Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Shock - Pope Francis officially shows horns - symbol of Satan

At first I thought it was photoshopped, but from more and more sources on the net this photo was shown from different perspectives. The event took place in the Philippines. Bergoglio showed the "devil corner" sign along with Cardinal Tagle. It is no longer just the Illuminati who are hiding. They already think their time has come. The currency market turmoil has only confirmed this. Now they will be most happy with war.



Dear ones, may God the Father bless you. Pray every day.


See with what enthusiasm and unscrupulousness they show this horns gesture. They feel like they have triumphed.



I wonder what strong argument my regular Catholic readers will have? Kasia and Dorota.

Updated: 18 January 2015 — 18:44


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    1. A false prophet would have to announce the antichrist. That one is certainly already alive. The question is who he is.
      We'll see...

      1. Maybe it's Prince William or his child.

        1. it's hard to feel. Everything seems to point to William

          1. And then there's that baby name, George. And people are already getting complacent about his appearance.

          2. Nothing jumps on him. Nothing points to anyone. The antichrist will be the man no one expects. That's the point, there will be a surprise.

            1. Apparently, the antichrist will be a man who is/was/will be highly anticipated. I'm betting on William and Kate's baby, too.

          3. " And this wicked one shall come by means of Satan with all power, amid signs and supposed wonders" I recommend watching the video The Return of the Antichrist by Patrick Hernon. John in the book of Revelation calls him a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns that is to come out of the abyss.

            1. I watched because this is our YT channel, Mateusz's 😉


              Unfortunately, Patrick is no longer alive...

          4. It's a shame for Patrick, but no need to worry about his soul, he did a great job 🙂

      2. he's getting bolder and bolder, I can't find the words....this year we have to watch which politician he will "promote" or "support"

        1. I don't think so, it would be too simple... There is too much talk about it, what about "wisdom is needed here"? And wisdom is only possessed by born again people... And now in the age of the internet anyone can go on YT and see this and what? Everyone will be warned? This is too simple...

          1. Well it's not... people look and don't see... and they will also say how great, wonderful, cool he is, I have also heard that he uses Facebook. He talks like a dragon and looks like a lamb... I showed my grandmother who was NOT born what he was like on YT and she said that if he visited her she would accept him as a "saint", so the spell works and only God can help

          2. Well, that's weird. My grandmother said how wonderful he was, she has a calendar with him on the wall. My uncle says that he's a great pope, because he wants to cut all those priests, that he washes prisoners' feet... Massacre...

            If this is true, then many people from my environment (Podkarpackie - which is a bastion of Catholicism and PISsu) have been deceived and can no longer be persuaded!

            My father, I was talking something to him, he immediately - "I don't even want to listen to this foolishness!" - "who is stupid enough to read the Bible". I would like to add that he is pro-Aryan, profatim, pro-PiSs, etc. It remains to pray for him, because nothing else can help...

          3. "who is stupid enough to read the Bible". Really? Shocker to me.

          4. they have been told that TRUTH is in the catechism and not in the Bible.... shock and tragedy only God the Father can help

          5. It's true. It's a shock to me, too. They are seized by tradition, I say....

            Another laughable text: "You see how these Muslims have a hard religion, they have to die for their faith. And we have a duty (?!) to go to church on Sunday, and it's hard to do that, too".

            No words... :/

      3. probably David De Rothschild

      4. Vladislav Surkov is the antichrist. Heir to Paul VI conceived at the altar when Paul VI raped Surkov's 6 year old so-called mother.

      5. Islam. Islam is the antichrist

  1. I am also betting on Willie as I once wrote...although some say Obama

    1. I think Obama on 90% does not. William is "supposedly" descended from the lineage of David the king. So beautiful grounds for deception to challenge Jesus.

      1. I read that too...supposedly a trained 33rd degree can find the article online. I think I also read that obama can get himself and such a Davidic pedigree....

      2. Listen, it's not that simple - the false prophet will interact with politicians - but each of them as part of the dragon system will be the antichrist.

  2. As for the excuse, here it is: in the Philippines, this symbol means "I love you," as in sign language ( Yes, I know it's a crap site, but a lot of people read it and as you can see from the comments, they also buy this translation. It's a shame that no one bothered to mention that Helen Keller, who was an occultist and theosophist, added this sign to the sign language. Lavey himself (founder of the Church of Satan) showed it on a talk show as a curse sign.

