible says: "examine everything, and keep what is noble". We have kept what is noble, and when we suggested in this particular thread that rap doesn't have to be bad (we're not rap fans, we don't listen to it every day, we don't dress in sweatpants and we don't walk down the street with our phone's music on, but we do have, for example, a rapper in our church who rhymes about God's grace and is a devoted, radical Christian) you make a pass at us and write in a way that, in my opinion, a Christian should be ashamed of.
    I perceive you now as an immodest man who thinks that only he knows the revealed truth and the rest who dare to oppose some of your theses are pseudo-Christians.

    We are also researching, we are also researching you.

    Greetings and Blessings.

    1. You are entitled to your opinion. Unfortunately, it is often the case that after some time people apologize to me and admit that I am right.

      I'm creating a text about hip hop and I'm proving that I'm right, not because I have to be on top, but because this is reality and your assessment is unfair.

    2. "I now perceive you as an immodest man who thinks that he alone knows the revealed truth, and that the rest who dare to oppose some of your theses are pseudo-Christians."

      I hope you won't look at the blog of an immodest man. Consider it persona non grata. Not because you wrote it to me, but because you did it publicly which is against the Bible. Your judgment affects the entire blog. OK you knew what you were doing.

      1. Isn't this what Satan wants to do, to divide us all? Everyone has the right to their own opinion and I think that each of us should respect someone else's opinion, but it does not mean that we have to conform to someone else's opinion. But ok you think so I think so in this matter we may not agree but we share the same path. I am not attacking anyone here and I am not expressing my views, I am just saying how I see this whole pointless argument.

        1. It's not like that marko7. On cardinal issues I am relentless. Look, the Paul issue didn't divide me with Henry. Why? Because it doesn't do as much harm as hip hop.

          1. You didn't understand me completely, I meant that you wouldn't influence the views of others somewhat by force.
            Generally your blog is available to everyone, so who doesn't like it is not forced to .... And you don't have to give way in anything, I think the same as you on this issue:)

  17. similar situation as with me : they also tell me that I see demons everywhere, when I know that they are everywhere 🙂 It is similar with Hip Hop or regee. Even if you sang psalm 23 or the whole gospel to the young people at the concert, nothing would come out of it in their minds. Words have no chance against a rhythmic beat that puts them in a different state of mind. Punk caused aggression, rege is fond of "green", hip hop applies rebelliousness. A chant as old as the world.

    1. and that's what the text I just posted is about.
      Ha, demons are everywhere every release specialist knows this.
      And hip hop fans act like the guy in this video:

      but nice music...

    2. Bushi
      And don't you think that the real hip-hoppers won't be attracted by the Bible lyrics smuggled in with their rhythm? I am talking about real hip-hoppers, not ordinary people who listen to everything. God has a plan for everyone and He will reveal Himself to whomever He wishes, and sometimes you have to fall very painfully to be able to get up.
      You can't force anyone to do anything coercion works quite the opposite of what we would like.
      Everyone has their own path and as they gain some life experience, their views change over the years. I don't know how old everyone is on this blog, but I'll say that everyone had their school years and everyone had their faults. I'm glad that I went astray somewhere in my life, otherwise I wouldn't have found my way...:)

      1. Exactly. Sometimes it has to be worse to be better....

      2. I'm writing from my own experience, I even played guitar rege for a while in my garage with my friends, we had a primitive "band", believe me we smoked "greens", and drank "sake", there were moments when we played Messer Banzani, or Manu Chao and immediately there was alcohol, even if we didn't have money we found it somehow. After some time I noticed a connection between this music and the desire to drink. If there was alcohol, we looked for music, if we had music we went for a 'brewery'. Many of my friends suffer the consequences to this day. There is a connection, and I'm sure of it for 100%, I can't explain it because I don't have insight into the spiritual world, because that's where you should look for the reasons. I know that there are ambitious artists who want to appeal to the young with this music, but I know that this is a futile effort, demons control these rhythms, and they did not come into being by chance, but originate from ritualistic dancing. We all know that music affects the consciousness, sounds can heal, they can kill, so they can also control. I would also like to add that listening to music takes a lot of free time, occupies and directs our thoughts, takes us beyond the space of life, just like computer games.

  18. The latest music video from Natasha Urbanska, who asks lucifer to hypnotize her. The clip features masonic black and white, which appears in practically every new music video. In the lyrics there is a word about astral being.

    1. 3:17 of the clip - the fabrics joined together form a sort of pyramid in the middle, then some sort of image of a baphomet goat with the "3rd" eye on its forehead,
      on a black background, at a few moments there is a V - symbol 5, the fifth era from the book of Daniel (seeing the statue)
      And the rest ... well standard - white and black theme from the Masonic floor, the cult of carnality ...

  19. They're already arguing which Christian is better.... I have similar beliefs as the Detective, although I also have an old predilection for strong music (techno, heavymetal) - but I always try to filter the content of specific songs - what message is there. That's why I reject most of the music.

    1. Maybe it's time to end this thread because no one here will convince anyone and why continue such a vicious circle after all it's just some hh there is no need to add fuel to the fire Detektyw presented his opinion and arguments. I support him, that if something does not suit someone better to discuss it on priv and not now divide people into supporters and opponents.
      You want to listen, that's your business, you don't want to listen, that's your business too....I don't think this topic is worthy of such a passionate verbal tussle to continue so I'm going to close this topic too because it's not leading to anything worthwhile or fruitful 😉

      1. the voice of reason 🙂

        I support

  20. Although there is a lot of crap in every kind of music there are also some tracks I think are very cool. Paluch, who often has typical street tracks recorded one super track that interprets like the future coming of our Lord.
    Paluch - Sudden Death (prod. Julas)

  21. Peter, don't worry about the attacks, as far as I am concerned I am attacked every day in my environment for my views. Regards.

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