Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Francis' brother has been an Adventist for 50 years

Tłumaczenie – Mateusz.

This lecturer talks about this and also that:

Bergoglio Jorge (Pope) said that Ellen White was a witch.

Brat powiedział do Jorge Bergoglio pewnego razu: “”pokaz mi bracie w Biblii gdzie sie mylę”
Franciszek wtedy  zmienil metodę i powiedział rodzinie, ze dla nich ten ich brat jest już martwy”.Od tamtej pory brat adwentysta nie mógł już rozmawiać ani z ojcem ani z matką.


The Pope also reportedly said he would make Sundays a holy day around the world.

The police didn't even let in the funeral of the mother of this Pope's brother.

Jorge's last words to his brother were: you are too unimportant for me to take revenge on you, but I will take revenge on your church.


This is something you won't find in a wikipedia biography.


Updated: 27 January 2015 — 00:02


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  1. Ciekawy materiał to już jawnie będzie wojna oto kto jest Bogiem. Pamiętajcie przykazania obowiązują wojnę rozstrzygnie pieczęć komu służymy – Szabat:

    Ez20:(19) I, the LORD, am your God. Keep my commandments and observe my laws, and perform them! (20) Keep my Sabbaths holy, and let them be a sign between me and you, that it may be known that I, the LORD, am your God!

    John 16:(1) This I have told you, so that you will not be scorned. (2) They will exclude you from the synagogues; moreover, the hour is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is doing God's service. (3) And this they will do because they have not come to know the Father or me.

    Rev12:(17) And the dragon was wroth with the woman (the church of God), and departed to make war with the rest of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and abide in the testimony of Jesus.

    Gdy wprowadzą prawa niedzielne, co już chcieli zrobić (projekt takiej ustawy był już w sejmie), to wiedzcie, że czasu już niewiele. Życzę sobie i wam by służyć Bogu Stwórcy nie stworzeniu….

  2. There are theories that the mark will be a Sunday law. Changing the Sabbath to Sunday is a mistake, but after all, Christians are not bound by the Sabbath as an absolute, although when observed it brings benefits.

  3. On Sunday evening, January 18, the sky over Houston suddenly brightened as an unidentified flying object resembling a comet appeared in the sky. Witnesses say the celestial body "floated" across the sky very slowly and was observed for at least three minutes.
    Patricia Reyff, professor of physics and astronomy at William Marsh Rice University (USA) expressed her opinion about the UFO in Houston. According to the professor, the celestial body (fireball) was a type of meteorite. The professor explained that the object had a specific flight trajectory and as it entered the atmosphere it lost speed.

  4. The Adventist Church officially denies these rumors, it turns out that the man who tells the story is not officially affiliated with Adventists at all. Here the official position of the SDA:

    It's good to check something out before you post 😉

    1. ok, but what assurance do you have that this dementi is real? are the AD7 telling the truth? would someone specifically allow themselves to be recorded to lie? this is not some meme or text. This is a video with a man telling the story.

      it's good to check something before commenting 🙂

    2. Besides, how can I trust such a religion whose great figure was a person who had a tombstone shaped like an obelisk:

    3. Here a whole lot of truth about the prophetess Ellen White:

      1. In fact, no record or official SDA position can be trusted in 100%, some say this, others say that. It is always a matter of taking our word for it. However, it is useful to confront different sources with each other.

        Napisałeś adminie “poza tym jak mogę ufac takiej religii, której wielką postacią była osoba mająca nagrobek o kształcie obelisku” – przecież ten co mówi to wszystko o Bergoglio uważa się za Adwentystę i nagranie jest w ich kościele – dlaczego ufasz nagraniu, a już innemu źródłowi nie?

        1. Popieram maggy 😉 i też daleko mi do wspierania Adwentystów. W internecie jest bardzo dużo komentarzy do tego filmu i przekonuje mnie bardziej wersja, że jest to ściema (lub po prostu jakiś “niezależny” pastor, który coś usłyszał lub wymyślił). Ponadto gdyby była to prawda to pojawiliby się świadkowi (nie wspominając już o samym bracie – chyba, że już umarł). Ponadto: 1) niedziela jest dniem świętym wg. kościoła katolickiego – jest to pierwsze (chyba ważne) przykazanie kościelne:

          “W niedzielę i święta nakazane uczestniczyć we Mszy świętej i powstrzymać się od prac niekoniecznych.”

          2) somehow all these conspiracy theories that come out of the ADS always cleverly weave in a thread about someone wanting to destroy not Christians, but the very Adventist Church that supposedly has the only right, purest doctrine.

          My conclusions:
          1) film to ściema – pastor opowiada bajki świadomie lub nie,
          2) środowiska adwentystyczne lubią opowiadać bajki o swoim “wybraństwie”,
          3) overall, what does it change?

  5. Blad w tytule – byl, nie jest. Brat Franciszka nie zyje. Skoro F. ma 78 lat, a on byl starszy…

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