Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. "(19) And I will show wonders above in the heavens, And signs below in the earth, Blood and fire and clouds of smoke." Acts 2

  2. Yesterday I learned from the JEWs that Jesus is not God but the son of God what do you think?

    1. I think we should consider whether they are right.
      Just kidding 🙂

      "No one comes to the Father except through me."
      Jehovahs not obeying this command deprive themselves of salvation.

      1. Mr. Peter answered the same and they answered their own, so logically since Jesus is the son of God he is automatically God too! to my answer they replied that Jesus is a man and I said God in a human shell and they said their own and asked how many years I have been studying the scriptures and I replied I have not been studying, God is leading me.

        Jesus is King and salvation that is my opinion and I may be torn from my skin for it, but then I will shout louder.

        recommend this site

        1. God is triune. Persons are equal in terms of divinity and divine attributes. But functions are no longer equal.

      2. That's not true.
        Every prayer in the church ends roughly with the words "...through Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior..."
        In addition, there is only one holiday celebrated and that is the Memorial of Jesus' death celebrated the evening before the Jewish Passover. Don't criticize something if you don't know it. Don't sow hatred against denominations that claim to be Christian.
        Romans 14:4
        "Who are you that you judge another's servant?
        Whether it stands or falls, to its master it belongs."

        1. how can we not criticize a religion that deceives people. For you, every year there is an end of the world, you make ridiculous not only yourselves but also the Bible...

          1. You didn't guess it! I'm not a Judean.
            They haven't given an end date since 1975, when they learned once again that no one knows the day or the hour.
            "Scaring" Armageddon can be subsumed under the daily vigil, with a wink, of course.
            For a long time, when they straighten out their erroneous doctrines, they talk about the "new light" , which they have received.
            I read the posts here and also the newly born-again write about better understanding and revelation of biblical truths. Are they worse than us?
            The "company" of the JJ is > deceptive
            but people belong to God anyway
            And that was my point, to dissect the views, not the people!

            1. then you see we have conflicting information. A colleague earlier wrote that SJs do not recognize Jesus as God, while you wrote that this is not true "Every prayer in the church ends more or less with the words "... through Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior..."
              Someone's in the wrong

          2. Admin writes
            Someone's in the wrong
            I would answer yes:
            My ears have heard this many times as I have listened diligently and sought revealed truth from the JEWs.
            Yet they did not find...
            It doesn't change the fact that I respect these and other people, and despise the lies they are fed every day.

        2. I will criticize every falsehood and stupidity, I provided the link and go to the site wake up!
          No religion is true in 100%
          Christians do not need a top-down interpretation of the Bible or the study of wescott & hort who were occultists and lacked the spirit of God.
          How I want Interpretation I ask Jesus to enlighten my mind and prompt in spirit...
          Are you judging me for not knowing?
          I know and talk to everyone except Catholics, and somehow always end up with arguments from both the JEWs and Adventists, etc.
          And the end of the world? This is clearly contrary to the Bible, Jesus is the Archangel Michael? Another nonsense, but how can you know the truth when even the Bible has been changed

          1. An altered Bible?
            "The Holy Scriptures in the New World Translation"
            = NWO
            I agree that no religion is true out of 100. If it were otherwise, it would mean that the Good God has gathered his sheep and is leading them.
            Let's summarize:
            Worth talking about!

  3. I have also had this problem for more than 20 years, and it seems to me that it is necessary to read a lot, with humility and with prayer for understanding of the Holy Scriptures. There are many gods: God told Moses that he would be a god to Pharaoh, Satan and the Devil are also called gods of this world. For us little ones and other creatures for sure Isus (Jesus) Christ is God, but for Isus Christ our and his Father is God, the Most High, the One and Only True, as John called him in his gospel. John 17;1-5.

  4. Let's Show the Witnesses of Yoda - The most important reason Jesus must be God is that if He were not, His death would not have been enough to pay the penalty for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2). Only God could pay such an infinite debt. Only God could take on the sins of the whole world (2 Corinthians 5:21), die, and rise again, proving that Jesus triumphed over sin.

    Read more:

    If the Lord Jesus was only a man (for there are no other options) then He could not have been holy in all His life, then we would have had - polytheism which is contrary to the rest of God's Word - and would have justified the persecution of the early Christians by the Jews who to this day have the conviction that our Christ is some kind of pagan idol added to Yahweh.

    1. I subscribe to this post :)here I fully agree 🙂

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