    1. I know these interpretations. In the Czech Republic it means something else, but who made it we know. I don't think Frank was unaware of the sign he was showing... After all, the church supposedly fights Satanism.

      1. By the way, I am waiting for an article about it in

        1. On the front they are supposedly chasing Protestants

    2. I am also curious, if in some country the sign of love was the middle finger, would they also show it

  3. "Well, that's what's weird. My grandmother said how wonderful he was, she has a calendar with him on the wall. My uncle says that he's a great pope, because he wants to cut all those priests, that he washes prisoners' feet... Massacre..."
    Because people are not taught to examine someone's words, and they focus on - works, works, works, as long as it's good and everything will be fine. What about the Word of God? NO - Grace in Christ...

    1. If only these works were not for show and were in accordance with what God the Father really expects from us... We know that faith without works is dead, i.e., they are the fruit of faith. Well, how are people supposed to understand it if they do not know the Word of God at all, only the catechism and probably not many have even read the catechism.

  4. Jesus said "By their fruits ye shall know them" let us not attack because that is what our enemy Satan does, he constantly accuses so let us not follow him. Reading these comments you get the impression that we are waiting for the antichrist, we are looking out for him more like our true savior Jesus Christ. Let them do their job and let us do ours, not only with empty posts on the Internet but with actions that will make our God proud.

    1. it's not like that. God told us to keep watch.

      "Mat.24,(32) And from the fig tree learn by similitude!
      When its branch becomes succulent and its leaves leaf out, you know that summer is approaching. (33) In the same way, when you see all these things, know that it is near, at the door. (34) Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things happen. "

      What deeds do you want my friend? My deed was to start a blog to make people aware. The viewership is currently high. It doesn't generate any money. Once we carried out a donation campaign on, there were also discussions about tithing and many people started to support the poor.
      Don't you think you are hurting people by writing like this?

      If you still stand by what you wrote then change the blog because I will not change the posts about you. The blog has this charatker and will have this charatker.

      1. Ursus makes some good points and you make some good points too Admin. I recommend you this article

        Admin admit that you're also on the lookout for the antichrist partly out of sheer curiosity 🙂

        1. I will not admit that. If I was looking for it myself, I wouldn't write it, I would leave it to myself. I look at it this way: in order to make people aware, while there is freedom of the net, I would show them the most possible scenario, so that they won't be deceived. Let's say I get kidnapped, or let's say I shut down the blog at the beginning of the oppression. people who have no idea about all this can follow anthk

          1. You are doing the right thing. Out of the Great Tribulation there will emerge a great multitude of people who will believe in Jesus.

  5. They are convinced of their victory. That's the impression I get. They are confident that they are already victorious. They look forward to their Christ. But I know (readers of this blog know it too) that the victor is the Son of the Living God, the God who was manifested in the flesh
    Jesus Christ.

  6. Hi, I'm giving you the links on yt, where from 2 hr 30 min you can see everything like the palm of your hand - shock!

  7. Do you know what this sign means in sign language in the deaf world?

    1. We know that the horns gesture has several meanings. The question is who smuggled them into different cultures and groups.
      Well I didn't expect any other explanation.
      However, I would like to point out the fact that there has been a widespread struggle between the Roman Church and Satanism for hundreds of years. The Inquisition itself was looking for witches. They are well aware of the mark and knew what they were doing. These are not random guys who suddenly found themselves in a foreign culture. These are the rulers of the world. Official religious rulers and non-official financial, military rulers. They have the secret services of the whole world under them. Even if someone doesn't believe this, I don't think he is so naive to claim that someone who went through all possible career levels in the KRK didn't know the sign of Satan's horns....

    2. The blindness of Roman Catholics reaches its zenith. Even if Franek has a pentagram on his dress the Catholic media will write that it is not a pentagram but the star of Bethlehem. Well, he who is to be deceived will be deceived according to the announcement in the Bible.

      1. Exactly...he already has a pentagram in his a Marian star....

        Let us pray that we are not deceived !!!

