Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Where we are in the apocalypse

With a lot going on, I decided to write a bit about my current thoughts.

What conditions of the apocalypse (I am also linking Daniel's prophecies) have already been fulfilled?


1. the Euphrates dries up:

2 The gospel is preached to all nations:

See how our Chinese brothers rejoice in the Bible. The Poles have it and it is lying there somewhere.


3. four animals coming out of the sea


What lies ahead for the world?

1. 10 kingdoms:

2. "You will hear wars and war news."



In view of the current situations according to my vision it will take place like this:

As we have seen, the riots in France are a deliberate flashpoint. It is likely that something more will erupt from this. Perhaps a World War III different from the previous two because it will be within states in Western Europe. This war must be so that..... peace is made, a covenant for 7 years. But before that, God the Father will accomplish the rapture of His church. There must be a war for several reasons:

1. space debts of the whole world, countries, companies, people.

2. the Antichrist must show himself to be a man of peace, bringing order.

3. there must be war so that the beast, i.e. Islam, may grow in strength

Currently Islam is not strong enough to defeat Europeans. So what is needed is to destroy them financially, conditionally, morally. The citizens of the European Union are expected to barely survive. It is not known what will happen to the USA. Here we have speculation that there will be a nuclear bombing or some meteorite will strike...It's hard to rationalize.

After a Europe exhausted by wars and poverty, which may happen already at the end of this year, will come the last Antichrist of ... Islam. More and more facts point to this. Firstly, the Muslims must have their own messiah, and secondly, the Jews can only give Jerusalem to someone who can give it to them. This is the one they will call the messiah. This will kill two birds with one stone. Third, the Antichrist is to make peace with many. What it doesn't say is that with everyone. Currently, the biggest conflicts are based on the Israel-Palestine-Iran axis. Turkey, from which the Antichrist may come, will surely join the game. It is not yet known how China will behave. So the only person who can make peace on the mentioned axis will be a representative of Islam. How will the world agree on a world leader from Islam? After World War III, the map will be divided into 10 regions. A world army will be formed with the UN as its foundation.

After 3.5 years, the covenant will be broken due to the cessation of sacrifices. Then mainly Jews and largely just awakened Christians will be persecuted.

And about the middle of the week the blood sacrifice and the food sacrifice shall cease. And on the wing of the temple there shall be an abomination that shall burn with emptiness and will endure to the end, to the time fixed for desolation." (DANIEL 9:24-27)


There is only one problem for it to start this year: the temple. There is no temple, and its construction, in my opinion, would have to take several years.There is no certainty how it will be played out. Perhaps its construction will begin soon, when a war or crisis begins in the world.


Instead, there are preparations to celebrate it:


There is already a red heifer:

"The Torah considers anyone who had direct contact with the body of a dead person to be ritually contaminated. This is due, according to many interpretations, to the symbolic opposition between the sanctity of life and death. This person was forbidden to enter the Mishkan and later the Temple (Bemidbar/Numbers 19:1-21), which was a place of utmost holiness. In order to remove the contamination, a person had to undergo purification with specially, elaborately obtained ash from a burnt "red heifer" (para aduma) poured into water and mixed with it (Sotah 16b). If he failed to do so, his ritual contamination became permanent. This heifer, an extremely rare animal, had to be "perfectly red," i.e., just two hairs of a color other than intense red completely disqualified it (Para aduma 2:5). The rarity of the appearance of the red heifer is evidenced by the fact that, according to tradition, from the time of Moshe (Moses) until the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, ashes were obtained from only nine such animals.

The red heifer law is an example of chukat hatora ("absolute Torah commandment") - the explanation and rationalization of which is beyond the capacity of human reason. However, such attempts have occurred. One of them (Baal chaturim) points out that the numerical value of "para aduma" is 335, which corresponds to the numerical value of the phrase "al awon haegel" ("because of the sin of the calf"). Hence the interpretations that the "red heifer" ritual is a symbolic propitiation for the sin of the "golden calf."

Because the ashes of the red heifer have been unreachable for millennia-and the Temple Mount is invariably a place of special sanctity, even though the Temple has been gone for nearly 2,000 years-the problem of access by ritually tainted people arises. Their presenceurgencyshe would have said: "If a man has become ritually contaminated and does not eyeśHe has cut himself off [and has thus entered the Holy Place], his soul will be cut off from the socialbecause it will rainHe has built the Temple of God" (Bemidbar 19:20).

Who are these people? A ritually contaminated person is anyone who has come into contact with the body of a dead person or with someone who has had such contact. This means that the ritually contaminated are the wildś literally everyone. For this very reason, religious Jews who follow a precise understanding of halakha do not enter the Temple Mount.

When there is talk of rebuilding in the futureśThe subject of the red heifer always comes up. The rebuilding will not be possible until the people who enter into it have cleansed themselves of the contamination with the ashes of the heifer. In the past several years, there have been two reports of such an animal being bred, but it was later determined that the heifers did not meet the requirements of theślated by religious law.



Updated: 13 January 2015 — 10:11


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  1. On think the rumors of wars have already started.

    " After 3.5 years, the covenant will be
    broken as a result of the sacrifices.
    Then they will be persecuted mainly
    Jews and to a large extent only
    Awakened Christians."

    It says in the Bible that when the people 'cease' to offer the daily sacrifice, then the countdown begins, probably 1260 days to the end. Not when they start offering.

    Unless I'm confusing places in the Bible. So I would ask you to correct me

      1. the daily sacrifice can be related to the eucharist?

        1. "the daily sacrifice can be related to the eucharist ?"

          I often wonder about this too

    1. But a group of people would stop? Or would the majority? Because I'm not counting on people quitting taking up the offering overnight.

  2. I was moved watching the video. That is just a hunger for God's word. Wonderful!

  3. This could start with a big boom - on the usa and possibly somewhere in europe. There is also no need for there to already be a peace pact with many or a temple. That can happen later, with the technology of the time a temple can be built fairly quickly.

  4. Going off topic a bit (although , do I know... 🙂 .

    So we have a "celebrity", an "idol" by "might"

    1. Man worship and half-naked ladies. People prefer simple solutions - a smiling old man in a papa mobile - instead of confronting his Words in the context of God's Word. He looks like a lamb and talks like a dragon....

      1. Luc, I thought the same thing...

        and back on topic:
        "The antichrist must show himself to be a man of peace, a bringer of order."

        for me, William, young, educated, uniformed. So far he's holding himself elegantly aloof....
        she'll still show her claws

        1. England's royal family reportedly traces its lineage back to David, Muslims could gulp it down....

    2. PS it's the same craze as it was in our country - because a Pole was Pope...and how, that alone spoke for everything.

    1. And how to comment on something like that at all ? 🙁

      1. So terrible it's impossible to comment 🙁 .

  5. Not for much longer... in my opinion when the river Euphrates dries up completely.... that is when they build another dam on it... then the countdown to the Apocalypse will begin..... let the lefties hurry up with introducing perversions into law in Poland and in the world because they don't have much time 😛

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