  8. I watched the movie Forest Gump and what was memorable?
    Mom used to say that a person doesn't need that much, the rest is just for show.

    It is apparent that Francis has taken the road for show.

    Everyone says that in sign language this sign means I love you.
    And they are right. But it doesn't matter who created the sign, just for what purpose.
    Someone specifically assigned this sign to sign to camouflage it.
    The effect? People are fighting over that sign. Well, except for maybe those people on the commercial

  9. Hypocrisy : Arrests of Children in the Philippines.
    "The Pope will not see poverty, hunger, disease and slums."

  10. Hahaha, good one. No one will write anymore that this is how the Pope "talked" to the deaf... I feel sorry for you people. Get to know the whole situation, not the photo!

    1. Yes, but you don't know that it was the Satanists who gave this sign to the deaf as a symbol of love. Nor do you know that it is in the Great Tribulation of the Bible that love understood in this way will be central to the New Age, and it is highly likely that this sign will be so promoted.

      1. Kolo, ...and I feel sorry for you for being so naive...
        Arraivald above wrote:
        "In the Philippines, this symbol means 'I love you' as in sign language".
        There were the deaf themselves-that's one thing,
        "I love you." [implied: - Satan], but he didn't say it out loud,
        Well, because there were only "deaf" people there - that's two,
        The arrangement of the fingers indicates who the Pope loves...and not the Filipinos, ...oh, no !
        That's three... celery

      2. Admin wrote - "love conceived in this way will be central to the New Age, and it is highly likely that this sign will be promoted in this way."

        celery clarified - just as "well" such a symbol
        "Smartness" can be an erect middle finger,
        which means no less than, and I quote:
        "p...... you !" - well, ...also a "smallness", what's the matter ?
        In the Vatican, or in a brothel, you want Kolo to find love ? - ...well, no kidding 🙂 .

    2. Kolo - "Eyes anointed with ointment"
      That's the title of the movie, ...of course,

  11. In sign language, this sign means "I love you."

    1. And who established sign language? An international organization, and who does it report to? The Freemasons, like the UN, etc.

      1. After all, it is said not without reason that all roads lead to Rome...

  12. Obama is a phony prophet and Francis is helping him by first deceiving people and then getting them used to his phony modesty

  13. Dave Hunt has good lectures on

  14. Paul Washer Also a wise man

  15. We already know who is the antichrist Obama who wants to make the USA one big Islamic state and he is probably involved in the Islamization of Europe.

  16. You guys are sick, because of these superstitions and god bullshit, sci-fi books, creeds, religions and other brainwashing crap people are dying, wars are destroying the world because one believes in a cow, another in a goat and a third in reproduction without fertilization. Shame. It's not the Middle Ages anymore...

    1. meganowak, are you a doctor?

    2. "You guys are sick, because of these superstitions and god bullshit, sci-fi books, creeds, religions and other brainwashing crap people are dying, wars are destroying the world because one believes in a cow, another believes in a goat and a third believes in reproduction without fertilization. Shame. It's not the Middle Ages anymore..."

      Do you know the term PARTENOGENEZA? And this is the answer to your doubts in the last part of your statement.

  17. It's a sign that means "I love you"... Those who go to concerts know that artists express their love for their fans this way 🙂 However, I don't know who exactly Francis is and what his intentions are....

    1. Indeed, this is how the meaning of the gesture is presented, while at the appropriate level of initiation one realizes that these gestures date back to ancient times and are inextricably linked to occult practices.

  18. Have mercy, this is not a gesture of Satan. in Sign Language it means: "I love you". One can accuse the Pope of many things, but addressing the deaf is probably not a sin! Something makes me think that three change the name of this site to insinuation detective 🙂

    1. Jasiu I won't respond to you with detective insinuation style sarcasm.
      I will answer you biblically:

      App 17

      "(1) And one of the seven angels having seven bowls came and spoke to me thus: Come, I will show you the judgment on the great fornicator who has spread herself over many waters, (2) with whom the kings of the earth practiced fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth became drunk with the wine of her fornication. (3) And he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a beast red as scarlet, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. (4) And the woman was clothed in purple and in scarlet, and adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls; and she had in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and of the uncleanness of her fornication. (5) And on her forehead was written a name of mysterious significance: Great Babylon, the mother of whoredoms and abominations of the earth. (6) And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I was greatly amazed. (7) And the angel said to me, Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and the beast that bears her and has seven heads and ten horns. (8) The beast which thou sawest was, and is no more, and shall come up again out of the abyss, and shall go into perdition. And the inhabitants of the earth, whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, shall be astonished when they see that this beast was, and that it is no more, and that it shall be again. (9) Here it takes a mind endowed with wisdom. The seven heads are the seven hills on which the woman is seated, and there are seven kings; (10) five have fallen, one is, another has not yet come, and when he comes he can only stay a short time. "

      Here it refers to a harlot. The woman in the Bible symbolizes the church. The harlot is the apostate church. To whom does every king of the earth bow? Who is dressed in purple?

      In John it is also written:

      The whole world is controlled by the Evil One.
      If all of it, it means that the institution that defined sign language is under Satan's control. Just like the UN, NATO, Unesco, Green Peace otd.

      That's it in a nutshell Jasiu. Read the rest on the blog.
      kind regards

  19. Everyone makes one fundamental mistake in thinking of the Antichrist as one person.
    "The Apostle John. in the two epistles bearing his name it appears four times - both singular and plural. The implication is that the antichrist is a liar and a deceiver."
    "Prophecies contained mainly in the book of Daniel, the letters of the apostle Paul, and in Revelation foretell the appearance of many antichrists-people. "
    The Antichrist is persons and not one person. A "body" consisting of several bodies.

    Description of the Antichrist: " John in the book of Revelation calls him a beast having 7 heads and 10 horns, which is to come up out of the abyss."

    Now let us proceed with the analysis: We already know that the world is ruled by 7 family clans (the seven beasts) to which are subordinated 10 major institutions that have a huge influence on the whole world (media corporations, World Bank, Big Pharma, Monsanto, UN, EU, three major religions - Judaism, Islam, Christianity, NATO)

    According to the messages, the "end times" or "great tribulation," the spirit of the Antichrist will take dominion over the earth, initially as a harbinger of peace, to later become the dictator and author of the new world order (NWO)and monetary system.

    This birth of the Beast or Antichrist as you prefer, which will take mankind by surprise, will be the proclamation of the NWO government and its rule over the entire world and the human race. The world will be divided into seven districts with Jerusalem as the main capital. The richest and their families will live on an island specially created for them, construction began in 2000 and was completed last year. The cost of building one square kilometer of this artificial land is about 3.3 billion euros. It covers an area of 410 square kilometers 290 square kilometers of land and 120 square kilometers of water reservoirs.
    This Beast has already been born, only everyone is trying to believe in it. The shock of the people when the truth reaches them will be the final stage of the Beast's triumph.

  20. Correction of the last sentence "This Beast has already been born, only everyone is trying NOT to believe in it. The shock of the people when the truth reaches them will be the final stage of the Beast's triumph.

    "In the end times the greatest enemy of God's people will not be liberals or atheists, but religious people."

    " the passage in Revelation, which is rightly considered the most difficult in it, remember that the heads are the religio-political systems that come one after the other, while the ten horns are the coexisting authorities that make up the individual heads."

    "11A beast that was, and is not, and she is the eighth, and is of the seven, and is come down to destruction.

    12And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, who have not yet taken kingly power, but will take power as kings for one hour with the beast.

    13They have one mind, and they give their power and their authority to the beast."

    "18A woman whom you saw is the Great City, having royal authority over the kings of the earth."

  21. On the surface, this photograph may shock, because it resembles a sign used by Satanists. However, there is no need to draw far-reaching conclusions from this fact. It is clear from the context of the whole meeting that it is sign language they used. And in the language of the deaf, it is a sign of love.

    1. I wrote about this: sign language made up Satan's system.

  22. I saw it in person on the news on polsat. It blew my mind.

  23. Ehhhh.....

    This is at the Pope's meeting with the deaf, and it just so happens that this sign in the deaf language means love
    If you don't believe it, look up the meaning of this sign

    1. I knew right away if only from the readers, but who do you think in a world where God doesn't rule and his adversary sets all the norms, rules and etc?

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